Habitica Wiki
Habitica Wiki



NPC 欢庆春季狂欢节

春季狂欢节 是春日主题的世界事件,是四大盛典之一。该节日每年开始于三月的春分日左右,直到四月底结束。

2020年 春季狂欢节2020[]


2020年 季度商店[]


2020年 副本[]

Inventory quest scroll egg


Inventory quest scroll waffle


2020年 闪光种子[]

Inventory special shinySeed
Avatar floral warrior


Promo spring potions 2020

2020年 桦树皮,天体与彩虹魔法孵化药水[]

在2019 年3月21日,春季狂欢节引入了一种新宠物品种!Habitican 们可以从市场购买全新的天体孵化药水和重新上架的彩虹孵化药水,来为自己的角色增添一抹亮色。这些药水可以孵化所有的普通宠物蛋(魔法孵化药水对副本宠物蛋无法使用)。魔法药水孵化出的宠物不挑食,无论喂它们什么都能吃得很开心。

Promo spring 2020

2020年 特殊的职业装备[]

Promo classes spring2019


名称 外观 价格(金币) 效果 描述
Broad armor special spring2020Warrior
90 增加9点 体质 即使是最严重的袭击,这个坚固的护甲也可以保护你的安全。增加9点体质。此为2020年的春季限定。
Head special spring2020Warrior
60 增加9点 力量 你的敌人的打击会扫过这个甲虫启发的头盔!增加9点力量。2020年春季限定版装备。
Shield special spring2020Warrior
70 增加7点体质 不要被它绚丽的颜色骗了。它会将你全身覆盖。这个盾牌增加你7点体质。2020年春季限定版装备。
Weapon special spring2020Warrior
90 增加15点力量 无论是飞行还是打架。这个翅膀都对你很合适。增加15点力量。2020年春季限定版装备。




效果 描述
Broad armor special spring2020Mage
90 增加9点智力 如果你无法按捺走在暴风雨中的心情,这个装备很适合你。将童心的萌动变化为奇妙艺术的展示。增加9点智力。此为2020年的春季限定装备。
Head special spring2020Mage
60 增加7点感知 天蓝吗?天气干燥吗?不要担心。我们懂你。湿润你的魔力并且又不会抑制你的精神。增加7点感知。此为2020年春季限定装备。
Weapon special spring2020Mage
160 增加15点智力和7点感知 雨滴不断地落在你的头上。但是你的抱怨不会让他们停止。增加15点智力和7点感知。此为2020年春季限定装备。




效果 描述
Broad armor special spring2020Healer
90 增加15点体质 把你自己包裹进柔软的鸢尾花瓣叶子,迷惑敌人,他们不知道你的影藏力量。增加15点体质。2020年春季限定装备。
Head special spring2020Healer
60 增加7点智力 用这个花朵制作的头饰迷惑你的敌人!增加7点智力。2020年春季限定版装备。
Weapon special spring2020Healer
90 增加9点智力 鸢尾花很漂亮,但是他的叶片却像刀剑一样,不要怀疑这些花朵。这个东西和钢铁一样坚硬。增加九点智力。2020年春季限定版装备。


Shield special spring2020Healer
70 增加9点体质 用甜美的盾牌抵挡令人厌烦的挑战。增加9点体质。2020年春季限定装备。




效果 描述
Broad armor special spring2020Rogue
90 增加15点感知 暮色、宝石、最深的海的颜色!增加15点感知。2020年春季限定版装备。
Head special spring2020Rogue
60 增加9点感知 它这么漂亮和珍贵,你要把它从你自己的头上偷去!增加9点感知。2020年春季限定版装备。
Weapon special spring2020Rogue
80 增加8点力量 你会击打得这么快,任务会看起来更蓝!增加8点力量。2020年春季限定版装备。
青金石刀 (副手装备)
Shield special spring2020Rogue
80 增加8点力量。 你会击打得这么快,任务会看起来更蓝!增加8点力量。2020年春季限定版装备。

2020年 风俗[]

Promo pastel skin hair

在四月14号,季度限定版本的闪闪发亮的头发和蜡笔画色皮肤再一次可以在 用户 > 编辑角色形象页面购买,可购买的日期截止于4月30号。

2020年 NPC 服装变化[]


Npc bailey spring


Spring-Fling-npc justin


Npc matt spring


2018 SpringFling market banner npc


2018 SpringFling quest shop npc


2018 SpringFling seasonal shop opened npc


2018 SpringFling time travelers open banner

神秘的时空旅行者(Tyler & Vicki)

2018 SpringFling tavern npc


2019年 春季狂欢节 2019[]


2019年 季度商店[]


2019年 副本[]

Inventory quest scroll egg
Promo celestial rainbow potions

2019年 天体与彩虹魔法孵化药水[]

在2019 年3月21日,春季狂欢节引入了一种新宠物品种!Habitican 们可以从市场购买全新的天体孵化药水和重新上架的彩虹孵化药水,来为自己的角色增添一抹亮色。这些药水可以孵化所有的普通宠物蛋(魔法孵化药水对副本宠物蛋无法使用)。魔法药水孵化出的宠物不挑食,无论喂它们什么都能吃得很开心。


2019年 闪光种子[]

Inventory special shinySeed
Avatar floral warrior


闪光种子于 2019 年 4 月 2 日重新上市,直到2019年4月30日下架。闪光种子可以把朋友们变成笑笑花,并奖励成就:农民同志。

2019年 特殊的职业装备[]

Promo classes spring2019

从 3 月 19 日到4月30日,特殊的春日主题盔甲和武器上架,每一整套的总价是310金币。只能购买当前职业的装备。




效果 描述
Broad armor special spring2019Warrior
90 增加 9 点体质 加固花瓣的钢铁盔甲保护您的心脏,看起来也很时髦。增加 9 点体质。2019年春季限定版装备。
Head special spring2019Warrior
60 增加 9 点力量 这款头盔是坚不可摧的!它也吸引了蝴蝶。增加 9 点力量。2019年春季限定版装备。


Shield special spring2019Warrior
70 增加 7 点体质 叶绿素的力量让你的敌人躲避!增加 7 点体质。2019年春季限定版装备。


Weapon special spring2019Warrior
90 增加 15 点力量 翠绿的刀刃前,坏习惯退隐。增加 15 点力量。2019年春季限定版装备。




效果 描述
Broad armor special spring2019Mage
90 增加 9 点智力 这些长袍从嵌入构成布料的古代树皮纤维中的魔法树脂中收集能量。增加 9 点智力。2019年春季限定版装备。
Head special spring2019Mage
60 增加 7 点感知 发光的琥珀宝石赋予这顶帽子神秘自然力量的力量。增加 7 点感知。2019年春季限定版装备。
Weapon special spring2019Mage
160 增加 15 点智力和 7 点感知 法杖末端的琥珀里包裹了一只蚊子!不知道有没有恐龙基因。增加 15 点智力和 7 点感知。2019年春季限定版装备。




效果 描述
Broad armor special spring2019Healer
90 增加 15 点体质 你明亮的羽毛会让每个人都知道冬天的寒冷和黑暗已经过去了。增加 15 点体质。2019年春季限定版装备。
Head special spring2019Healer
60 增加 7 点智力 戴着这个可爱的鸟嘴头盔,准备好迎接春天的第一天。增加 7 点智力。2019年春季限定版装备。
Shield special spring2019Healer
70 增加 9 点体质 这个明亮的盾牌实际上是由涂有糖果的巧克力制成的。增加 9 点体质。2019年春季限定版装备。
Weapon special spring2019Healer
90 增加 9 点智力 你所唱的花雨之歌会抚慰所有听到的人的精神。增加 9 点智力。2019年春季限定版装备。




效果 描述
Broad armor special spring2019Rogue
90 增加 15 点感知 一些非常凝重的绒毛。增加 15 点感知。2019年春季限定版装备。
Head special spring2019Rogue
60 增加 9 点感知 没有人会注意到一片云静静地飘向他们藏着的黄金,对吧?增加 9 点感知。2019年春季限定版装备。
Shield special spring2019Rogue
80 增加 8 点力量 这些武器有着天和雨的力量。我们不推荐你在水中的时候用它们。增加 8 点力量。2019年春季限定版装备。
Weapon special spring2019Rogue
80 增加 8 点力量 这些武器有着天和雨的力量。我们不推荐你在水中的时候用它们。增加 8 点力量。2019年春季限定版装备。

2019年 NPC 服装变化[]


Npc bailey spring


Spring-Fling-npc justin


2018 SpringFling market banner npc

市场 (Alex)

2018 SpringFling quest shop npc

副本商店 (Ian)

2018 SpringFling seasonal shop opened npc

季度商店 (Leslie)

2018 SpringFling tavern npc

酒馆 (Daniel)

2018年 春季狂欢节 2018[]

2018年 Seasonal Shop[]

The Seasonal Shop was open and stocking springtime Seasonal Edition goodies, including the previous year's spring outfits. Everything there was available to purchase each year, but only during Spring Fling, so players were encouraged to stock up.

2018年 Quests[]

Inventory quest scroll egg
Egg Hunt, a collection quest, was re-released, and was available in the Seasonal Shop for one gem each only during the Spring Fling.

2018年 Shiny Seeds[]

Inventory special shinySeed
Avatar floral warrior

A Warrior hit by a Shiny Seed.

Shiny Seeds were re-introduced on April 4, 2018 so players could turn their friends into joyous flowers. They remained in the Seasonal Shop through April 30. They award the recipient the Agricultural Friends achievement.

2018年 Special Class Gear[]

From March 20 until April 30, special spring-themed armor and weapons were available for purchase, with the total cost of each set being 330 gold. The sets of armor are linked to class, and were as follows:



Cost (Gold)

Effect Description
Armor of Dawn
Broad armor special spring2018Warrior
90 Increases CON by 9. This colorful plate is forged with the sunrise's fire. Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.
Helm of Rays
Head special spring2018Warrior
60 Increases STR by 9. The brightness of this helm will dazzle any enemies nearby! Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.
Shield of the Morning
Shield special spring2018Warrior
70 Increases CON by 7. This sturdy shield glows with the glory of first light. Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.
Axe of Daybreak
Weapon special spring2018Warrior
90 Increases STR by 15. Made of bright gold, this axe is mighty enough to attack the reddest task! Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.



Cost (Gold)

Effect Description
Tulip Robe
Broad armor special spring2018Mage
90 Increases INT by 9. Your spell casting can only improve while clad in these soft, silky petals. Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.
Tulip Helm
Head special spring2018Mage
60 Increases PER by 7. The fancy petals of this helm will grant you special springtime magic. Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.
Tulip Stave
Weapon special spring2018Mage
160 Increases INT by 15 and PER by 7. This magic flower never wilts! Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.



Cost (Gold)

Effect Description
Garnet Armor
Broad armor special spring2018Healer
90 Increases CON by 15. Let this bright armor infuse your heart with power for healing. Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.
Garnet Circlet
Head special spring2018Healer
60 Increases INT by 7. The polished gems of this circlet will enhance your mental energy. Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.
Garnet Shield
Shield special spring2018Healer
70 Increases CON by 9. Despite its fancy appearance, this garnet shield is quite durable! Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.
Garnet Rod
Weapon special spring2018Healer
90 Increases INT by 9. The stones in this staff will focus your power when you cast healing spells! Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.



Cost (Gold)

Effect Description
Feather Suit
Broad armor special spring2018Rogue
90 Increases PER by 15. This fluffy yellow costume will trick your enemies into thinking you're just a harmless ducky! Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.
Duck-Billed Helm
Head special spring2018Rogue
60 PER]] by 9 . Quack quack! Your cuteness belies your clever and sneaky nature. Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.
Buoyant Bullrush
Shield special spring2018Rogue
80 Increases STR by 8. What might appear to be cute cattails are actually quite effective weapons in the right wings. Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.
Buoyant Bullrush
Weapon special spring2018Rogue
80 Increases STR by 8. What might appear to be cute cattails are actually quite effective weapons in the right wings. Limited Edition 2018 Spring Gear.

2018年 Customizations[]

Promo shimmer hair
Promo pastel skin

From the 5th April 2018 the Seasonal Edition Shimmer Hair Colors and Pastel Skins were again made available for purchase on the User > Customize Avatar page. They were available until the 30th of April.

2018年 NPC Costume Changes[]

To celebrate the new season, NPCs and other characters were wearing their finest spring apparel (except the Mysterious Time Travelers, who seemed to have overshot the season/traveled to the Southern Hemisphere...).

Npc bailey spring


Spring-Fling-npc justin


2018 SpringFling market banner npc

Market (Alex)

2018 SpringFling quest shop npc

Quest Shop (Ian)

2018 SpringFling seasonal shop opened npc

Seasonal Shop (Leslie)

2018 SpringFling time travelers open banner

Mysterious Time Travelers (Tyler & Vicki)

2018 SpringFling tavern npc

Tavern (Daniel)

2017年 春季狂欢节 2017[]

2017年 Seasonal Shop[]

The Seasonal Shop was open and stocking springtime Seasonal Edition goodies, including the previous year's spring outfits. Everything there was available to purchase each year, but only during Spring Fling, so players were encouraged to stock up.

2017年 Quests[]

Inventory quest scroll egg
Egg Hunt, a collection quest, was re-released, and was available in the Seasonal Shop for one gem each only during the Spring Fling.

2017年 Shiny Seeds[]

Inventory special shinySeed
Avatar floral warrior

A Warrior hit by a Shiny Seed.

Shiny Seeds were re-introduced on April 6, 2017 so players could turn their friends into joyous flowers. They remained in the Seasonal Shop through April 30. They award the recipient the Agricultural Friends achievement.

2017年 Special Class Gear[]

Promo spring classes 2017
From March 21 until April 30, special spring-themed armor and weapons were available for purchase, with the total cost of each set being 330 gold. The sets of armor are linked to class, and are as follows:



Cost (Gold)

Effect Description
Pawsome Armor
Broad armor special spring2017Warrior
90 Increases CON by 9. This fancy armor is as shiny as your finely groomed coat, but with added resistance to attack. Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Feline Helm
Head special spring2017Warrior
60 Increases STR by 9. Protect your adorable, fuzzy noggin with this finely decorated helm. Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Yarn Shield
Shield special spring2017Warrior
70 Increases CON by 7. Every fiber of this shield is woven with protective spells! Try not to play with it (too much). Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Feathery Whip
Weapon special spring2017Warrior
90 Increases STR by 15. This mighty whip will tame the unruliest task. But.. It's also… So FUN AND DISTRACTING!! Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Blue Kitty Ears
HeadAccessory special spring2017Warrior
20 Confers no benefit. These ears can hear a bag of kitty treats open even in the din of battle! Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.



Original Cost (Gold)

Effect Description
Canine Conjuror Robes
Broad armor special spring2017Mage
90 Increases INT by 9. Magical by design, fluffy by choice. Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Canine Conjuror Hat
Head special spring2017Mage
60 Increases PER by 7. This hat can help you cast mighty spells… Or you can just use it to summon tennis balls. Your choice. Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Teal Dog Ears
HeadAccessory special spring2017Mage
20 Confers no benefit. You can hear the magic in the air! Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Magic Fetching Stick
Weapon special spring2017Mage
160 Increases INT by 15.

Increases PER by 7.

When you're not crafting spells with it, you can throw it and then bring it back! What fun!! Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.


Appearance Original Cost (Gold) Effect Description
Robes of Repose
Broad armor special spring2017Healer
90 Increases CON by 15. The softness of these robes comforts you as well as any who need your healing help! Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Petal Circlet
Head special spring2017Healer
60 Increases INT by 7. This delicate crown emits the comforting scent of new Spring blooms. Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Basket Shield
Shield special spring2017Healer
70 Increases CON by 9. Protective and also handy for holding your many healing herbs and accoutrements. Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Egg Wand
Weapon special spring2017Healer
90 Increases INT by 9. The true magic of this wand is the secret of new life inside the colorful shell. Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Purple Mouse Ears
HeadAccessory special spring2017Healer
20 Confers no benefit. These ears will help you hear healing secrets. Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.


Appearance Cost (Gold) Effect Description
Sneaky Bunny Suit
Broad armor special spring2017Rogue
90 Increases PER by 15. Soft but strong, this suit helps you move through gardens with extra stealth. Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Sneaky Bunny Helm
Head special spring2017Rogue
60 Increases PER by 7. This mask will prevent your cuteness from giving you away as you sneak up on Dailies (or clovers)! Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Karrotana (main hand)
Weapon special spring2017Rogue
80 Increases STR by 8. These blades will make quick work of tasks, but also are handy for slicing vegetables! Yum! Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Karrotana (off hand)
Shield special spring2017Rogue
80 Increases STR by 8. These blades will make quick work of tasks, but also are handy for slicing vegetables! Yum! Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.
Red Bunny Ears
HeadAccessory special spring2017Rogue
20 Confers no benefit. No sounds will escape you thanks to these ears. Limited Edition 2017 Spring Gear.

2017年 Customizations[]

Promo shimmer hair
Promo pastel skin

The Seasonal Edition Shimmer Hair Colors and Pastel Skins were again made available for purchase on the User > Customize Avatar page. They were available until the 30th of April.

2017年 Shimmer Magic Hatching Potion[]

Pet HatchingPotion Shimmer
Promo shimmer potions

Shimmer Magic Hatching Potions were available in the Market from March 23 to April 19. Magic Hatching Potions cost 2 gems each and can be used to breed shimmer pets and mounts from Generation 1 eggs.

2017年 Fairy Magic Hatching Potion[]

Pet HatchingPotion Fairy
Promo fairy potions

Fairy Magic Hatching Potions were available in the Market from April 20 to May 17. Magic Hatching Potions cost 2 gems each and can be used to breed fairy pets and mounts from Generation 1 eggs.

2017年 NPC Costume Changes[]

To celebrate the new season, NPCs and other characters were wearing their finest spring apparel (except the Mysterious Time Travelers, who seemed to have overshot the season/traveled to the Southern Hemisphere...).

2016年 春季狂欢节 2016[]

2016年 Seasonal Shop[]

The Seasonal Shop was opened and stocked springtime Seasonal Edition goodies, including the previous year's spring outfits. Everything there is available to purchase each year, but only during Spring Fling, so players were encouraged to stock up.

2016年 Quests[]

Inventory quest scroll egg
Egg Hunt, a collection quest, was re-released, and was available in the Seasonal Shop for one gem each only during the Spring Fling.

2016年 Shiny Seeds[]

Inventory special shinySeed
Avatar floral warrior

A Warrior hit by a Shiny Seed.

Shiny Seeds were re-introduced so players could turn their friends into joyous flowers. They remained in the Seasonal Shop through April 30. They award the recipient the Agricultural Friends achievement.

2016年 Floral Magic Hatching Potion[]

Pet HatchingPotion Floral

Floral Magic Hatching Potions were available in the Market from April 25 to May 31, 2016. Although they were available past Spring Fling, they are considered part of the Grand Gala because they were launched during the event and complement Spring Fling items. Magic Hatching Potions cost 2 gems each and can be used to breed floral pets and mounts from Generation 1 eggs.

2016年 Special Class Gear[]

Promo spring classes 2016

Special class gear 2016

From March 19 until April 30, special spring-themed armor and weapons were available for purchase, with the total cost of each set being 330 gold. The sets of armor are linked to class, and are as follows:



Cost (Gold)

Effect Description
Mighty Mail
Broad armor special spring2016Warrior
90 Increases CON by 9. Though you be but little, you are fierce! Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Mouse Guard Helm
Head special spring2016Warrior
60 Increases STR by 9. Never again shall you be bopped on the head! Let them try! Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Cheese Wheel
Shield special spring2016Warrior
70 Increases CON by 7. You braved fiendish traps to procure this defense-boosting food. Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Cheese Mallet
Weapon special spring2016Warrior
90 Increases STR by 15. No one has as many friends as the mouse with tender cheeses. Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Red Mouse Ears
HeadAccessory special spring2016Warrior
20 Confers no benefit. To better hear your theme song across clamorous battlefields. Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.



Original Cost (Gold)

Effect Description
Grand Malkin Robes
Broad armor special spring2016Mage
90 Increases INT by 9. Brightly colored, so you won't be mistaken for a necromouser. Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Grand Malkin Hat
Head special spring2016Mage
60 Increases PER by 7. Apparel to set you above the mere alley-mages of the world. Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Yellow Cat Ears
HeadAccessory special spring2016Mage
20 Confers no benefit. These sharp ears can detect the minute hum of ambient Mana, or the muted footfalls of a Rogue. Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Staff of Bells
Weapon special spring2016Mage
160 Increases INT by 15.

Increases PER by 7.

Abra-cat-abra! So dazzling, you might mesmerize yourself! Ooh... it jingles... Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.


Appearance Original Cost (Gold) Effect Description
Fluffy Bunny Breeches
Broad armor special spring2016Healer
90 Increases CON by 15. Hippity hop! Bound from hill to hill, healing those in need. Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Blossom Diadem
Head special spring2016Healer
60 Increases INT by 7. It glints with the potential of new life ready to burst forth. Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Floral Buckler
Shield special spring2016Healer
70 Increases CON by 9. The April Fool claims this little shield will block Shiny Seeds. Don't believe him. Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Spring Flower Wand
Weapon special spring2016Healer
90 Increases INT by 9. With a wave and a wink, you bring the fields and forests into bloom! Or bop troublesome mice on the head. Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Purple Bunny Ears
HeadAccessory special spring2016Healer
20 Confers no benefit. They stand like flags above the fray, letting others know where to run for help. Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.


Appearance Cost (Gold) Effect Description
Canine Camo Suit
Broad armor special spring2016Rogue
90 Increases PER by 15. A clever pup knows to choose a brighter guise for concealment when everything is green and vibrant. Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Good Doggy Mask
Head special spring2016Rogue
60 Increases PER by 7. Aww, what a cute puppy! Come here and let me pet your head. ...Hey, where did all my Gold go? Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Fire Bolas (main hand)
Weapon special spring2016Rogue
80 Increases STR by 8. You've mastered the ball, the club, and the knife. Now you advance to juggling fire! Awoo! Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Fire Bolas (off hand)
Shield special spring2016Rogue
80 Increases STR by 8. You've mastered the ball, the club, and the knife. Now you advance to juggling fire! Awoo! Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.
Green Dog Ears
HeadAccessory special spring2016Rogue
20 Confers no benefit. With these, you can keep track of tricky Mages even if they turn invisible! Limited Edition 2016 Spring Gear.

2016年 Customizations[]

Promo shimmer hair
Promo pastel skin

On the 24th of March, the Seasonal Edition Shimmer Hair Colors and Pastel Skins, which were introduced during Spring Fling 2015, were again made available for purchase on the User > Customize Avatar page. They were available until the 30th of April.

2016年 Spring Mystery Plot[]

Show/hide mystery plot

The 2016 Spring Plot-line began on the 9th of March:

A large crowd has gathered in Productivity Plaza, just outside of the Tavern. Curious, you press forward and see people peering through a telescope, which is pointed at a strange, sparkling cloud on the horizon.

Unfortunately, it turns out that the line to look through the telescope is about an hour long! Who has that kind of time when there are tasks to conquer? Oh well. Whatever it is, you’ll probably hear all about it soon...

On the 15th of March, Habiticans received this update:

A huge, glittering cloud has been slowly drifting towards Habitica, and gossip in the streets is running wild.
“I think I saw an explosion of colored lights, like fireworks!”
“Do you hear that distant humming sound?”
“There’s a sweet scent on the breeze, for sure.”
As you stop in the Tavern on a work break, you overhear Lemoness, Redphoenix, and SabreCat murmuring to each other.
“It’s definitely him,” Lemoness whispers. “I sent my dragon on a stealth flight to check.”
Redphoenix taps a finger against her cup of tea. “Why is he so early? Even for him, this is... unexpected.”
“You don’t think he’s planning to stay in Habit City, do you?” SabreCat asks as his tiger cowers under his chair. “My pets still haven’t recovered.”
Lemoness mournfully flops forward onto the table. “I don’t know... but something tells me that we’re in for an unusual Spring Fling celebration.”

A few days later, Habiticans were introduced to a new city...

As the Spring Fling celebrations begin, a sparkling cloud descends from the sky to reveal… the floating city of Mistiflying!
Mistiflying is a flower-filled city that drifts in the clouds above Habitica, manufacturing custom rewards and raining them down on deserving Habiticans. It’s brimming with friendly, magical bees that work hard to keep the blossoms healthy and the city floating, and there’s a festive humming in the air. Looks like we’ll get a chance for plenty of parties this month! We’ve even received a visit from Mistiflying’s somewhat erratic ruler: the April Fool, a masterful rogue with a penchant for fun and an interest in illusions.

...And a new friend.

The April Fool swishes his cape over his shoulders, striding through the mists into Habit City. “Lemoness! Redphoenix! SabreCat! My dearest and most delightful friends!” He sweeps out his arms in a striking pose, and several firework displays go off behind him. “Oho, look at your faces! It’s like you aren’t even happy to see me.”
Lemoness does, in fact, seem less than thrilled. “It’s just… the last time you were here, I was kidnapped by a mutant flower uprising."
“Really! Did I cause that?”
Redphoenix smolders. “Two years ago, you turned me into an eggplant.”
"An honest misunderstanding, I am sure. But it did only last a single day!”
April Fool links his arm with SabreCat and gives the tracker a winning smile. “Which reminds me – Sabe, I can crash in your guest cottage again this month, right? No hard feelings about the Mammoth Ballet incident?”
SabreCat lets out a strangled growl, and Lemoness hastily pulls the April Fool out of claw range.
“You’re here for a whole month?” Redphoenix says. "What, did Lady Glaciate banish you from the Stoïkalm Steppes again?"
The April Fool seems affronted at the suggestion. "Rumors, hearsay, and probably lies! Still, Habit City may temporarily be a more hospitable place to hover over. For entirely unrelated reasons, you understand."
Lemoness rubs her temples.“Even so. It's not that we don’t... appreciate your yearly creativity, but we’re in the middle of the Spring Fling festivities. It’s a very busy time!!”
He taps her affectionately on the nose. “Nothing to fear, my citrusy dear! Believe me, you won’t even notice I’m here.”
Then he claps his hands, and a marching band starts up.

A week and two days after the start of the whole thing we heard...

Since the April Fool came to town, there have been non-stop parties, pranks, and parades! The only problem is, with the constant celebrations, it’s getting a teensy bit difficult to, well… accomplish any work whatsoever.
Some concerned citizens broach the issue with the April Fool, but he just chortles and raises his voice to be heard over the trombones. “Oho! Nothing to fear. I’ve discovered a trick that will keep us reaping our just rewards, even as we continue to celebrate! Just you wait and see. I’m saving it as my grand finale!”
Well, it probably won’t hurt to keep celebrating until April First. It’s only one day, after all...

On April 1 dramatic developments occurred:

The party begins like any other.
The appetizers are excellent, the music is swinging, and even the dancing elephants have become routine. Habiticans laugh and frolic amid the overflowing floral centerpieces, happy to have a distraction from their least-favorite tasks, and the April Fool whirls among them, eagerly providing an amusing trick here and a witty twist there.
As the Mistiflying clock tower strikes midnight, the April Fool leaps onto the stage to give a speech.
“Friends! Enemies! Tolerant acquaintances! Lend me your ears.” The crowd chuckles as animal ears sprout from their heads, and they pose with their new accessories.
“As you know,” the Fool continues, “my confusing illusions usually only last a single day. But I’m pleased to announce that I’ve discovered a shortcut that will guarantee us non-stop fun, without having to deal with the pesky weight of our responsibilities. Charming Habiticans, meet my magical new friend... the Be-Wilder!”
Lemoness pales suddenly, dropping her hors d'oeuvres. “Wait! Don’t trust--”
But suddenly mists are pouring into the room, glittering and thick, and they swirl around the April Fool, coalescing into cloudy feathers and a stretching neck. The crowd is speechless as an monstrous bird unfolds before them, its wings shimmering with illusions. It lets out a horrible screeching laugh.
“Oh, it has been ages since a Habitican has been foolish enough to summon me! How wonderful it feels, to have a tangible form at last.”
Buzzing in terror, the magic bees of Mistiflying flee the floating city, which sags from the sky. One by one, the brilliant spring flowers wither up and wisp away.
“My dearest friends, why so alarmed?” crows the Be-Wilder, beating its wings. “There’s no need to toil for your rewards any more. I’ll just give you all the things that you desire!”
A rain of coins pours from the sky, hammering into the ground with brutal force, and the crowd screams and flees for cover. “Is this a joke?” Baconsaur shouts, as the gold smashes through windows and shatters roof shingles.
PainterProphet ducks as lightning bolt crackle overhead, and fog blots out the sun. “No! This time, I don’t think it is!”
Quickly, Habiticans, don’t let this World Boss distract us from our goals! Stay focused on the tasks that you need to complete so we can rescue Mistiflying -- and hopefully, ourselves.

2016年 New Character[]

Npc aprilFool
A new character was introduced on 19 March in the form of April Fool, responsible for the 愚人s' events in previous years.

2016年 World Boss[]

主条目:The Be-Wilder
Quest bewilder

The Be-Wilder

The Be-Wilder, a new World Boss, appeared in the Tavern on April 1. All of the completed Dailies and To-Dos of Habiticans damaged the World Boss. Incomplete Dailies filled the Beguilement Strike Bar. When the Beguilement Strike bar was filled, the World Boss attacked an NPC. Due to Habiticans not completing their Dailies, the Be-Wilder attacked Alex the Merchant, Matt the Beast Master, and Bailey the Town Crier. Each Beguilement Strike healed the boss for a notable portion of its health.

A World Boss will never damage individual players or accounts in any way. Only active accounts who are not resting in the inn will have their incomplete Dailies tallied.

2015年 春季狂欢节 2015[]

2015年 Seasonal Shop[]

Promo springclasses2015

Habiticans enjoying the arrival of Spring with glorious new gear

The Seasonal Shop was opened and stocked springtime Seasonal Edition goodies, including last year's spring outfits. Everything there will be available to purchase each year, but only during Spring Fling, so players were encouraged to stock up.

2015年 Quests[]

Inventory quest scroll egg
Egg Hunt, a collection quest, was re-released and given to all players. Additional Egg Hunt quest scrolls are only available in the Seasonal Shop during the annual Spring Fling. As a change from the previous year, Egg Hunt egg pets can now become mounts if fed.

2015年 Shiny Seeds[]

主条目:April Fools' Day 2015
Inventory special shinySeed
Avatar floral warrior

A Warrior hit by a Shiny Seed.

Shiny Seeds were introduced so players could turn their friends into joyous flowers. They remained in the Seasonal Shop through April 30. They award the recipient the Agricultural Friends achievement.

2015年 Special Class Gear[]

From March 20 until April 30, special spring-themed armor and weapons were available for purchase, with the total cost of each set being 330 gold. The sets of armor are linked to class, and are as follows:



Original Cost (Gold)

Effect Description
Bone Club
Weapon special spring2015Warrior
90 Increases Strength by 15. It is a real bone club for real fierce doggies and is definitely not a chew toy that the Seasonal Sorceress gave you because who's a good doggy? Whoooo's a good doggy?? It's you!!! You're a good doggy!!!
Beware Armor
Broad armor special spring2015Warrior
90 Increases Constitution by 15. Limited Edition 2015 Spring Gear! Only the fiercest doggy is allowed to be this fluffy.
Beware Helm
Head special spring2015Warrior
60 Increases Strength by 9. Limited Edition 2015 Spring Gear! Beware the Helm! Only a fierce doggy can wear it. Stop laughing.
Dish Discus
Shield special spring2015Warrior
70 Increases Constitution by 7. Limited Edition 2015 spring Gear! Hurl it at your enemies.... or just hold it, because it will fill up with yummy kibble at dinnertime.
Purple Dog Ears
HeadAccessory special spring2015Warrior
20 Confers no benefit. They are purple. They are dog ears. Do not waste your time with further foolishness.



Original Cost (Gold)

Effect Description
Magician's Wand
Weapon special spring2015Mage
160 Increases Perception by 7 and Intelligence by 15. Limited Edition 2015 Spring Gear! Conjure yourself up a carrot with this fancy wand.
Magician's Bunny Suit
Broad armor special spring2015Mage
90 Increases Intelligence by 9. Limited Edition 2015 Spring Gear! Your coattails match your cottontail!
Stage Mage Hat
Head special spring2015Mage
60 Increases Perception by 7. Limited Edition 2015 spring Gear! Which came first, the bunny or the hat?
Blue Bunny Ears
HeadAccessory special spring2015Mage
20 Confers no benefit. These ears listen keenly, in case somewhere a magician is revealing secrets.



Original Cost (Gold)

Effect Description
Cat Rattle
Weapon special spring2015Healer
90 Increases Intelligence by 9. When you wave it, it makes a fascinating clickety noise that would keep ANYONE entertained for hours.
Comforting Catsuit
Broad armor special spring2015Healer
90 Increases Constitution by 15. Limited Edition 2015 Spring Gear! This soft catsuit is comfortable, and as comforting as mint tea.
Comforting Crown
Head special spring2015Healer
60 Increases Intelligence by 7. Limited Edition 2015 Spring Gear! The pearl at the center of this crown calms and comforts those around it.
Patterned Pillow
Shield special spring2015Healer
70 Increases Constitution by 9. Limited Edition 2015 spring Gear! You can rest your head on this soft pillow, or you can wrestle it with your fearsome claws. Rawr!
Green Kitty Ears
HeadAccessory special spring2015Healer
20 Confers no benefit These cute kitty ears will make others green with envy.



Original Cost (Gold)

Effect Description
Exploding Squeak (main hand) Weapon special spring2015Rogue 80 Increases Strength by 8 Don't let the sound fool you - these explosives pack a punch.
Exploding Squeak (off hand)
Shield special spring2015Rogue
80 Increases Strength by 8. Don't let the sound fool you - these explosives pack a punch.
Squeaker Robes
Broad armor special spring2015Rogue
90 Increases Perception by 15. Limited Edition 2015 Spring Gear! Furry, soft, and definitely not flammable.
Fireproof Helm
Head special spring2015Rogue
60 Increases Perception by 9. Limited Edition 2015 Spring Gear! Fire? HAH! You squeak fiercely in the face of fire!
Yellow Mouse Ears
HeadAccessory special spring2015Rogue
20 Confers no benefit These ears steel themselves against the sound of explosions.

2015年 Customizations[]

Promo pastel skin

Spring Fling pastel skin colors

A new Seasonal Edition Pastel Skin Set was available for purchase on the User > Avatar page.
Promo shimmer hair

Spring Fling Shimmer hair colors

The new Seasonal Edition Shimmer Hair Colors were also available for purchase. The avatar's hair could be dyed Shimmer Pink, Shimmer Purple, Shimmer Blue, Shimmer Green, Shimmer Orange, or Shimmer Yellow.

2014年 春季狂欢节 2014[]

2014年 NPC Costume Changes[]

To celebrate the new season, all the NPCs donned their finest Spring apparel.

2014年 Special Class Gear[]

Spring Fling Costumes

The Spring Fling special class gear.

From March 22 until April 30, special spring-themed armor and weapons were available for purchase, with the total cost of each set being 310 gold. The sets of armor are linked to classes, and are as follows:


Appearance Cost (Gold) Effect Description
Clover-steel Armor
Broad armor special springWarrior
90 Increases CON by 9. Soft as clover, strong as steel! Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Clover-steel Helmet
Head special springWarrior
40 Increases STR by 9. Welded from sweet meadow clover, this helmet can resist even the mightiest blow. Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Egg Shield
Shield special springWarrior
70 Increases CON by 7. This shield never cracks, no matter how hard you hit it! Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Carrot Sword
Weapon special springWarrior
90 Increases STR by 15. This mighty sword can slice foes with ease! It also makes a delicious mid-battle snack. Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Green Bunny Ears
HeadAccessory special springWarrior
20 Confers no benefit. Bunny ears that keenly detect every crunch of a carrot. Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.


Appearance Cost (Gold) Effect Description
Rodentia Robes
Broad armor special springMage
90 Increases INT by 9. Mice are nice! Limited Edition Spring 2014 Gear.
Swiss Cheese Hat
Head special springMage
40 Increases PER by 7. This hat stores lots of powerful magic! Try not to nibble it. Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Swiss Cheese Staff
Weapon special springMage
160 Increases INT by 15. Increases PER by 7. Only the most powerful rodents can brave their hunger to wield this potent staff. Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Blue Mouse Ears
HeadAccessory special springMage
20 Confers no benefit. These round mouse ears are silky-soft. Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.

Name Appearance Cost (Gold) Effect Description
Fuzzy Puppy Robes
Broad armor special springHealer
90 Increases CON by 15. Warm and snuggly, but protects its owner from harm. Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Crown of Friendship
Head special springHealer
40 Increases INT by 7. This crown symbolizes loyalty and companionship. A dog is an adventurer's best friend, after all! Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Squeaky Ball of Ultimate Protection
Shield special springHealer
70 Increases CON by 9. Lets out an obnoxious, continuous squeak when bitten, driving enemies away. Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Lovely Bone
Weapon special springHealer
90 Increases INT by 9. FETCH! Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Yellow Dog Ears
HeadAccessory special springHealer
20 Confers no benefit. Floppy but cute. Wanna play? Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.

Name Appearance Cost (Gold) Effect Description
Sleek Cat Suit
Broad armor special springRogue
90 Increases PER by 15. Impeccably groomed. Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Stealthy Kitty Mask
Head special springRogue
40 Increases PER by 9. Nobody will EVER guess that you are a cat burglar! Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Hook Claws (main hand)
Weapon special springRogue
80 Increases STR by 8. Great for scaling tall buildings, and also for shredding carpets. Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Hook Claws (off hand)
Shield special springRogue
80 Increases STR by 8. Great for scaling tall buildings, and also for shredding carpets. Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.
Purple Cat Ears
HeadAccessory special springRogue
20 Confers no benefit. These feline ears twitch to detect incoming treats. Limited Edition 2014 Spring Gear.

In addition, the March Mystery Item included head accessories, and had a forest theme.

2014年 Customizations[]

Flower Accessory

Head flowers, the first head accessory ever released.

A new kind of customization option, the head accessory, was added. The first head accessory was a collection of flowers for your character's head, which appeared in the User > Avatar section. Head accessories were also included with the Special Class Gear. These flowers are recolors of the original flower that denoted a female character in January 2013.


The pastel hair colors.

In addition, Habitica introduced a limited-edition pastel hair set.

2014年 Quests[]

As part of the event, new pet quests were announced:

  • Inventory quest scroll egg
    Egg Hunt, a collection quest, which has also been made available during subsequent Spring Flings. Unlike most pet quests, this is a collection quest and rewards 10 eggs.
