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Habitica 官方挑战是由工作人员在"Habitica官方"分类创建的挑战。通常有多位获胜者。有些挑战会发放宝石奖励给一位或多位获胜者或发放其他特殊的奖励。有些每年重复举办。
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Take This 挑战[]
Take This 挑战系列于2016年6月9日公布,由非营利组织Take This 设计,该挑战旨在向用户社区科普有关心理健康的话题,提供预防心理障碍和精神疾病的教育,以及减弱精神疾病给人留下的创伤。
每当一个Take This挑战结束后,参与者都会得到“Take This护甲”系列中的一件装备(已经收集完该系列的用户除外)。 奖励是阶段性的——用户参与第一个挑战会获得Take This之盾,以此类推。此外,每月挑战的优胜者会得到10宝石,其他五位获胜者则得到2宝石。
每月只有一个进行中的Take This挑战,但所有挑战的存档副本可以在公会 📜 Library of Tasks and Challenges 里找到。用户可以随时加入这些已存档的挑战,并给自己添加挑战内的任务,但是这些已存档的挑战不再会评出获胜者。
社会关系是一种宝贵的力量,它能够帮助我们度过艰难的日子,给美好的时光增添华彩。这个月的Take This挑战是建立或巩固您的社会关系网络!
社会关系是一种宝贵的力量,它能够帮助我们度过艰难的日子,给美好的时光增添华彩。这个月的Take This挑战是建立或巩固您的社会关系网络!(我们指的并不是您社交媒体的关注列表!)
这一挑战是与Take This合作创建, Take This是一个非营利组织,旨在向用户社区科普有关心理健康的话题,提供预防心理障碍和精神疾病的教育,以及减弱精神疾病给人留下的创伤。
Habits | |
Strengthen Connections, 10+ Minutes Contact a friend (text, phone call, messaging app, in person... preferably realtime interaction, but however you're connected is fine!) and spend 10 minutes or so chatting with them. If you don't know what to talk about, start by asking how their day's going or how it went!
Dailies | |
Strengthen Connections, Weekly Review When this Daily comes due, review the previous week. Did you score "Strengthen Connections" three or more times, i.e., you've conversed with your contacts for about 30 minutes over the course of the week? Then score the Daily! Either way, get ready to knit your network even closer in the coming week.
To Do's | |
Use a game to bring your connections together Take This is all about improving your mental health while having fun... so if you play games, try using those as a source of social strength and connection! Score this To-Do if you bring your friends together in a guild, party, clan, or other team-up in one of your favorite games!
Schedule an in-person activity with one or more friends What brings your connections closer? What do you like to do together? Is there something you haven't done with them in a while, or some people you haven't seen and you miss? Reach out to set something up!
Strengthen Connections, 60+ Minutes 10-minute check-ins are great for keeping up with each other's lives, but sometimes it's great to spend more extended time together! If at some point during the month you spend an hour or more hanging out with a friend or friends, enjoy your time together and score this To-Do!
- 6月 9 to 6月 30, 2016
- 优胜者: janey_p
- 其他获胜者: Dennis Charles Puerto Calubia, lamachine, Didit, mykabot, and Deiket
- 3月 1 to 3月 31, 2017
- 优胜者: SuchARarity
- 其他获胜者: miketheguy101, TheRossGamer, B_Rud, Cj_Cesareo, and Jacob Da Jeweler
- December 5, 2017 to January 2, 2018
- 优胜者: Acoustikarl
- 其他获胜者: Ximena18, Sunbeams90, Castrón, Adara McCLain, and Emily Torrey
- September 3, 2019 to September 30, 2019
- 优胜者: @Ukioye_Kana
- 其他获胜者: @TheReptilianCave, @Merilio, @DocBajillian, @Melodyheart, and @Melanchoii
“核对生命值!”对参与者提出了这样一个挑战,即反复记录自身情绪,寻找对应范式。 用户"Mocó, o Matusael"分享了一张来源于Center for Quality Assessment and Improvement in Mental Health的表格,可以有效地应用于该挑战。
这一挑战是与Take This合作创建, Take This是一个非营利组织,旨在向用户社区科普有关心理健康的话题,提供预防心理障碍和精神疾病的教育,以及减弱精神疾病给人留下的创伤。
Dailies | |
Record your mood
Review your mood over the past week When this Daily comes due, look back over the mood ratings you've recorded during the week. If you're using a spreadsheet or app that provides graphs, you can chart things out! Are there any trends, like times of day or days of the week where your mood differs from usual? Once you've looked back, check off this Daily and look forward to the coming week!
To Do's | |
Select a mood charting solution How would you like to track your mood during this Challenge? A star rating in a notebook? A percentage in a spreadsheet? Maybe you have a journaling app you'd like to try? Make a plan, then check off this To-Do!
- 7月 1 to 7月 31, 2016
- 优胜者: bookguinea
- 其他获胜者: abbey, SeanXiaaa, pushkin89, fightorflight, and ProfDzul
- 4月 1 to 4月 30, 2017
- 优胜者: julkamo
- 其他获胜者: James Ruf, Thiago Escobar, Dotts, and Brad is addicted to coffee!
- 1月 2 to 2月 1, 2018.
- 优胜者: PoNyasha
- 其他获胜者: -ᏲᎾ-, Kat Thompson, 𝒮𝔲𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔪𝔞𝔲𝔰 🐭, Cal_Fizz, and redfeather
- 10月 1 to 11月 1, 2019.
- 优胜者: @shadowdancer16
- 其他获胜者: @kuumathebronze, Ras Algathier, @OldMan76, @JuanaTango, and @Khontis
该系列的第三个挑战“扮演角色!”, 是让参与者将他们的情绪绘制成RPG角色,以帮助其处理自身感受。 查看存档
这一挑战是与Take This合作创建, Take This是一个非营利组织,旨在向用户社区科普有关心理健康的话题,提供预防心理障碍和精神疾病的教育,以及减弱精神疾病给人留下的创伤。
- 该挑战结束后,每位参加者都会得到“Take This护甲”系列中的一件装备(已经收集完该系列的用户除外)!
Habits | |
Create an additional character, and list their strengths and weaknesses. Carefully consider, what are your heroes’ strengths and weaknesses, and what small changes can you make in your own life to play to their strengths? What are the monsters' vulnerabilities, and what is the most effective way to take them down?
To Do's | |
Turn one of your positive feelings into a hero!
List your hero’s strengths and weaknesses. What small changes can you make in your own life to play to their strengths?
Turn one of your negative feelings into a monster!
List your monster’s vulnerabilities. What is the most effective way to take them down?
- 8月 1 to 8月 31, 2016
- 优胜者: Dragonezss
- 其他获胜者: elizacorps, jwmeyer86, chady025, Max Yong, and Nightstalker_oL
- 5月 2 to 5月 31, 2017
- 优胜者: ShoTaka
- 其他获胜者: Steve the Dragon Slayer, Christina Melfi Passavia, Kingphisher, Servalan, and Júnior Rodrigues Knd
- 2月 1 to 3月 1, 2018
- 优胜者: lovinglyquietcat
- 其他获胜者: Hannah, Chrys, CTBG_R0X, lucas br, and Tarashiko
- 11月 1 to 11月 30, 2019
- 优胜者: Geomiceman
- 其他获胜者: Christen, no_robot, 🔥 KidSlazy 🔥, marek13, and Nova Rose
“吾乃夜之化身!” 挑战旨在养成更好的睡眠习惯。 查看存档.
这一挑战是与Take This合作创建, Take This是一个非营利组织,旨在向用户社区科普有关心理健康的话题,提供预防心理障碍和精神疾病的教育,以及减弱精神疾病给人留下的创伤。
- 该挑战结束后,每位参加者都会得到“Take This护甲”系列中的一件装备(已经收集完该系列的用户除外)!
Dailies | |
Wind Down: Turn off all electronics and screens by a certain time every night.
Put all electronics (except an alarm clock) outside your bedroom or out of reach every night.
To Do's | |
Pick a specific time to turn off electronics that's the same every day of the week. Use this time for your "Wind Down" Daily.
Make sure the place where you sleep is quiet, dark, and cool.
- 9月 1 to 9月 30, 2016
- 优胜者: ladyhalation
- 其他获胜者: Khaleesi, SalientAlien, Debeys, Andrew Parkinson, and jenroseho
- 6月 1 to July 3, 2017
- 优胜者: Chandramani Adil
- 其他获胜者: racherinh, auburntouch, lavraiedre, celedine, and 长颈鹿的尾巴
- 3月 1 to 3月 31, 2018
- 优胜者: Jon Johnson
- 其他获胜者: valosin, ninaninet, awcward, Jackie Stack, and SaphirSoleil
Test Thy Courage![]
"Test Thy Courage!", focuses on practicing positive interactions to help participants become more comfortable engaging with others and building connections. View archived copy.
It takes courage to strike up a conversation, but with this Challenge, you will practice positive interactions to help you become more comfortable engaging with others and building connections!
- All participants receive a piece of the Take This Armor Set when the Challenge ends (unless you have it all already)!
Running dates and 获胜者[]
This is the fifth challenge in this series. 运营日期及获胜者为:
- October 2 to October 30, 2016
- 优胜者: taranion
- 其他获胜者: Lenny Pepperbottom, Captain Jolly, Red, vorpalblade, and G!Plus
- July 3 to August 3, 2017
- 优胜者: SciStar
- 其他获胜者: minaqo, dnux, Karzn, Odeloen, and Benign_K
- April 2 to April 30, 2018
- 优胜者: Nietos
- 其他获胜者: Teslectrik, Mflute, Kolthar, lilyandrosemary, and thewandererrae
- December 2 to December 30, 2019
- 优胜者: @r-flan2020
- 其他获胜者: @SPLOOean, @Bobette37, @WizardGnome, @pearlygeek, and @drilcipher
Keep Calm and Carry On![]
"Keep Calm and Carry On!" focuses on alleviating anger and stress. View archived copy.
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
XXX can be a hectic month for many of us, especially as the holidays approach. With so many stressors, it’s important to have techniques that we can use to keep our stress and our anger in check. This Challenge helps teach you deep-breathing techniques so you can keep calm and carry on.
(Note that if you have health restrictions or if you begin to experience any negative physical effects, you should feel free to shorten the duration or abstain entirely.)
- All participants receive a piece of the Take This Armor Set when the Challenge ends (unless you have it all already)!
Habits | |
Use your breathing to calm yourself
Dailies | |
This is the sixth challenge in this 系列. 运营日期及获胜者为:
- 11月 2 to 11月 30, 2016
- 优胜者: Rone Filho
- 其他获胜者: smurffigueiredo12, spaceauddity, Анна Солопенко, YokiHan, and 淳
- August 3 to August 31, 2017
- 优胜者: wakupedia
- 其他获胜者: Sarah Blake, Drago Nar, secretlondon, Birgitte, and LifeChanging
- May 1 to May 31, 2018
- 优胜者: Betsy
- 其他获胜者: Caiwan (Sári Péter), tebrilas, Christopher, eeyoregirl, and Serenity
- 6月 1 to 6月 30, 2020
- 优胜者:g @xxDynastyxx
- 其他获胜者: @Angry_Teacup, @jepedesu, @SergeyBelyaev, @kimmond, and Unicornio
Hero's Triumph![]
Hero's Triumph!challenges participants to volunteer to help others.
Is greater involvement in your community and important causes one of your 2020 goals? Or being more helpful to others? Then this Challenge is for you!Get motivated with volunteer effort and TakeThis.org.
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Taking the time to help others can be motivational!Get a boost by putting your energy into helping someone else.
This Challenge has concluded, and its 奖励 have been awarded. It's cloned to the Library of Shared Lists so anyone who wants to can copy and use its tasks!View archived copy.
Habits | |
Volunteer for an hour
Prepare for your volunteer efforts You can research opportunities, coordinate with others, register for activities, or otherwise make arrangements to participate in a volunteer initiative. If you spent 15 minutes or checked off a relevant To-Do you created, score this Habit!
Dailies | |
Weekly Check-in When this Daily comes due, review the prior week. Did you accomplish at least one of the two Habits, advancing your helpfulness goals? Then check off this task, and look forward to more opportunities for doing good in the week ahead!
- December 1 to December 31, 2016
- 优胜者: AngelaY
- 其他获胜者: KamiFlame, InkyWitch, mistressofrevels, Spesilva, and Deomew
- September 1, 2017 to October 5, 2017
- 优胜者: David Rule
- 其他获胜者: José Barata Gonçalves, Ar_tem, Ziggy, schooler, and Ayano
- June 1 to 6月 30, 2018
- 优胜者: StormyMudd
- 其他获胜者: MrPandaChao, likesevenspoon, Maira Severo, Laylah, and panzerkroete
- January 1 to February 3, 2020
- 优胜者: @Mythenmetz
- 其他获胜者: @copjack, @egroeg0808, @nathgama, @k4m3n, and @Abbastract
Multi-Player Co-op Exercise![]
Multi-Player Co-op Exercise focuses on exercising with a friend.
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Physical fitness is so important for our physical and mental health. However, a lot of us hate to exercise when we'd rather be doing something that involves a controller or mouse in our hands. One way to make fitness easier is to have a workout partner/accountabilibuddy. Having at least one more person there can make it easier to work out regularly!
This Challenge has been archived and 奖励 will no longer be distributed, but it is being preserved here so that others may input its tasks!View archived copy.
Habits | |
Work out with your buddy or buddies according to your specific routines.
To Do's | |
Create a specific workout routine that is challenging, but doable for your fitness and health level. Use your own best judgment. Also, consult a physician if you have any questions/concerns about your ability to engage in physical activity.
Establish specific times that you and your workout buddy will work out together or check in with each other.
Find at least one person (more is good) with whom to work out. This doesn't have to be in person!
- January 3 to January 31, 2017. This challenge focused on exercising with a friend.
- 优胜者: IvokaOrange
- 其他获胜者: nerelleaustralis, Millificent, Soul Brig, wwwave, and Arawasa the Unseen
- October 5 to 11月 2, 2017
- 优胜者: antfrommagicant
- 其他获胜者: Dalton Galke, FearMyPaintBrush, Silverilly, VulcanGopher1, and Salamander
- July 2 to July 31, 2018
- 优胜者: Lex Talion
- 其他获胜者: wcampospro, KorJik_3, FortemFiducia, DanDee, and Xander Scott
- February 4 to 3月 2, 2020
- 优胜者: SimpleMan
- 其他获胜者: @damole, @BrittySpitty1013, @LeScalpeurDeCarottes, @Eziorocks, and @k4m3n
Notice Me, Senpai![]
"Notice Me, Senpai!" focuses on participants reaching out to others when they're struggling.
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
For many of us, our struggles stay hidden behind a smiling face. This contributes to our "suffering in silence" and the faulty belief that everyone else has it together when we don't. Help break the stigmatization for yourself and your community!For this Challenge, whenever you're having a tough time, reach out to someone and let them know. Not only might you get the support you need, but you'll also help break the silence and kick mental health stigma to the curb!
This Challenge has been archived and 奖励 will no longer be distributed, but it is being preserved here so that others may input its tasks!View archived copy.
Habits | |
Reach out to someone when you're having a tough time
- February 2 to February 28, 2017
- Winner: Lucy Zhuang
- 其他获胜者: Emithyst, 5h4d0wd4nc3r, rjboo, Ellie Goldshire, and Alex the Healer
- 11月 3 to December 5, 2017
- Winner: M L
- 其他获胜者: Trompadour, Eule, mizuki_F, PhiaFox and Dragon
- August 2 to August 31, 2018
- Winner: Sebem.seme
- 其他获胜者: Jessie, MaxClayson, kayote, Madison Walrath, and LaChistosa
Gaining Inspiration Points![]
"Gaining Inspiration Points!" focuses on finding new ways to express yourself, capturing ideas on the go and dedicating time to developing them throughout the week.
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Creativity is a wonderful outlet. It’s a way of making us aware of all our feelings, helping us to de-stress, and even connect with other people. This month’s TakeThis.org challenge is all about finding new ways to express yourself, whether it’s writing, drawing, coloring, acting, starting a YouTube channel, painting miniatures, playing an instrument, or any other creative outlet.
This Challenge has concluded, and its 宝石 奖励 have been awarded. It's archived here to allow interested users to copy its tasks View archived copy.
Habits | |
Spend 30 minutes on a creative activity Whether it's putting words down for a short story, practicing a musical instrument, drawing in a sketchbook, or anything else that exercises your creative mind, score this Habit for every half hour you get in!
Record a new idea when it arises Keep a notebook or note-taking mobile app on hand. When some new creative idea springs to mind, wherever and whenever it appears, jot it down and score this Habit! Don't criticize or second-guess; you can do that later if you need to.
Dailies | |
Spent 30 minutes in creativity at least 3 times this week Did you accomplish the "Spend 30 minutes on a creative activity" Habit at least 3 times over the course of the past week? If so, check off this Daily. Either way, get ready for a new week of creation!
To Do's | |
Share a creative project with a friend For this optional task, let a trusted friend see (or read, or hear, etc.) what you've been working on, even if it's not finished yet. Creativity shared builds connections that can spark the imagination further!
- September 2 to September 30, 2018.
- 优胜者: Wehna
- 其他获胜者: Sikk Jones the Rogue, Archangel, Tally, Micha The Seer, and Eeveelee
- 3月 2 to April 1, 2020.
- Winner: @Susiturrikka
- 其他获胜者: @Kereenas-ff, @JohnMakiej, @Martes625, @ScarletSlayer, and @bradders154276
+2 Intelligence Bonus![]
"+2 Intelligence Bonus!" focuses on deep learning about a topic of interest. Learning new things is a great way to both expand our minds and make ourselves feel a sense of accomplishment!It doesn’t matter if it’s a current interest or a new one. New knowledge is amazing!
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Learning new things is a great way to both expand our minds and make ourselves feel a sense of accomplishment!This month’s TakeThis.org challenge focuses on learning new skills and gaining knowledge. It doesn’t matter if it’s a current interest or a new one. New knowledge is amazing!
This Challenge has concluded, and 奖励 will no longer be awarded. We've copied it to the Library of Tasks & Challenges so you can still copy its tasks if you missed the official run!View archived copy.
Habits | |
Turn off unrelated devices and screens while learning about a new topic
Spend 30 minutes learning about your chosen topic Once you've completed the brainstorming To-Dos, take time to dig deeper! Score this Habit for every 30 minutes studying, reading, listening to topical podcasts, doing online coursework, etc.
Dailies | |
Spent 30+ minutes on 3+ days this week learning Did you accomplish the "Spend 30 minutes learning about your chosen topic" Habit on three days over the course of the past week? If so, check off this Daily. Either way, get ready for a new week of expanding your mind!
To Do's | |
Start and finish one new book or audiobook
Brainstorm different topics that interest you What are some things you aren't already an expert in, but which sound intriguing to you? What have you always wanted to read up on, but haven't taken the time? Think of a few such areas of knowledge and write them down!
Pick one topic to delve into this month Once you've completed the "Brainstorm different topics" To-Do, look at your list and pick one of the areas of interest to focus on this month. Which do you feel has the richest potential for growing your knowledge right now? Go for it!
- October 2 to October 31, 2018.
- 优胜者: PrimordialDream
- 其他获胜者: Marieke Bresseleers, Supertest, Keri-Ann Moore, Jobber, and Xaina the ???
- July 1 to July 31, 2020.
- 优胜者: Tetrakatus
- 其他获胜者: spinelissad, DKimmortal, ewaeaweaeaweaeaeae, CaptainBobcat, and Antrolana
This One Goes to 11![]
The twelfth challenge in this series, "This One Goes to 11!", focuses on pausing for calm and focus amid feelings of pressure or overwhelm. It may sound weird, but sometimes taking breaks and pausing can make us calmer and more effective when we need to get stuff done. This TakeThis.org quest will help you practice ways of managing feelings of being overwhelmed!
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed at times. Any one of our emotions can have the volume turned up too loud and overwhelm us. We often have a lot going on in our lives, and we feel like we have to constantly be getting things done. It may sound weird, but sometimes taking breaks and pausing can make us calmer and more effective when we need to get stuff done. Our http://www.takethis.org/ TakeThis.org] quest this month is to practice ways of managing our feelings of being overwhelmed.
This Challenge has concluded, and 宝石 have been awarded. It's copied here to the Library so folks can copy the tasks and continue to benefit from the strategies outlined!View archived copy.
Habits | |
Take a 5-minute break when you start to feel overwhelmed
Take a short walk or drive Get away from the pressure for a bit, getting some physical distance by walking, driving, biking, or however else you get around!
Do one of the activities from your list of calming actions Complete the To-Do first. Then, when you need to relieve some overwhelm, pick one of those actions and use it to settle and center yourself!
Dailies | |
Spend time sitting in silence doing nothing Practice being at ease with your situation by sitting quietly, engaging neither your must-do tasks nor any distractions. Start with just a minute or two, and as you try this more often, increase the amount of time. Can you manage ten minutes, by the end of the month?
Take a short walk or drive: 3x/Week Goal Score this Daily when it's due if you've completed the "Take a short walk or drive" Habit three times over the course of the week!
Go to bed on schedule When you begin this Challenge, note a bedtime target here. That's your cue to put away the day's pressing matters and wind down. Score this Daily when you're tucked in on time!
To Do's | |
Create a list of activities that help you feel calm and/or focused When you're feeling too much pressure, what can you do to steady yourself? Jot some ideas in the Notes for the "list of calming actions" Habit, then score this To-Do!
- 11月 2 to 11月 30, 2018.
- 优胜者: digitalkitty isawesome
- 其他获胜者: jtm119, Jicaffo, Azburn, Snowdesert, and Hicholyta.
- April 2 to May 1, 2020.
- 优胜者: @Daphne36
- 其他获胜者: @aggripa, @Lily_of_the_valley, @Mockingjayabi, @Cirth, and @KatieIrene
Don't Be a Completionist![]
The thirteenth challenge in this 系列, "Don't Be a Completionist!", focuses on prioritizing tasks and goals. Got an overwhelmingly long to-do list? Which of those tasks are your crucial storyline objectives, and which ones are just side quests? This Take This challenge is about prioritization!
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
When you've got a long list of things you'd like to get done, thinking of them all as equally important can be an easy mistake to make. Sure, some things are essential, but some things aren’t, kind of like side quests!If we treat everything as a top priority, we can get overwhelmed, maybe even losing motivation to do anything at all. This month’s TakeThis.org challenge is to learn to prioritize the things we must do and give less attention to what is less important.
This Challenge has concluded, and no further 奖励 will be awarded. It's copied here to the Library so folks can pick up the Challenge's tasks for their own use!View archived copy.
Habits | |
Remind yourself: "Not everything has to get done right now." When you start feeling like your list is too big to handle, take a breath, remind yourself you don't need to accomplish it all at once, and score this Habit!
Say "no" to a non-critical request It can be difficult, but sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is to politely refuse when somebody tries to add something new to the quest log! Score this Habit whenever you turn down something that might overwhelm you or distract you from your must-do tasks.
Dailies | |
Prioritize your tasks for the day Write down the tasks you want to get done today. Then divide that list into "Need to do", "Want to do", and "Bonus". Try to keep the "Need to" list around 3 items! You can record these items in a new Habitica To-Do, in a checklist on this Challenge's other Daily, or in any other note-taking tool.
Complete your "Need to do" tasks Focus first on those tasks that you identified as most important. When you've knocked them out, score this Daily and congratulate yourself on your successful strategy!
- December 3, 2018 to January 2, 2019.
- 优胜者: Hoofter
- 其他获胜者: mvchelle, Phosphor, agentdwib, KSPanda, and fghberius
- May 4, 2020 to 6月 1, 2020.
- 优胜者: @Felicius
- 其他获胜者: @zhanghaoran, Zashi, @marie56, @KelaLilBear, and @LiamTown
Feed Me, Seymour![]
The fourteenth challenge in this series, "Feed Me, Seymour!" challenge invites us to change some of our eating habits for the better, as good nutrition is important for our overall wellness!Good nutrition is important for our overall wellness. This TakeThis.org challenge invites us to change some of our eating habits for the better!
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Food feeds our brains. Good nutrition is important for our overall wellness. It’s altogether too easy for us to eat easy-to-find junk food that we know isn’t good for us. This month’s TakeThis.org challenge invites us to change some of our eating habits for the better. NOTE: Everyone’s dietary needs are different. If you have any questions about what nutritional choices are right for you, please consult a medical professional.
This Challenge has concluded and its 奖励 have been awarded. It's been cloned to the Library of Tasks and Challenges so people can copy and use its tasks!View archived copy.
Habits | |
Food shopping choices Score the plus (+) when you choose to buy something nutritious, and click the minus (-) when you buy something you know you should be eating less of!
Snacktime choices! Score the plus (+) when you choose a healthy snack, and click the minus (-) when you grab something not so good for you. Preparing healthy options in advance of your cravings can help set you up for success!
Use a shopping list when going to the grocery store Working from a list helps curb impulse purchases of things that might not be good for you! Score this Habit when you make a grocery list and stick to it.
Dailies | |
Eat one serving of a minimally processed vegetable The more easily recognized as a veggie, the better!
Drink two glasses of water More won't hurt, but two is a good start!
To Do's | |
Select and write down a food or drink you'd like to consume less of
Select and write down a food or drink to substitute in place of what you want to consume less of
Pick a healthy recipe you've never tried and make it! Add todo notes
Clean the fridge/pantry/etc. to remove unhealthy foods Having unhealthy options not so close at hand can help reduce temptation and make success easier.
- January 2 to February 1, 2019.
- 优胜者: _andrey
- 其他获胜者: Comebach, FoxInABoxPls, chadm73, creadeliefje, and NTScott
- September 1 to October 1, 2020.
- 优胜者: Bebebebee
- 其他获胜者: heidinagtegaal, DMGdealer, incessantnibbler, Chenaniah1001, and maddcappcafe
Achievement Unlocked: Self-Care[]
It takes energy to help others, so we need to make sure we have that energy to give, which is why it’s important to take care of ourselves. This TakeThis.org challenge is to practice ongoing self-care!View archived copy
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
When we're focused on the needs of others we care about, it can be tempting to sacrifice our own needs. Sometimes people view taking care of ourselves as “selfish”. This is a silly idea!It takes energy to help others, so we need to make sure we have that energy to give, which is why it’s important to take care of ourselves. Our TakeThis.org challenge this month is to practice ongoing self-care!
- All participants receive a piece of the Take This Armor Set when the Challenge ends (unless you have it all already)!
- One winner receives the 10 宝石 prize.
- Five 其他获胜者 receive 2 宝石 each.
- 获胜者 and 其他获胜者 get challenge Achievements.
- To be eligible for 奖励, complete one or more Challenge tasks and stay enrolled in the Challenge to the end!
Habits | |
Remind yourself of the importance of self-care “Taking time for self-care helps me be a better friend to others!” Use an affirmation like this when tempted to push yourself beyond your capacity, or when feeling guilty about attending to your own needs.
Use your positivity resources when you're feeling down First, complete the To-Dos for this Challenge. Then, when you're feeling discouraged or negative, revisit one of the lists or collections you created--and score this Habit!
Dailies | |
Spend 30+ minutes doing something that brings you joy It could be something from your "refresh and renew" list, or something new. If it makes you happy and restores some energy, it counts!
To Do's | |
Create a list of your strengths and things you’re good at, even the little things
Create a list of things that you help you feel refreshed and renewed
Create a “Feel Good File” A "Feel Good File" can be a physical folder, a shoebox, a scrapbook, or a digital file collection. Whatever shape it takes, fill it with reminders of challenges you've overcome, achievements you've gained, and tasks you've accomplished, to remind you how much you've done!
The fifteenth challenge in this 系列, "Achievement Unlocked: Self-Care," focuses on tending to the energy reserves we use when helping others. View archived copy. 运营日期及获胜者为:
- February 4 to 3月 1, 2019.
- 优胜者: orli
- 其他获胜者: Hoofter, Fluor, wema, Shilo_The_Eldest, and selesnyancat
- August 2020
- 优胜者: Jessie_Rainbow
- 其他获胜者: nj1404, Direfist, Daokid, danicles, and Troef9
Do One Thing Well[]
Even if you’re good at doing multiple things at once, the likelihood is that you’re even better if you can focus on one. This TakeThis.org challenge is to practice doing one thing at a time!View archived copy.
We hear a lot of people claim to be multitaskers. Some people admit they don’t multitask well. The reality is that no one is as effective at doing things if their attention is split between multiple tasks. Even if you’re good at doing multiple things at once, the likelihood is that you’re even better if you can focus on one thing at a time. This month’s TakeThis.org challenge is to practice keeping your attention on one thing at a time!
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
- One winner receives 10宝石, and five 其他获胜者 receive 2宝石 each.
- Winners and 其他获胜者 are selected at random from among participants who completed one or more Challenge tasks.
- All participants receive a piece of the Take This armor set, unless they have all the pieces already!
Habits | |
Ignore a non-essential task when it might have distracted you Score this Habit whenever you choose to stay on task when a distraction comes up! If visiting Habitica is itself a distraction, you can mark a tally on paper (e.g. a sticky note), then score that many + clicks when your task is done or you're taking a deliberate break.
Turn off screens and media unnecessary to the task at hand When it's time to begin one of the tasks you selected for today, take a moment to clear mental space. Can you close some tabs or apps, silence your phone, snooze notifications? Do so, score this Habit, then get started!
Dailies | |
Make a list of tasks to work on today What are the things you most need to get done today, and which there's a chance you might get sidetracked from? Note them down!
Avoid personal social media during work time Social apps are deliberately designed to grab our attention and hold on to it, which can cause trouble when we're trying to focus! Choose what hours of the day you want to dedicate to focused effort (if this is a major struggle for you, start small!), and score this Daily when you get through that time without visiting the feeds.
To Do's | |
Look up methods of distraction management to try Some popular examples include the Pomodoro Technique, Zen to Done, Bullet Journaling... do some searching and reading, and pick out one or more to see if they're right for you!
The sixteenth challenge in this series. 运营日期及获胜者为:
- 3月 1 to April 1, 2019.
- Winner: Денис Кадников
- 其他获胜者: addone, alihenri, Hemogoblin3991, Kalu_Ienvru, and gabriellamara
- October 1 to 11月 2, 2020.
- Winner: @mediocrity12
- 其他获胜者: @teoarna, @Quehenr, @rougemanatee, @alirasirin, and @mesho326
Harder, Faster, Stronger![]
"Harder, Faster, Stronger!" focuses on increasing physical activity. It's springtime in Habitica, and that's a great prompt for us to work more physical activity into our routines!Exercise can improve your energy, sleep, mood, and self-esteem. This Take This Challenge will get you moving!
Physical activity can be important for our overall well being. It can help with our energy level, sleep, mood, and self-esteem. NOTE: Everyone’s physical activity needs are different. If you have any questions about what choices are right for you, please consult a medical professional.
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
This Challenge has ended and its 奖励 awarded. It's cloned to the Library so folks who missed the Challenge or want to continue it can pick up the tasks!View archived copy.
Habits | |
Take an opportunity for spontaneous physical activity Keep an eye out for little ways you can add a bit of extra movement or exertion to your day. Can you go for a walk on a break, take the stairs instead of an elevator, volunteer to carry a bag or box for someone? Score this Habit whenever you see a chance for some extra physical activity safe for your abilities, and take it!
Structured physical activity session Once you've completed the "Set goals" To-Do, score this Habit whenever you complete one of your sessions of focused, set-aside exercise time! The Habit streak counter resets on Mondays, so you can keep track of how many sessions you've accomplished each week.
Dailies | |
Met your physical activity goals for the week When this Daily comes due, check your "Structured physical activity session" Habit. If you've met the goal you set, score the Daily and congratulate yourself!
To Do's | |
Set goals for weekly exercise When you begin this Challenge, take some time to work out what your weekly goals for physical activity should be. How can you push yourself just a little bit? Set up a concrete target for focused activity time, like 20-minute exercise sessions three times a week. (This is a great opportunity to check with a medical professional if you're unsure what's likely to be best for you.) Document your decision, such as by editing the Notes of this Challenge's Habit or Daily, then score this To-Do!
- April 1 to May 1, 2019
- Winner: Evan Cowan
- 其他获胜者: ResearcherLilly, corinnetags, Lucy, mrdarq, and Snarky
Organize Your Inventory![]
The eighteenth challenge in this 系列, "Organize Your Inventory!," is about learning to keep participants' spaces organized to reduce clutter and stress. Clutter and disarray can add unnecessary stress to our lives. Piles of things add up and become overwhelming. This Take This challenge is about learning to keep our spaces organized!
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Clutter and disarray can add unnecessary stress to our lives. Piles of things add up and become overwhelming. This month’s Take This challenge is about learning to keep our spaces organized and not becoming overwhelmed by clutter!
This Challenge has concluded and its 奖励 have been awarded. It's copied to the Library so folks can copy its tasks for ongoing use!View archived copy.
Habits | |
Put something away when you're finished with it Do you tend to leave dishes on the table, opened mail on your desk, played games out of their boxes? Reward yourself by scoring this Habit whenever you put potential clutter away before it piles up!
Dailies | |
10 minutes of organizing time The best way to work down piles of clutter is to do a little bit every day! Spending just 10 minutes organizing things and putting them away is brief enough not to feel scary, and you'll surprise yourself with how much progress you make.
Choose a target area for the day Focus on a small area to tackle for your 10 minutes of organizing--not a whole room, but a spot with the target clutter in arm's reach! Keeping your focus small reduces overwhelm.
To Do's | |
Identify cluttered areas of your living space Where has your clutter accumulated or things gotten disorganized? Note down a few areas you can tackle and declutter over the course of this month.
Dispose of a box or bag of unneeded items As you organize, set aside items that are no longer useful to you: broken, used up, or simply not needed anymore. When you take a container (of whatever size is appropriate to your circumstances and level of clutter) out for disposal, recycling, or donation, score this To-Do!
- May 2 to 6月 1, 2019.
- Winner: t3h5rC
- 其他获胜者: avogad-ro, DrearyDear, BlueSky, Riou, and Keeva
You've Got a Friend in Me[]
How many of us express our appreciation for others when we aren’t in distress? This TakeThis.org challenge encourages you to show your love and appreciation for those people in your life that you value.
Friends and family are an amazing source of comfort when we feel distressed. They reassure us, comfort us, and remind us of our strengths and value as a person. Yet, how many of us express our appreciation for others when we aren’t in distress? This month’s TakeThis.org challenge encourages you to show your love and appreciation for those people in your life that you value.
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
This Challenge has concluded, and its 奖励 awarded. It's copied here to the Library so folks can copy its tasks for further use!
Habits | |
Express gratitude when someone does something for you Opportunities for gratitude can arise when we least expect them. Score this Habit whenever someone makes your day brighter or easier, and you take a moment to express your appreciation! Even a simple "thank you, that really helps" can make a difference.
Dailies | |
Weekly: Tell someone how they've made a positive difference for you When this Daily comes due, look back on the previous week. Have you shown appreciation for someone's positive effect on you? (Maybe by taking opportunities to score this Challenge's Habit?) If so--or if you take that reminder and express your gratitude to someone that day!--score the Daily. Either way, look forward to another week of thankfulness.
To Do's | |
Reconnect with someone you haven't talked to in a while People who make a positive mark on our lives come and go. Sometimes, it can be valuable to check back in with those relationships! If there's someone you're grateful to know, but with whom you haven't communicated in a while, you can score this To-Do by reaching out to them using whatever means feels appropriate (text, email, private message, etc.)!
The nineteenth challenge in this series, "You've Got a Friend in Me!," focuses on expressing participants' appreciation for others. View archived copy. 运营日期及获胜者为:
- 6月 3 to July 1, 2019.
- 优胜者: 13_phoenix
- 其他获胜者: rpelepei, Khaamo, kikithegecko, calankh, and augustgreatsword
Rolling a Natural 1![]
Ever just have that one day where everything goes wrong? This TakeThis.org challenge focuses on building our own personal resilience, so we can keep adventuring.
This Challenge has concluded, and its 奖励 have been awarded. It's cloned here to the the Library so people can continue to copy and use its tasks!
Ever just have that one day where everything goes wrong? While not every day is a critical fail, learning to roll (:wink:) with adversity and continue the fight is a valuable skill we can all get better at. This TakeThis.org challenge focuses on building our own personal resilience, so we can keep adventuring!
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Include challenge prize(s).
Habits | |
Take recovery time after a setback Did something go awry? Running into unexpected stress from a change of plan, a sudden urgent task, a disaster beyond your control? Take ten minutes out to breathe, recover, and gather your thoughts, then score this Habit.
Contact a trusted friend for support Friends are there when we need them, and a Very Bad Day is one of those times! Score this Habit when you take some time to connect with someone you trust for support, whether it's to vent, commiserate, or get advice.
Dailies | |
Reflect on the day's ups and downs As part of your end-of-day self-care routine--or as the start of one--take a few minutes to put the day in context. If it was a day full of fumbles, what can you appreciate that did go well? Were you able to bounce back or find opportunities in difficult moments? Whatever the answer, congratulate yourself on getting through another day, and look forward to the next!
To Do's | |
List how you've overcome adversity before Make a list of all the ways, big or small, that you have helped yourself work through adversity before. FYI: reaching out to friends and loved ones counts as doing something to help yourself!
The twentieth challenge in this 系列, "Rolling a Natural 1!," focuses on building personal resilience. View archived copy. 运营日期及获胜者为:
- 6月 1, 2019 to August 1, 2019.
- 优胜者: lemoneater
- 其他获胜者: @renan-eccel, @moments_1d, @Rynna, Krzysiek, and Iverina Falchion
- 11月 2, 2020 to December 1, 2020
Enter Sandman![]
此系列的第21个挑战,"Enter Sandman," focuses on sleep hygiene. Sleep is important for our cognitive and emotional functioning, and many people don’t get enough of it, which can lead to decreased functioning and increased stress. This TakeThis.org challenge is about practicing good sleep hygiene.
Sleep is important for our cognitive and emotional functioning, and many people don’t get enough of it, which can lead to decreased functioning and increased stress. This month’s TakeThis.org challenge is about practicing good sleep hygiene.
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
This Challenge has concluded, and its 奖励 have been awarded. It's copied here to the Library so folks can continue to make use of its tasks!View archived copy.
Habits | |
Avoid mentally stimulating activities in bed If you find yourself in bed using your phone, playing handheld games, or reading things that get your brain racing, tap the minus! But if you're tempted to take your stimuli to bed and set them aside instead, score the plus!
Dailies | |
Turn off or put away bright screens 30 minutes before bedtime Bright light and mental activity keeps our brains primed to stay awake. Keep an eye on your bedtime--with an alarm or reminder if you need it--and wind down these energizing activities around 30 minutes ahead of time to set yourself up for sleepy success!
Get up at your selected wake time
Go to bed at your selected bedtime
To Do's | |
Organize your bedroom to reduce distractions and excess light
Select a bedtime and wake-up time you think you can meet consistently
Its running dates are:
- August 1, 2019 to September 3, 2019
- 优胜者: Weatherwax (@Weatherwax1)
- 其他获胜者: TacoDanger (@hb-3b58tnlhnzgixkj49), Mis (@Ellaiyn), @GodofTroll, @ellie_ivanova, and @agateAngel
Playing the Long Con![]
The "Playing the Long Con!" challenge began on July 7, 2016. The tasks are designed to help participants stay healthy during convention season, so players can join and leave it as necessary.
The challenge is available here - Playing the Long Con!
This is a Challenge created in partnership with Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Convention season is upon us!They are so much fun. They are also so much energy, and we have to keep up our energy and self-care in order to get the most out of them. An hour of self-care now might mean we don’t burnout later and end up missing out on several hours of fun. Cons are a marathon, not a sprint, and we need to pace ourselves. Ironically, by slowing down, we can see, do more, and we might not get the Crud!
This is an ongoing Challenge, so 奖励 will not be distributed.
Habits | |
Successfully prevent yourself from becoming overwhelmed
Get at least 6 continuous hours of sleep
Dailies | |
Shower and use deodorant
Eat a breakfast, even a light one
Eat a lunch that involves a main dish
Mid-morning – Find a quiet place to sit and do nothing for 15 minutes
Mid-Afternoon – Find a quiet place to sit and do nothing for 15 minutes
This is an ongoing Challenge, so 奖励 will not be distributed.
New Year's Resolution Guild Official Challenges[]
The Official New Year's Resolution Guild runs a monthly series of official challenges designed to help members build and maintain goals.
New Year's Sticking to Your Resolutions Challenge[]
The Sticking to Your Resolutions Challenge is a companion challenge to a four-part series on the official Habitica blog on how to use Habitica to stick to your 2016 New Year’s Resolutions after the initial magic may have worn off. The companion challenge runs each January and gives participants the chance to win 10 宝石. 运营日期及获胜者为:
- January 20, 2016 to February 17, 2016
- 获胜者: Snellopy, Papyrus, PreacherMYS, embustation, and djmjr
- January 5, 2017 to January 31, 2017
- 获胜者: thesuperalice, booksandchips, Meriah, hazey_sunshine, and Valendro
- December 21, 2017 to February 1, 2018
- 获胜者: upsidedawn, Cristalias, feistyturtle, Yachiie, and Stijn Verwijmeren
Begin Your Quest[]
This challenge focuses on refining and narrowing participants' goals to ensure achievability. Join this Challenge and the Official New Year's Resolution Guild for help, support, and a motivation boost as we help you choose and stick to your New Year's Resolution all year long!
Happy New Year, Habiticans!Make this your best year ever by setting new goals and sticking to them with the help of Habitica's gamified approach to habit-building and the support of our fantastic community. Each month, we'll be posting an exciting new Challenge designed to help keep you motivated and on-track as you tackle your New Year's Resolution!
As the New Year approaches and January begins, we'll start by choosing our goals, doing any necessary research, and creating our initial routine of tasks to help get us started in the right direction on our journey. We hope this Challenge helps you take your first steps on a transformative adventure through 20XX!
This is part of an ongoing Challenge series, so 奖励 will not be distributed, but it is being preserved here so that others may input its tasks!If you'd like to see the current Challenge, check out the Official New Year's Resolution Guild here: https://habitica.com/groups/guild/6e6a8bd3-9f5f-4351-9188-9f11fcd80a99
Habits | |
A Step Forward! Reward yourself when you make positive progress in setting your goal!
Dailies | |
Share Your Tales! Post in the Guild chat about how things are going, or respond to someone else's comment. Share any successes or difficulties! * Note that completing this Daily is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
To Do's | |
Consult the Tomes Do any background research you might find helpful for setting your goal, creating tasks, and setting up your routine. Please feel free to share anything helpful you find in the New Year's Resolution Guild chat! You may find this blog post helpful: https://habitica.wordpress.com/2019/12/26/jump-starting-your-2020-new-years-resolution-with-habitica/
Choose Your Path Add Habits, Dailies, To-Do's and Rewards to help you reach your goal! If you're not sure where to start, you can find help in the Library of Tasks and Challenges Guild :https://habitica.com/groups/guild/adcd6903-e3c6-4c27-a0e9-21f2e7515cd6
Join the Official New Year's Resolution Guild
Choose Your Destination, and Declare Your Intentions! Pick your goal(s) and post in the New Year's Resolution Guild Chat. You can be as general or specific as you like!
January End-of-Month Check-In! Towards the end of the month, post in the New Year's Resolution Guild chat about your progress so far.
Share your Resolution on Social Media! Increase accountability by sharing your goal with friends! You can be as specific or general as you like. Include a tag/link to Habitica and include the URL of your post in the extra notes of this To-Do. Make sure your post is publicly viewable!
- January 2, 2019 to February 1, 2019
- 获胜者: RainbowZebra27, Annobethal, Pheonix_Heart, rachalza, and grimreader
- January 1, 2020 to February 3, 2020
- 获胜者: @MaryanHatch, @AlexGarbus, @Feverfew_mole, @shadow-who-walks, and @cyoosh
Hone Your Weapons[]
This challenge focuses on making sure participants' goals for the year are specific and achievable. Make 20XX the best year ever!Join this Challenge and the Official New Year's Resolution Guild for help, support, and a motivation boost as we help you choose and stick to your New Year's Resolution all year long!
Happy New Year, Habiticans!Make this your best year ever by setting new goals and sticking to them with the help of Habitica's gamified approach to habit-building and the support of our fantastic community. Each month, we'll be posting an exciting new Challenge designed to help keep you motivated and on-track as you tackle your New Year's Resolution!
We're one month in, and it's time to think about refining your resolutions to make sure you're set up for continued success!The tasks for this month are designed to help you evaluate your progress so far and narrow down your goals if needed. We hope this Challenge helps you keep your goals achievable on your transformative adventure through 20XX!
If you missed January's Challenge, not to fear!Feel free to jump in, participation in previous Challenges is not required to be eligible to win.
This is part of an ongoing Challenge series, so 奖励 will not be distributed, but it is being preserved here so that others may input its tasks!If you'd like to see the current Challenge, check out the Official New Year's Resolution Guild here: https://habitica.com/groups/guild/6e6a8bd3-9f5f-4351-9188-9f11fcd80a99
Habits | |
A Step Forward! Reward yourself when you make positive progress in refining and pursuing your goal!
Share Your Progress on Social Media Increase accountability by sharing your progress with friends! You can be as specific or general as you like. Include a tag/link to Habitica :) Note that completing this Habit is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
Dailies | |
Share Your Tales! Post in the Guild chat about how things are going, or respond to someone else's comment. Share any successes or difficulties! Note that completing this Daily is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
To Do's | |
Refine Your Path Consider focusing more closely on one resolution if you have several, or breaking down a big goal to a smaller one if it's starting to feel daunting. This Wiki article about SMART goal-setting might be helpful to you! http://habitica.wikia.com/wiki/SMART_Goal_Setting
Appreciate and Consider your Successes! Take a moment to appreciate the progress you made, even if it was just a little! Also consider why and how you did make progress, and think about how to build and focus on that success going forward!
Evaluate Your Challenges Consider what has been giving you trouble: Is your goal too big or ambitious? Did you choose too many goals? It may be helpful to make a list of what is working well and what is not. You're welcome to share your notes in the Guild chat, though that is not required.
February End-of-Month Check-In! Towards the end of the month, post in the New Year's Resolution Guild chat about your progress so far. Share whether you decided to make any changes to your original resolutions and/or plan.
- February 1, 2018 to 3月 1, 2018
- 获胜者: angelaBelacqua, Birgitte, letsleepingmonsterslie, FlyingRhino, and Dani
- February 4, 2019 to 3月 1, 2019
- 获胜者: Mistress Cerny, Zsuzsa, Chelusine, Sparks, and Jinmav
- February 4, 2020 to 3月 3, 2020
- 获胜者: @2muchomework, @Meylin_uwu, @OpCit, @dejavudu, and @rebeccafae
Reach for Your First Achievement[]
This challenge focuses on celebrating participants' progress and looking ahead to next steps. Make 20XX the best year ever!Join this Challenge and the Official New Year's Resolution Guild for help, support, and a motivation boost as we help you choose and stick to your New Year's Resolution all year long!
Happy New Year, Habiticans!Make this your best year ever by setting new goals and sticking to them with the help of Habitica's gamified approach to habit-building and the support of our fantastic community. Each month, we'll be posting an exciting new Challenge designed to help keep you motivated and on-track as you tackle your New Year's Resolution!
It's 3月, so we're nearly one quarter of the way into the year already!. The tasks for this month are designed to help you evaluate your progress on your resolution(s) so far and celebrate what you've accomplished as its own small goal within your larger goal for the year. We hope this Challenge helps you feel enthusiastic about your progress on your transformative adventure through 20XX!
If you missed the previous months' Challenges, not to fear!Feel free to jump in, participation in previous Challenges from this series is not required to be eligible to win.
This is part of an ongoing Challenge series, so 奖励 will not be distributed, but it is being preserved here so that others may input its tasks!If you'd like to see the current Challenge, check out the Official New Year's Resolution Guild here: https://habitica.com/groups/guild/6e6a8bd3-9f5f-4351-9188-9f11fcd80a99
Habits | |
Share Your Progress on Social Media Increase accountability by sharing your progress with friends! You can be as specific or general as you like. Include a tag/link to Habitica :) Note that completing this Habit is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
A Step Forward! Reward yourself when you make positive progress in refining and pursuing your goal!
Dailies | |
Share Your Tales! Post in the Guild chat about how things are going, or respond to someone else's comment. Share any successes or difficulties! * Note that completing this Daily is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
To Do's | |
Celebrate Your First Milestone Progress isn't always easy to measure, but think about the positive changes you're seeing in your life, making a written list if that's helpful. These are "mini-goals" you've already reached! Share any or all of these successes in the Guild chat. You may be as general or specific as you like.
Look Ahead Down the Path Consider where you'd like to be three months from now and six months from now. Share these further mini-goals in the Guild Chat.
Reward Yourself for Your Triumph Treat yourself to a special reward - in-game or in real life- and you may share in the Guild chat if you like! You may find this Wiki page helpful: http://habitica.wikia.com/wiki/Rewards.
March End-of-Month Check-In! Towards the end of the month, post in the New Year's Resolution Guild chat about your progress so far, and your hopes for the coming months.
- 3月 1, 2018 - April 2, 2018
- 获胜者: LuxInWonderland, kheftel, Midnight Reverie, bookishninja, and VeganValerie
- 3月 1, 2019 to April 1, 2019
- 获胜者: DcryptMart, LONEW0LF, Elcaracol, DungeonMasterful, and 7NationTpr
- 3月 2, 2020 to April 1, 2020
- 获胜者: @mymartianromance, @BadWolfandTheStorm, @KatieIrene, @LastminuteKing, and @Janqt
Gather Your Party[]
This challenge focuses on identifying participants' online and real life supporteds and setting up accountability systems with them to increase the chances of reaching goals. Make 20XX the best year ever!Join this Challenge and the Official New Year's Resolution Guild for help, support, and a motivation boost as we help you choose and stick to your New Year's Resolution all year long!
This challenge was formerly referred to as Rally Your Allies. View archived copy
Happy New Year, Habiticans!Make this your best year ever by setting new goals and sticking to them with the help of Habitica's gamified approach to habit-building and the support of our fantastic community. Each month, we'll be posting an exciting new Challenge designed to help keep you motivated and on-track as you tackle your New Year's Resolution!
This April, we're focusing on gathering your legion of friends!The tasks for this month are designed to help you identify your best supporters, both online and in real life, and set up accountability systems with them to increase the chances you will reach your mini-goals and ultimate goal!This can include your Habitica party members, but we'll be focusing on your Habitican friends more closely in an upcoming Challenge, so we encourage you to branch out this month. We hope this Challenge helps you find encouraging allies to help keep you on track through your transformative adventure through 20XX!
If you missed the previous months' Challenges, not to fear!Feel free to jump in, participation in previous Challenges from this series is not required to be eligible to win. You can find the tasks for 3月's Challenge here if you'd like to catch up: https://habitica.com/challenges/35c71a29-6404-4616-9cd7-28792c7f0ced . You can find links to earlier Challenges in the description for that one, as well.
This is part of an ongoing Challenge series, so 奖励 will not be distributed, but it is being preserved here so that others may input its tasks!If you'd like to see the current Challenge, check out the Official New Year's Resolution Guild here: https://habitica.com/groups/guild/6e6a8bd3-9f5f-4351-9188-9f11fcd80a99.
Habits | |
A Step Forward! Reward yourself when you make positive progress in refining and pursuing your goal!
Share Your Progress on Social Media Increase accountability by sharing your progress with friends! You can be as specific or general as you like. Include a tag/link to Habitica :) *Note that completing this Habit is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
Dailies | |
Share Your Tales! Post in the Guild chat about how things are going, or respond to someone else's comment. Share any successes or difficulties and support your fellow Guild members! * Note that completing this Daily is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
To Do's | |
Make a Pact If necessary, re-assess your goals and plan based on your progress so far. Then, discuss your plan, timeline, mini-goals, and ultimate goal with the person or people you've chosen as your accountability partner(s). Talk with your accountability partner(s) about a plan for your check-ins. You can set a daily, weekly, or monthly time to talk to them about how you're doing, the challenges you might be having, and the progress that you've made!
Choose Your Most Trusted Companion(s) Think about a person or people in your life that supports you and your goals. If you are comfortable with them, respect them, and know that they will be willing to be an accountability partner for you, plan a time to discuss your goals with them.
April End-of-Month Check-In! Towards the end of the month, post in the New Year's Resolution Guild chat about your progress so far, and your hopes for the coming months.
Optional Bonus: Be an Accountability Partner for Someone Else! Consider acting as an accountability partner for the person or people you've chosen if they would like that, or for someone else in your life who is striving to reach a goal and would like support. You might find that this inspires and motivates you as well! * Note that completing this To-Do is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
- April 2, 2018 to May 1, 2018
- 获胜者: V-Starr, Carlos Víquez, lilliburlero, NowyChris, and PizzaMyHeart
- April 2, 2019 - April 30, 2019
- 获胜者: punkshep, Syntrillium, BardoVelho, Betsy, and Baileythebookworm
- April 2, 2020 - May 1, 2020
- 获胜者: @Auralov, @organized_aspie, @yasaminnb, @noblegeas and @Nodel
Review Your Combat Tactics[]
As the year approaches its halfway point, this challenge focuses on refining strategies to help participants stay motivated and keep moving forward. Make 20XX the best year ever!Join this Challenge and the Official New Year's Resolution Guild for help, support, and a motivation boost as we help you choose and stick to your New Year's Resolution all year long!
Happy New Year, Habiticans!Make this your best year ever by setting new goals and sticking to them with the help of Habitica's gamified approach to habit-building and the support of our fantastic community. Each month, we'll be posting an exciting new Challenge designed to help keep you motivated and on-track as you tackle your New Year's Resolution!
It's May, and it really feels like 20XX is flying by!This is a great time to consider your progress and what's helping or holding you back as you pursue your goals for this year. The tasks for this Challenge are designed to help you take a critical look at what's working and what's not working, and to make changes or even deletions to your original goals and tasks. We hope this Challenge helps you make your plan of attack even better as you continue on your transformative adventure through 20XX!
If you missed the previous months' Challenges, not to fear!Feel free to jump in, participation in previous Challenges from this series is not required to be eligible to win.
This is part of an ongoing Challenge series, so 奖励 will not be distributed, but it is being preserved here so that others may input its tasks!If you'd like to see the current Challenge, check out the Official New Year's Resolution Guild here: https://habitica.com/groups/guild/6e6a8bd3-9f5f-4351-9188-9f11fcd80a99.
Habits | |
Share Your Progress on Social Media Increase accountability by sharing your progress with friends! You can be as specific or general as you like. Include a tag/link to Habitica :) *Note that completing this Habit is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
A Step Forward! Reward yourself when you make positive progress in refining and pursuing your goal!
Dailies | |
Share Your Tales! Post in the Guild chat about how things are going, or respond to someone else's comment. Share any successes or difficulties and support your fellow Guild members! * Note that completing this Daily is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
To Do's | |
Evaluate your Strategy It's been five months, so you've come really far! What aspects of your resolution may be causing you difficulty and which have been easier to keep up? List what's going well and not so well so far.
May End-of-Month Check-In! Towards the end of the month, post in the New Year's Resolution Guild chat about your progress so far, and your hopes for the coming months.
Hone Your Weapons, or Let Them Go Take action on the aspects of your goal(s) you're not keeping up with. Consider discarding them, or think of new strategies to try to get back on track if you want to keep going with them. Consider posting visible reminders, trying these tasks at a different time of the day or week, or adding a new reward to your strategy for these extra-hard tasks.
Consider Your Stumbling Blocks Think about the items you listed as difficulties. How are they different from the tasks you're keeping up with? Consider things such as difficulty level, time of day you tend to do them, and how you feel when doing them. It also may be possible that you're trying to take on too many goals at once.
- May 1, 2018 to 6月 1, 2018
- 获胜者: RubberSoul, Carolee, MyNameIsNotRyn, Rapunculus IV, and notunremarkable
- May 2, 2019 to 6月 3, 2019
- 获胜者: CamelliaLynne, wespe, bdwilson, skyflower, and Mawri
- May 4, 2020 to 6月 1, 2020
- 获胜者: @kelps, @JHylander, @theFishhimself, @akverbatim, and @SunshineDay29
Mark Your Journey![]
At the halfway point for the year, this challenge is designed to help participants gain motivation by reflecting on how far they've come and all the positive changes they have made. Make 20XX the best year ever!Join this Challenge and the Official New Year's Resolution Guild for help, support, and a motivation boost as we help you choose and stick to your New Year's Resolution all year long!
Happy New Year, Habiticans!Make this your best year ever by setting new goals and sticking to them with the help of Habitica's gamified approach to habit-building and the support of our fantastic community. Each month, we'll be posting an exciting new Challenge designed to help keep you motivated and on-track as you tackle your New Year's Resolution!
6月 is here, and this marks nearly the halfway mark in our journey!This is a great time to look back at everything you've done since we started in January. The tasks for this Challenge are designed to help you gain motivation by reflecting on how far you've come and all the positive changes you've made. We hope this Challenge helps you feel a sense of accomplishment and renewed enthusiasm as you continue on your transformative adventure through 20XX!
If you missed the previous months' Challenges, not to fear!Feel free to jump in, participation in previous Challenges from this series is not required to be eligible to win.
This is part of an ongoing Challenge series, so 奖励 will not be distributed, but it is being preserved here so that others may input its tasks!If you'd like to see the current Challenge, check out the Official New Year's Resolution Guild here: https://habitica.com/groups/guild/6e6a8bd3-9f5f-4351-9188-9f11fcd80a99.
Habits | |
A Step Forward! Reward yourself when you make positive progress in refining and pursuing your goal!
Share Your Progress on Social Media Increase accountability by sharing your progress with friends! You can be as specific or general as you like. Include a tag/link to Habitica :) *Note that completing this Habit is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
Dailies | |
Share Your Tales! Post in the Guild chat about how things are going, or respond to someone else's comment. Share any successes or difficulties and support your fellow Guild members! * Note that completing this Daily is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
To Do's | |
Look Ahead Toward the Ultimate Goal! When you first set your goals, where did you want to be at the end of 2018? With the pace you're setting at nearly halfway through, is your goal still realistic? If not, think about adjusting your goal to better fit your pace.
June End-of-Month Check-In! Towards the end of the month, post in the New Year's Resolution Guild chat about your progress so far, and your hopes for the coming months.
Share your Triumphs! In the Guild chat, make a post sharing the positive results you've achieved so far. Way to go, we're all cheering for you! :D
Plan a New Milestone This is a great time to set a new mini-goal for three months from now! Where would you like to be in September? Base your goal on your pace so far, and share this with the Guild in whatever level of detail you're comfortable with.
- 6月 1, 2018 to July 2, 2018
- 获胜者: Pyrrh Pianissimo, Stephable, Lizzie, zoefcunningham, and Tortoise
- 6月 3, 2019 to July 1, 2019
- 获胜者: whisperingwraith, katie9, Mavro_Asteri, Chasquared, and Taichi1
- 6月 1, 2020 to July 1, 2020
- 获胜者: @suba_al_hadid, @OnonokiNonon, @kelsco, @Aermyst, and @StefanieFreige
Convene Your Companions[]
This challenge focuses on building accountability with friends in Habitica's social spaces. Make 20XX the best year ever!Join this Challenge and the Official New Year's Resolution Guild for help, support, and a motivation boost as we help you choose and stick to your New Year's Resolution all year long!
Happy New Year, Habiticans!Make this your best year ever by setting new goals and sticking to them with the help of Habitica's gamified approach to habit-building and the support of our fantastic community. Each month, we'll be posting an exciting new Challenge designed to help keep you motivated and on-track as you tackle your New Year's Resolution!
Way to go everyone!It's July, which means we're over halfway through 20XX. This is a great time to look around you and consider the important accountability help you can get from your fellow Habiticans. The tasks for this Challenge are designed to help you get social here on Habitica--or to help you reinforce the relationships you already have!We hope this Challenge helps you gain accountability, as well as the motivation of friendship and support, as you continue on your transformative adventure through 20XX!
If you missed the previous months' Challenges, not to fear!Feel free to jump in. Participation in previous Challenges from this series is not required to be eligible to win. You can find the tasks for 6月's Challenge here if you'd like to catch up: https://habitica.com/challenges/938cb16d-901d-44d0-af65-24c7098ab068 . You can find links to earlier Challenges in the description for that one, as well.
This is part of an ongoing Challenge series, so 奖励 will not be distributed, but it is being preserved here so that others may input its tasks!If you'd like to see the current Challenge, check out the Official New Year's Resolution Guild here: https://habitica.com/groups/guild/6e6a8bd3-9f5f-4351-9188-9f11fcd80a99.
Habits | |
Share Your Progress on Social Media Increase accountability by sharing your progress with friends! You can be as specific or general as you like. Include a tag/link to Habitica :) *Note that completing this Habit is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
A Step Forward! Reward yourself when you make positive progress in refining and pursuing your goal!
Dailies | |
Share Your Tales! Post in the Guild chat about how things are going, or respond to someone else's comment. Share any successes or difficulties and support your fellow Guild members! * Note that completing this Daily is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
To Do's | |
July End-of-Month Check-In! Towards the end of the month, post in the New Year's Resolution Guild chat about your progress so far, and your hopes for the coming months.
Rally Your Party! Consider joining a quest Party if you are not currently in one! You can learn more about Parties (and how to find them) here: Party. If you're already in a Party, consider new ways to keep things in your party exciting or ways to get to know each other better - this may be helpful: Keeping Parties Motivated
Find and Share a Helpful Guild Habitica has lots of Guilds related to all kinds of goals and self-improvement. Find one relevant to your particular goal and share in the New Year's Resolution's Guild chat!
- July 2, 2018 to August 1, 2018
- 获胜者: Krilae, catliyon, cemelee, Rafael Moura, and Eduardo The Invincible
- July 1, 2019 to August 1, 2019
- 获胜者: papachops, Krilae, mmlado, archalyus, and Roisinn
Count Your Treasure[]
This challenge focuses on evaluating participants rewards and making adjustments where appropriate. Make 20XX the best year ever!Join this Challenge and the Official New Year's Resolution Guild for help, support, and a motivation boost as we help you choose and stick to your New Year's Resolution all year long!
Happy New Year, Habiticans!Make this your best year ever by setting new goals and sticking to them with the help of Habitica's gamified approach to habit-building and the support of our fantastic community. Each month, we'll be posting an exciting new Challenge designed to help keep you motivated and on-track as you tackle your New Year's Resolution!
Way to go everyone!It's already August, so 20XX is really flying by. This is a great time to think about your incentives for continuing to work toward your goals. The tasks for this Challenge are designed to help you evaluate the way you reward yourself and maybe add some new rewards to your repetoire!We hope this Challenge helps you boost your motivation as you continue on your transformative adventure through 20XX!
If you missed the previous months' Challenges, not to fear!Feel free to jump in. Participation in previous Challenges from this series is not required to be eligible to win. You can find the tasks for previous challenges here:
This is part of an ongoing Challenge series, so 奖励 will not be distributed, but it is being preserved here so that others may input its tasks!If you'd like to see the current Challenge, check out the Official New Year's Resolution Guild here: https://habitica.com/groups/guild/6e6a8bd3-9f5f-4351-9188-9f11fcd80a99.
Habits | |
Share Your Progress on Social Media Increase accountability by sharing your progress with friends! You can be as specific or general as you like. Include a tag/link to Habitica :) *Note that completing this Habit is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
A Step Forward! Reward yourself when you make positive progress in refining and pursuing your goal!
Dailies | |
Share Your Tales! Post in the Guild chat about how things are going, or respond to someone else's comment. Share any successes or difficulties and support your fellow Guild members! * Note that completing this Daily is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
To Do's | |
Look at Your Current Rewards Do you feel you're rewarding yourself enough? Too much? Remember, rewards are an important part of motivating yourself to achieve goals, so it's a great idea to reconsider how your rewards are working for you. Check out this wiki article for help! https://habitica.wikia.com/wiki/Rewards
August End-of-Month Check-In! Towards the end of the month, post in the New Year's Resolution Guild chat about your progress so far, and your hopes for the coming months.
Consider New Rewards If you aren't sure what rewards you'd like, or if you'd like to boost your motivation with new rewards, check out this helpful post on our Wiki with lots of ideas: https://habitica.wikia.com/wiki/Sample_Custom_Rewards
Share Your Treasure! Post in the New Year's Resolution Guild about how you're rewarding yourself, and what has worked for you/not worked for you so far this year.
- August 1, 2018 to September 4, 2018
- 获胜者: Enkia the Wicked, wondergrrl, renko, Mibbs, and TereLiz
- August 1, 2019 to September 2, 2019
- 获胜者: @rcgwriter, @silverivy, @dontanticipate, @Namida2u, and @Frowldrees
Celebrate Your Triumphs[]
This challenge focuses on looking at the progress participants have made in the first three-quarters of the year and celebrating positive outcomes big and small. Make 20XX the best year ever!Join this Challenge and the Official New Year's Resolution Guild for help, support, and a motivation boost as we help you choose and stick to your New Year's Resolution all year long!
Happy New Year, Habiticans!Make this your best year ever by setting new goals and sticking to them with the help of Habitica's gamified approach to habit-building and the support of our fantastic community. Each month, we'll be posting an exciting new Challenge designed to help keep you motivated and on-track as you tackle your New Year's Resolution!
It's September, and autumn is on the way!This is a great time to look at the progress you've made in the first three-quarters of 20XX and celebrate your positive outcomes big and small. The tasks for this Challenge are designed to help you see all the gains you've made so far and gain strength and enthusiasm to keep going!We hope this Challenge helps you boost your motivation as you continue on your transformative adventure through 20XX!
If you missed the previous months' Challenges, not to fear!Feel free to jump in. Participation in previous Challenges from this series is not required to be eligible to win.
This is part of an ongoing Challenge series, so 奖励 will not be distributed, but it is being preserved here so that others may input its tasks!If you'd like to see the current Challenge, check out the Official New Year's Resolution Guild here: https://habitica.com/groups/guild/6e6a8bd3-9f5f-4351-9188-9f11fcd80a99.
Habits | |
Share Your Progress on Social Media Increase accountability by sharing your progress with friends! You can be as specific or general as you like. Include a tag/link to Habitica :) *Note that completing this Habit is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
A Step Forward! Reward yourself when you make positive progress in refining and pursuing your goal!
Dailies | |
Share Your Tales! Post in the Guild chat about how things are going, or respond to someone else's comment. Share any successes or difficulties and support your fellow Guild members! * Note that completing this Daily is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
To Do's | |
Look Forward to the Home Stretch! When you first set your goals, where did you want to be at the end of 2018? The year is nearly 3/4 over. At the pace you've set, is your goal still realistic? If not, think about adjusting your goal to better fit your pace.
The Spoils of Victory Celebrate your accomplishments! Treat yourself to a special reward--in-game or in real life--and if you like, share about it in the Guild chat! You may find this Wiki page helpful: http://habitica.wikia.com/wiki/Rewards.
Share Your Success! Post in the New Year's Resolution Guild about the positive outcomes you've seen so far this year as you pursue your goal. You can be as general or specific as you like.
September End-of-Month Check-In! Towards the end of the month, post in the New Year's Resolution Guild chat about your progress so far, and your hopes for the coming months.
- September 4, 2018 to October 2, 2018
- 获胜者: RubberSoul, KateMomster, 0xymore, Sindyr, and IceBlueMelody
- September 3, 2019 to October 1, 2019
- 获胜者: Inkblots, Betelgeuse_aOri, timohi, IceBlueMelody, and han-
Staying Strong[]
This challenge focuses on maintaining motivation as participants approach the end of the year. Make 20XX the best year ever!Join this Challenge and the Official New Year's Resolution Guild for help, support, and a motivation boost as we help you choose and stick to your New Year's Resolution all year long!
Happy New Year, Habiticans!Make this your best year ever by setting new goals and sticking to them with the help of Habitica's gamified approach to habit-building and the support of our fantastic community. Each month, we'll be posting an exciting new Challenge designed to help keep you motivated and on-track as you tackle your New Year's Resolution!
Time flies!We can't believe it's October already!As the year starts to come to a close, you may find yourself looking for a motivation boost to keep you going. The tasks for this Challenge are designed to help you find new inspiration and strength to continue pursuing your resolution!We hope this Challenge helps you find new enthusiasm as you continue on your transformative adventure through 20XX!
If you missed the previous months' Challenges, not to fear!Feel free to jump in. Participation in previous Challenges from this series is not required to be eligible to win. You can find the tasks for September's Challenge here if you'd like to catch up: https://habitica.com/challenges/47860e1a-4dab-4080-83f7-88404bf79042 . You can find links to earlier Challenges in the description for that one, as well.
五个幸运的获胜者会各获得15个宝石!These winners will be chosen on 11月 2 from a random draw of all participants who complete all the To-Dos. *(The Dailies and Habits are a bonus to help with accountability and motivation!)
Habits | |
A Step Forward! Reward yourself when you make positive progress in refining and pursuing your goal!
Share Your Progress on Social Media Increase accountability by sharing your progress with friends! You can be as specific or general as you like. Include a tag/link to Habitica :) *Note that completing this Habit is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
Dailies | |
Share Your Tales! Post in the Guild chat about how things are going, or respond to someone else's comment. Share any successes or difficulties and support your fellow Guild members! * Note that completing this Daily is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
To Do's | |
October End-of-Month Check-In! Towards the end of the month, post in the New Year's Resolution Guild chat about your progress so far, and your hopes for the coming months.
Envision the Final Triumph One great way to boost your motivation is to think about how it will feel to reach the finish line. What new skills or accomplishments do you hope to have? Will this goal allow you to do things you couldn't before? Consider writing down some of these potential positive outcomes so you can refer to them when you need a nudge!
Take Time to Pause As we approach the end of the year, our lives can get busier! Even as you continue pursuing your goal, remember to take time for self-care and even take breaks or off-days from your goal if needed. Burning out will ultimately set you back more than breaks!
Share Your Struggles Post in the New Year's Resolution Guild about what is becoming more difficult in pursuing your goal as we approach the end of the year. Your fellow Habiticans may share tips and support that can help!
- October 2, 2018 to 11月 2, 2018
- 获胜者: REN, drcaptainmaria, Helengoesrogue, Mistress Cerny- Cerny Pie, and Taichi1
- October 1, 2019 to 11月 1, 2019
- 获胜者: @boxofdelights, @aethelflaeda, @pygy, @threethreethree, and @ScarlettJill
- October 1, 2020 to 11月 2, 2020
- 获胜者: @Anklebiter26, @nmmontague, @Hemogoblin93, @NastyMell and @6Alastair6
Here Be Dragons![]
This challenge focuses on obstacles that arise as participants approach the end of the year. Make 20XX the best year ever!Join this Challenge and the Official New Year's Resolution Guild for help, support, and a motivation boost as we help you choose and stick to your New Year's Resolution all year long!
Happy New Year, Habiticans!Make this your best year ever by setting new goals and sticking to them with the help of Habitica's gamified approach to habit-building and the support of our fantastic community. Each month, we'll be posting an exciting new Challenge designed to help keep you motivated and on-track as you tackle your New Year's Resolution!
20XX is very close to its end. As you get close to the deadline for our New Years' Resolution goals, the going can sure get tough. The tasks for this Challenge are designed to help you work through the extra challenges of this busy time of year as you work to see your resolution through to the end!We hope this Challenge helps you find new strength as you continue on your transformative adventure through 20XX!
If you missed the previous months' Challenges, not to fear!Feel free to jump in. Participation in previous Challenges from this series is not required to be eligible to win. You can find the tasks for October's Challenge here if you'd like to catch up: https://habitica.com/challenges/9767fb4f-9f6a-4125-a880-0c87cd643927 . You can find links to earlier Challenges in the description for that one, as well.
This is part of an ongoing Challenge series, so 奖励 will not be distributed, but it is being preserved here so that others may input its tasks!If you'd like to see the current Challenge, check out the Official New Year's Resolution Guild here: https://habitica.com/groups/guild/6e6a8bd3-9f5f-4351-9188-9f11fcd80a99
Habits | |
A Step Forward! Reward yourself when you make positive progress in refining and pursuing your goal!
Share Your Progress on Social Media Increase accountability by sharing your progress with friends! You can be as specific or general as you like. Include a tag/link to Habitica :) *Note that completing this Habit is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
Dailies | |
Share Your Tales! Post in the Guild chat about how things are going, or respond to someone else's comment. Share any successes or difficulties and support your fellow Guild members! * Note that completing this Daily is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
To Do's | |
November End-of-Month Check-In! Towards the end of the month, post in the New Year's Resolution Guild chat about your progress so far, and your hopes for the coming months.
Seek Sage Wisdom Post in the New Year's Resolution Guild about what is becoming more difficult as the year ends and we approach fall and winter holidays. Your fellow Habiticans may share tips and support that can help!
Know Thy Enemy! Think about the obstacles you face is this last stretch toward your goal. Step back and try to observe them objectively, and try to give yourself the advice you'd give a good friend facing the same things. You can even try actually running your thoughts by a friend.
Adapt and Roll with the Punches As you continue pursuing your goal, remember to be kind to yourself when you stumble. Adjust your goal if needed as the year becomes busier, and remember it's OK to pause if you need to.
- 11月 2, 2018 to December 3, 2018
- 获胜者: misketti, CamelliaLynne, DrearyDear, Mikachu, and Zsuzsa
- 11月 1, 2019 to December 1, 2019
- 获胜者: @LuxInWonderland, @noblegeas, @thebadhobbit, @Slardibarfast, and @yasaminnb
- 11月 2, 2020 to December 1, 2020
Journey's End and New Beginnings[]
This challenge focuses on reviewing the past year's successes and planning for an even better New Year!Finish 20XX strong and make 20XY the best year ever!Join this Challenge and the Official New Year's Resolution Guild for help, support, and a motivation boost as we help you choose and stick to your New Year's Resolution all year long!
Happy New Year, Habiticans!Make this your best year ever by setting new goals and sticking to them with the help of Habitica's gamified approach to habit-building and the support of our fantastic community. Each month, we'll be posting an exciting new Challenge designed to help keep you motivated and on-track as you tackle your New Year's Resolution!
Wow, we made it!It's the very end of 20XX, and now's the time to see how far you've come, and to plan the next chapter in your self-improvement journey. We hope this Challenge helps you find new strength as you wrap up your transformative adventure through 20XX and look to an even better 20XY!
If you missed the previous months' Challenges, not to fear!Feel free to jump in. Participation in previous Challenges from this series is not required to be eligible to win. You can find the tasks for previous Challenges here if you'd like to catch up:
This is part of an ongoing Challenge series, so 奖励 will not be distributed, but it is being preserved here so that others may input its tasks!If you'd like to see the current Challenge, check out the Official New Year's Resolution Guild here: https://habitica.com/groups/guild/6e6a8bd3-9f5f-4351-9188-9f11fcd80a99
Habits | |
A Step Forward! Reward yourself when you make positive progress in refining and pursuing your goal!
Share Your Progress on Social Media Increase accountability by sharing your progress with friends! You can be as specific or general as you like. Include a tag/link to Habitica :) *Note that completing this Habit is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
Dailies | |
Share Your Tales! Post in the Guild chat about how things are going, or respond to someone else's comment. Share any successes or difficulties and support your fellow Guild members! * Note that completing this Daily is not a requirement to be eligible to win the Challenge
To Do's | |
There and Back Again With everything you've learned and achieved this year in pursuit of your resolution, start planning your next great adventure! Start narrowing down some realistic, achievable goals you'd like to pursue in 20XY.
Look Back at the Obstacles Consider the stumbling blocks and difficulties you encountered this year as you pursued your resolution. Don't beat yourself up! Anything you've learned along the way is a win. Keep these lessons in mind as you plan your 20XY resolution.
Review your Progress Consider where you are as you reach the end of the year. How close did you come to achieving your goal? Focus on the positive progress you made. Consider these successes as you plan your 20XY resolution.
December End-of-Month Check-In! Towards the end of the month, post in the New Year's Resolution Guild chat about whether you reached or got close to your goal. You can also discuss any ideas you have for your 20XY resolution.
- December 3, 2018 to January 2, 2019
- 获胜者: Drosera, Dan O'Dea, StefanieFreige, N5t5lie, and DeLauraen
- December 2, 2019 to January 1, 2020
- 获胜者: @AndoJun, @SilverSquirrel, @CathB, @IntegrationAsh, and @DerRue
Community Costume Challenges[]
The Community Costume Challenge is an annual challenge that began in 2014 and runs throughout the month of October each year. In this challenge, participants who dress up as their Habitica avatars in real life, post a publicly-available picture on social media, and link to their post in the Notes section of the Challenge To Do receive a "Costume Challenge" badge. Beginning in 2015, participating costumes have been posted on the Habitica Tumblr blog unless a participant specifies otherwise.
Official Habitica Community Costume Challenge 2020[]
The Community Costume Challenge is back!Between now and October 31st, dress up as your avatar in real life and post a photo on social media to earn the coveted Costume Challenge badge and more!
The Community Costume Challenge is back!Between now and October 31st, dress up as your avatar in real life and post a photo on social media to earn the coveted Costume Challenge badge. Be sure to link to Habitica in your post!
To be eligible:
- You must be recognizably dressed as your Habitica avatar or as an in-game character. (No, just wearing a colored T-shirt doesn't count!)
- Take a picture of yourself in your costume and post it on any social media website with a link back to Habitica's website or mobile apps. You can also use our hashtag, HabiticaCostumeChallenge Please include an image of your avatar as well as of you in your costume- the entry is not eligible for the badge if you don't include both.
- Once you've posted the picture, put a link to your post in the Notes section of the Challenge To-Do. Be sure that it's a link that can be publicly viewed. If you do not include a link, or we can't view it, you may not be eligible for your badge (it's OK to check off the To-Do, we can still see it!).
- All entries will be eligible to be featured on Habitica's social media accounts unless otherwise specified. If you would prefer not to have your entry featured, write "DO NOT SHARE" in the Notes field next to the link to your entry. Alternatively, if you would like us to include a special link or comment when we share your costume, you can also specify that in the Notes field.
- After October 31st, it may take us several days to sort through the results of the Challenge, but there will be an announcement when everyone has received their badge. If you participated in the past, the number on your badge will stack.
- Looking for inspiration? Check out past entries and other Habitica cosplays on our tumblr!
If you have any additional questions, email Beffymaroo at beth[at]habitica.com!We can't wait to see your costumes.
Earn the coveted Costume Challenge badge and more!After O