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This page intentionally contains outdated links to one or more guilds on Habitica. Guilds and the Tavern were removed from Habitica on August 8, 2023 and these links will no longer work.

The reason provided for keeping these links was: News entries are kept as-is for historical reference.

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Aktuella Nyheter[]



Mysteriet av Mästerklasserna Serieuppdrag[]

Quest lostMasterclasser4

Vem är denna gåtfulla fiende?

Det finns ett set av nya guldköpbara uppdrag tillgängliga i Uppdragsbutiken: Mysteriet av Mästerklasserna Serieuppdraget! Efter några av Habiticas invånare är besatta av mysteriska och ondskefulla objekt så har fyra Mästerklasser kommit till dig för din hjälp i deras uppdrag att hitta och besegra den gåtfulla fienden som ligger bakom dessa gräsliga handlingar. Kan du hjälpa dom att rädda Habitica? Om du kan besegra den mest kraftfulla fienden i spelet så kommer du att bli belönad ett exklusivt Aether Utrustnings-set... och ett sällsynt Riddjur.

Mysteriet av Mästerklasserna är endast en del av historien som berättas i de guldköpbara uppdragen så du måste slutföra alla fyra av dom för att låsa upp den. Ingen av de guldköpbara serieuppdragen är begränsade utgåvor så du har mycket tid att spara upp nog med guld!

av SabreCat, Beffymaroo, ochLemoness

Skriven av Lemoness

Konst av AnnDeLune, Beffymaroo, Katy133, Tuqjoi, Kiwibot, stefalupagus, och tricksy.fox



Övernaturliga Hudfärger och Besatta Hårfärger[]

Promo fall customizations 2017

Säsongs-utgåvan Besatta Hårfärger är nu tillgängliga för köp i karaktärsaffären! Nu kan du färga din karaktärs hår till Pumpa, Midnatt, Candy Corn, Spökvitt, Zombie, eller Halloween. Skaffa dom innan den 31:a Oktober!

Promo bundle witchyFamiliars

Det Övernaturliga Hudfärger setet är också tillgängligt tills den 31:a Oktober! Nu kan din karaktär bli ett Troll, ett Skelett, en Pumpa, Candy Corn, en Reptil eller en Skräckskugga.

Säsongs-objekt återkommer oförändrade varje år men dom är bara tillgängliga för köp under en kort period. Skaffa dom nu, eller så behöver du vänta tills nästa år!

av Lemoness, mariahm, och crystal phoenix

Spökdjur Uppdragsbunt[]

Om du letar efter att lägga till några husdjur till ditt Habitica stall för att matcha din Höstfestivals-utrustning så har du tur! Från och med nu till den 31:a Oktober kan du köpa Spökdjur Uppdragsbunt och få Rått-, Spindel-, och Groduppdrag - allt för bara 7 Diamanter! Det är en rabatt på 5 Diamanter ifall du skulle köpt dom separat. Kolla in dom i Uppdragsbutiken idag!

av Lemoness och SabreCat

Konst av Pandah, UncommonCriminal, Arcosine, starsystemic, RosemonkeyCT, Jon Arjinborn, och Breadstrings

Skriven av Token, Arcosine, och Fluitare

Om råttor och/eller spindlar är något du skulle föredra att inte se i Habitica på grund av fobi, kolla då in Fobi-beskyddnings Tillägget vilket kommer gömma alla husdjur, riddjur, bakgrunder, uppdragsbossar, eller utrustning som har råttor och/eller spindlar med (också ormar, bin, zombies, skelett, eller en annan kombination). Vi hoppas att det hjälper till att göra allas Habitica upplevelse rolig!

Blogginlägg: Handskas Med Olika Mål[]

Scene raking leaves

Denna månads Wiki artikel är om att handskas med olika mål! Vi hoppas att det hjälper dig när du lägger till uppgifter med oregelbundna deadlines till dina listor. Kolla in den och låt oss veta vad du tycker genom att kontakta oss på Twitter, Tumblr, och Facebook. av Beffymaroo och Wiki Trollkarlarna



Oktober Bakgrunder och Kist-objekt![]

Promo armoire backgrounds 201710

Vi har lagt till tre nya bakgrunder till karaktärsaffären! Din karaktär kan nu tassa igenom Tjärgropar, smyga ner i hallen på ett Spökhotell, eller njuta av glöden från Magiska Ljus.

Plus, det finns nya guldköpbar utrustning i den Förtrollade kistan, Ljusmakar-Set inkluderat. Bäst att du jobbar hårt på dina verkliga uppgifter för att få alla delar! :)

av jordanzimmerman, nekoatsumelarper, vampitch, reesa3, Chimera Liani, och mewrose

Bugg-fixar Fortsätter Att Komma![]

Hallå Habiticaner! <3 Vi har släppt en till sats av bugg-fixar! Tack allihop igen för era rapporteringar:

  • Vi fixade felet som förhindrade att kunna göra checklistorna ihopfällbara!
  • Vi fixade buggen där några användare som nådde 0 hälsa fick sitt hälsofält fast så utan att det vart påfyllt.
  • Du kan nu uppgradera Gillen till Grupplaner genom att använda Stripe!
  • Vi fixade problemen med att meddelandet från Bailey inte kunda scrollas ner om det sammanföll med flera pop-ups.
  • Vi fixade några buggar som hindrade att användare kunde prenumerera med Amazon.
  • Vi har stoppat er från att öppna någons profil om deras karaktär inte är fullt laddad (vilket resulterar i att fel profil visas).
  • Alla Snabbförrådsfält kommer nu ihåg om du minimerat dom eller inte och förblir oförändrad i det läget om du laddar om sidan eller går ifrån den sidan till en annan.
  • Vi har förhindrat att filtermenyn stängs av misstag om du är i redigeringsläge.
  • Pop-ups avbryter inte längre Registrera Gårdagens Aktivitets modulen.
  • Laddningsfältet är tillbaka när du gör något på sidan!
  • När du köper något från butiken so kommer inte bekräftningsfältet up för resten av din session.
  • Gruppfakturering är tillbaka i Grupp-planerna!
  • Användare med många Att-Göra kan bocka av den sista Att-Göra på deras lista igen.
  • Vi fixade buggarna där den Förtrollade Kistan inte korrekt rapporterade vad man hade fått ibland.
  • Den Förtrollade Kistan säger nu hur mycket erfarenhet du fått.
  • Om du redan äger Fladdermustjuv-setet så finns Spöklikt Glitter i Säsongs-butiken.
  • Opaka drycker och andra transformeringsobjektsbotningsmedel finns nu tillgängliga i Belöningsfältet igen!
  • Den Förtrollade Kistan och Hälsodrycker köps nu med ett enda klick, med inget pop-up.
  • Brutal Krossning och andra uppgifts-intriktade förmågor kan inte längre bocka av uppgifter av misstag.
  • Om du gör din skärm väldigt liten förhindras du inte från att komma åt alla navigationsobjekt.
  • Vi fixade problemet med den begränsade identifieraren från att bli avskuren från Belöningsfältet när ett objekt var placerat på toppen av raden.
  • Vi fixade en bugg som förhindrade antal notiser från att visas!
  • Transformationsobjekt tar nu omedelbar effekt utan att behöva ladda om sidan.
  • Du kan nu använda emoji och andra Markdowns i Utmaningstitlar igen.
  • Utrustningsobjekt som inte hör till en specifik klass kan nu hittas i Marknaden under Utrustning > Klass > Ingen.

Ladda om sidan för att se korrigeringarna! Om du fortfarande stöter på dessa problem efter du har laddat om sidan, gå till Rapportera en Bugg Gillen så kommer vi att undersöka saken. Tack för att du är en del av Habitica!

Omdesign Feedback Formulär Tillgängligt[]

Nu när den nya designen av Habitica har varit ute i en vecka och att vi haft tid att fixa en del av buggarna så vill vi öppna ett formulär för eran feedback. Vänligen notera att några funktioner (som att kunna lägga till uppgifter ovanför varje kolumn, sync knappen, lägg till toppen/botten, och att man kan lägga till många uppgifter på en gång) är fortfarande i konstruktion och vårt team jobbar fortfarande hårt för att fixa buggarna. För att se om dina problem redan har blivit behandlade, kolla då in Vanliga Frågor Omdesign och Lista På Kända Buggar!

Även fast vi först tänkte samla in feedback genom Trello så har vi hört oro från gemenskapen att det skulle varit svårt eftersom det skulle betyda att folk måste bli medlem med ytterliggare konton. P.g.a den anledningen har vi bestämt att samla in feedack via ett Google Formulär. Vi hoppas att detta gör det enklare att berätta för oss vad du tycker! Vi är ivriga att få era åsikter så att vi kan jobba på att göra Habitica det bästa det kan bli.

Vi är ett väldigt litet team och för många av oss är Habitica kärlekens arbete. Tack allihop så mycket för erat tålamod och stöd under denna övergång -- det betyder allt för oss.

Ny Ta Denna Utmaning[]

Promo take this

Nästa Take This Utmaning har släppts Multiplayer Co-Op Träning! som fokuserar på att träna med en partner. Kom ihåg att kolla in den för att tjäna en extra del av Take This rustning-set!

Take This är icke-kommersiell som försöker att informera spelgemenskapen om problem med mental hälsa, ge ut information om psykiska sjukdomar och hur man förhindrar psykiska sjukdomar, och att reducera vad mentala sjukdomar lämnar efter sig.

Grattis till vinnarna av den förra Take This Utmaningen "Hjältens Triumf!": största priset-vinnaren David Rule, och andra-platsare José Barata Gonçalves, Ar_tem, Ziggy, schooler, och Ayano. Alla deltagare i utmaningen har fått en del av Take This objekt-set om dom inte redan har det kompletta setet. Den finns i Marknaden under Klass > Ingen. Njut!

av Doctor B, Take This gruppen, Lemoness, och SabreCat



Spöklikt Glitter och Säsongs-Butik[]

Promo spooky sparkles 2016

Det finns ett nytt gulköpbart objekt i Säsongs-butiken: Spöklikt Glitter! Köp några och använd det på dina vänner. Jag undrar vad det gör?

Om någon har användt Spökligt Glitter på dig så kommer du att få ett "Oroväckande Vänner" emblem! Oroa dig inte, alla mysteriska effekter kommer att försvinna till nästa dag.... eller så kan du ta bort dom i förtid genom att köpa en Opak Dryck!

När du är där så kolla in alla andra objekt i Säsongs-Butiken! Det finns massor med utrustning från tidigare Höstfestivaler. Säsongs-butkien kommer bara vara öppen till 31:a Oktober så samla allt nu.

av Lemoness och SabreCat

Uppdateringar till iOS och Android-appar![]

Det finns nya spännande uppdatering till våra Android-, och iOS-appar! I båda har vi uppdaterat designen på Affärerna och Belöningskolumnen. Plus, nu kan du fästa objekt du vill ha från Butiken till din Belöningskolumn! Vi hoppas att detta uppgraderar din karaktär och att tjäna Belöningar från dina uppgifter blir ännu mer motiverande.

Android-användare kan nu också återställa deras konto via appen!

I iOS appen så har vi förbättrat VoiceOver stödet för bättre tillgänglighet. Vi välkommnar era åsikter på denna funktion via appens "Skicka Feedback" alternativ.

Vi hoppas du tycker om uppdateringarna! Kom ihåg att ladda ner dom nu för en bättre Habitica upplevelse!

Om du gillar förbättringarna som vi har gjort med våra appar, överväg gärna att recensera de nya versionerna. Det hjälper oss mycket!

av viirus och piyorii

Promo redesign login

Nya Buggfixar Efter Uppdateringen![]

Hallå Habiticaner! <3 Vi har släppt en ny stor sats av buggfixar! Tusen tack för erat tålamod och för att ni tar er tid för att rapportera dessa buggar. Några ändringar:

  • P.g.a oron om tillgänglighet och användningen av Uppgifts-sidan har vi tagit bort scrollfälten på de olika Uppgiftskolumnerna.
  • P.g.a oron om att förmågofältet är för stort har vi släppt en ny, mer kompakt design! Den borde nu också stanna minimerad när du väl har minimerat den en gång förut så att den inte blockerar uppgifterna hela tiden.
  • Nu behöver du inte längre klicka på "Lägg till Filter" – dom tar automatiskt effekt när du bockar och bockar av dom! Menyn stängs också när du flyttar din mus ifrån den för att minska antalet klickningar.
  • Genom att klicka på "Daterade" sorteras dina Att-Göra automatiskt efter datum.
  • Om du skapar en uppgift när du har ett filter taggas uppgiften automatiskt med det filtret!
  • Era stall är nu korrekt konfigurerade så att raden av Your Stables are now correctly configured so that the rows husdjur och riddjur inte blandas ihop på mindre skärmar!
  • Du kan nu klicka direkt på ett Riddjur för att rida den!
  • Vi har fixat en del buggar som förhindrade att någre personer inte kunde prenumerera eller köpa diamanter, men en del problem kvarstår. Snälla var säker på att rapportera dessa buggar i Rapportera En Bugg (länkad nedan) så kommer vi hjälpa dig genast!
  • Du borde nu kunna ta bort uppgifter när du lämnar en Utmaning!
  • Du kan redigera Utmaningstaggar igen!
  • Vi fixade den förvirrande placeringen av "Skicka" knappar i chatten.
  • Vi fixade några stilproblem som orsakade att Uppdrag såg konstiga ut ibland.
  • När du redigerar en Gille så kommer den göra dig till ledare automatiskt.
  • "Medlemmar" etiketten är nu kallad "Medlemslista" för att hjälpa till att klargöra att du kan klicka på den för att se alla medlemmar av ett Sällskap, Gille, eller Utmaning!
  • If you have a pending quest, you can now see which members have accepted before you start your quest.
  • När du klarar av ett uppdrag så kommer belöningspopup:en tillbaka igen!
  • Du kan nu redigera Sällskap normalt!
  • Du kan nu korrekt fördela dina Statistik-poäng utan att behöva ladda om sidan!
  • Om du valt att inte välja en klass så kommer det nu ingen onöding varning om att det kostar 3 Diamanter.
  • Du kan inte längre blocka dig själv från din profil av misstag.
  • Mystiska Timglas visas nu bara i headern om du har mer än ett. (Tack för att du prenumererar!)
  • Markdown funkar i Utmaningstitlar igen!
  • Du kan nu klona Utmaningar igen!
  • Baileys nyheter laddas på mobilapparna igen!
  • De röda ID notiserna i hörnet borde vara borta!
  • Chatt prestandan borde vara bättre. (Vi undersöker fortfarande för att göra det bättre, så låt oss veta i Rapportera En Bugg Gille om chattlagg fortfarande händer dig!)

Ladda om sidan för att njuta av dessa fixar! Om du fortfarande har problem med dom efter att ha laddat om sidan, låt oss veta i Rapportera En Bugg Gille så kommer vi undersöka saken :) Om du har feedback om uppdateringen som inte är relaterat till buggar eller omedelbara tillgångsproblem så ska vi öppna en allmän Trello för dessa kommentarer den 5:e Oktober!

Tack för att ni är en så bra gemenskap! Det betyder mycket för oss <3

September 2017[]



Välkommen till det nya Habitica! Vi är så ivriga för att dela det med er tillslut. Detta projekt som har varit kärlekens arbete sen förra December är den största uppdateringen som Habitica någonsin har släppt (med över 150 sidor av designer, en total omskrivning av alla våra fram-slut koder, otaliga rundor av testning och upprepning och många, många möten). Ladda bara om sidan för att ladda den nya hemsidan!

Promo redesign login

Du kan hitta hela listan av ändringar och förklaringar för varför vi gjorde dom här men här är några snabba tips för att hjälpa dig bli orienterad:

Promo seasonal shop fall 2017
  • Det är tonvis av ny konst överallt på sidan! Kika på chatten till Gillena och NPC:erna och beundra förändringarna.
  • Klicka på dina uppgifter för att få upp redigerings-modulen!
  • Navigationsfältet har flera ändringar för att bli mer intuitiv för nya användare så vi rekommenderar att ta din tid till att öppna de ihopfällbara menyerna och bekanta dig med de nya platserna. Notera att Användarmenyn har flyttats till en ikon i längst upp i det högra hörnet.
  • Du kan nu fästa vilket köpbart objekt som helst till dina Belöningar. Du kan fästa dit Bakgrudner också! Håll bara musen över objekt-ikonen och klicka på nålen. När du sedan går tillbaka till uppgifts-sidan så kommer du se det fastnålade objekted i din Belöningskolumn!
  • Nu finns det massor med nya filteralternativ, särskilt för Gillen och Utmaningar!
  • Det finns visuella uppgraderingar till varje aspekt av sidan; från först sidan till Säsongs-butiken. Vi hoppas att ni tycker om dom!
  • Några av dessa uppgraderingar har kommit till våra iOS och Android appar! Kom ihåg att ladda ner de senaste uppdateringarna för att få den bästa prestandan.

Har du allmäna frågor om hur den nya sidan fungerar? Kom och fråga i Habitica Hjälp-gillen så hjälper vi gärna till! Om du stöter på en bug som inte fixas av att ladda om sidan så kan du rapportera det till Rapportera En Bug Gille så kommer vi att undersöka så fort som möjligt.

Om du har åsikter om den nya designen så ser vi fram emot att höra dom. Den 12:e Oktober öppnar vi ett Trello-kort för offentliga kommentarer på omdesignen. Detta försenande ger oss tid att fokusera på att svara allmänna frågor och fixa buggar som kan komma upp. På grund av detta vill vi fråga er att vänta med att dela er feedback om den nya designen tills Trello-kortet är live och länkad i Baileys meddelande. Tack för att ni förstår!

Promo veteran pets 2017

Detta är en stor förändring för Habitica så för att tacka för erat tålamåd har vi gett allihop ett Veteran-husdjur! Nya användare har fått en Veteran Varg och äldre användare har fått (beroende på vilka husdjur dom redan har) en Veteran Tiger, ett Veteran Lejon eller en Veteran Björn. Gå till det nya Stallet och filtrera till Specialhusdjurs-sektionen för att se det nyaste tillägget till ditt menageri!

Vi är så taggade på att fortsätta bygga upp Habitica med er. Gå och kolla in det nu!

Tack för att ni spelar och lycka till med era uppgifter <3

av Apollo, piyorii, TheHollidayInn, Paglias, Negue, Sabe, Alys, viirus, Lemoness, redphoenix, beffymaroo, och alla våra grymma testare!



Spooky and Ghost Hatching Potions![]

Promo ghost spooky potions

There's a new pet breed in town! Between now and October 31st, you can buy Spooky Hatching Potions and Ghost Hatching Potion from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.) Magic Potion Pets aren't picky, so they'll happily eat any kind of food that you feed them!

After they're gone, it will be at least a year before the Ghost and Spooky Hatching Potions are available again, so be sure to get them now!

by Lemoness, Hermi, and SabreCat

Habitica Upgrade: September 28th[]

As many of you know, Habitica is getting a major design upgrade. We’re excited to announce that we will be launching it this week on Thursday, September 28th. We can’t wait!

As a reminder, this design upgrade was created based on tons of feedback collected from Habiticans over time, and includes:

Promo redesign login
  • An emphasis on making the world of Habitica feel more immersive, including new NPC banners that show cool

scenes, avatars that are visible in chat, and a login page highlighting the night-time Habitica countryside

Promo avatar chat
  • Fun new features such as categories for Guilds and Challenges, more filtering options, and the ability to customize your Reward column by pinning any purchasable item in the game.
  • A cleaner look that is more intuitive to learn, and more consistent with our mobile apps
  • A special veteran pet awarded to all users!

If you’d like a sneak peek of the many tweaks that we have in store, you can find a comprehensive list here that explains what changed and why we changed it.

We know that some of these changes may be tough to get used to at first, so on October 12th we will be opening a Trello card for public comments on the redesign. This will give us time to answer questions as people are adjusting, as well as fix any bugs that might arise. Also, for users who are currently using a third-party style extension, keep in mind that these extensions may not function after the redesign, depending on whether the creator of the style extension has updated it. We’re happy to help style extension creators in the Aspiring Comrades Guild.

Keep in mind that the redesign launch is likely to happen later in the day on Thursday (Pacific time), so keep an eye out for the Bailey announcement telling you to refresh the page. Thanks so much for your patience -- we can’t wait to unveil the new site for everyone!

by Apollo, piyorii, TheHollidayInn, Paglias, Negue, SabreCat, Alys, viirus, Lemoness, redphoenix, beffymaroo, and all our awesome testers!



Limited Edition Class Outfits[]

Promo classes fall 2017
From now until October 31st, limited edition outfits are available in the Rewards column! Depending on your class, you can be a Habitoween Warrior, a Masquerade Mage, a Haunted House Healer, or a Trick-or-Treat Rogue. You'd better get productive to earn enough gold before your time runs out...

by AnnDeLune, ʂʈєƒąʃųƥągųʂ, Katy133, Lilith of Alfheim, Beffymaroo, and SabreCat

Seasonal Shop Opens[]

Promo classes fall 2016 backgrounds
The Seasonal Shop has opened! It's stocking autumnal Seasonal Edition goodies at the moment, including past fall outfits. Everything there will be available to purchase during the Fall Festival event each year, but it's only open until October 31st, so be sure to stock up now, or you'll have to wait a year to buy these items again!

by Definitely not a villain, ShoGirlGeek. cataclysms, maxpendragon, Lemoness, and SabreCat

NPC Outfits[]

Seasonalshop open
Everyone has hastened down to the Flourishing Fields to celebrate this spooky harvest festival. Be sure to check out all the new outfits that people are sporting! by Shaner, Lemoness, and Beffymaroo



Wiki Spotlight on Cheating[]

Scene cheating

This month's featured Wiki article is about Cheating! We hope that it will help you as you balance motivation with accountability. Be sure to check it out, and let us know what you think by reaching out on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.

by Beffymaroo and the Wiki Wizards

September Subscriber Item Set Revealed![]

Promo mystery 201709

The September Subscriber Item Set has been revealed: the Sorcery Student Item Set! You only have twelve days to receive the item set when you subscribe. If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Equipment to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.

by Lemoness



September Subscriber Item Set Revealed![]

Promo mystery 201709

The September Subscriber Item Set has been revealed: the Sorcery Student Item Set! You only have twelve days to receive the item set when you subscribe. If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Equipment to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.

by Lemoness



Costume Challenge[]

Promo behindthescenes costume

The Community Costume Challenge has begun! Between now and October 31st, dress up as your avatar in real life and post a photo on social media to get the coveted Costume Challenge badge! Read the full rules on the Challenge page.

by Lemoness

Behind the Scenes: A Costume-Making Adventure with Beffymaroo[]

There's a new Behind the Scenes post on the Habitica Blog! Join Beffymaroo as she discusses the process of creating a costume for a masquerade ball. Check out step-by-step photos, and tips for getting started on creating your own costumes!

by Beffymaroo



New Discounted Pet Quest Bundle: Farm Friends[]

Promo bundle farm
If you are looking to add critters from the barnyard to your Habitica stable, you're in luck! From now until September 30, you can purchase the Farm Friends Pet Quest Bundle and receive the Sheep, Cow, and Horse quests, all for only 7 Gems! That's a discount of 5 Gems from the price of purchasing them separately. Check it out in the Quest Shop today!

by Lemoness and SabreCat

Art by UncommonCriminal, Soloana, fuzzytrees, Feralem Tau, Eevachu, Beffymaroo, JessicaChase, starsystemic, nonight, Misceo and Tocath

Writing by schizelle, VikingRunner, Salambander, Leephon, and Lemoness

Welcome to Our Newest Moderator: Fox_town![]

We're very excited to announce that we've added a new moderator to the team: a long-time Socialite, staple of the community, and friend to many of you... Fox_town! Head to the Tavern to congratulate them.



Habitica T-Shirts Are Back![]

Habitica Gryphon Shirt-Purple
We're running another Teespring campaign!

For a limited time, you can grab Habitica T-shirts! This U.S.-only Teespring campaign will only run until September 14, so hurry if you want to snap one up!

Our Teespring campaigns are driven by demand, so if you'd like mugs, onesies, or other items for E.U. Habiticans, be sure to go to our Teespring store and reserve the item you want. Once enough items are reserved, the item will automatically be printed.

Thanks for supporting Habitica!

by Redphoenix and Sara Olson



Scene languages

Use Case Spotlight on Language Learning[]

This month's Use Case Spotlight is about Learning Languages! It features a number of great suggestions submitted by Habiticans in the Use Case Spotlights Guild. We hope it helps any of you who might be trying to learn a second language (or a third! Or more!).

Plus, we're collecting user submissions for the next spotlight! How do you use Habitica to cultivate positivity? We’ll be featuring player-submitted examples in Use Case Spotlights on the Habitica Blog at the start of next month, so post your suggestions in the Use Case Spotlight Guild now. We look forward to learning more about how you use Habitica to improve your life and get things done!

by Beffymaroo



Promo backgrounds armoire 201709

September Backgrounds and Armoire Items![]

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can stroll Beside a Well, work in a Garden Shed, and create masterpieces in the Pixelist's Workshop.

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Farrier Set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :) by SabreCat, CitrineSun, GeraldThePixel, Pandah and Awesome kitty

iOS Update![]

We've released a new update to our iOS app! In this update, we've fixed two pesky bugs! First, we've added a fix for the bug that caused users to be logged out of the app frequently. We've also fixed the issue where blank spaces appeared in the spots for your non-Due Dailies.

We hope you enjoy the update! Be sure to download it now for a better Habitica experience!

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! Old reviews get hidden with each update, but if you go to the review section you can re-post them again with a single tap. by Viirus



Promo take this

September Take This Challenge: Hero's Triumph![]

The next Take This Challenge has launched, "Hero's Triumph!", with a focus on volunteerism. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Keep Calm and Carry On!": grand prize winner wakupedia, and runners-up Sarah Blake, Drago Nar, secretlondon, Birgitte, and LifeChanging! Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set, if they hadn't completed the set already. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, and SabreCat

August 2017[]



Promo ember potions

Last Chance for Lava Warrior Set[]

Promo mystery 201708
Reminder: you only have three days to subscribe and receive the Lava Warrior Set! Subscribing also lets you buy gems for gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

by Lemoness

Last Chance for Ember Hatching Potions[]

Reminder: there are three days left to buy Ember Hatching Potions! If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!

by Balduranne, tricksy.fox, and SabreCat



Official Back-to-School Challenge Reminder[]

Scene studying
Don't forget that Habitica's latest official Challenge, the Back-to-School Preparation Challenge, is still running over the course of the next month! Join the Challenge and check off the tasks to make the start of the school year go more smoothly. Plus, you'll have a chance to win up to 10 gems!

Already feel that you're past the transition point and the school year is well in hand? Check out some of our school-focused Guilds, such as The Scholars, The High School Scholars, College Info Geek, or The Graduate Student Guild, to find a community that can keep you accountable year-round.

by Lemoness

Update on Site Redesign[]

As some of you may recall, the Habitica staff has been working on a massive site upgrade for quite some time. Originally, we were hoping to launch by the end of August, but as we approached that deadline, the team unanimously determined that we could provide a better user experience if we took more time to really work on testing and bug-fixing so that when we do launch the new site, it's the best that it can be. We know that Habiticans rely on us every day, and we take that responsibility very seriously. We're so proud of what we've accomplished so far -- over 150 pages of new designs, a complete rewrite of the website's frontend code, and tons of upgrades and improvements -- and it's really important to us that when we launch it, we launch it right.

Luckily, you don't need to wait until the release for a sneak peek of what's to come! We've debuted the new login page on our iOS and Android apps. Keep an eye out for future updates as well.

Thanks for understanding. We've been incredibly lucky to have such a caring and vibrant community, and your support means the world to us. We wish you good luck as you go forth to conquer your tasks!



iOS Update![]

Promo ios login
We've released a new iOS update! In this update, we've added an exciting new introduction and a fancy new login screen featuring a lovely nighttime Habitica landscape. There's also an improved tutorial to help new Habiticans get started with slaying their tasks! And last but not least, we've made Habitica prettier by updating some of our design elements.

We hope you enjoy the update! Be sure to download it now for a better Habitica experience!

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! Old reviews get hidden with each update, but if you go to the review section you can re-post them again with a single tap.

by Viirus



August Subscriber Items Revealed![]

Promo mystery 201708
The August Subscriber Items have been revealed: the Lava Warrior Item Set! You only have 14 days to receive the item set when you subscribe. If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Equipment to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.

by Lemoness

Blog Post: Using Habitica for Schoolwork[]

Scene studying
This month's featured Wiki article is about Using Habitica for Schoolwork! We hope that it will help you as you prepare for the new school year. Be sure to check it out, and let us know what you think by reaching out on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. by Beffymaroo and the Wiki Wizards



Guild Spotlight: Learn New Things![]

Scene studying

There's a new Guild Spotlight on the blog that highlights the Guilds that can help you as you Learn New Things! Check it out now to find Habitica's best communities for folks who want to expand their knowledge!

by Beffymaroo



New Pet Quest: Hippo![]

Quest hippo
A hoodwinking hippo attempts to ruin a productive day on the Sloensteadi Savannah by criticizing you for taking a break! Get the latest pet quest, The Hippo-Crite, and earn some happy hippo pets by completing your real-life tasks.

Art by khdarkwolf, ju.morales, Awesomekitty, Vampitch, Euan1, Shogirlgeek, and Willow the Witty

Writing by Mike.Antonacci

Use Case Spotlight: Learning New Things[]

Scene studying
This month's Use Case Spotlight is about Learning New Things! It features a number of great suggestions submitted by Habiticans in the Use Case Spotlights Guild. We hope it helps any of you who might be going back to school, or just looking to gain knowledge!

Plus, we're collecting user submissions for the next spotlight! How do you use Habitica to Learn Languages? We’ll be featuring player-submitted examples in Use Case Spotlights on the Habitica Blog at the start of next month, so post your suggestions in the Use Case Spotlight Guild now. We look forward to learning more about how you use Habitica to improve your life and get things done!

by Beffymaroo



Ember Hatching Potions[]

Promo ember potions
There's a new pet breed in town! Between now and August 31st, you can buy Ember Hatching Potions from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.) Ember Pets aren't picky, so they'll happily eat any kind of food that you feed them!

After they're gone, it will be at least a year before the Ember Hatching Potions are available again, so be sure to get them now!

by Balduranne, tricksy.fox, and SabreCat

Official Challenge: Back-to-School Preparation![]

The school year is looming large for many scholarly Habiticans, so we've prepared a special Back-to-School Challenge to help with the transition between summer and semester. Check it out now for a chance to win: 9 people will be awarded 5 gems each, and the grand prize winner will get 10 gems and the achievement!

by Lemoness



Promo backgrounds armoire 201708

August Backgrounds and Armoire Items![]

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can ride on the Back of a Giant Beast, boldly explore the Desert Dunes, and celebrate Habitica's Naming Day with Summer Fireworks!

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Yellow Party Dress and the Anti-Procrastination Armor Set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

by Vampitch, khdarkwolf, thegrimsqueaker, ystockings, and eyenne

Promo take this

New Take This Challenge![]

The next Take This Challenge has launched, "Keep Calm and Carry On!", with a focus on deep breathing to settle one's stress. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Promo sdcc 2017

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Test Thy Courage!": grand prize winner SciStar, and runners-up minaqo, dnux, Karzn, Odeloen, and Benign_K! Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if they hadn't completed it already. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, and SabreCat


New Badge and Achievement: Invited a Friend[]

There's a brand new badge you can earn when a friend you've invited to Habitica signs up! If you've already invited a friend who joined Habitica through the "Invite a Friend" feature on your Party page, you've received the achievement automatically! We hope that you have fun together.

by minac, Drueth, and SabreCat

Behind the Scenes: Habitica at Comic-Con![]

There's a new Behind the Scenes post on the Habitica Blog about our recent trip to San Diego Comic-Con! Check it out for some fun photos and stories about our Con adventures!

by Beffymaroo

July 2017[]



Habitica Naming Day[]


Happy Habitica Naming Day! In honor of the day when we changed the name of the app from HabitRPG to Habitica, we've given everyone an achievement, as well as some delicious cake for your pets and mounts.

by Lemoness and SabreCat

Habitica Purple Gryphons[]

Promo naming day 2017

Speaking of pets and mounts, we've given all new users our Purple Gryphon Mount, Melior! If you already received Melior last year, we've given you his little sister Meliora, a Purple Gryphon Pet. You can find them in the Rare Pet/Rare Mount sections of the stable! Already had both of them? Now you get a cool Purple Gryphon Helm in the Rewards column!

Thanks for being a Habitica user -- you all mean so much to us. We hope that you enjoy your presents!

by Lemoness, Beffymaroo, and Baconsaur

Coming Soon: Habitica Levels Up[]

Promo redesign header

We're very excited to announce a big change that we've been working on for a long time: Habitica is getting a huge design upgrade that will make it faster, prettier, and easier to use!

In particular, many of our design choices are the result of a ton of user feedback that we’ve been compiling over time.

The upgrade will be happening later this August, so stay tuned for more details soon! Some exciting things to look forward to:

Promo redesign tavern
  • An emphasis on making the world of Habitica feel more immersive, including new NPC banners that show cool scenes, avatars that are visible in chat, and a login page highlighting the night-time Habitica countryside
  • Fun new features such as tags for Guilds and Challenges, more filtering options, and the ability to customize your Reward column by pinning any purchasable item in the game.
  • A cleaner look that is more intuitive to learn, and more consistent with our mobile apps
  • A special veteran pet awarded to all users!
Promo redesign login

Keep an eye on upcoming Bailey announcements for more information soon!

by Paglias, TheHollidayInn, Negue, Apollo, piyorii, beffymaroo, Lemoness, redphoenix, viirus, and the rest of the Habitica Team



Promo aquatic potions

Last Chance for Jellymancer Set[]

Promo mystery 201707

Reminder: you only have two days to subscribe and receive the Jellymancer Set! Subscribing also lets you buy gems for gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running. by Lemoness

Last Chance for Aquatic Hatching Potions[]

Reminder: there are only two days left to buy Aquatic Hatching Potions! If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!

by Stefalupagus and Beffymaroo

Habiticans Helping Entrepreneurs[]

Did you know that Habitica has partnered with Seeds, an organization that sends micro-loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries? When you buy the 84-gem pack in the apps, a portion of the proceeds will go directly to small business owners in developing countries to help improve their lives. Last month alone, Habitica provided an estimated 128 micro-loans to entrepreneurs in Kenya thanks to the generosity of Habitica users!

You can learn more about how it works by tapping the gem icon in your app. Check it out!



Hatching a Dragon Scene by Leephon

Guild Spotlight on Pet Care[]

There's a new Guild Spotlight on the blog that highlights the Guilds that can help you as you care for your animal companions! Check it out now to find Habitica's best Pet Care communities.

by Beffymaroo



Promo mystery 201707

July Subscriber Items Revealed![]

The July Subscriber Items have been revealed: the Jellymancer Item Set! You only have six days to receive the item set when you subscribe. If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Market to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.

by Lemoness

Hatching a Dragon Scene by Leephon

New Use Case Spotlight Post: Pet Care![]

This month's Use Case Spotlight is about Pet Care! It features a number of great suggestions submitted by Habiticans in the Use Case Spotlights Guild. We hope it helps any of you who might be taking care of animal companions.

Plus, we're collecting user submissions for the next spotlight! How do you use Habitica to Learn New Things? We’ll be featuring player-submitted examples in Use Case Spotlights on the Habitica Blog at the start of next month, so post your suggestions in the Use Case Spotlight Guild now. We look forward to learning more about how you use Habitica to improve your life and get things done!

by Beffymaroo



Promo unconventional armor

Habiticans at Comic-Con![]

Lemoness, Beffymaroo, and Redphoenix will be representing Habitica at San Diego Comic Con this year. If you'd like to meet them, along with other fellow Habiticans, join us at the Habitica SDCC Meetup! We'll be giving away Habitica stickers and promo codes for the Unconventional Armor set.

You can find us on Saturday, July 22, at the San Diego Bayfront Hilton from 4:00-5:00 PM! Look for the purple Gryphon banner. Can't wait to meet you :)

Promo good luck

New Card: Good Luck![]

A new greeting card is available in the Market: the Good Luck card! For 10 Gold, you can wish the very best of luck to a Party mate who has a big task or momentous occasion coming up. Do so, and you and the recipient will earn the Lucky Letter achievement!

by OuttaMyMind and ChrisSpatzerl

Bug Fixes for the Apps[]

We've recently updated our Android and iOS apps with performance improvements and bug fixes! Be sure you've downloaded the latest version of the apps for the best Habitica experience.

by Viirus

Promo task planning

Blog Post: The Library of Tasks and Challenges[]

This month's featured Wiki article is about the Library of Tasks and Challenges Guild! We hope that it will help you as continue to add to and adapt your Task list to fit your goals. Be sure to check it out, and let us know what you think by reaching out on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.

by Beffymaroo and the Wiki Wizards



Promo king manta

Behind the Scenes Blog Post: King Manta![]

Have you ever wanted to know more about King Manta, the Mage Masterclasser? Today's blog post features a spotlight on the ruler of the undersea city of Dilatory! Check it out now to learn about how he learned his masterful magic skills, his friends and family, and his hobbies!

by Lemoness



Promo bundle splashy

New Discounted Pet Quest Bundle: Splashy Pals[]

If you're a fan of sea creatures, you're in luck! From now until July 31, you can purchase the Splashy Pals Pet Quest Bundle and receive the Seahorse, Sea Turtle, and Whale quests, all for only 7 Gems! That's a discount of 5 Gems from the price of purchasing them separately. Check it out in the Quest Shop today!

by Lemoness and SabreCat

Art by McCoyly, krazjega, UncommonCriminal, zoebeagle, Kiwibot, JessicaChase, Scarabsi, JaizakArpaik

Writing by Calae, Ginger_Hanna, Lemoness

Promo orcas

Orcas for Everyone![]

Looks like there are even more sea animals riding the waves around the city of Dilatory: Some friendly Orcas are swimming into Habiticans' stables! In honor of the Summer Splash event, everyone gets a free Orca mount or, if you already had the Orca mount, a cute Orca pet. Enjoy!

by Beffymaroo and UncommonCriminal



Record Yesterday's Activity[]

Scene dailies
Great news! We've added a new feature to protect you if you accidentally forget to check off some of the previous day's Dailies. Now the first time that you sign into Habitica each day, a pop-up will let you note any Dailies that you completed but weren't able to check off. Record Yesterday's Activity will be automatically available on the Habitica website, as well as on our iOS and Android apps! There's nothing you need to do to enable the feature aside from updating to the most recent version of the apps. We hope this helps you get even more out of your Dailies list. Enjoy your added productivity!

by TheHollidayInn, SabreCat, Alys, viirus, and all our awesome testers!

Promo splashy skins

Splashy Skins[]

Promo seafoam
The Seasonal Edition Splashy Skins are available until July 31st! You can complete your summer avatar look with Clownfish, Deep Ocean, Tropical Water, Mergold, Mergreen, Merblue, Merruby, and Shark Skins.

This Seasonal Edition customization set will only be available to purchase until July 31st, after which they'll be gone until next year, so be sure to swoop them up now!

by Lemoness and UncommonCriminal


Throw some Seafoam at your friends and they will turn into a cheerful sea star until their next cron! You can buy the Seafoam in the Seasonal Shop for gold. Plus, they will receive the Aquatic Friends badge!

Don't want to be a sea star? Just buy some Sand from the Rewards Store to reverse it.

Seafoam will be available in the Seasonal Shop until July 31st!

by Lemoness



July Backgrounds and Armoire Items![]

Promo backgrounds armoire 201707
We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can lounge in a Seashell, swim through a Kelp Forest, and rest by a Midnight Lake.

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Swan Dancer. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

by Manostion, Lilith of Alfheim, Reesachan, and AnnDeLune

New Take This Challenge![]

Promo take this
The next Take This Challenge has launched, "Test Thy Courage!", with a focus on positive social interactions. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "I Am the Night!": grand prize winner Chandramani Adil, and runners-up racherinh, auburntouch, lavraiedre, celedine, and 长颈鹿的尾巴. Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if they hadn't already completed it. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, and SabreCat

June 2017[]



Promo aquatic potions

Aquatic Hatching Potions[]

There's a new pet breed in town! Between now and July 29th, you can buy Aquatic Hatching Potions from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.) Aquatic Potion Pets aren't picky, so they'll happily eat any kind of food that you feed them!

After they're gone, it will be at least a year before the Aquatic Hatching Potions are available again, so be sure to get them now!

by Stefalupagus, Beffymaroo, and SabreCat

Last Chance for Pirate Pioneer Set[]

Promo mystery 201706
Reminder: tomorrow is the final day to subscribe and receive the Pirate Pioneer Set! Subscribing also lets you buy gems for gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

by Lemoness



Guild Spotlight: Outdoor Hobbies![]

Scene raking leaves
There's a new Guild Spotlight on the blog that highlights the Guilds that can help you find fun and exciting activities in the great outdoors! Check it out now to find Habitica's best Outdoor Hobby communities. by Beffymaroo



June Subscriber Items Revealed![]

Promo mystery 201706
The June Subscriber Items have been revealed: the Pirate Pioneer Item Set! You only have eight days to receive the item set when you subscribe. If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Equipment to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.

by Lemoness



Summer Splash Begins![]

To escape the summer heat in Habit City, everyone's moved down to the undersea city of Dilatory. The Summer Splash event has begun!

Summer Class Outfits[]

Promo summer classes 2017

From now until July 31st, limited edition outfits are available in the Rewards column. Depending on your class, you can be a Seashell Healer, Sea Dragon Rogue, Sandcastle Warrior, or Whirlpool Mage! You'd better get productive to earn enough gold before they disappear. Good luck!

by AnnDeLune, tricksy.fox, Vampitch, and nonight

Seasonal Shop Is Open![]

Seasonalshop summer2015

The Seasonal Shop has opened! The Seasonal Sorceress is stocking the seasonal edition versions of previous summer outfits, now available for gems instead of gold. Plus, there will be more fun things in the shop as the event progresses. The Seasonal Shop will only be open until July 31st, so don't wait!

by SabreCat, Lemoness, Giu09, JaizakAripaik, Teto Forever, and Kai

NPC Costumes[]

Npc matt Summer Splash

Looks like the NPCs are really getting in to the cheery summer mood around the site. Who wouldn't? After all, there's plenty more celebration to come....

by Lemoness



Scene habitica house

Behind the Scenes: Habitica House[]

There's a new Behind the Scenes post on the Habitica blog about our recent Staff Retreat. Come check out some great photos and anecdotes from the trip, and find more fun by searching #HabiticaHouse on Twitter and Instagram!

Featured Wiki Article: Sample Rewards[]

Scene buying rewards
This month's featured Wiki article is about Sample Rewards! We hope that it will help you as you treat yourself in recognition of your hard work! Be sure to check it out, and let us know what you think by reaching out on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. by Beffymaroo and the Wiki Wizards



New Audio Themes![]

We've added two new audio themes, both packed full of old-school games nostalgia! Check out Beatscribe's NES Theme and Arashi's Theme, available under the 🔊 icon on the Web site or Settings > Audio Theme in our mobile apps.

by Beatscribe and Airu

Inventory special congrats
Inventory special getwell

New Cards: Congratulations and Get Well[]

Two new greeting cards are available in the Market: Congratulations and Get Well cards! For 10 Gold, you can cheer up a party member who's under the weather, or congratulate them on their accomplishments. Do so, and you and the recipient will earn the Caring Confidant or Congratulatory Companion achievement, respectively!

Art by McCoyly, tricksy.fox, and Willow the Witty

Implemented by Accio Books!


Challenge Joining Achievement[]

Another new Achievement is available: Joined a Challenge! Earn this badge by participating in any Challenge on Habitica, be it an official Habitica challenge, or a Guild or Party challenge. Habiticans currently participating in Challenges or who have won Challenges in the past have already had this Achievement awarded--head to your achievements page to see!

Art by Vampitch

Implemented by Drueth

Quest goldenknight1 testimony

Collection Quest Difficulty Reduced[]

In response to your feedback, we've reduced the number of items needed to complete several collection quests. "Find the Lair of the Wyrm", "Egg Hunt", "Message in a Bottle", "A Stern Talking-To", and "The Moonstone Chain" have all had their requirements reduced, making it more feasible for small parties to complete them in a timely fashion. If you've felt daunted by these Quests in the past, head to the Quest Shop and give them another try!

If you've already tackled these quests, your extra efforts were not in vain! We've proportionally increased the number of achievements that you received from them.

by paulwasit and Lemoness



Quest nudibranch

New Pet Quest: Sea Slugs![]

A leisurely day at the beach takes a turn for the alarming when a bunch of dazzling sea slugs invade a To-Do list! Get the latest pet quest, the NowDo Nudibranch, and earn some nifty Nudibranch pets by completing your real-life tasks.

by SabreCat, Beffymaroo, Lilith of Alfheim, amadshade, Porrompomperro, and Thiam

Promo contrib spotlight alys

Contributor Spotlight: Alys![]

We've posted a new Contributor Spotlight on the blog! Check out our latest interview with Alys, a Moderator and Blacksmith, to learn more about how she uses Habitica.

by Alys, Beffymaroo, and Lemoness



June Backgrounds and Armoire Items![]

Promo backgrounds armoire 201706
We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can rule over a Sandcastle, admire an Ocean Sunrise, and unearth Buried Treasure.

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Viking Set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

by PattyTheWitch, CitrineSun, Reesachan, and Katy133

Promo take this

New Take This Challenge[]

The next Take This Challenge has launched, "I Am the Night!", with a focus on sleep hygiene. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Scene arts crafts

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Cast of Characters!": grand prize winner ShoTaka, and runners-up Steve the Dragon Slayer, Christina Melfi Passavia, Kingphisher, Servalan, and Júnior Rodrigues Knd! Plus, all participants in that Challenge who had not already completed the Take This item set have received the next piece. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, and SabreCat

Guild Spotlight: Arts and Crafts[]

There's a new Guild Spotlight on the blog that highlights the Guilds that can help you as you work on creative projects! Check it out now to find Habitica's best Arts and Crafts-focused communities.

by beffymaroo

May 2017[]



Hiring Mobile Developer![]

Want to join the Habitica team? We’re looking to hire a new mobile contractor!

We’re particularly interested in people who have a good understanding of either Android development or iOS development, including knowledge of ObjC and Swift. Bonus points if you also have experience with: Core Data, Reactive Programming (ReactiveCocoa/RxJava), Realm, and Kotlin, as well as familiarity with iOS and/or Android UI design principles, patterns, and best practices. Our ideal dev would be eager to push the limits of what our apps can currently do, with an eye for details, a drive to make their work both technically and visually sound, and an interest in expanding their knowledge of current advancements in the field. Diverse candidates are encouraged to apply!

To apply, send an email to vicky@habitica.com with a CV that includes your experience with the items listed above, your Habitica username, and your favorite nerdy pursuit. We can’t wait to hear from you!

by the Habitica Team

Last Chance for Feathered Fighter Set and Feathered Friends Pet Quest Bundle[]

Reminder: tomorrow is the final day to subscribe and receive the Feathered FIghter Set! Subscribing also lets you buy gems for gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get! You'll also receive the exclusive Jackalope Subscriber pet! Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

It's also the last day to purchase the Feathered Friends Pet Quest Bundle and receive the Parrot, Owl, and Falcon quests, all for only 7 gems! That's a discount of 5 gems from the price of purchasing them separately. Check out this deal in the Quest Shop before it flies away!

by Lemoness

Last Chance for Party Usage Survey[]


Tomorrow is the last day to tell us more about how your Party uses the text features on your Party page and earn the Helped Habitica Grow badge! Click here to take the brief survey!

by Sara Olson



Monthlies and Yearlies: New Repeating Options for Dailies[]

Promo floral potions
Great news! We've added Repeatable Dailies, one of our most-requested features. Now you can set a Daily task to be due at any interval you choose, including on a specific day of the month or year! Repeatables will be available on the Habitica website, as well as on our iOS and Android apps! We hope this helps you get even more out of your Dailies list. Enjoy your added productivity!

by TheHollidayInn, Alys, and all our awesome testers!

iOS Update: Challenges and Bug Fixes[]

We've released a new iOS update!

Now iOS users can view, join, and leave Challenges via the Habitica app! Easily add user-created tasks to your list, then compete against other Habiticans to win gems and achievements. We've also smashed some bugs including the issue where Dailies would not always be saved on iOS 8 and 9 and a fix for the crashes some users were experiencing when using To-Dos and checklists.

We hope you enjoy the update! Be sure to download it now for a better Habitica experience!

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! Old reviews get hidden with each update, but if you go to the review section you can re-post them again with a single tap.

by viirus

Floral Hatching Potions[]

Floral Magic Hatching Potions are back! Between now and June 14, you can buy them from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.) Floral Potion Pets aren't picky, so they'll happily eat any kind of food that you feed them!

After they're gone, it will be at least a year before the Floral Hatching Potions are available again, so be sure to get them now!

by Mako413 and SabreCat



Promo mystery 201705

May Subscriber Item Set Revealed![]

The May Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Feathered Fighter Item Set! You only have seven days to receive the item set when you subscribe. If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Equipment to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.

by Lemoness

Developers' Blog: Important Upcoming API Changes[]

If you're a third-party developer, there are some important upcoming technical changes to Habitica's API that you should know about. Read more about these exciting updates and how to prepare for your app for them on the Habitica developers' blog, The Forge!

by TheHollidayInn

New Badge and Achievement: Joined a Guild[]


There's a brand new badge you can earn by joining a Guild! Guilds are a great way to meet fellow Habiticans who share your interests and/or goals! Earn the new achievement by joining one or more Guilds. If you're already in a Guild, you've received the achievement automatically! Have fun.

by SabreCat and Vampitch

Help Habitica Grow! Party Usage Survey[]


Are you in a Party? We'd love to know more about how your Party uses the text features on your Party page! Click here to take a brief survey. If you provide your User ID at the end, you'll earn the Helped Habitica Grow achievement!

by Sara Olson



New Discounted Pet Quest Bundle: Feathered Friends[]

Promo bundle feathered
If you're a fan of bird pets and mounts, you're in luck! From now until May 31, you can purchase the Feathered Friends Pet Quest Bundle and receive the Parrot, Owl, and Falcon quests, all for only 7 Gems! That's a discount of 5 Gems from the price of purchasing them separately. Check it out in the Quest Shop today!

by Lemoness and SabreCat

Art by Casey, Teto Forever, Eevachu, UncommonCriminal, JonArinbjorn, Trogdorina, Onheiron, Squish

Writing by Lemoness, Token, and Bartelmy


Last Chance for Fairy Hatching Potions[]

Reminder: this is the final day to buy Fairy Hatching Potions! If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!

by Edge



Use Case Spotlight: Arts & Crafts[]

Scene arts crafts

This month's Use Case Spotlight is about Arts and Crafts! It features a number of great suggestions submitted by Habiticans in the Use Case Spotlights Guild. We hope it helps any of you who might be working on creative projects!

Plus, we're collecting user submissions for the next spotlight! How do you use Habitica to manage outdoor activities and hobbies? We’ll be featuring player-submitted examples in Use Case Spotlights on the Habitica Blog at the start of next month, so post your suggestions in the Use Case Spotlight Guild now. We look forward to learning more about how you use Habitica to improve your life and get things done!

by Beffymaroo

Featured Wiki Article: Sample To-Dos[]

Scene todos

This month's featured Wiki article is about Sample To-Dos! We hope that it will help you as you set up or re-evaluate your Tasks page. Be sure to check it out, and let us know what you think by reaching out on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.

by Beffymaroo and the Wiki Wizards

Behind the Scenes: Meditation in 60 Seconds[]


It's Mental Health Awareness Month, and one technique that many folks find helpful in managing stress is meditation. In this month's Behind the Scenes blog post, Habitica's own redphoenix shares her tips for establishing your own meditation practice!

by redphoenix



Group Plan Managers[]

Mount Jackalope-RoyalPurple

Want other people in your Group Plan to help you assign and approve tasks? Now the Group Plan Leader can assign Group Managers as well! Managers have the ability to assign and approve all tasks, although only leaders can adjust the Group info and payment options.

To add Managers to your Group Plan, just edit the Group Plan by clicking on the edit button, and select the people that you want to be Managers from the drop-down menu. We hope that this helps you be more efficient and productive!

Don't forget, there are lots of benefits to being in a Group Plan! In addition to all the extra productivity tools, all members of a Group Plan get free subscriptions, and their very own Jackalope mounts! Be sure to check them out if you haven't already.

by TheHollidayInn

Chat Improvements: Swearword Blocker and Spam Prevention[]

We're excited to announce that we've released two new tools that will help keep Habitica's Tavern Chat pleasant to use as our community grows.

First is a swearword blocker that will automatically prevent people from posting certain words that are not allowed in the Tavern Chat, which will help keep conversations suitable for Habiticans of all ages and backgrounds. (Please note that the swearword blocker may not catch every instance of disallowed words, so we still encourage users to flag inappropriate messages so that they can be removed by the moderator team!) Next, there's a new tool for spam prevention that keeps users from posting too many messages too quickly in the Tavern Chat. This prevents a single person from dominating the chat and pushing away older messages before others have a chance to read them.

We're very excited to have these new features! We hope that you enjoy the chat improvements that will result.

by TheHollidayInn and XamanEk



May Backgrounds and Armoire Items[]

Promo backgrounds armoire 201705
We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can stand vigil in front of Guardian Statues, explore the Habit City Streets, and perch On a Tree Branch.

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Merchant Set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

by AnnDeLune, astigmatism, Katy133, and usnbfs

New Take This Challenge[]

Promo take this

The next Take This Challenge has launched, Cast of Characters, in which you turn your strengths and weaknesses into characters in a story. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Check Your HP": grand prize winner julkamo, and runners-up [sic], James Ruf, Thiago Escobar, Dotts, and Brad is addicted to coffee!. Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if they hadn't already collected them all. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, and SabreCat

April 2017[]



Last Chance for Spring Fling Outfits, Spring Customizations, and Shiny Seeds[]

Tomorrow is the final day of the Spring Fling Festival, so if you still have any remaining Spring Fling Items that you want to buy, you'd better do it now! The Seasonal Edition items and avatar customizations won't be back until next year, and if the Limited Edition items return they will have increased prices or changed art, so be sure to snag them today!

Plus, the Seasonal Shop will be closing down, so now's the time to seize those final items and stock up on Shiny Seeds!

Scene video games

Last Chance for Fairytale Set[]

Promo mystery 201704

Reminder: tomorrow is the final day to subscribe and receive the Fairytale Set! Subscribing also lets you buy gems for gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

by Lemoness

Guild Spotlight: Relaxing Hobbies![]

There's a new Guild Spotlight on the blog that highlights Guilds focused on fun activities! Check it out now to find Habitica's best communities for discussing your relaxing hobbies and how you make time for them.

by beffymaroo



New Daily Check-In Incentives[]

Promo more checkin incentives

Great news! We've added more Check-In Incentive prizes to reward you for your continued dedication to improving your life. These prizes will include exclusive magic hatching potions, unique equipment, and more! For those who have surpassed the previous series of prizes, your check-ins since then have been counted and you'll receive all the prizes you would have earned in the meantime immediately.

You can learn more about check-in incentives by reading this Wiki page.

by Lemoness and SabreCat

art by AnnDeLune, icefelis, Gully, nonight, iamholding6, Eevachu, Balduranne, louiselouise1

April Subscriber Items Revealed![]

Promo mystery 201704

The April Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Fairytale Item Set! You only have five days to receive the item set when you subscribe. If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Equipment to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.

by Lemoness



Fairy Hatching Potions[]

Promo fairy potions

There's a new pet breed in town! Between now and May 17th, you can buy Fairy Hatching Potions from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.) Fairy Potion Pets aren't picky, so they'll happily eat any kind of food that you feed them!

After they're gone, it will be at least a year before the Fairy Hatching Potions are available again, so be sure to get them now!

by Edge, Willow the Witty, and SabreCat

Gold-Purchasable Quest Line: Mayhem in Mistiflying[]

Quest mayhemMistiflying2

There's a new set of gold-purchasable quests available in the Quest Shop: the Mayhem in Mistiflying Quest-Line! Mistiflying is being assailed by extremely windy weather and peculiar monster attacks. Can you help the April Fool save the city? If so, you'll earn the exclusive Roguish Rainbow Messenger Armor Set.

As time goes on, we'll be adding more gold-purchasable quests. Mayhem in Mistiflying is not a limited-edition quest line, so you have plenty of time to save up!

by SabreCat, Beffymaroo, and Lemoness

Behind the Scenes Blog Post: The April Fool[]

Npc aprilFool

Have you ever wanted to know more about the ridiculous Rogue who plays pranks on us every year? Today's blog post features a spotlight on the April Fool. Check it out now to learn about his favorite hobbies, the object of his affection, and even his real name.

by Lemoness



Promo bees

Android Update[]

There's an exciting new update to our Android app! Task navigation has been redesigned, and there are more options for filtering your tasks. We've also added a snazzy new login screen and an improved tutorial for new users!

Be sure to download the update now for a better Habitica experience! If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out!

by viirus, Sara Olson, and beffymaroo

New Exclusive Jackalope Pet for Subscribers[]

As a thank-you for your support, all subscribers and group plan members have received Royal Purple Jackalope pets! New subscribers will receive this pet when they sign up, so check out the info on our Subscriptions page to learn more about all the great benefits of subscribing to Habitica including your very own Jackalope pet!

by Beffymaroo and SabreCat

Bees Available from the Time Travelers[]

Magical Bee Pets and Mounts are now available from the Time Travelers! If you missed out on these happy, buzzing companions from last year, be sure to adopt them now.

If bees are something you'd prefer not to see in Habitica due to a phobia, check out the Phobia Protection Extension which will hide any pets, mounts, backgrounds, quest bosses, or equipment featuring bees (as well as snakes, spiders, and rats). We hope that it helps make everyone's Habitica experience fun!

by Lemoness and SabreCat



New Pet Quest: Bye, Bye, Butterfry![]

Quest butterfly

A trip to the Taskan countryside's butterfly garden gets deeply dangerous when some neglected Dailies attract a Flaming Butterfry! Get the latest pet quest, "Bye, Bye Butterfry" in the Quest Shop, and earn some cute caterpillar pets by completing your real-life tasks.

Written by AnnDeLune

Art by Leephon, Megan, Eevachu, Beffymaroo, UncommonCriminal, Anna Glassman, and Lilith of Alfheim

Featured Wiki Article: Sample Dailies[]

Scene dailies

This month's featured Wiki article is about Sample Dailies! We hope that it will help you as work on adding or revamping your daily tasks. Be sure to check it out, and let us know what you think by reaching out on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.

by Beffymaroo and the Wiki Wizards



Egg Hunt Quest Available[]

Promo egg hunt 2017
The Egg Hunt is available again in the Seasonal Shop! Strange eggs are appearing all over Habitica. Can you collect them all to earn some colorful Egg pets and mounts?

by Megan, Beffymaroo, and Lemoness

April Fool's Challenge Winners[]

The winners of the Party with the April Fool Challenge have been selected! Congratulations to: Anna Lilliman, CaptivatingLight, Lalaitha, Tousled Smile, and Acquafortis Fortis!

Thank you to everyone who shared their awesome April Fool's photobomb pics! You can see a fun recap of the shenanigans on our blog. Stay tuned to see what wacky antics the Fool gets up to next year!

by Beffymaroo, Lemoness, and SabreCat

Change to Party Sizes[]

Due to some technical constraints that were causing performance issues for large Habitica parties, we've limited the number of members in a single party to 30 people. If you already have more than thirty people in your party, don't worry--you won't be forced to eject anyone! This rule only applies going forward.

This change will help prevent a lot of the bugs and glitches that affected very large parties, and will improve Habitica's site performance overall. Thanks for understanding! if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them in the Habitica Help Guild.

by Yutsuten



Shiny Seeds[]

Promo shinySeeds

Throw a Shiny Seed at your friends and they will turn into a cheerful flower until their next cron! You can buy the Seeds in the Seasonal Shop for gold. Plus, they will receive the Agricultural Friends badge!

Don't want to be a flower? Just buy some Petal-Free Potion from your Rewards column to reverse it.

Shiny Seeds will be available in the Seasonal Shop until April 30th!

by Lemoness

Use Case Spotlight: Relaxing Hobbies[]

Scene video games

This month's Use Case Spotlight is about Managing Your Relaxing Hobbies! It features a number of great suggestions submitted by Habiticans in the Use Case Spotlights Guild. We hope it helps any of you who might be trying to make more time for the things you enjoy.

Plus, we're collecting user submissions for the next spotlight! How do you use Habitica to keep track of Arts and Crafts Projects? We’ll be featuring player-submitted examples in Use Case Spotlights on the Habitica Blog at the start of next month, so post your suggestions in the Use Case Spotlight Guild now. We look forward to learning more about how you use Habitica to improve your life and get things done!

by Beffymaroo



April Backgrounds and Armoire Items![]

Promo backgrounds armoire 201704
We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can summit a Mist-Shrouded Mountain, investigate a Bug-Covered Log, and perch in a Giant Birdhouse.

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Festival Attire set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

by CarolinaAsh, Katy133, James Danger, and AnnDeLune

April Take This Challenge[]

Promo take this
The next Take This Challenge has launched, "Check Your HP!," with a focus on tracking one's mood over time. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "It's Dangerous to Go Alone": grand prize winner SuchARarity, and runners-up miketheguy101, TheRossGamer, B_Rud, Cj_Cesareo, and Jacob Da Jeweler! Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set, if they hadn't completed the set already. New set pieces appear in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, and SabreCat



Welcome to the Distraction Discotheque and Dazzle Dance Emporium![]

"It's a marvelous day, and I, Bailey the Town DJ, would like to warmly welcome you to the Distraction Discotheque and Dazzle Dance Emporium! This festive location was set up by the dashing, brilliant, and humble April Fool. It's entirely devoted to sparkly diversion -- and avoiding productivity at all costs!

Rad New NPCs![]

Be sure to check out all your favorite places on Habitica today to visit the Non-Player Characters, a set of ENTIRELY unique individuals, as I... er, they... have a grand time and dance the day away!

Party with the April Fool and Win Gems![]

You're going to have a wonderful time, not least of all because the April Fool, in his endless magnanimity, is making the time to party with every single one of you -- take a peek at your avatar!

For even more fun, check out the official Challenge posted especially for today! Share your avatar featuring that fantastic Fool on social media, and you'll have a chance to win gems. Now go boogie!"

March 2017[]



Be on the Lookout for Weekend Shenanigans...[]

Npc aprilFool
The April Fool has been looking awfully cheerful recently. TOO cheerful... He promises that he's not planning any shenanigans at the turn of the month, but we suspect that this masterful Rogue may have some tricks up his sleeves.

"Nonsense!" he says. "Me, interfere on April Fool's Day? Why, you won't even see me."

Perhaps you should check back over the weekend, just in case...

Last Chance for Shimmer Armor Set[]

Promo mystery 201703
Reminder: this is the final day to subscribe and receive the Shimmer Armor Set! Subscribing also lets you buy gems for gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

by Lemoness



Contributor Spotlight: Dewines[]

Promo contrib spotlight dewines

We've posted a new Contributor Spotlight on the blog! Check out our latest interview with Dewines, a Moderator, to learn more about how she uses Habitica.

by Dewines, Beffymaroo, and Lemoness

Guild Spotlight: Eco-Friendly Guilds[]

Scene eco friendly

There's a new Guild Spotlight on the blog that highlights the Guilds that can help you as you look for ways to live more eco-friendly! Check it out now to find Habitica's best Earth-conscious communities.

by Beffymaroo

Community Guidelines Updates[]

We've updated the Community Guidelines as follows:

  • Included our newest Mods and Staff members, as well as up-to-date information on the admins of the Wiki and Github repo
  • Updated information about flagging posts and reporting problematic posts, PMs, and profiles
  • Clarified our policy advising against sharing identifying information in public chat spaces
  • Updated our policy on content warnings
  • Clarified information about our banning and muting procedures for users who commit severe infractions
  • Added minor updates and clarifications to some sections

Please give the updates a read! The Community Guidelines are long, but they're very important to our mission to keep Habitica a safe and happy community. Thanks for helping our community thrive!

by the Habitica Team



March Subscriber Items Revealed![]

Promo shimmer potions
Promo mystery 201703

The March Subscriber Item Set has been revealed: the Shimmer Armor Item Set! You only have eight days to receive the item set when you subscribe. If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Market to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.

by Lemoness

Shimmer Hatching Potions[]

There's a new pet breed in town! Between now and April 19th, you can buy Shimmer Hatching Potions from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.) Shimmer Potion Pets aren't picky, so they'll happily eat any kind of food that you feed them!

After they're gone, it will be at least a year before the Shimmer Hatching Potions are available again, so be sure to get them now!

by Teto Forever, tricksy.fox, and SabreCat



Limited Edition Class Outfits[]

Promo spring classes 2017
From now until April 30th, limited edition outfits are available in the Rewards column! Depending on your class, you can be a Floral Mouse, Feline Warrior, Canine Conjuror, or Sneaky Bunny. You'd better get productive to earn enough gold before your time runs out...

by beffymaroo, Scarvia, Awesome kitty, usnbfs, and SabreCat

Seasonal Shop Opens[]

2015 Spring Fling Seasonal Shop
The Seasonal Shop has opened! It's stocking springtime Seasonal Edition goodies at the moment, including past spring outfits. Everything there will be available to purchase during the Spring Fling event each year, but it's only open until April 30th, so be sure to stock up now, or you'll have to wait a year to buy these items again!

by Lemoness, Balduranne, PainterProphet, and SabreCat

Shimmer Hair Colors and Pastel Skin Set[]

Promo pastel skin hair
The Seasonal Edition Shimmer Hair Colors and Pastel Skin Set are now available for purchase in the avatar customizations page! These skin sets will only be available to purchase until April 30th, and then they will disappear from the shop until next Spring Fling. If you buy them, though, you will have access to them year-round!

by Lemoness and McCoyly



iOS Update: Subscriptions![]

We've released a new iOS update which lets you subscribe through the app!

Subscribers help us keep the app running and updating, so as a thank-you, they get exclusive monthly items, the ability to buy gems with gold, and more. If you're already a subscriber, you can now use the app to open your monthly gift and buy gems with gold!

Other improvements include a redesign of the task list and new icons for the header! Habits also now will show when they were last completed. We've also smashed some bugs. Be sure to download the update now for a better Habitica experience!

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! Old reviews get hidden with each update, but if you go to the review section you can re-post them again with a single tap. We hope you enjoy the update!

by viirus

Blog Post: Sample Habits[]

Scene habits

This month's featured Wiki article is about Sample Habits! We hope that it will help you as you consider new Habits you'd like to establish or avoid. Be sure to check it out, and let us know what you think by reaching out on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.

by Beffymaroo and the Wiki Wizards



New Pet Quest: Peacocks![]

Promo steampunk 3017
Quest peacock

Can't choose a single task to accomplish? Sounds like the Push-and-Pull Peacock has you paralyzed by indecision! Get the latest pet quest from the Quest Shop and earn some proud peacock pets by completing your real-life tasks.

Written by Elizabeth Queenan

Art by Cecily Perez, Lilith of Alfheim, PainterProphet, Pfeffernusse, Draayder, Podcod, and McCoyley

Steampunk Peacock Item Sets[]

Want your avatar to express your excitement about the new peacock pets and mounts? Now the Time Travelers are offering two new feathery steampunk Equipment sets that you can purchase with Mystic Hourglasses!

Mystic Hourglasses are awarded to people who have had a subscription or group plan membership for at least three consecutive months. For every three months that you're a subscriber or group plan member, you'll earn an additional Mystic Hourglass! You can also earn Mystic Hourglasses instantly by purchasing a multi-month subscription bundle.

Thanks for supporting Habitica! We hope that you enjoy your new outfits.

By AnnDeLune, Beffymaroo, Lemoness, and SabreCat



Group Plan Improvements: Subscription Benefits and Exclusive Jackalope Mount for All Group Plan Members![]

Promo jackalope

We're thrilled to announce that we've added some new features to the group plans.

Based on your feedback, all members of a group plan now automatically get:

  • Full subscription benefits, including the exclusive monthly items and the ability to buy gems with gold
  • A brand-new exclusive Jackalope Mount
  • The classic task-sharing features from the original version of group plans, including the ability to assign tasks to specific group members and the ability to approve whether or not tasks were actually completed.
  • A group chat cap of 400 messages instead of the usual 200 messages.

More features will be coming in the future! You can learn more about group plans on their information page. Thanks so much for supporting Habitica!

by TheHollidayInn, SabreCat, Alys, paglias, and all our hard-working testers

New Habit Counters![]

Scene habits

We've launched a new and exciting feature to help you keep track of your progress on Habits! Habits now display a count of how many times you've clicked them, positive or negative. In Advanced Options, you can choose how often the counter resets to 0: daily (the default), weekly, or monthly. We hope this makes your Habit-building experience even better!

by astolat, TheHollidayInn, paglias, Alys, and SabreCat



New Backgrounds and Enchanted Armoire Items![]

Promo backgrounds armoire 201703

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can ascend a Magic Beanstalk, explore the Meandering Cave, and carouse in the Mistiflying Circus.

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Mushroom Druid Set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

by Witticaster, Stefalupagus, KusSv, and Katy133



Take This Challenge for March![]

Promo take this
The next Take This Challenge has launched, It's Dangerous to Go Alone!, with a focus on maintaining offline relationships. You might recognize this Challenge as a repeat of the first Take This Challenge we held, back in June of 2016. We will continue to revisit each of the Challenges in the Take This series, allowing more people to participate for the exclusive armor items and chances at Gem prizes!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Notice Me, Senpai!": grand prize winner Lucy Zhuang, and runners-up Emithyst, 5h4d0wd4nc3r, rjboo, Ellie Goldshire, and Alex the Healer! Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if they hadn't completed the set already. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, and SabreCat

Use Case Spotlight: Living Eco-Friendly[]

Scene eco friendly

This month's Use Case Spotlight is about Living Eco-Friendly! It features a number of great suggestions submitted by Habiticans in the Use Case Spotlights Guild. We hope it helps any of you who might be trying to live in a more Earth-friendly way.

Plus, we're collecting user submissions for the next spotlight! How do you use Habitica to manage your relaxing hobbies? We’ll be featuring player-submitted examples in Use Case Spotlights on the Habitica Blog at the start of next month, so post your suggestions in the Use Case Spotlight Guild now. We look forward to learning more about how you use Habitica to improve your life and get things done!

by Beffymaroo

February 2017[]



February Subscriber Items![]

Promo mystery 201702
The February Subscriber Items have been revealed: the Heartstealer Item Set! You only have six days to receive the item set when you subscribe.

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! (Very helpful if you want to nab all those cute Cupid pets and mounts before they disappear.) There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.

by Lemoness

Guild Spotlight: Food and Cooking![]

Promo cooking
There's a new Guild Spotlight on the blog that highlights the Guilds that can help you as you explore new culinary horizons! Check it out now to find Habitica's best Food and Cooking communities.

by beffymaroo



New Pet Quest: Guinea Pigs![]

Mount GuineaPig-Base
The notorious Guinea Pig Gang is trying to rob the Market! Get the latest pet quest, The Guinea Pig Gang, and earn some giddy Guinea Pig pets by completing your real-life tasks.

Art by Pandah, mewrose, eyenne, Stefalupagus, and Willow the Witty

Writing by Lilith of Alfheim

Contributor Spotlight: Shanaqui[]

Promo contrib spotlight shanaqui
We've posted a new Contributor Spotlight on the blog! Check out our latest interview with shanaqui, a Moderator and Challenger, to learn more about how they use Habitica.

by shanaqui, Beffymaroo, and Lemoness



Promo valentines

Valentine's Day in Habitica![]

Help motivate all of the lovely people in your life by sending them a caring valentine. For the next week only, Valentines can be purchased for 10 gold from the Market. For spreading love and joy throughout the community, both the giver AND the receiver get a coveted "adoring friends" badge. Hooray!

While you're there, why not check out the other cards that are available to send to your party? Each one gives a special achievement of its own...

By Lemoness and SabreCat

Behind the Scenes: Our Real-Life Pets[]

Although the Habitica staff and mods use pixel pets and mounts to motivate ourselves to complete our tasks, today we wanted to share pictures of the real-world pets that we adore. Come meet them on this month's Behind the Scenes blog post!

by Lemoness and the Habitica Team



Featured Wiki Article: Establishing Your Tasks[]

Promo task planning
This month's featured Wiki article is about Establishing your Tasks! We hope that it will help you as you create new Tasks and re-evaluate existing ones. Be sure to check it out, and let us know what you think by reaching out on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.

by beffymaroo and the Wiki Wizards

Use Case Spotlight: Food and Cooking[]

Promo cooking
This month's Use Case Spotlight is about Food and Cooking! It features a number of great suggestions submitted by Habiticans in the Use Case Spotlights Guild. We hope it helps any of you who might be re-evaluating your nutritional habits and routines.

Plus, we're collecting user submissions for the next spotlight! How do you use Habitica to live more eco-friendly? We’ll be featuring player-submitted examples in Use Case Spotlights on the Habitica Blog at the start of next month, so post your suggestions in the Use Case Spotlight Guild now. We look forward to learning more about how you use Habitica to improve your life and get things done!

by Beffymaroo



Cupid Hatching Potions[]

Promo cupid potions
There's a new pet breed in town! Between now and February 28th, you can buy Cupid Hatching Potions from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.) Cupid Potion Pets aren't picky, so they'll happily eat any kind of food that you feed them!

After they're gone, it will be at least a year before the Cupid Hatching Potions are available again, so be sure to get them now!

by Willow the Witty and SabreCat

Android Update: Subscriptions[]

Promo backgrounds armoire 201702
There's an exciting new update to our Android app. You can now subscribe to Habitica through the app!

Subscribers help us keep the app running and updating, so as a thank-you, they get exclusive monthly items, the ability to buy gems with gold, and more!

If you're already a subscriber, you can now use the app to open your monthly gift and buy gems with gold! Thank you for your support, it means a lot to us!

We’ve also done some minor bug fixes. Be sure to download the update now for a better Habitica experience! If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out!

by Viirus

New Backgrounds and Armoire Items[]

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can climb to the Bell Tower, bask in the wealth of a Treasure Room and pose under the Wedding Arch.

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Queen of Hearts set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

by Casey, AnnDeLune, and CitrineSun



Resolution Challenge Winners[]

The winners of the Habitica New Years Resolutions Challenge have been selected! Congratulations to: thesuperalice, booksandchips, Meriah, hazey_sunshine, and Valendro!

Thank you to everyone who shared your resolutions! We're excited to help you pursue your goals throughout 2017 and beyond!

New Take This Challenge[]

Promo take this
The next Take This Challenge has launched, Notice Me, Senpai!, with a focus on reaching out to others when you're struggling. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Multiplayer Co-op Exercise": grand prize winner IvokaOrange, and runners-up nerelleaustralis, Millificent, Soul Brig, wwwave, and Arawasa the Unseen! Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if they didn't have all the pieces already. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, and SabreCat

January 2017[]



Habitica Birthday Bash[]

January 31st is Habitica's 4th Birthday! Thank you so much for being a part of our community - it means a lot.

Now come join us and the NPCs as we celebrate!

Pet Food Cake Base

Cake for Everybody![]

In honor of the festivities, everyone has been awarded an assortment of yummy cake to feed to your pets! Plus, for the next two days Alexander the Merchant is selling cake in his shop, and cake will sometimes drop when you complete your tasks. Cake works just like normal pet food, but if you want to know what type of pet likes each slice, the wiki has spoilers.

Party Robes[]

There are Party Robes available for free in the Rewards column! Don them with pride.

Promo holly potions

Birthday Bash Achievement[]

In honor of Habitica's birthday, everyone has been awarded the Habitica Birthday Bash achievement! This achievement stacks for each Birthday Bash you celebrate with us.

Last Chance for Winter Wonderland Outfits, Wintry Hair Colors, and Snowballs[]

Today is the final day of the Winter Wonderland Festival, so if you still have any remaining Winter Wonderland Items that you want to buy, you'd better do it now! The Seasonal Edition items and Hair Colors won't be back until next December, and if the Limited Edition items return they will have increased prices or changed art, so be sure to snag them today! Due to the fact that the Wintry Skins were released later than the rest of the Seasonal Customization items, we've decided to make a special one-time exception to their end date, so they will be available until February 3rd rather than January 31st.

Promo mystery 201701

Last Chance for Time-Freezer Set[]

Reminder: it's the final day to subscribe and receive the Timefreezer Set! Subscribing also lets you buy gems for gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

by Lemoness

Last Chance for Holly and Peppermint Hatching Potions[]

Reminder: the 31st is the final day to buy Holly and Peppermint Hatching Potions! If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!

by Vampitch, Lemoness, and SabreCat



New Staff Member: Beffymaroo![]

Promo contrib spotlight beffymaroo
We're thrilled to announce that our long-time moderator and pixel artist Beffymaroo will be coming onboard as a staff member! She's been a major part of our community for a long time, and we couldn't be happier to welcome her aboard. Go congratulate her in the Tavern!

by the Habitica Team

Guild Spotlight: Health and Fitness[]

Promo working out
There's a new Guild Spotlight on the blog that highlights the Guilds that can help you as you evaluate your Health and Fitness goals for 2017! Check it out now to find Habitica's best Health and Fitness communities.

by Beffymaroo



January Subscriber Items![]

Promo mystery 201701

The January Subscriber Items have been revealed: the Time-Freezer Item Set! You only have seven days to receive the item set when you subscribe.

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.

by Lemoness



Android Update: Challenges![]

We've released a new Android update that contains Challenges!

Now you can browse, join, and view Challenges on the app! Easily add user-created tasks to your list, then compete against other Habiticans to win gems and achievements.

Plus, we've made some design improvements! Habit buttons now have the +/- on different sides to improve accessibility, and long pressing on the floating action button now creates a task that matches the task list you’re currently viewing. We've got some snazzy new icons, too! Be sure to download it now for a better Habitica experience.

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! We hope you enjoy the update.

by Viirus

Blog Post: Starting Over Options[]

Promo startingover
This month's featured Wiki article is about Starting Over Options! We hope that it will help you as you make a fresh start on the New Year. Be sure to check it out, and let us know what you think by reaching out on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.

by Beffymaroo and the Wiki Wizards



Promo wintery skins

Gold-Purchasable Quest Line: Stoïkalm Calamity![]

Quest stoikalmCalamity3
There's a new set of gold-purchasable quests available in the Quest Shop: the Stoïkalm Calamity Quest-Line! The frozen north is experiencing a rash of thefts and monster outbreaks. Can you help Lady Glaciate and the Mammoth Riders vanquish their foes and recover their valuables? If so, you'll earn the exclusive Mammoth Rider Armor Set.

As time goes on, we'll be adding more gold-purchasable quests. The Stoïkalm Calamity is not a limited-edition quest line, so you have plenty of time to save up!

Written by Lemoness

Art by Beffymaroo and Kiwibot

Wintery Skins Available![]

There's a new set of Seasonal Edition Skins available in the Avatar Customization page! You can complete your wintry avatar look with Aurora, Dapper, Festive, Holly, Polar, Sugar, or Winter Star Skins. Due to the fact that these skins released later than the rest of the Seasonal Customization items, we've decided to make a special one-time exception to their end date, so they will be available until February 3rd, rather than the festival end date of January 31st! Get these new skins while you can, or they won't be available until next year.

By tricksy.fox



Habitica Blog: Contributor Spotlight on Megan[]

Promo contrib spotlight megan
We've posted a new Contributor Spotlight on the blog! Check out our latest interview with Megan, a moderator and pixel artist, to learn more about she uses Habitica.

by Megan, Beffymaroo, and Lemoness



Triceratops Pet Quest![]

Quest triceratops
An enchanted Triceratops is causing the Stoïkalm Volcanoes to erupt! Get the latest pet quest, the Trampling Triceratops, and earn some tricky Triceratops pets by completing your real-life tasks.

Art by McCoyly, plumilla, *~Seraphina~*, PainterProphet, and beffymaroo

Written by Lillith of Alfheim



Habitica New Year's Resolution Challenge![]

We've launched a new official Challenge giving five people the chance to win 15 gems each! All you have to do is post about your #HabiticaResolutions in this coming year. Head here to check out the full rules and sign up!

Need some inspiration for your post? Check out the Habitica team's resolutions on our blog!

by Lemoness and the Habitica team

Final Chance for Free Subscription Promotion![]

Promo holly potions
Don't forget that January 6th is your last day to get a free subscription when you gift a subscription to your friend! If you want to take advantage of that deal, you should definitely do it now.

Subscribers get to buy gems with gold, so if you have your eye on some fun hatching potions, backgrounds, or quests, this is a great opportunity. They also get increased access to data, and a special equipment set every month! Best of all, they help Habitica stay afloat.


by Lemoness

Use Case Spotlight: Health and Fitness![]

This month's Use Case Spotlight is about Health and Fitness! It features a number of great suggestions submitted by Habiticans in the Use Case Spotlights Guild. We hope it helps any of you who might be setting new Health and Fitness goals for the New Year. You can also pop into the guild to view all the ideas submitted! Be sure to check it out, and let us know what you think by reaching out on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.

Plus, we're collecting user submissions for the next spotlight! How do you use Habitica to manage food and cooking? We’ll be featuring player-submitted examples in Use Case Spotlights on the Habitica Blog at the start of next month, so post your suggestions in the Use Case Spotlight Guild now. We look forward to learning more about how you use Habitica to improve your life and get things done!

by Beffymaroo and the Use Case Spotlight Guild



January Backgrounds and Armoire Items![]

Promo backgrounds armoire 201701
We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can explore the Stoïkalm Volcanoes, glide on a Sparkling Snowflake, and brave a fierce Blizzard.

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Ram Barbarian Set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

by KusSv, Jasmine Osler, zacharyatacksherwood, Kiwibot, chumbucket, and Lemoness

Wintery Hair Colors[]

The Seasonal Edition Wintery Hair Colors are now available for purchase from the avatar customizations page! Now you can dye your avatar's hair Snowy, Peppermint, Holly Green, Aurora, Winter Star, or Festive. Enjoy!

by Lemoness

New Take This Challenge![]

Promo take this
The next Take This Challenge has launched, Multi-Player Co-op Exercise, with a focus on exercising with a friend. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Hero's Triumph": grand prize winner AngelaY, and runners-up KamiFlame, InkyWitch, mistressofrevels, Spesilva, and Deomew! Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This Armor Set. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, and SabreCat
