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This page intentionally contains outdated links to one or more guilds on Habitica. Guilds and the Tavern were removed from Habitica on August 8, 2023 and these links will no longer work.

The reason provided for keeping these links was: News entries are kept as-is for historical reference.

Baileyは公式からのお知らせを教えてくれます。彼女をTwitterでフォローすることも可能です。このページで見ることができるニュースは、ゲーム内で提示されるお知らせと同一のものです(署名を含む)。この記事はCC-by-NC-SA 3.0ライセンスに従います。場合によっては、フォーマットに合わせるためにスペルを修正したり形式を調整したりする等の自由が許されています。ゲーム内でのお知らせを見るには 設定 > サイト (直接リンク)にある"Baileyを表示する"をオンにして下さい。



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できごと年表を探していますか? Habiticaの歴史のページでまとめたものを読むことが出来ます。

2013-2014 | 2015-2016


2023年12月29日 - あけましておめでとうございます!パーティーハット、年賀状、そしてウインターブルー有料会員セットの最後のチャンス[]


Promo mystery 202312




提供: Beffymaroo


Promo nye2022


提供: Lemoness, Beffymaroo, heyeilatan, and SabreCat


1月1日23:59米国東部標準時(日本時間1月2日の13:59)までの期間限定で、[季節の店] (https://habitica.com/shops/seasonal) はニューイヤーカードを取り扱っています!今、友達(そして自分自身)にニューイヤーカードを送って、ハビット新年おめでとうを伝えることができます。すべての送り手と受け手は「旧知の間柄」バッジを受け取ります!

提供: Lemoness, heyeilatan, and SabreCat

提供: The Habitica Team

2023年12月19日 - 冬のワンダーランドの時間です![]


Promo winter classes 2024


冬のクラス衣装 米国東部標準時1月31日の午後11:59(日本標準時翌日の午後1:59)まで、限定版の衣装が報酬欄で手に入ります。クラスに応じて、イッカククジラの魔導士、雪フクロウの盗賊、ペパーミント樹皮の戦士、または凍り付いた治療師になれます!無くなる前に十分なゴールドを稼ぐために、生産性を上げましょう。頑張ってください!

テキスト: KateKintail, and Beffymaroo
画像: 13rett, and gawrone


Promo winter seasonal shop


提供: gawrone, jjgame83, Aspiring Advocate, Lt Cabel, Vikte, AnnDeLune, Persephone, WeeWitch, katy133, yayannabelle, Stefalupagus, Io Breese, foreverender, Podcod, Shaner, AinFach, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, KateKintail, SabreCat, heyeilatan, and Lemoness


Promo winter potions 2024

新しいペット種が登場しました!米国東部標準時1月31日の午後11:59(日本標準時翌日の午後1:59)まで、市場からステンドグラス、しましまキャンディ、冷たい雪のたまごがえしの薬を購入し、標準のペットの卵に使用してください。(魔法のたまごがえしの薬はクエストペットの卵には効きません。)魔法のたまごがえしの薬ペットは食べ物を選ばないので、どんな種類の食べ物でも喜んで食べます! なくなった後、ステンドグラス、しましまキャンディ、氷雪のたまごがえしの薬が再び利用可能になるまで、少なくとも1年はかかりますので、今のうちに手に入れてください!

提供: Lemoness, Archeia, A Diamond, nirbhao, heyeilatan, and SabreCat



提供: Lemoness, heyeilatan, and SabreCat
テキスト: Lefnire, Leephon, and Daniel the Bard
画像: UncommonCriminal, Shaner, Eevachu, Pandoro, melynnrose, Breadstrings, Rattify, and PainterProphet


Promo winter tavern


提供: BeffymarooとLemoness

提供: The Habitica Team

2023年12月19日 - 有料プランをプレゼントして、自分の分を無料でゲットしましょう![]

Promo g1g1 2020


イベント期間中、誰かに有料プランをプレゼントすると、あなたも追加料金なしで同じ期間の有料プランをゲットできます! 有料プラン会員は毎月たくさんの特典を受け取れます。これには、限定装備やゴールドでジェムを購入する能力、特別なジャッカロープペット、ドロップ上限の2倍増などが含まれます。さらに、Habiticaを広告フリーで運営する手助けにもなります!

モバイルアプリで誰かに有料プランをプレゼントするには、メニューに行ってGift One Get Oneバナーをタップしてください。web版では、その人のプロフィールを開いて右上のプレゼントアイコンをクリックします。パーティーヘッダーでアバターをクリックするか、チャットで名前をクリックすることでプロフィールを開くことができます。

このプロモーションは、他のHabitica人へのギフト時にのみ適用されることに注意してください。あなた、またはあなたのギフトの受取人が既に継続的な有料プランを持っている場合、贈られた有料プランはその有料プランがキャンセルされたり、期限が満了した後にのみ開始されます。 プロモーションは1月9日の米国東部標準時午後11時59分(日本標準時翌日の午後1時59分)に終了します。


提供: The Habitica Team

2023年12月13日 - 凍てつく祭りがやってきます![]

20231213 promo winter wonderland teaser


雪の降る天気がやってきそうで、風にペパーミントの香りが漂っています!それは冬のワンダーランドイベントが近づいているのでしょうか? 冬のワンダーランドは、Habiticaのプレイヤーが楽しむための楽しい季節の特産品をたくさんもたらします。各クラス用の特別な衣装、冬の魔法のたまごがえしの薬、季節の店のオープン、そしてその他多くのものをお楽しみにしてください! そして、1月末に特別な祝賀会であるHabiticaの誕生日をお見逃しなく。すべてのプレイヤーにはエキサイティングなギフトと、コレクションに追加するレアなアイテムが用意されています。 冬至に近づくにつれて、どんなお祭りのサプライズが待っているかをお楽しみに!

提供: The Habitica Team

2023年12月5日 - 12月の背景と宝箱のアイテム![]


背景ショップに新しい3つの背景を追加しました!今、あなたのアバターは森でホリデーツリーを飾ったり、氷の彫刻祭りをツアーしたり、冬の満月を眺めたりすることができます。それらをチェックしてみてください。web版では「ユーザーアイコン > 背景」、モバイル版では「メニュー > 所持品 > アバターカスタマイズ」で確認できます! さらに、ラッキー宝箱に新しいゴールドで購入可能な装備が追加されました。猟師の帽子セットも含まれています。すべての部品を獲得するために、実生活のタスクに一生懸命取り組みましょう!お楽しみください :)

提供: The Habitica Team

2023年12月4日 - 2023年12月のTake This チャレンジに挑戦しましょう[]

Promo take this

次のTake This チャレンジも始まりました。タイトルは『冷静に、そして前向きに』で、怒りやストレスを和らげることを目指しています。追加のTake Thisアーマーセットの装備を獲得するために、ぜひチェックしてみてください!

Take Thisは、ゲーマーコミュニティにメンタルヘルスの問題について情報提供し、メンタル障害やメンタル疾患の予防について教育を行い、メンタル疾患のスティグマを減少させることを目指す非営利団体です。

提供: The Habitica Team

2023年12月4日 - 2023年12月の目標達成チャレンジ[]

Promo hiking habiticans


提供: The Habitica Team

2023年12月1日 - 12月の有料会員アイテムが公開されました![]

Promo mystery 202312

12月の有料会員アイテムが公開されました:「冬の青い髪と瞳のアイテムセット」!12月31日の米国東部標準時午後11:59(日本標準時で翌日の午後1:59)までにHabiticaに登録すると、このエキサイティングなセットを受け取ることができます!モバイル版ではメニュー > 有料プランに、web版ではユーザー > 有料プランにアクセスして登録してください。すでに有料会員の方は、サイトをリロードしてから所持品 > アイテムに行って、あなたの装備を受け取ってください!

有料会員は、ゴールドでジェムを購入する能力も受け取ります - 長く登録しているほど、一ヶ月に購入できるジェムの量が増えます!他にも、圧縮されていないデータへの長期アクセスや、かわいいジャッカロープのペットなどの特典があります。何よりも、有料プランによってHabiticaの運営を続けることができます。ご支援いただき、心から感謝しています - それは私たちにとって大きな意味があります。

提供: The Habitica Team



A light brown skinned Habitican with purple hair stand atop two bubbles whiel proudly wearing their Rainbow Parka and holding their Rainbow Umbrella.



あなた方の支援でHabiticaの運営を継続できています。 深く感謝しています!

提供: Beffymaroo

A Glass Dragon Pet and Sunset Fox Mount build a sandcastle, a Sunset Bear Cub Pet and Sand Sculpture Bear Mount hang out on a boardwalks, and a Sand Sculpture Cactuc Pet and Glass Bear Mount explore a giant clam.



提供: heyeilatan and SabreCat
テキスト: Calae, Ginger_Hanna, Lemoness
画像: McCoyly, krazjega, UncommonCriminal, zoebeagle, Kiwibot, JessicaChase, Scarabsi, JaizakArpaik

提供: The Habitica Team





Habit Cityの暑さから逃れるため、みんな海底都市サキノバシティーに移動しました。夏のスプラッシュイベントが始まりです!


提供: Beffymaroo, Piyowo, Kate Kintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat




画像: Vampitch, Vikte, TheDudeAbides, Lalaitha, Beffymaroo, AnnDeLune, nonight, tricksy.fox, Giu09, JaizakAripaik, Teto Forever, Kai, QuartzFox, jjgame83, Vyllan, gawrone, AwesomeKitty, SuperSaraA, shanaqui, heyeilatan, KateKintail, SabreCat, and Lemoness

Matt the Stablekeeper keeps an eye on the underwater pets.



提供: Lemoness

A Glass Dragon Pet and Sunset Fox Mount build a sandcastle, a Sunset Bear Cub Pet and Sand Sculpture Bear Mount hang out on a boardwalks, and a Sand Sculpture Cactuc Pet and Glass Bear Mount explore a giant clam.



これらの薬は、7月31日 の米国東部時間午後8時まで利用できます。期間後これらのたまごがえしの薬が再び利用できるようになるまでには少なくとも1年かかりますので、今すぐ入手しましょう!

提供: a_diamond, nirbhao, willowthewitty, ARandomMako, ravenlune, tigergurke, heyeilatan, and SabreCat

提供: The Habitica Team



Three Habiticans hang out with their Turtle, Seahorse, and Whale pets.

Habitica のあなたの動物小屋に水が大好きなペットを増やしたいとお思いなら、あなたは運がいいですよ!6月30日午後11時59分(米国東部時間)まで、「水しぶきの友達」ペットクエストセットを購入して、タツノオトシゴ、カメ、クジラのクエストをまとめて7ジェムで手に入れることができます!別々に購入するよりも5ジェムお得です。今すぐクエストショップでチェックしましょう!

提供: Lemoness, SabreCat, and the Habitica Team
テキスト: Calae, Ginger_Hanna, Lemoness
画像: McCoyly, krazjega, UncommonCriminal, zoebeagle, Kiwibot, JessicaChase, Scarabsi, JaizakArpaik



虹色のお祭り衣装を着た 3 人のHabiticansが美しいクレーター湖を眺めたり、冒険者の隠れ家で定期的な旅行の計画を立てたり、水族館で魚たちと静かに泳いだりします。

背景ショップに3つの新しい背景を追加しました!アバターは水族館で魚たちと静かに泳いだり、美しいクレーター湖を眺めたり、冒険者の隠れ家で旅行の計画を立てたりします。ウェブ版なら右上の ユーザーアイコン > 背景、モバイル版なら メニュー > 所持品 > アバターのカスタマイズ でご確認ください!

さらに、ゴールドで購入できるラッキー宝箱の装備に、2個の虹のシャツが追加されています。コンプリートするために、タスクを一生懸命取り組みましょう!お楽しみください :)

提供: Pandawalker, A Diamond, Beffymaroo, Vikte, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat

提供: the Habitica Team





6月の有料会員アイテムが公開されました:the Razzle Dazzle Rainbow Item Set! このエキサイティングなセットを受け取るために、6月30日午後8時(米国東部標準時)までに有料プランに加入しましょう!モバイル版では[メニュー] > [有料プラン]、ウェブ版では[ユーザー] > [有料プラン]から加入できます。すでにアクティブな会員である場合は、サイトを再読み込みしてから、[所持品] > [アイテム] に移動して装備を取得してください!

提供: Beffymaroo



Habiticaチームは公式のOfficial New Year's Resolution Guild(新年の抱負ギルド)で特別な公式チャレンジシリーズを行ってきました。これらのチャレンジは、確実に成功し年が進むにつれて定着するような目標の設定と維持を支援するためにデザインされています。今月のチャレンジMark Your Journey(旅を記録する)では、1月からの成果を振り返り、今年の残り期間に備えていきます。6月30日に5名の幸運な当選者に15ジェムが贈られます。

5月のチャレンジの当選者は、@Cayst, @Pookees, @Sam43LaGrezz, @mianiis, and @pax_habitです。おめでとうございます!

新しいTake Thisチャレンジも始まっています。"Achievement Unlocked: Self-Care"は、継続的なセルフケアの実践に重点を置いています。ぜひチェックして、Take This装備セットの追加パーツを手に入れましょう!

Take Thisはゲーマーコミュニティに対するメンタルヘルス問題の啓発を目指す非営利団体です。精神疾患の予防や精神障害に対する教育の提供、精神疾患への偏見を減らす活動を行っています。

先月のチャレンジ"Rolling a Natural 1"の優勝者は@ceoneet、準優勝者はすぺくちゃー, @cozycows, @Unicorntastic, @StineMB3, and @acommonronyaです。さらに、チャレンジの参加者全員のうちTake This item setを揃えていない方々は未入手の装備を1個受け取っています。賞品はごほうび欄にあります。お楽しみに!

提供: Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, SabreCat, and heyeilatan

提供: the Habitica Team








提供: Beffymaroo

A Floral Bear mount and Fairy Dragon pet enjoy a moonlit night, a Fairy Cactus mount and Floral Bear pet look for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and a Floral Lion mount and Fairy Fox pet watch a mountain sunset.


Be sure to buy Floral and Fairy Hatching Potions before they leave the Market at 11:59 PM US EDT on May 31. If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!

提供: Mako413, Edge, Willow The Witty, heyeilatan, and SabreCat


Don't forget the discounted Bird Buddies Pet Quest Bundle, featuring the Penguin, Peacock and Rooster quests all for seven Gems! Be sure to snag it from the Quest Shop before it belly slides away at 11:59 PM US EDT on May 31!

提供: the Habitica team
テキスト: Elizabeth Queenan, Leephon, playgroundgiraffe, and Daniel the Bard
画像: UncommonCriminal, Eevachu, PainterProphet, Lilith of Alfheim, Pfeffernusse, Draayder, Podcod, Fire Fire Fire, Pandoro, RBrinks, EmeraldOx, extrajordanary, melynnrose, Rattify, McCoyly, Breadstrings, Darkly, heyeilatan, and SabreCat




ペットクエスト割引セット: 鳥の仲間たち![]

Habitica のあなたの動物小屋にペットを増やしたいとお思いなら、あなたは運がいいですよ!本日から5月31日23時59分(東部標準時)まで、「鳥の仲間たち」ペットクエストセットを購入して、おんどり、クジャク、ペンギンのクエストをまとめて7ジェムで手に入れることができます!単品で購入するより5ジェムお得ですよ。今すぐクエストショップでチェックしましょう!

提供: UncommonCriminal, Eevachu, PainterProphet, Lilith of Alfheim, Pfeffernusse, Draayder, Podcod, Fire Fire Fire, Pandoro, RBrinks, EmeraldOx, extrajordanary, melynnrose, Rattify, McCoyly, Breadstrings, Darkly, heyeilatan, and SabreCat
テキスト: Elizabeth Queenan, Leephon, playgroundgiraffe, and Daniel the Bard


新たなペット収集実績: 恐竜王国![]

新しい実績をリリースしました!これで Habitica 世界のペット収集について成功を称えあうことができます!Habiticaのすべての鳥と恐竜(オウム、ティラノサウルス、翼竜、トリケラトプス、たか、クジャク、ヴェロキラプトル、フクロウ)を集めて「Dinosaur Dynasty(恐竜王国)」の実績を獲得すると、プロフィール用の格好いいバッジを入手できます。


提供: the Habitica Team
画像: PixelStormArt






提供: Mako413, Edge, Willow The Witty, heyeilatan, and SabreCat



A fearless Habitican takes in the greenery of a Cretaceous Forest, a second enjoys creative pursuits Inside a Painting, and the last marvels while Flying Over a Hedge Maze.

背景ショップに3つの新しい背景を追加しました!アバターは生け垣迷路の上を飛んで驚いたり、白亜紀の森で太古の緑に包まれたり、絵画の中で創作活動を楽しんだりできます。ウェブ版なら右上の ユーザーアイコン > 背景、モバイル版なら メニュー > 所持品 > アバターのカスタマイズ でご確認ください!

さらに、ラッキー宝箱には画家セットなどのゴールドで購入できる新しい装備が追加されています。コンプリートするために、タスクを一生懸命取り組みましょう!お楽しみください :)

提供: 24freeplay, gawrone, Vikte, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat


新機能:LOOK FOR A PARTY(パーティーを探す)、FIND MEMBERS(メンバーを探す)!

A group of Habiticans is questing together when suddenly they need some healing--thank goodness they have a Healer in their party!


ソロの方は、ナビゲーションのパーティーから“Look for a Party”(パーティーを探す)をクリックすることで、パーティーに参加希望であることを表明できます。あなたはパーティー参加希望者のリストに追加されます。

パーティーのリーダーは、ナビゲーションのパーティーから“Find Members”(メンバーを探す)を選択することで、参加希望者のリストを表示して、その中から招待することができます。

現時点ではWeb版のみですが、モバイル版も間もなく公開の予定です。Android version 4.2、iOS version 3.8にご注目ください。


提供: The Habitica Team



A purple-skinned Habitican stands atop a mountain clad in glittering Eventide Wings and Horns


5月の有料会員アイテムが公開されました:the Eventide Dragon Item Set! このエキサイティングなセットを受け取るには、5月31日午後11時59分(米国東部標準時)までに有料プランに加入しましょう!モバイル版では[メニュー] > [有料プラン]、ウェブ版では[ユーザー] > [有料プラン]から加入できます。すでにアクティブな会員である場合は、サイトを再読み込みしてから、[所持品] > [アイテム] に移動して装備を取得してください!


提供: Beffymaroo

A group of Habiticans casting spells whilst questing with each other.


Habiticaチームは公式のOfficial New Year's Resolutionギルドで特別な公式チャレンジシリーズを行ってきました。これらのチャレンジは、確実に成功し年が進むにつれて定着するような目標の設定と維持を支援するためにデザインされています。今月のチャレンジReview Your Combat Tactics(戦術の見直し)では、1年の半分が過ぎようとしている今、やる気を維持し、前進し続けるために、戦略を洗練させることに重点を置いています!6月1日に5名の幸運な当選者に15ジェムが贈られます。

4月のチャレンジの当選者は@DavideOrmenese, @LostSpirit96, @miagbr, @LewisGolightly93, and HackBladezです。おめでとうございます!

新しいTake Thisチャレンジも始まっています。"Rolling a Natural 1"では、個人的な個人的なレジリエンス(回復力)を高めるために回復力を高めることに主眼を置いています。ぜひチェックして、Take Thisアーマーセットの追加パーツを手に入れましょう!

Take Thisはゲーマーコミュニティに対するメンタルヘルス問題の啓発を目指す非営利団体です。精神疾患の予防や精神障害に対する教育の提供、精神疾患への偏見を減らす活動を行っています。 先月のチャレンジ"Feed Me Seymour"の優勝者は@Stabsmcknzie、次点が @Thunder_Blackstorm, Noya Adiba Hoque, @ADHDxMADMAX, @Maritya, @JENYARUです。さらに、チャレンジの参加者全員のうちTake This装備セットを揃えていない方々は未入手の装備を1個受け取っています。賞品はごほうび欄にあります。お楽しみに!

By Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, Ri, heyeilatan, and SabreCat 提供: the Habitica Team







提供: Beffymaroo, Piyo, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat


提供: jjgame83, gawrone, Shine Caramia, Eslyn, Aspiring Advocate, OuttaMyMind, Lt. Cabel, Vikte, Lalaitha, DialFForFunky, Gerald the Pixel, Scarvia, Awesome kitty, usnbfs, Balduranne, PainterProphet, Beffymaroo, shanaqui, KateKintail, SabreCat, heyeilatan, and Lemoness


提供: Beffymaroo, jjgame83, Ricardo, ravenlune, Pixel Storm, Archeia, heyeilatan, and SabreCat


提供: Lemoness and McCoyly

提供: Beffymaroo, Piyo, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat



The April Fool throws confetti at a gathering of colorful tea drinks.

Last Chance for April Fool's Items[]

All the goodies from the April Fool will disappear after 11:59 PM US EST on April 30. Be sure to grab the Tea Shop and Veggie Magic Hatching Potions from the Market and The Confection and Virtual Pet Magic Hatching Potion Quests from the Quest Shop! These special items won't be available again for at least a year!

by SabreCat, Piyo, Beffymaroo, Viirus, and heyeilatan

A Habitican wearing a charming blue glazed teapot costume floats on a pink soap bubble.

Last Chance for Tiptop Teapot Subscriber Set[]

Subscribe before 11:59 PM US EST on April 30 and receive the Tiptop Teapot Set! Subscribing also lets you buy Gems using Gold. The longer your subscription, the more Gems you can get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

by by Beffymaroo



A row of cheerful, smile-faced, potted flowers in the rain, in pink, violet, orange, and pale blue.

Throw a Shiny Seed at your friends and they will turn into a cheerful flower until their next cron! You can buy the Seeds in the Seasonal Shop with Gold. Plus, if you get transformed by a Shiny Seed, you'll receive the Agricultural Friends badge!

Don't want to be a flower? Just buy some Petal-Free Potion from your Rewards column to reverse it.

Shiny Seeds will be available in the Seasonal Shop until 8 PM US EST on April 30th!

by Lemoness



Three Habiticans showcase goofy hats: a paper bag, a propeller beanie, and a bird's nest. They are accompanied by candy, vegetable, and virtual pets.

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can wander through a leafy Tree Tunnel, see a flowery Springtime Shower and relax Under Wisteria. Check them out under User Icon > Backgrounds on web and Menu > Inventory > Customize Avatar on mobile!

Plus, there’s new Gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Beanie Propeller Hat. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

by gawrone, Vikte, I3rett, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat



Three Habiticans are dressed for various fancy parties and they have with their their Tea Shop Bear Cub, Dragon, and Wolf.

Tea Shop Magic Hatching Potions and Other April Fool's Goodies![]

The April Fool rolls back into Habit City with a wheelbarrow full of clinking bottles. Are they filled with… bubble tea?

“Haha!” the Fool cries, “You’re close, but I caution you against drinking these yourself. If you liked your tea shop treats from my special day, try pouring these on some classic pet eggs and see what happens!”

You can now purchase the new Tea Shop Magic Hatching Potions from the Market! Garden Potions have also returned. You can find both potions in the Market until April 30 at 11:59 PM US EDT. Keep in mind that these pets do not have mount forms when deciding how many to purchase.

Virtual Pet Magic Hatching Potion Quest, and the Confection Potion Quest are also purchasable from the Quest Shop until 11:59 PM US EDT on April 30! Each quest completion awards participants three potions each. These pets also do not have mount forms so keep that in mind when you're purchasing.

by SabreCat, heyeilatan, and Viirus
Art by Beffymaroo and Piyo

April Fool's Challenge Winners![]

The winners of the April Fool's Social Media Challenge have been selected! Congratulations to: CainXB, fluffstuff, Ahat130, Macro_L, and suzukaze_syunn!

Thank you to everyone who shared their awesome pics with their tea shop pets! You can see the winners' entries on our official social media accounts: Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook.

Stay tuned to see what wacky antics the Fool gets up to next year!

by the Habitica Staff



I'm a little teapot, short and stout / Here is my handle, here is my spout / When I get all steamed up / Hear me shout / Tip me over and pour me out!

April's Subscriber Item![]

The April Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Tiptop Teapot Item Set! Subscribe to Habitica by 11:59 PM US EST on April 30th to receive this exciting set! Go to Menu > Subscription on mobile or User > Subscription on web to sign up. If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Items to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for Gold — the longer you subscribe, the more Gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support — it means a lot to us.

by Beffymaroo

The monthly meeting of the Hat Guild gets underway.

April Official Challenges![]

New Year's Resolution Guild Challenge![]

The Habitica team has launched a special official Challenge series hosted in the Official New Year's Resolution Guild. These Challenges are designed to help you build and maintain goals that are destined for success and then stick with them as the year progresses. For this month's Challenge, Gather Your Party, we're focusing on finding encouraging allies to help you gain accountability for your goals!! It has a 15 Gem prize, which will be awarded to five lucky winners on May 1st.

Congratulations to the winners of March’s Challenge, @elenahitomi, @Taichi1, @Jerboe, @Bellibolt, and @coredcretaceious!

Take This Challenge![]

The next Take This Challenge has also launched, "Feed Me, Seymour!", with a focus on improved nutrition. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Enter Sandman": grand prize winner @rach_stacy, and runners-up @SU-PR7, @InstantRamenKid08, Mikhyel, HappyMiss, and Skoidy. Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if they hadn't completed it already. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, SabreCat, Ri, and heyeilatan



alt="The Master of Rogues stands in a grassy field, surrounded by delicious delicious drinks..

The morning of April 1st has dawned bright and lovely in Habit City, and Habiticans are on the lookout for the Master of Rogues.

Just when everyone thought perhaps he’d taken a year off, the April Fool materializes in a cloud of confetti outside the Study Buddy Magic Bubble Tea Shoppe.

”Oho!” he cries, “It’s my favorite day of the year! And this year I’m doubling down on your productivi-TEA!”

Everyone’s pets have turned into different tea shop treats! From mellow herbal brews to delicious sweets, there’s something for everyone. What a lovely surprise!

Equipping different pets will show different tea shop treat pet designs. Have fun discovering them all and be sure to check out the April Fool’s Social Media Challenge for a fun chance to share your new pets, win gems, and have your avatar shared on Habitica’s official social media accounts!

by The Habitica Team




The April Fool stands in a field of flowers, carrying a green bag and throwing multi-colored streamers.

The April Fool is Spotted in Habitica![]

Habitica’s favorite rogue was seen this week! No one is sure what he’s up to, but some delicious scents were caught floating from his general location. We’re not sure what mischief he has in store so you’ll have to stay tuned to find out!

Last Chance for Mane Character Set[]

A Habitican with blue and improbably spiky hair and dreamy eyes prepares to go on an adventure which will begin with rescuing a kitten and end with defeating your To Do list!

Reminder: subscribe before 11:59 PM US EST on March 31st to receive the Mane Character Set when you sign up for a new Habitica subscription! Subscribing also lets you buy Gems for Gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

by Beffymaroo

Last Chance for Jungle Buddies Quest Bundle[]

Habiticans hang out in and around trees with their Sloth pets, Monkey pets, and Treeling pets

Don't forget the discounted Jungle Buddies Pet Quest Bundle, featuring the Monkey, Treeling, and Sloth quests all for seven gems! Be sure to grab it from the Quest Shop before it climbs away into the canopy at 11:59 PM US EST on March 31st!

by SabreCat and heyeilatan
Writing by PixelHunter, Emily Austin, Flutter Bee, and Felipe NA
Art by JaizakAripaik, Drevian, McCoyly, awakebyjava, PainterProphet, Kiwibot, greenpencil, fuzzytrees, aurakami, yamato, leephon, Misceo, and Oneironaut

Egg Quest Now Available![]

Three Habiticans take a ride in their Egg Basket mounts, while accompanied by several Egg pets.

The Egg Quest is available again in the Seasonal Shop until the end of the Spring Fling Gala on April 30! Strange eggs are appearing all over Habitica. Can you collect them all to earn some colorful Egg pets and mounts?

by Megan, Beffymaroo, and Lemoness

by Beffymaroo, KateKintail, SabreCat, and heyeilatan



A Lily Healer, Hummingbird Warrior, Moonstone Mage, and Caterpillar Rogue team up in the desert to work on their daily tasks.

Limited Edition Class Outfits[]

From now until 11:59 PM US EST on April 30th, limited edition outfits are available in the Rewards column! Depending on your class, you can be a Lily Healer, Moonstone Mage, Caterpillar Rogue, or Hummingbird Warrior. You'd better get productive to earn enough Gold before your time runs out...

by Piyo, Beffymaroo, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat

Spring Fling Magic Hatching Potions[]

Bright springy Magic Hatching Potions are here! Check out Polka Dot, Rainbow and Birch Bark Potions to brighten your Spring avatar look from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.) Magic Hatching Potion Pets aren't picky, so they'll happily eat any kind of food that you feed them!

These potions will be available until Spring Fling ends on April 30 at 11:59 PM US EST. After they're gone, it will be at least a year before these Hatching Potions return, so be sure to get them now!

by Beffymaroo, jjgame83, Ricardo, ravenlune, Pixel Storm, Archeia, and SabreCat

The Seasonal Shop is open and decorated for spring--check it out!

Seasonal Shop Is Open[]

The Seasonal Shop has opened! It's stocking springtime Seasonal Edition goodies at the moment, including past spring outfits. Everything there will be available to purchase during the Spring Fling event each year, but it's only open until 11:59 PM US EST on April 30th, so be sure to stock up now, or you'll have to wait a year to buy these items again!

by jjgame83, gawrone, Shine Caramia, Eslyn, Aspiring Advocate, OuttaMyMind, Lt. Cabel, Vikte, Lalaitha, DialFForFunky, Gerald the Pixel, Scarvia, Awesome kitty, usnbfs, Balduranne, PainterProphet, Beffymaroo, shanaqui, KateKintail, SabreCat, heyeilatan, and Lemoness

by Beffymaroo, KateKintail, SabreCat, and heyeilatan



Habiticans hang out in and around trees with their Sloth pets, Monkey pets, and Treeling Pets

March Quest Bundle: Jungle Buddies![]

If you are looking to add some tropical pets to your Habitica stable, you're in luck! From now until 11:59 PM US EST on March 31, you can purchase the Jungle Buddies Pet Quest Bundle and receive the Monkey, Sloth, and Treeling quests, all for only 7 Gems! That's a discount of 5 Gems from the price of purchasing them separately. Check it out in the Quest Shop today!

by SabreCat
Writing by PixelHunter, Emily Austin, Flutter Bee, and Felipe NA
Art by JaizakAripaik, Drevian, McCoyly, awakebyjava, PainterProphet, Kiwibot, greenpencil, fuzzytrees, aurakami, yamato, leephon, Misceo, and Oneironaut

A Treeling and a Cactus share a park bench on a rainy day, beneath the Plant Parent achievement badge: a green star with a wee seedling on it.

New Pet Collection Achievement: Plant Parent![]

We're releasing a new achievement so you can celebrate your successes in the world of Habitican Pet collecting! Earn the Plant Parent achievement by collecting all Habitica's herbaceous pets (Treelings and Cacti) and you'll earn a nifty badge for your profile.

If you’ve already completed the required Quests for a newly released achievement you don’t have to do them all again! Just complete one of the relevant Quests and the Achievement will unlock. Check your profile and celebrate your new Achievement with pride.

by QuartzFox, heyeilatan, and SabreCat



A lone Habitican stands outside the Tower of Tasks armed with nothing but a sword, a shield made of pie, and a slice of pie on their head.

Hello Habiticans! In celebration of Pi Day on March 14, we've given everyone delicious slices of pie for you all to feed to your pets.

We've also given everyone who did not already have them a festive Pi Hat and Shield set so you can celebrate in style. Enjoy them, and thanks for being a part of Habitica!

by Beffymaroo and SabreCat



A Habitican explores with their Sloth at the edge of a Mangrove Forest, another plays basketball with their Flying Pig on an Old Timey Basketball Court, and a third tries dressing up as a mushroom to hide from a Cobra at a Jungle Watering Hole.

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can shoot hoops on an Old Timey Basketball Court, stop for a sip at the Jungle Watering Hole, and explore the edge of the Mangrove Forest. Check them out under User Icon > Backgrounds on web and Menu > Inventory > Customize Avatar on mobile!

Plus, there’s new Gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Old Timey Basketball Set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

by PixelStormArt, SuperSaraA, a_diamond, Vikte, Beffymaroo, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat



Three Habiticans celebrate gaining an achievement.

The Habitica team has launched a special official Challenge series hosted in the Official New Year's Resolution Guild. These Challenges are designed to help you build and maintain goals that are destined for success and then stick with them as the year progresses. For this month's Challenge, Reach for Your First Achievement, we're focusing on setting smaller mini-goals as milestones! It has a 15 gem prize, which will be awarded to five lucky winners on April 3rd.

Congratulations to the winners of February’s Challenge, @Sam43LaGrezz, @Arzakon, @Julia_Boss, @mdmarron, @stevebyu!

The next Take This Challenge has also launched, "Enter Sandman!", with a focus on sleep hygiene. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Don't Be a Completionist!": grand prize winner @pinandstutter, and runners-up @Guavakava, @PandachopsP, @garrishvakarian, @tinygorgon, @aaye. Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if it hasn't already been completed. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, SabreCat, Ri, and heyeilatan



A Habitican with blue and improbably spiky hair and dreamy eyes prepares to go on an adventure which will begin with rescuing a kitten and end with defeating your to-do list!

The March Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Mane Character Item Set! Subscribe to Habitica by 11:59 PM US EST on March 31 to receive this exciting set! If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Items to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy Gems for Gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more Gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us. 💜

by Beffymaroo




A Habitican dressed in Trickster Tabby Ears and Tail waits in a forest..

Last Chance for Trickster Tabby Set[]

Don't forget to subscribe before 11:59 PM US EST on February 28 to receive the Trickster Tabby Item Set when you sign up for a new Habitica subscription! Subscribing also lets you buy Gems for Gold. The longer your subscription, the more Gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

by Beffymaroo

A Cupid panda Pet and Rose Quartz Fox Mount float among some bubbles, a Rose Quartz Cactus Pet and Cupid Wolf Mount enjoy a sunny porch, and a Cupid Bear Cub Pet and Rose Quartz Tiger Mount explore a field of flowers.

Last Chance for Cupid and Rose Quartz Hatching Potions[]

Rose Quartz and Cupid Hatching Potions leave the Market on February 28 at 11:59 PM US EST. If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!

by Vampitch, Willow the Witty, and SabreCat

Three Habitica avatars, one featuring a gryphon pet, one a unicorn mount, and one a sea serpent pet

Last Chance for Mythical Marvels Pet Quest Bundle[]

Don't forget the discounted Mythical Marvels Pet Quest Bundle, featuring the Unicorn, Gryphon, and Sea Serpent quests all for seven Gems! Be sure to check it out in the Quest Shop before it fades into legend at 11:59 PM US EST on February 28.

by heyeilatan
Writing by Laurel, Daniel the Bard, and gwyllgi
Art by greenpencil, UncommonCriminal, RosieSully, Lukreja, Baconsaur, Witticaster, Aries Faries, Mara, Seraphina, 1920-kun, RBrinks, and Erikari



Three Habitica avatars, one featuring a gryphon pet, one a unicorn mount, and one a sea serpent pet

If you are looking to add some magical pets to your Habitica stable, you're in luck! From now until 11:59 PM US EST on February 28, you can purchase the Mythical Marvels Pet Quest Bundle and receive the Gryphon, Sea Serpent, and Unicorn quests, all for only 7 Gems! That's a discount of 5 Gems from the price of purchasing them separately. Check it out in the Quest Shop today!

by SabreCat and heyeilatan
Writing by Laurel, Daniel the Bard, and gwyllgi
Art by greenpencil, UncommonCriminal, RosieSully, Lukreja, Baconsaur, Witticaster, Aries Faries, Mara, Seraphina, 1920-kun, RBrinks, and Erikari



Two Habitican and their Cupid pets, all dressed for Valentine's Day, look up at a floating valentine card

Habitica Celebrates Valentine's Day[]

In honor of Habitica's holiday celebrating all forms of love, whether it's friendship, familial, or romantic, some of the shopkeepers are dressed up! Take a look around to enjoy their new festive decorations.

by Beffymaroo and Lemoness

In the midst of the pieces of a broken heart, the Corrupted Cupid looks to destroy even more--can you calm a Cupid who's turned from romance to rage?

New Magic Hatching Potion Quest: Calm the Corrupted Cupid[]

It's a pretty pink panic! Can you calm a Cupid who's turned from romance to rage? Get the latest Magic Hatching Potion quest, Calm the Corrupted Cupid and find out--you'll earn Pink Marble Magic Hatching Potions by completing your real-life tasks to defeat them!

Writing by Loremi
Art by Loremi, QuartzFox, a_diamond, and Empress42

A Cupid panda Pet and Rose Quartz Fox Mount float among some bubbles, a Rose Quartz Cactus Pet and Cupid Wolf Mount enjoy a sunny porch, and a Cupid Bear Cub Pet and Rose Quartz Tiger Mount explore a field of flowers.

Cupid and Rose Quartz Hatching Potions[]

We're excited to announce the return of Rose Quartz and Cupid Magic Hatching Potions! Between now and 11:59 PM US EST on February 28, you can buy these potions from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.) Magic Potion Pets aren't picky, so they'll happily eat any kind of food that you feed them!

After they're gone, it will be at least a year before the Cupid or Rose Quartz Hatching Potions are available again, so be sure to get them now!

by Vampitch, Willow the Witty, and SabreCat

Send a Valentine![]

Help motivate all of the lovely people in your life by sending them a caring Valentine. Valentines can be purchased for 10 gold from the Market until February 17, 2023, 11:59 PM US EST. For spreading love and joy throughout the community, both the giver AND the receiver get a coveted "Adoring Friends" badge. Hooray!

While you're there, why not check out the other cards that are available to send to your party? Each one gives a special achievement of its own...

by Lemoness and SabreCat



A Jubilant Gryphatrice takes center stage, surrounded by two Habiticans dressed to the nines for a birthday party. They're all in front of a birthday background; perhaps there will be cake, soon.

Last Chance for Gryphatrice Pet and Potion Party in the Market[]

Our 10th Birthday Bash ends soon so be sure to snag any exciting goodies you've had your eye on. The ten fan-favorite Magic Hatching Potions will leave the Market and the animated Jubilant Gryphatrice pet will no longer be available after 11:59 PM US Eastern on February 8th.

Three Habiticans enjoy three new scenes: luxuriating in a Fancy Bedroom, strolling In Front of a Fountain, and hiding out in a Golden Birdcage. The center Habitican is wearing a Tea Party Gown and Tea Party Hat while holding a Tea Kettle.

February Backgrounds and Armoire Items[]

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can stroll In Front of a Fountain, hide out in a Golden Birdcage, and luxuriate in a Fancy Bedroom. Check them out under User Icon > Backgrounds on web and Menu > Inventory > Customize Avatar on mobile!

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Tea Party Set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

by gawrone, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat



A Habitican dressed in Trickster Tabby Ears and Tail waits in a forest..

February Subscriber Item Revealed![]

The February Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Trickster Tabby Item Set! Subscribe to Habitica by 8 PM US EST on February 28 to receive this exciting set! Go to Menu > Subscription on mobile or User > Subscription on web to sign up. If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Items to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold—the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support—it means a lot to us. 💜

A habitican in a green hat and blue turban with a pencil in their hand works on their various To Do's in Habitica, represented by pieces of paper tacked to the wall.

February 2023 Resolution Success Challenge and New Take This Challenge[]

The Habitica team continues the special official Challenge series hosted in the Official New Year's Resolution Guild. These Challenges are designed to help you build and maintain goals that are destined for success and then stick with them as the year progresses. For this month's Challenge, Hone Your Weapon, we're focusing on refining and narrowing down your goals to make them more achievable! It has a 15 gem prize, which will be awarded to five lucky winners on March 1st.

Congratulations to the winners of January's Challenge, @AspiringAspirant, @01SUMITD, @SleepyShamanGames, @squidmyers33 and @leiune!

The next Take This Challenge is "Don't Be a Completionist!", with a focus on prioritization. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "It's Dangerous to Go Alone!": grand prize winner @nieznajomy, and runners-up @ItsFink, @rayray301002, @Marmalad3, @Hey_Dez, and @JessG7. All participants in the Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if it hasn't been completed already. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, SabreCat, and heyeilatan




A Jubilant Gryphatrice takes center stage, surrounded by two Habiticans dressed to the nines for a birthday party. They're all in front of a birthday background; perhaps there will be cake, soon.

Dear Habiticans, we celebrate an extra special occasion this year. Habitica is turning 10! To celebrate our birthday this year, we're extending the party for 10 exciting days! 🎉 Please be sure your mobile app is updated so you can join the fun!

Special Exclusive Jubilant Gryphatrice Pet![]

An extra-special pet has arrived for the party! Tap the Birthday Event banners to meet the animated Jubilant Gryphatrice. Welcome her into your Habitica stable before she leaves when our Birthday Bash celebration ends at 11:59 PM US Eastern on February 8th.

Birthday Magic Potion Party![]

Looking for some exciting new Magic Hatching Potions for your collection? For our 10th Anniversary we've gathered 10 of the community's favorite potions to offer in the Market! They're from all different seasons, and some may not be offered again for over a year. Take a peek and grab your favorites from now until 11:59 PM US Eastern on February 8th.

Exciting Free Gifts for Everyone![]

It's our birthday, but we want to give gifts to you! Collect special items this week, including limited edition gear and a festive background. You'll get them just for being a part of Habitica! Find your new items throughout the celebration in your inventory or the customize avatar menu and enjoy. The traditional Birthday Bash badge and cake for pets will be handed out on February 8th to close out the celebration. Thanks so much for being a part of our community! 💜

by the Habitica Staff



a brown-skinned Habitican wears the Valiant Vulpine set against a peaceful backdrop of pine trees

Last Chance for Valiant Vulpine Set![]

Reminder: January 31 is the last day to receive the Valiant Vulpine Set when you sign up for a new Habitica subscription! Subscribing also lets you buy Gems for Gold. The longer your subscription, the more Gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

by Beffymaroo

Four Habiticans show off the latest in winter fashion: a Ribbon Rogue, a Cardinal Healer, a Fairy Lights Mage, and a Walrus Warrior.

Last Chance for Winter Wonderland Outfits, Seasonal Shop Goodies, Winter Avatar Customizations, Winter Pet Quest Bundle, and Magic Hatching Potions![]

Winter Wonderland is coming to a close in Habitica after 8 PM US EST January 31, so be sure to snag this year's limited edition outfits from your Rewards column.

by Snickie, Vikte, QuartzFox, jjgame83, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat

The Seasonal Shop will also close when the Gala ends. The Seasonal Sorceress has stocked the seasonal edition versions of previous winter outfits--now available for Gems instead of Gold, as well as Snowballs.

by QuartzFox, gawrone, jjgame83, Aspiring Advocate, Lt Cabel, Vikte, AnnDeLune, Persephone, WeeWitch, katy133, yayannabelle, Stefalupagus, Io Breese, foreverender, Podcod, Shaner, AinFach, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat

Starry Night, Holly, and Aurora Potions are also leaving the Market when the gala ends. If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!

by QuartzFox, Archeia, Tyche_Alba, OuttaMyMind, JinjooHat, willowthewitty, heyeilatan, and SabreCat

Don't miss the Wintery Skins and Hair colors in Menu > Customize Avatar. Snag them before they disappear, and enjoy using them the whole year round!

Last but not least, don't forget the Winter Pet Quest Bundle! It includes the Find the Cub, Trapper Santa, and Penguin quests, all for only 7 Gems! Check it out in the Quest Shop today!

by Lemoness and SabreCat
Writing by Lefnire, Leephon, and Daniel the Bard
Art by UncommonCriminal, Shaner, Eevachu, Pandoro, melynnrose, Breadstrings, Rattify, and PainterProphet



Six Habiticans dressed in wintery hair and skin are enjoying a whole slew of outdoor activities.

Wintery Skins and Hair Colors Now Available![]

The Seasonal Edition Wintery Hair Colors are now available for purchase! Now you can dye your avatar's hair Snowy, Peppermint, Holly Green, Aurora, Winter Star, or Festive.

And the Seasonal Edition Wintery Skins are available, too! You can complete your winter avatar look with Aurora, Dapper, Festive, Holly, Polar, Sugar, or Winter Star Skins.

Both of these Seasonal Edition customization sets will only be available to purchase until 8 PM US EST on January 31st, after which they'll be gone until next year, so be sure to swoop them up now! You can find them in User > Edit Avatar!

by Lemoness and tricksy.fox



A brown-skinned Habitican, with their white Rabbit pet views a serene Snowy Temple, a blonde Habitican wearing a Cozy Shawl-Collar Coat accompanied by her Polar Bear pet, enjoys nature at a Winter Lake with Swans (my money's on the swans in case the Polar Bear gets ideas) and an armored Habitican with their white Gryphon pet admires Sparkling Rime Ice.

January Backgrounds and Armoire Items[]

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Your avatar can now admire sparkling Rime Ice, view a serene Snowy Temple, and enjoy nature at a Winter Lake with Swans. Check them out under User Icon > Backgrounds on web and Menu > Inventory > Customize Avatar on mobile!

And there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire: the Cozy Shawl-Collar Coat! Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy 😀

by seschnepper, CaffieneCat, QuartzFox, Vikte, gawrone, KateKintail, SabreCat, and heyeilatan



A pair of Habiticans in festive holiday wear stand below a gently twinkling sky, surrounded by gems, gifts, and a purple jackalope pet.

Last Chance: Give a Subscription and Get One Free![]

Don't forget to take advantage of our best promotion of the year! Gift a Habitica subscription to a friend or loved one and get the same length of subscription for yourself, free!

Subscribers get tons of perks every month, including exclusive items, the ability to buy Gems with Gold, and a cute exclusive Jackalope Pet. Plus, it helps keep Habitica running! 💜

To gift a subscription to someone, just open their profile and click on the present icon in the upper right.

If you've been curious about trying out a subscription, now's the time! Gear up for the new year with exciting perks for you and your favorite accountability buddy.

Promotion ends at 11:59 PM US Eastern Time on January 8.

Please note that if you or your gift recipient already have a recurring subscription, the gifted subscription will only start after that subscription is cancelled or has expired.

Thanks so much for your support! 💜

by the Habitica Team

January 2023 Resolution Success Challenge and New Take This Challenge![]

A purple-skinned Habitican with an afro thinks about their task list, which appears as a quest scroll with multi-color items on it.

The Habitica team has launched a special official Challenge series hosted in the Official New Year's Resolution Guild. These Challenges are designed to help you build and maintain goals that are destined for success and then stick with them as the year progresses.

Check out the first New Year's Resolution Challenge of the year to start your path to resolution success! In Begin Your Quest, we're focusing on choosing realistic and achievable resolutions! Five winners will receive their choice of a one-month gift subscription to Habitica or 25 Gems when it closes on February 1st.

Congratulations to the winners of December's Challenge, @hb40f, @Bublinka23, @AureliaLucilla, @alicewinry, and @Polledra!

The next Take This Challenge has also launched, It's Dangerous to Go Alone!, with a focus on strengthening social connections. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a non-profit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Notice Me, Senpai"": grand prize winner @maddiekoz1, and runners-up @reaskz, @girlextraordinaire, @Ladentity, @sealbeast, and @milo_miso. Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if they hadn't completed it already. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, and SabreCat



a dark-skinned Habitican wears a purple fox outfit, while getting ready to celebrate the the New Year.

The January Subscriber Item Set has been revealed: the Valiant Vulpine Item Set! Subscribe to Habitica by 8 PM US EST on January 31 to receive this exciting set! Go to Menu > Subscription on mobile or User > Subscription on web to sign up. If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Items to claim your gear!

This is the perfect time to try out a Habitica subscription, as we're in the middle of our biggest promotion of the year. Give a gift subscription to a fellow Habitican and get the same subscription yourself free! Check out the sale before it ends on January 8 at 11:59 PM US Eastern.

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy Gems using Gold—the longer you subscribe, the more Gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support—it means a lot to us.

by Beffymaroo
