這篇文章是關於翻譯Habitica Wiki的。如翻譯Habitica本體請查看語言學家指南獲得相關信息。如翻譯新聞請查看創建和編輯新聞頁面。
建議您加入Commonwealth of i18n - Aspiring Linguists of Habitica和Wizards of the Wiki兩個公會。他們分別是遊戲本體翻譯和Wiki翻譯的總公會。下文也會列出各語言設立的分公會地址,歡迎加入。
目前已經存在的語言如下表所示。要另外申請語言,請在Wizards of the Wiki公會申請創建。Habitica管理員會為其創建主頁,並使你能夠從英文wiki搬運圖片,創建樣式表,並將你添加為該wiki的管理員。
鏈接 | 語言 | 漢語名稱 | 翻譯公會 |
da.habitica.wikia.com | Dansk | 丹麥語 | |
de.habitica.wikia.com | Deutsch | 德語 | Wiki - German Translators |
es.habitica.wikia.com | Español | 西班牙語 | ¡Aventureros a la Wiki!(需要權限,如需加入前往Commonwealth of i18n 公會申請進入) |
fr.habitica.wikia.com | Français | 法語 | French Translators Guild |
it.habitica.wikia.com | Italiano | 意大利語 | |
ja.habitica.wikia.com | 日本語 | 日語 | Habitica 日本語訳 Team |
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Habitica Wikia 翻譯(需要權限,如需加入前往Commonwealth of i18n 公會申請進入) |
habitica.fandom.com/xx --其中「xx」是目標語言的代碼。
強調,現在你打開了兩個編輯器。接着,在編輯器右上角「≡」菜單進入源代碼編輯器,複製英文頁面的源代碼,並粘貼到目標頁面源代碼編輯器內,接着發表。提示:有時直接在顯示模式拷貝效果更好(例如存在複雜表格、模型,如 職業 頁面),但大多數情況拷貝源代碼就好了。
- 觀察 /wiki/Pets 頁面編輯器。右上角有兩個標籤頁,一個是「Visual」預覽編輯器,一個是「Source」源代碼編輯器。
- 點擊「Source」頁面。
- 現在屏幕顯示這本頁面的源代碼。複製全部內容(不知道是什麼意思也沒關係)。
- 關閉原網站頁面。
- 進入 /wiki/寵物 頁面編輯器。
- 進入源代碼編輯器(如果你尚未進入的話)。
- 粘貼源代碼,根據你編輯的內容寫摘要(如「創建」等),然後發表你的編輯。
除非你需要在頁面顯示包含文字的圖片,而你想將它也進行翻譯,你不需要自行拷貝圖片。(更多信息很快推出,或諮詢Wizards of the Wiki公會)
- 首页 - 职业 -战士 -法师 -盗贼 -医者 - 宠物 - 坐骑
Wikia使用Unicode編碼通過標題對文章和分類進行排序。儘管這種方法很適用於英語,但它可能引起其他語言頁面的排序與通常所用的排序不同。為了避免這種情況,你可以設置頁面上的 默認順序(DEFAULTSORT) 變量,把這一頁移動到更合適的位置。如果你想要改變頁面上任何一處的位置,就插入:
{{DEFAULTSORT:new sort key}}
在法語文章中插入 À Faire 可以確保它與其他以「A」開頭的頁面排列在一起,而不是排在「Z」的後面。
例如:[[en:Guidance for Linguists]] (將鏈接到此頁面的其他語言版本)
例如:[[de:Leitfaden für Übersetzer]] (將鏈接到德語頁面)
想要了解申請貢獻者等級的過程,請閱讀The Keep:The Knights Chambers。準備好後,你就能通過該頁面進行申請。請注意,監視及檢查翻譯會使非英語wiki的等級評估過程變得尤其困難,可能不會授予貢獻者等級。所有等級都由管理員判斷授予。
建議只有當目標語言中有三位以上的貢獻者組成自願團隊,並且Whats New Page保持定期更新時,才建立一個新的wiki。
- Click on the "Start a wikia" button in the header of any wiki page and enter information in the dialog that appears:
- In the Name field, enter exactly "Habitica".
- Allow the Address field to be created automatically and do not change it for any reason.
- Select the language. It is vital that you choose the right one, otherwise, there will be trouble with language linking later. If you don't know the two-character code for the target language, you can look up the ISO code and look for the value in the "639-1" column for the desired target language.
- Click the "Next" button which will take you to a second screen.
- In the "What's your wiki about?" field, enter "Your Life, The Role Playing Game".
- In choose a hub, select "Games".
- For "Check additional categories", do not tick any checkboxes.
- Click the "Create My Wiki" button which will take you to the "Choose your theme" page.
- Select the first theme.
- Click the "Show me my wiki" button which will take you to the new wiki's front page.
- Cancel the "Congratulations! You successfully created Wikia Habitica" popup. Do NOT click on the "Add a Page" button.
- Go to the English wiki's front page and open it in the source mode editor. Copy the entire contents to your clipboard. Close the editor without making changes.
- Open the new wiki's front page in the source mode editor and paste in the entire contents of the English front page.
- In the welcome box, replace "The wiki is also available in other languages: {{Other Languages|compact}}" with "The wiki is also available in [http://habitica.wikia.com/ English] and other languages (available from the English wiki's home page)." We do not list all the languages in the welcome box because then every wiki's home page would need to be updated when a new wiki is created.
- At the bottom of the page, replace the list of languages with "[[en:Habitica Wiki]]". Do not worry if that link does not work after the page has been saved.
- Save the home page. Do not worry that it looks terrible at the moment. Do not start copying images from the English wiki, not even the Habitica logo.
- Go to Category:Homepage Templates on the English wiki. Copy all templates you find there to the new wiki (see the tip below about copying files). This should make the new wiki's home page look better. Any remaining problems are likely to be fixed by the steps below.
- Set up administrators:
- Go to habitica.wikia.com/wiki/Special:UserRights on the English wiki.
- Edit the URL to change habitica.wikia.com to the domain name for the new wiki (i.e., add the language's abbreviation at the start of habitica.wikia.com). This will take you to the correct form for adding administrators to the new wiki.
- Add LadyAlys, Sonnet73, and Taldin as administrators (give them all available permissions). Also, add the person who asked for the wiki to be created (you will need to find out the name that their Wikia account uses); the Special:Listusers page might help.
- Go to Wikia's Community Central : Interlanguage link requests page and follow the instructions there to request language linking from the English wiki to the new wiki. After Wikia staff have done that, the link to the English wiki at the bottom of the new wiki's home page should start to work.
- This next step must be performed by a person who is an administrator on both the new wiki and the English wiki. Go to the form for contacting Wikia staff. For the subject, enter text like "Image reuse from habitica.wikia.com to new translated wiki and JavaScript editing". For the message enter text like "Hello. I'm an admin of http://habitica.wikia.com/ and [URL]. Could you please allow [URL] to be able to use the images from http://habitica.wikia.com/ ? Please could you also enable http://community.wikia.com/wiki/Help:JavaScript_review_process on [URL]? Thank you!". Change "[URL]" to the URL of the new wiki in both places it appears. It will take a day or two for Wikia staff to enable image sharing and JavaScript editing. After they have done that, the Habitica logo will automatically appear on the new wiki's home page (as will other images on other pages that are created by copying the source code from the English wiki).
- After the above step has been completed, copy each of the stylesheets and JavaScript files below to the new wiki (see the tip below about copying files). Ignore any of these files if they show nothing but 404 errors on the English wiki (those files are not in use yet). Note that changes to the JavaScript files will not take effect until after they have been reviewed by Wikia staff.
- Adjust the Theme, Wordmark, FavIcon, Templates, Color set, Top Menu. More info to come.
- Enable any features on the new wiki's Special:WikiFeatures page that you would like to use and are not enabled by default (e.g., badges/achievements). (Note: the link goes to the English wiki; please adjust the URL for the new wiki.)
- Add the new wiki's URL and the language name (not the English version of the name) to the English wiki's home page in the Welcome box and in the list of languages at the bottom of the home page (do not worry if that latter link does not work yet; it will when Wikia staff have enabled interlanguage linking).
- Add the new wiki's details to the table of wikis in Guidance for Linguistic Scribes.
- Tell the person who requested the wiki that they can now translate the home page and then start translating other pages.
Tip: When copying files (such as templates, stylesheets, and JavaScript files) from the English wiki to the new wiki, the easiest method is below. Do not do this from any of the non-English wikis because if you do, the final file names will be wrong!
- On the English wiki, open the file in the source editor.
- Copy the entire contents to the clipboard.
- Do not save or cancel from the source editor!
- Adjust the page's URL to add the new wiki's language abbreviation at the start of the URL and hit enter on your keyboard. You will now find yourself in the source editor for the same file in the new wiki.
- Paste from your clipboard. If there is already content there (e.g., default styles with comments in the new wiki's language), then do not overwrite that content. Instead, paste the English wiki's material below it, then search through that English material to find the comments and code that match the existing content, and delete that English material.