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This page intentionally contains outdated links to one or more guilds on Habitica. Guilds and the Tavern were removed from Habitica on August 8, 2023 and these links will no longer work.

The reason provided for keeping these links was: News entries are kept as-is for historical reference.

Baileyは公式からのお知らせを教えてくれます。彼女をTwitterでフォローすることも可能です。このページで見ることができるニュースは、ゲーム内で提示されるお知らせと同一のものです(署名を含む)。この記事はCC-by-NC-SA 3.0ライセンスに従います。場合によっては、フォーマットに合わせるためにスペルを修正したり形式を調整したりする等の自由が許されています。ゲーム内でのお知らせを見るには 設定 > サイト (直接リンク)にある"Baileyを表示する"をオンにして下さい。


2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021(英語版) | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013

できごと年表を探していますか? Habiticaの歴史のページでまとめたものを読むことが出来ます。

2013-2014 | 2015-2016






ご質問は admin@habitica.com までご連絡ください!沢山のご参加ありがとうございました!Habitica公式SNSアカウントでの #CosplayFriday 特集も是非ご確認ください!

提供: Beffymaroo and Sabrecat



Promo mystery 202211


11月の会員用アイテム、エレクトロマンサーセットが公開されました!このエキサイティングなセットを受け取るには、11月30日午後8時(東部標準時)までにHabitica有料プランへ加入しましょう!すでにアクティブな会員である場合は、サイトを再読み込みしてから、[所持品] > [アイテム] に移動して装備を取得してください!


提供: Beffymaroo


Promo achievement boneToPick

新しい実績をリリースしました!これで Habitica 世界のペット収集について成功を称えあうことができます!「骨の髄まで」実績を獲得し、プロフィール用の格好いいバッジを獲得するには、Habiticaですべての骨のぺト(基本のペットとクエストで入手できるもの)を集めましょう。


提供: PixelStormArt, heyeilatan, and SabreCat

2022年11月のResolution Successチャレンジと新たなTake Thisチャレンジ![]

Promo seaserpent

Habiticaチームは、Official New Year's Resolution Guildで開催される、特別な公式チャレンジシリーズを立ち上げています。これらのチャレンジは、必ず達成できる目標を立てて維持し、年が進むにつれて達成し続けられるように設計されています。今月のチャレンジ "Journey's End and New Beginnings"(旅の終点と新たな出発)では、年の終わりに向かうにつれて立ちはだかる試練に焦点を当てています!15ジェムの賞金が用意され、12月1日に5人の幸運な当選者に贈られます。

10月のチャレンジの勝者は xasotay569-so-stay、 Armanda_Memeth、 StarDreamer、 OnonokiNonon 、no-brain_nopain です!おめでとうございます!

次のTake ThisチャレンジGaining Inspiration Points!(何かひらめきそう!)では、創造性に焦点を当てています。Take This 装備セットのピースを獲得したいなら、確認をお忘れなく!

Take This は、メンタルヘルスの問題についてゲーマーコミュニティに情報を提供し、精神障害と精神疾患の予防に関する教育を提供し、精神疾患のスティグマを減らすことを目指す非営利団体です。

前回の Take This チャレンジ"Do One Thing Well"の受賞者は zacholas321、次点は double_virgule、 TeaCrumpet、 Hyumi-chan、OkieLizze、inkymushです。受賞者の皆さん、おめでとうございます。さらに、チャレンジのすべての参加者はTake This アイテムセットをまだコンプリートしていない場合、その一部を受け取れます。報酬はごほうびの欄にあります。お楽しみください!

提供: Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, heyeilatan, and SabreCat




Seasonalshop open

今日はNPCたちが仮装する秋の大祭最後の日です! (10月31日午後8時(東部標準時)に終了)他にも、ストアには楽しいものがたくさん並んでいます…


Promo habitoween 2021




提供: Lemoness, Beffymaroo, and Sabrecat



Promo spooky gem sale 2022


多くの要望に応えて、秋の大祭ジェムセールが舞い戻ってきました!今から10月31日午後8時(米国東部標準時)までの間に、ジェムを購入するたびボーナスジェムを受け取ることができます。今すぐジェムで財布をいっぱいにして、季節の店の限定商品や、クエスト、魔法のたまごがえしの薬など、欲しかった秋の大祭の恵みをすべて手に入れてしまいましょう!詳細については、モバイル版なら メニュー> ジェム 、ウェブ版ならメニューバーのジェムをクリックしてご確認ください。



いつもご支援いただきありがとうございます。💜 ジェムを通じて、我々が運営し続ける力になっています!


Promo fall festival 2022


提供: jjgame83, Vikte, QuartzFox, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat


提供: Gawrone, jjgame83, AnnDeLune, ʂʈєƒąʃųƥągųʂ, Katy133, Lilith of Alfheim, Definitely not a villain, ShoGirlGeek. cataclysms, maxpendragon, Vikte, QuartzFox, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, heyeilatan and SabreCat


提供: Hermi, QuartzFox, jjgame83, FolleMente, heyeilatan, and SabreCat


Promo fall customizations


提供: Lemoness, mariahm, and crystalphoenix

提供: beffymaroo





提供: Beffymaroo



Promo witchy familiars


提供: Lemoness and SabreCat
テキスト: Token, Arcosine, and Fluitare
画像: Pandah, UncommonCriminal, Arcosine, starsystemic, RosemonkeyCT, Jon Arjinborn, and Breadstrings

恐怖症のためにネズミやクモをHabiticaで見たくない場合は、Phobia Protection Extension(恐怖症保護の拡張ツール)をご確認ください。これにより、ネズミとクモ(他にもヘビ、蜂、ゾンビ、ガイコツ、またはそれらの組み合わせ)を特徴とするペット、乗騎、背景、クエストボス、装備が非表示になります。皆様のHabiticaでの体験が楽しいものとなりますように!

提供: Lemoness


10月の背景とラッキー宝箱アイテムが登場! さらに不気味な光が使用可能!

Promo armoire backgrounds 202210


背景ショップに3つの新しい背景を追加しました!これで、アバターは不気味な廃墟を探検したり、墓場の門をくぐってみたり、マスク職人の工房でイメチェンを試みることも出来ます。ウェブ版なら右上の ユーザーアイコン > 背景、モバイル版なら メニュー > 所持品 > アバターのカスタマイズ でご確認ください!



Promo spooky sparkles 2022


もしもあなたが不気味な光を浴びたなら、実績 "要注意の友達" のバッヂを獲得することでしょう!ご心配なく。不思議な力はだんだん薄れて、次の日には消えていますから……。もっと早く解呪したいなら、不透明の薬(ごほうび欄にあります)を購入して使いましょう!

せっかく季節の店を訪れたなら、他のアイテムも見てみてくださいね! 以前の秋の大祭で登場した装備品も、たくさん取り揃えてありますよ。季節の店は10月31日 (東部標準時)までの営業です。購入はお早めに!

提供: Vikte, QuartzFox, blue-raindrop, Kodey, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat



Promo fall gems

秋の大祭をさらに楽しめるよう、Habiticaではジェムセールが行われます!ウェブ版またはモバイル版でジェムを購入するたび、ボーナスのジェムを受け取ることができます。購入するジェムが多いほど、ボーナスは大きくなります!受け取ったジェムを使って、季節の店から過去の秋の大祭で登場したクエスト、魔法のたまごがえしの薬、装備などを手に入れましょう。詳細については、モバイル版なら メニュー>ジェム 、ウェブ版ならメニューバーのジェムをクリックしてご確認ください。




提供: Beffymaroo


秋の大祭アバター、新しいResolution Successチャレンジの登場とBack to Schoolチャレンジの受賞者!

Promo fall customizations




季節限定品のアイテムは毎年変わりませんが、いずれも短期間しか購入できません。ユーザー > アバターを編集する で、これらのエキサイティングなスキンと髪色を見てみましょう。今回入手を逃すと、来年まで待たなければなりません!

2022年10月のResolution SuccessチャレンジとBack to Schoolチャレンジの受賞者たち![]

Scene reading

Habiticaチームは、Official New Year's Resolution Guildで開催される、特別な公式チャレンジシリーズを立ち上げています。これらのチャレンジは、必ず達成できる目標を立てて維持し、年が進むにつれて達成し続けられるように設計されています。今月のチャレンジ Staying Strong(強くあれ)では、今年の残り4分の1に向けてモチベーションを高めることに焦点を当てています!15ジェムの賞金が用意され、11月1日に5人の幸運な当選者に贈られます。

9月のチャレンジの勝者は PhilOakeysFringe、Khaiden、melspippin、communeofwallabieslo、felipetinhaです!おめでとうございます!

また、Back-to-Schoolチャレンジで準備に挑んだ参加者から、受賞者を決定しました!KidasDream、king_tor、GremlinPen、 sea-soba、 Hoodie_Caveです。おめでとうございます!


提供: Lemoness, mariahm, crystalphoenix, Beffymaroo, SabreCat, and heyeilatan



Promo mystery 202210


10月の会員用アイテム、くちなわセットが公開されました!このエキサイティングなセットを受け取るには、10月31日(東部標準時)までにHabitica有料プランへ加入しましょう!すでにアクティブな会員である場合は、サイトを再読み込みしてから、[所持品] > [アイテム] に移動して装備を取得してください!


恐怖症のためにヘビをHabiticaで見たくない場合は、Phobia Protection Extension(恐怖症保護の拡張ツール)をご確認ください。これにより、ヘビ(他にもクモ、ネズミ、蜂、カブトムシ、ゾンビ、ガイコツ、蛾、またはそれらの組み合わせ)を特徴とするペット、乗騎、背景、クエストボス、装備が非表示になります。皆様のHabiticaでの体験が楽しいものとなりますように!

2022年10月のTake Thisチャレンジ![]

Scene strength

次のTake Thisチャレンジ Do One Thing Well(ひとつのことをていねいに)では、「一度にひとつの事に取り組む」ことへ焦点を当てています。Take This 装備セットのピースを獲得したいなら、確認をお忘れなく!

Take This は、メンタルヘルスの問題についてゲーマーコミュニティに情報を提供し、精神障害と精神疾患の予防に関する教育を提供し、精神疾患のスティグマを減らすことを目指す非営利団体です。

前回の Take This チャレンジ「I Am The Night」の受賞者は KhassKhan、次点は yennifer01、half-boiled_egg、lalanaaa、constantlyPlanck、ya_cat です。受賞者の皆さん、おめでとうございます。さらに、チャレンジのすべての参加者はTake This アイテムセットをまだコンプリートしていない場合、その一部を受け取れます。報酬はごほうびの欄にあります。お楽しみください!

提供: Beffymaroo, Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, SabreCat, and heyeilatan




Promo mystery 202209


お忘れなく:9月30日午後8時(米国東部時間)は、新しくHabitica有料プランに加入して 魔法学者セット を受け取れる最後の日です!加入するとゴールドでジェムを購入することもできます。会員期間が長ければ長いほど、より多くのジェムを獲得できます!



Promo farm friends bundle

森とまきばのペットクエストセットは クエストショップ から9月30日午後8時(米国東部時間)に 無くなってしまいます。各セットには、7ジェムで3つのクエストが含まれています。彼らがいなくなる前に捕まえましょう!

提供: Uncommon Criminal, InspectorCaracal, Leephon, aurakami, PainterProphet, Soloana, fuzzytrees, Feralem Tau, Eevachu, Beffymaroo, JessicaChase, starsystemic, nonight, Misceo, Tocath, plumilla, Daniel the Bard, Flutter Bee, schizelle, VikingRunner, Salambander, Leephon, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, heyeilatan, and SabreCat



Promo fall festival 2022



提供: jjgame83, Vikte, QuartzFox, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat


Promo fall festival 2021


提供: Gawrone, jjgame83, AnnDeLune, ʂʈєƒąʃųƥągųʂ, Katy133, Lilith of Alfheim, Definitely not a villain, ShoGirlGeek. cataclysms, maxpendragon, Vikte, QuartzFox, Lemoness, Beffymaroo and SabreCat


Promo vampire potions




提供: Hermi, QuartzFox, jjgame83, FolleMente, heyeilatan, and SabreCat



Promo farm friends bundle



提供: schizelle, VikingRunner, Salambander, Leephon, UncommonCriminal, Soloana, fuzzytrees, Feralem Tau, Eevachu, Beffymaroo, JessicaChase, starsystemic, nonight, Misceo, Tocath, Lemoness, SabreCat, and heyeilatan.



Promo armoire backgrounds 202209


背景ショップに3つの新しい背景を追加しました。これで、アバターは劇場の大舞台でパフォーマンスしたり、秋のピクニックを楽しんだり、古写真風にポーズをとったりすることができます。ウェブ版なら右上の ユーザーアイコン > 背景、モバイル版なら メニュー > 所持品 > アバターのカスタマイズ でご確認ください!

ラッキー宝箱にはゴールドで購入できる新装備の、演劇の仮面が登場しました。すべてのピースを獲得するため、実生活のタスクに一生懸命取り組みましょう!お楽しみください 😀

提供: gawrone, Tyche_Alba, katieslug, KateKintail, SabreCat, and heyeilatan



Promo mystery 202209


9月の会員用アイテム、魔法学者セットが公開されました!このエキサイティングなセットを受け取るには、9月30日までにHabitica有料プランへ加入しましょう!すでにアクティブな会員である場合は、サイトを再読み込みしてから、[所持品] > [アイテム] に移動して装備を取得してください!


Resolution Successギルドからの新たなチャレンジと「Take This」![]

Scene perfect day

Habiticaチームは、Official New Year's Resolution Guildで開催される、特別な公式チャレンジシリーズを立ち上げました。これらのチャレンジは、絶対に成功できる目標を立てて維持し、年が進むにつれて達成できるように設計されています。今月のチャレンジCelebrate Your Triumphs(凱旋しよう)では、これまでのポジティブな結果を称えることに重点を置いています!15ジェムの賞金が用意され、2022年10月3日に5人の幸運な当選者に贈られます。

8月のチャレンジの勝者は @mianiis、@Taichi1、@Roman31、@SpaceStarer、@cautioner86です!おめでとうございます!

次のTake Thisチャレンジ"I am the Night!"では、より良い睡眠習慣の形成に焦点を当てています。必ずチェックしてください。Take This 装備セットのピースを獲得したいなら、確認を忘れずに! Take This は、メンタルヘルスの問題についてゲーマーコミュニティに情報を提供し、精神障害と精神疾患の予防に関する教育を提供し、精神疾患のスティグマを減らすことを目指す非営利団体です。

前回の Take This チャレンジ「This One Goes to 11!」の大賞受賞者は @MrDaveyBot 、次点は @Dingbatty、@thatroyalsfan、@Ice_alice、@BunnyLove8319、@hb-Justin8bit です。受賞者の皆さん、おめでとうございます。さらに、チャレンジのすべての参加者は、まだ完了していない場合、Take This アイテムセットの一部を受け取りました。ごほうびの欄にあります。お楽しみください!

提供: Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, heyeilatan, and SabreCat




Promo mystery 202208




提供: Beffymaroo


Promo porcelain and moonglow


提供: FolleMente, Quartzfox, seschnepper, heyeilatan, and SabreCat



提供: Uncommon Criminal, InspectorCaracal, Leephon, aurakami, FuzzyTrees, PainterProphet, plumilla, Daniel the Bard, Flutter Bee, and Lemoness


公式チャレンジ: 学校へ戻る準備!

Scene reading


学問に励む多くのHabitica民に新学期が迫っています。夏から新学期への移行を応援するために、特別なBack-to-School Challengeをご用意しました。今すぐチェックして、当選のチャンスをつかみましょう。5人の幸運な当選者は、プロフィール用のバッジと、ギフト有料プランまたはジェムのいずれかを選択して獲得できます!

提供: Beffymaroo








提供: Apollo, Piyo, SabreCat, and the Habitica Team



Promo porcelain and moonglow




提供: FolleMente, QuartzFox, seschnepper, heyeilatan and SabreCat



Promo forest friends bundle


Habitica のあなたの動物小屋に森の野生動物を加えたいとお思いなら、あなたは運がいいですよ!本日から9月30日まで、「森の仲間たち」ペットクエストセットで、鹿、ハリネズミ、木人のクエストをまとめて7ジェムで手に入れることができます!単品で購入するより5ジェムお得ですよ。今すぐクエストショップでチェックしましょう!

提供: Beffymaroo, heyeilatan, and SabreCat
テキスト: Daniel the Bard, Flutter Bee, and Lemoness
画像: Uncommon Criminal, InspectorCaracal, Leephon, aurakami, FuzzyTrees, PainterProphet, and plumilla


Promo achievement woodlandWizard

新しい実績をリリースしました!これで Habitica 世界のペット収集について成功を称えあうことができます! Habitica のすべての森の生き物 (鹿、フクロウ、木人、カエル、カタツムリ、リス、ハリネズミ、アナグマ、クマ、狐)を集​​め、「Woodland Wizard(木の間の魔法使い)」の実績を獲得すると、プロフィール用の格好いいバッジを入手できます。



提供: Blue Raindrop, heyeilatan, and SabreCat


Promo armoire backgrounds 202208


背景ショップに3つの新しい背景を追加しました。 アバターはキャンプファイヤーの炎にあたったり、虹のユーカリの木立を眺めたり、散らかった部屋を片付けたりすることができます。Web版では ユーザーアイコン > 背景 から、モバイル版では メニュー > 所持品 > アバターのカスタマイズ から確認してみましょう!

さらに、ラッキー宝箱にはクリーニングセットなどのゴールドで購入できる新しい装備が追加されています。コンプリートするために、タスクを一生懸命取り組みましょう!お楽しみください :) 提供: QuartzFox, jjgame83, Marsigotchi, Vikte, a_diamond, -Tyr-, SuperSaraA, PixelStormArt, heyeilatan, and SabreCat


8月の有料会員アイテムと、公式の Habitica チャレンジが新しく登場!
Promo mystery 202208


8月の有料会員アイテム―― はつらつポニーテールセットが公開されました!このわくわくするようなセットを受け取るには、8月31日までに Habitica の有料会員になりましょう!すでに会員である場合は、サイトをリロードしてから、[所持品] > [アイテム] に移動して装備を取得してください!

有料会員はゴールドでジェムを購入することもできます。定期購入が長ければ長いほど、毎月より多くのジェムを購入できます!より長い期間のデータ取得、かわいいツノウサギのペットなど、他の特典もあります。そして何よりも、会員登録によって Habitica を運営し続けることができます。いつもご支援いただきありがとうございます。これは私たちにとって大きな意味があります。

新しい Resolution Success チャレンジとTake This チャレンジ![]

Scene buying rewards
Habitica チームは、 Official New Year's Resolution Guild で開催される、特別な公式チャレンジシリーズを立ち上げました。 これらのチャレンジは、絶対に成功できる目標を立てて維持し、年が進むにつれて達成できるように設計されています。今月のチャレンジ"Count Your Treasure"(宝物を積み重ねよう!)では、ごほうびの重要性に焦点を当てています!15ジェムの賞品は、9月1日に5人のラッキーな当選者に贈られます。

7月のチャレンジの受賞者は @OkieLizzie、@Moonlightketo、@Burrguesa、@jeffhcross、@lirantha です!おめでとうございます!

次の Take This Challenge も開始されました。 "This One Goes to 11!"(11まで行ける)では、プレッシャーやストレスの中でも落ち着いて集中するため、一旦立ち止まることを重視しています。Take This セットの追加装備を手に入れるために、必ずチェックしてください!

Take This は、メンタルヘルスの問題についてゲーマーコミュニティに情報を提供し、精神障害と精神疾患の予防に関する教育を提供し、精神疾患のスティグマを減らすことを目指す非営利団体です。

前回の Take This チャレンジ「+2 Intelligence Bonus」の大賞受賞者は @grumpyfruitbat 、次点は @MyLadyScribbler、SIMON SCHAUDER、Elanna、@Mocha、@Kxvrn です。受賞者の皆さん、おめでとうございます。さらに、チャレンジのすべての参加者は、まだ完了していない場合、Take This アイテムセットの一部を受け取りました。ごほうびの欄にあります。お楽しみください! 提供: Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, heyeilatan, and SabreCat

July 2022[]


Promo mystery 202207

Last Chance for Jammin' Jelly Item Set![]

Reminder: July 31 is the last day to receive the Jammin' Jelly Set when you sign up for a new Habitica subscription! Subscribing also lets you buy gems for gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.by Beffymaroo

Last Chance for Splashy Avatar Skin Set[]

Promo splashy skins
The Seasonal Edition Splashy Skins Set is about to disappear until next Summer Splash. If you buy them you will have access to them year-round! Get them now from the User menu > Edit Avatar!by Lemoness and McCoyly

Habitica Naming Day Is Here![]

Promo naming day 2020
Happy Habitica Naming day! In honor of the day when we changed the name of the app from HabitRPG to Habitica, we've given everyone an achievement, as well as some delicious cake for your pets and mounts.by Lemoness and SabreCat

Habitica Purple Gryphons![]

Speaking of pets and mounts, we've given all users Royal Purple Gryphon rewards! Depending on how many Naming Days you've celebrated with us, you've received Melior (a Purple Gryphon mount), his little sister Meliora (a Purple Gryphon pet), a Purple Gryphon Helm, the Purple Gryphon Wing Cloak, or the Gryphon Tail!

Thanks for being a Habitica user -- you all mean so much to us. We hope that you enjoy your presents!by Lemoness, Beffymaroo, and Baconsaur


Promo summer splash 2022

Last Chance for Summer Splash![]

Summer Splash is coming to a close in Habitica. It's the nearly the last day to snag this year's limited edition outfits from your Rewards column. Depending on your class, you can be a Waterspout Warrior, Crab Rogue, Manta Ray Mage or Angelfish Healer! Don't miss these awesome gear sets, available to purchase with gold now!by Vikte, QuartzFox, jjgame83, Beffymaroo, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat

Seasonal Shop Closing Soon![]

Promo seafoam
The Seasonal Shop will also be closing when the Gala ends. The Seasonal Sorceress is stocking the seasonal edition versions of previous summer outfits, now available for gems instead of gold, as well as Seafoam Potions to turn your party members into glorious starfish!by ravenlune, Tigergurke, Persephone, stefalupagus, Beffymaroo, SabreCat, and heyeilatan
Promo aquatic sunset watery

Say Adieu to Sunset, Watery, and Aquatic Magic Hatching Potions![]

Don't forget to buy Sunset, Watery, and Aquatic Magic Hatching Potions! They're also leaving the Market when the Gala ends. If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!by AwesomeKitty, SuperSaraA, Vampitch, Vikte, TheDudeAbides, Lalaitha, Beffymaroo, AnnDeLune, nonight, tricksy.fox, Giu09, JaizakAripaik, Teto Forever, Kai, QuartzFox, jjgame83, Vyllan, gawrone, shanaqui, SabreCat, and Lemoness


Promo seafoam

Seafoam Available in the Seasonal Shop![]

Throw some Seafoam at your friends and they will turn into a cheerful sea star until the next time their dailies reset! You can buy the Seafoam in the Seasonal Shop for gold. Plus, if you get splashed by Seafoam, you'll receive the Aquatic Friends badge!

Don't want to be a sea star? Just buy some Sand from your Rewards column to reverse it.

Seafoam will be available in the Seasonal Shop until July 31st!
Promo orcas

Orcas for Everyone![]

It looks like some friendly Orcas are swimming into Habiticans' stables! In honor of the Summer Splash event, everyone who didn't already have an Orca gets either the mount or the pet. Enjoy!by Beffymaroo, Lemoness, and Uncommon Criminal


Promo armoire background 202207

July Backgrounds and Enchanted Armoire Items![]

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can admire the glow of Bioluminescent Waves, explore an Underwater Cave, and try not to blink in an Underwater Statue Garden. Check them out under User Icon > Backgrounds on web and Menu > Inventory > Customize Avatar on mobile!

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire: the Fancy Pirate Set! Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy!😀by jjgame83, Vikte, 24freeplay, Blue Raindrop, Beffymaroo, KateKintail, SabreCat, and heyeilatan


Promo splashy skins

Splashy Skins Now Available![]

The Seasonal Edition Splashy Skins are back! You can complete your summer avatar look with Clownfish, Deep Ocean, Tropical Water, Mergold, Mergreen, Merblue, Merruby, and Shark Skins.

This Seasonal Edition customization set will only be available to purchase until July 31st, after which they'll be gone until next year, so be sure to swoop them up now! You can find them in User > Edit Avatar!by Lemoness and UncommonCriminal


Promo mystery 202207

July Subscriber Items Revealed![]

The July Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Jammin' Jelly Item Set! Subscribe to Habitica by July 31 to receive this exciting set! If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Items to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.
Scene hat guild

July 2022 Resolution Success Challenge and New Take This Challenge![]

The Habitica team has launched a special official Challenge series hosted in the Official New Year's Resolution Guild. These Challenges are designed to help you build and maintain goals that are destined for success and then stick with them as the year progresses. For this month's Challenge, Convene Your Companions, we're focusing on building accountability with your friends in Habitica's social spaces! It has a 15 gem prize, which will be awarded to five lucky winners on August 1st.

Congratulations to the winners of June's Challenge: @nermasquirm, @P5ychrow, @depressiveoptimist, @Cayst, and @Frija!

The next Take This Challenge has also launched, +2 Intelligence Bonus!, with a focus on deep learning about a topic of interest. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set! Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, Hero's Triumph: grand prize winner @BootsDaCat, and runners-up @Nicolas1213, @justapalspal, @Artleighton, @DenisYakovlev, and @KateSnow. Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This Item Set if they hadn't completed it already. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!by Beffymaroo, Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, heyeilatan, and SabreCat

June 2022[]


A blue-skinned and haired Habitican stands on the sea floor, adorned with the Sea Sprite Set. The Circle has a blue pearl and grants water bending powers, while the translucent blue wings are made of water and waves.

Last Chance for Sea Sprite Set[]

Reminder: Thursday is the last day to receive the Sea Sprite Equipment Set when you sign up for a new Habitica subscription! Subscribing also lets you buy gems for gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.
A Habitcan with brown skin and black hair floats on the ocean floor with a pink axolotl pet at their side, a priatical Habitican stands on the deck of their ship with a red octopus pet lurking near them, and a blue skinned Habiticn wearing a yellow outfit is accompanied by a purple cuttlefish in a gloomy ocean setting.

Last Chance for Aquatic Amigos Pet Quest Bundle[]

Thursday is also the final day to buy the discounted Aquatic Amigos Pet Quest Bundle, featuring the Axolotl, Cuttlefish, and Octopus quests for only seven gems! Be sure to catch it in the Quest Shop before it drifts away!by Beffymaroo, PainterProphet, Streak, James Danger, hazel, RiverMori, UncommonCriminal, Urse, RBrinks, TokenKnight, wolvenhalo, Lemoness, heyeilatan, and SabreCat


Promo summer splash 2022

Summer Splash Begins![]

To escape the summer heat in Habit City, everyone's moved down to the undersea city of Dilatory. The Summer Splash event has begun!

Summer Class Outfits[]

From now until July 31st, limited edition outfits are available in the Rewards column. Depending on your class, you can be a Waterspout Warrior, Crab Rogue, Manta Ray Mage, or Angelfish Healer! You'd better get productive to earn enough gold before they disappear. Good luck! by jjgame83, Vikte, QuartzFox, Beffymaroo, KateKintail, SabreCat, and heyeilatan

Seasonal Shop is Open![]

The Seasonal Shop has opened! The Seasonal Sorceress is stocking the seasonal edition versions of previous summer outfits, now available for gems instead of gold. Plus, there will be more fun things in the shop as the event progresses. The Seasonal Shop will only be open until July 31st, so don't wait!by Vampitch, Vikte, TheDudeAbides, Lalaitha, Beffymaroo, AnnDeLune, nonight, tricksy.fox, Giu09, JaizakAripaik, Teto Forever, Kai, QuartzFox, jjgame83, Vyllan, gawrone, AwesomeKitty, SuperSaraA, shanaqui, SabreCat, and Lemoness
Npc matt summer

NPC Costumes[]

Looks like the NPCs are really getting in to the cheery summer mood around the site. Who wouldn't? After all, there's plenty more celebration to come...by Lemoness
Promo aquatic sunset watery

Summer Splash Hatching Potions Available![]

There's a new pet breed in town! Check out the return of Sunset, Watery, and Aquatic Potions to brighten your summer avatar look. Buy them from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.) Magic Hatching Potion Pets aren't picky, so they'll happily eat any kind of food that you feed them! These potions will be available until 8 PM US Eastern Time on July 31. After they're gone, it will be at least a year before these Hatching Potions are available again, so be sure to get them now! by By ravenlune, Tigergurke, Persephone, stefalupagus, Beffymaroo, SabreCat, and heyeilatan


Promo aquatic amigos bundle

Discounted Pet Quest Bundle: Aquatic Amigos![]

If you're looking to add some splashy pets to your Habitica stable, you're in luck! From now until 8:00 pm Eastern Time on June 30, you can purchase the Aquatic Amigos Pet Quest Bundle and receive the Axolotl, Cuttlefish, and Octopus quests, all for only 7 Gems! That's a discount of 5 Gems from the price of purchasing them separately. Check it out in the Quest Shop today!by PainterProphet, Streak, James Danger, hazel, RiverMori, UncommonCriminal, Urse, RBrinks, TokenKnight, wolvenhalo, Lemoness, heyeilatan, and SabreCat


Promo armoire backgrounds 202206

June Backgrounds and Enchanted Armoire Items[]

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can explore a Beach with Dunes, admire a Mountain Waterfall, and enjoy the beauty of a Sailboat at Sunset. Check them out under User Icon > Backgrounds on web and Menu > Inventory > Customize Avatar on mobile!

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire: a set of Kites for your avatar to fly. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all five! Enjoy :)by PixelStormArt, loremis, gawrone, jjgame83, ravenlune, mike_the_monk, KateKintail, heyeilatan, and SabreCat


Promo mystery 202206

June Subscriber Items Revealed[]

The June Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Sea Sprite Item Set! Subscribe to Habitica by June 30 to receive this exciting set! If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Items to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.

June Resolution Success Challenge and New Take This Challenge[]

Three Habitica characters walk on a trail through rolling hills.
The Habitica team has launched a special official Challenge series hosted in the Official New Year's Resolution Guild. These Challenges are designed to help you build and maintain goals that are destined for success and then stick with them as the year progresses. For this month's Challenge, Mark Your Journey, we're reflecting on your achievements since January and looking ahead to the rest of the year! It has a 15 gem prize, which will be awarded to five lucky winners on July 1st.

Congratulations to the winners of May's Challenge, @mariaminhota , @callme_m, @Monyeti, @SpaceStarer, and @Seriiko!

The next Take This Challenge has also launched, Hero's Triumph!, with a focus on volunteering. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Keep Calm and Carry On!": grand prize winner Student Jeremiah DeBell, and runners-up @Procrastor, @Slinkadynk, @SlyCarper, @herosmantle, and @ninjaranchan. Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if they hadn't completed it already. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, and SabreCat

May 2022[]


A Habitica character is wearing the Dusk-Winged Dragon Item Set while they sit on top of a mountain. Behind them, other mountaintops can be seen as well as the setting sun.

Last Chance for Dusk-Winged Dragon Set[]

Reminder: you only have until May 31 to receive the Dusk-Winged Dragon Set when you sign up for a new Habitica subscription! Subscribing also lets you buy gems for gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.by Beffymaroo

Last Chance for Sunshine and Floral Hatching Potions[]

There are three panels. On the left, there is a Sunshine Flying Pig Pet and a Floral Dragon Pet in tree branches. In the middle, there is a Sunshine Panda Mount and a Floral Bear Pet under a rainbow next to a pot of gold. On the right, there is a Floral Wolf Mount on the forest floor.
Reminder: May 31 is the final day to buy Sunshine and Floral Hatching Potions! If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!by OuttaMyMind, Lt.Cabel, Eslyn, Mako, and SabreCat

Last Chance for Delightful Dinos Quest Bundle![]

There are three panels. On the left, a Habitica character and a Triceratops Pet are near a tall tree. In the middle, a Habitica character rides a Pterodactyl above the forest. On the left, a Habitica character and a T-Rex Pet are in a spooky forest.
May 31 is also the final day to buy the discounted Delightful Dinos Pet Quest Bundle, featuring the Pterodactyl, Triceratops, and T-Rex (The Dinosaur Unearthed) quests all for seven gems! Be sure to nab it from the Quest Shop before it goes extinct!by Beffymaroo and SabreCat
Writing by Lemoness, Daniel the Bard, Lilith of Alfheim, and Ali Stewart
Art by Baconsaur, Eevachu, UncommonCriminal, Kiwibot, McCoyly, plumilla, Seraphina, PainterProphet, Stefalupagus, Katy133, Edge, Willow The Witty, Lilith of Alfheim, Procyon, GeraldThePixel, and Archeia


There is a green badge with an eye in the middle on the base of a tree trunk. From left to right, there is a Turtle, Crocodile, Snake, and Velociraptor pet in the woods.

New Pet Collection Badge![]

We're releasing a new achievement so you can celebrate your successes in the world of Habitican Pet collecting! Earn the Reptacular Rumble achievement by collecting all Habitica's reptilian pets (alligator, pterodactyl, snake, triceratops, turtle, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and velociraptor) and you'll earn a nifty badge for your profile.

If you already have all these reptile pets in your stable, you'll receive the badge automatically! Check your profile and celebrate your new achievement with pride.by Xyron and SabreCat


There are three panels. On the left, there is a Sunshine Flying Pig Pet and a Floral Dragon Pet in tree branches. In the middle, there is a Sunshine Panda Mount and a Floral Bear Pet under a rainbow next to a pot of gold. On the right, there is a Floral Wolf Mount on the forest floor.

Sunshine and Floral Hatching Potions![]

Fan-favorite Sunshine and Floral Magic Hatching Potions are back! You can get them in the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.) Magic Hatching Potion Pets aren't picky, so they'll happily eat any kind of food that you feed them!

These potions will be available until May 31. After they're gone, it will be at least a year before the Sunshine or Floral Hatching Potions are available again, so be sure to get them now!
There are three panels. On the left, a Habitica character and a Triceratops Pet are near a tall tree. In the middle, a Habitica character rides a Pterodactyl above the forest. On the left, a Habitica character and a T-Rex Pet are in a spooky forest.

Discounted Pet Quest Bundle: Delightful Dinos![]

If you're looking to add some dinosaur pets to your Habitica stable, life, uh, finds a way! From now until May 31, you can purchase the Delightful Dinos Pet Quest Bundle and receive the Pterodactyl, Triceratops, and T-Rex (The Dinosaur Unearthed) quests, all for only 7 Gems! That's a discount of 5 Gems from the price of purchasing them separately. Check it out in the Quest Shop today!by OuttaMyMind, Lt.Cabel, Eslyn, Mako, SabreCat, Beffymaroo, Baconsaur, Eevachu, UncommonCriminal, Kiwibot, McCoyly, plumilla, Seraphina, PainterProphet, Stefalupagus, Katy133, Edge, Willow The Witty, Lilith of Alfheim, Procyon, GeraldThePixel, Archeia, Lemoness, Daniel the Bard, Lilith of Alfheim, and Ali Stewart


There are three panels. On the left, a Habitica character is holding a horn on a Castle Gate. In the middle, a Habitica character is playing a stringed instrument in an Enchanted Music Room. On the right, a Habitica character is playing drums on the Castle Wall.

May Backgrounds and Enchanted Armoire Items![]

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can look out from a Castle Wall, stand guard at the Castle Gate, and play in an Enchanted Music Room. Check them out under User Icon > Backgrounds on web and Menu > Inventory > Customize Avatar on mobile!

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the first Musical Instruments Set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy! 😀by gawrone, fffswhk, Tyche_Alba, QuartzFox, Beffymaroo, KateKintail, and SabreCat


A Habitica character is wearing the Dusk-Winged Dragon Item Set while they sit on top of a mountain. Behind them, other mountaintops can be seen as well as the setting sun.

May Subscriber Items Revealed![]

The May Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Dusk-Winged Dragon Item Set! Subscribe to Habitica by May 31 to receive this exciting set! If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Items to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold—the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running.

Thank you very much for your support—it means a lot to us.
Four Habitica characters stand together. They are using their special abilities as Rogues, Mages, Healers, and Warriors.

New Resolution Success Challenge and Take This Challenge[]

The Habitica team has launched a special official Challenge series hosted in the Official New Year's Resolution Guild. These Challenges are designed to help you build and maintain goals that are destined for success and then stick with them as the year progresses. For this month's Challenge, Review Your Combat Tactics, we're focusing on refining your strategy to help you stay motivated and keep moving forward as we're almost halfway through the year! It has a 15 Gem prize, which will be awarded to five lucky winners on June 1st.

Congratulations to the winners of April's Challenge, @Hemogoblin93, @nitiman, @StarDreamer, @KatieIrene, and @dsychin!

The next Take This Challenge has also launched, "Keep Calm and Carry On!", with a focus on using breathing techniques to steady us through tough emotions. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Test Thy Courage!": grand prize winner @Lydiakoisova, and runners-up @izz30y, @ristowe, @HopefulZed, @lightwinter, and @Mizhu! Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if they hadn't completed it already. It is located in your Rewards column.

A Habitica character stands with a sword, shield, and golden helm. They have wings on their back.
by Beffymaroo, Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, and SabreCat

April 2022[]



Habitica ending support for Facebook Login on May 2, 2022[]

Hello Habiticans! We’re removing the Facebook option for authentication on May 2, 2022. We encourage anyone using Facebook login to add an alternate method before that date.

On mobile, make sure you’re updated to the latest version then go to Settings > My Account > Add Password. On web, click the user icon to open the Menu > Settings > Add Email and Password Login. You could also link a Google or Apple account from there, depending on your platform.

If you don’t remember to add an alternate login method before Facebook support is removed, you won’t be locked out of your account. You can select ‘Forgot Password’ from the sign in screen to receive instructions for setting a new password to regain access. However, we strongly encourage you to do this before support ends in case there are any issues.

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us via admin@habitica.com.by The Habitica Team


Four Habitica characters stand in a spring meadow. From left to right, they are the Rainstorm Warrior, the Peridot Healer, the Forsythia Mage, and the Magpie Rogue.

Last Chance for Spring Fling Outfits, Avatar Customizations, Magic Hatching Potions, and Shiny Seeds![]

Spring Fling is coming to a close in Habitica. April 30 is the last day to snag this year's limited edition outfits from your Rewards column. Depending on your class, you can be a Rainstorm Warrior, Forsythia Mage, Peridot Healer, or Magpie Rogue. Don't miss these awesome gear sets, available to purchase with gold for now!

The Seasonal Shop will also be closing when the Gala ends. The Seasonal Sorceress is stocking the seasonal edition versions of previous spring outfits, now available for gems instead of gold, as well as Shiny Seeds.

April 30 is also the final day to buy Polka Dot, Shimmer, and Celestial Magic Hatching Potions! If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!

Last Chance for Virtual Adventurer Set![]

Three purple Virtual Adventurers are in a flowery field. The Virtual Adventurer on the left is smiling. The virtual Adventurer in the middle has a Habitica character inside. The Virtual Adventurer on the right has a surprised face.
Reminder: this is the final day to subscribe and receive the Virtual Adventurer Set! Subscribing also lets you buy gems for gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

Last Chance for April Fool's Items![]

Last but not least, all the goodies from the April Fool will disappear after April 30. Be sure to grab Veggie Magic Hatching Potions from the Market and The Confection and Virtual Pet Magic Hatching Potion Quests from the Quest Shop! These special items won't be available again for at least a year!by jjgame83, Vikte, KateKintail, SabreCat, gawrone, Shine Caramia, Eslyn, Aspiring Advocate, OuttaMyMind, Lt. Cabel, Lalaitha, DialFForFunky, Gerald the Pixel, Scarvia, Awesome kitty, usnbfs, Balduranne, PainterProphet, Beffymaroo, shanaqui, Lemoness, Teto Forever, tricksy.fox, Mara, Harry Sofokleous, Pixel Storm, Piyo, Viirus, and heyeilatan


Six Habitica characters stand in a meadow. They have Shimmer Hair including a light pink, orange, green, yellow, and blue. They also have Pastel Skins including green, blue, purple, and pink.

Shimmer Hair Colors and Pastel Skin Set Now Available[]

The Seasonal Edition Shimmer Hair Colors and Pastel Skin Set are now available for purchase in the User menu > Edit Avatar! These skin sets will only be available to purchase until April 30th, and then they will disappear from the shop until next Spring Fling. If you buy them, though, you will have access to them year-round!
Four smiling potted flowers stand side by side in the rain. There is a flower with pink petals, purple petals, orange petals, and blue petals.

Shiny Seeds Available in Seasonal Shop![]

Throw a Shiny Seed at your friends and they will turn into a cheerful flower until their next cron! You can buy the Seeds in the Seasonal Shop for gold. Plus, if you get transformed by a Shiny Seed, you'll receive the Agricultural Friends badge!

Don't want to be a flower? Just buy some Petal-Free Potion from your Rewards column to reverse it.

Shiny Seeds will be available in the Seasonal Shop until April 30th!by Lemoness, McCoyly


A purple virtual handheld device with colorful stickers around it shows an angry virtual pet.

Virtual Pet Magic Potion Quest![]

Just as Habiticans were returning to their normal pet care routines, it seems the April Fool’s prank has once again gotten out of hand!

Can you help the April Fool save Habitica from the Wotchimon? Join the battle, and earn special Virtual Pet Magic Hatching potions by completing your everyday tasks.

You can purchase the new limited Virtual Pet Magic Hatching Potion Quest AND the Confection Potion Quest from the Quest Shop between now and April 30! Each quest completion awards participants three potions each. Wacky pets do not have mount forms so keep that in mind when you're purchasing.

Garden Potions have also returned! You can find them in the Market until April 30. Keep in mind that Garden pets also do not have mount forms when deciding how many to purchase.

April Fool's Challenge Winners and Blog Post![]

The winners of the April Fool's Social Media Challenge have been selected! Congratulations to: ItsPolishFish, asaraneva, BookDragon88, sevenishmagpies, and Xenafannz!

Thank you to everyone who shared their awesome pics with their virtual pets! You can see a fun recap of the shenanigans on our blog. Stay tuned to see what wacky antics the Fool gets up to next year!by Beffymaroo, SabreCat


There are three panels. On the left, a Habitica character and a Robot Pet are in a Flower Shop. In the middle, a Habitica character with a Crocodile Pet stand near the Springtime Lake. On the right, a Habitica character and a Deer Pet stand among the Blossoming Trees.

April Backgrounds and Armoire Items![]

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can dally beneath Blossoming Trees, take in the sights along the shores of a Springtime Lake, and enjoy the sweet scent of a Flower Shop. Check them out under User Icon > Backgrounds on web and Menu > Inventory > Customize Avatar on mobile!

Plus, there’s new Gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Straw Raincoat Set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)by Vikte, Marsi, Beffymaroo, QuartzFox, KateKintail, lauraia, and SabreCat
There are six Habitica characters socializing in a room. Three Habitica characters have thought bubbles with lines in them. The other three have thought bubbles with a heart, a top hat with a feather, and a smiley face.

April 2022 Resolution Success Challenge and Take This Challenge[]

The Habitica team has launched a special official Challenge series hosted in the Official New Year's Resolution Guild. These Challenges are designed to help you build and maintain goals that are destined for success and then stick with them as the year progresses.For this month's Challenge, Gather Your Party, we're focusing on finding encouraging allies to help you gain accountability for your goals!! It has a 15 Gem prize, which will be awarded to five lucky winners on May 3.

Congratulations to the winners of March's Challenge, cautioner86, miraveta, FlightyWinglets, Myuuto, and ebolukbass!

The next Take This Challenge has also launched, "Test Thy Courage!", with a focus on initiating positive social interactions. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Cast of Characters!": grand prize winner @Anne_Solruptis_84, and runners-up @Batsamm, @kilo-nova, @CharliePerkins, @shuma12, and @Foguinhomucholoco! Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if they hadn't completed it already. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!
A Habitica character stands with a sword, shield, and golden helm. They have wings on their back.
by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, and SabreCat


A Habitica character stands in a meadow with butterflies flying around. There is a stable behind the character. There are four Virtual Pets, two on each side of the Habitica character. From left to right, they are yellow, red, blue, and green.

Virtual Mayhem in Habitica![]

April first has dawned in Habitica and across Habit City everyone is starting the morning, keeping a lookout to see what strange things may be in store.

Beffymaroo is on her way to the Tavern when she sees SabreCat holding a large plastic egg-shaped object. He’s looking at it with a puzzled expression, and it’s emitting beeps and other electronic noises.

"Sabe, what’s that?"

"Uh, well, I found it in my stable this morning where my tiger cub should have been!" says Sabe, still looking confounded. He turns the object around to reveal a screen with a pixelated face looking back at them. It emits a distorted meow.

"Wait a minute, did the Fool just change our pets into virtual pets?!" says Beffy.

In a burst of confetti, the April Fool appears, arms full of more virtual pets.

"Yes, you are witnesses to my new innovation! Today is your special limited time trial for Habitica’s Pets V.2.0! They’ll change back tomorrow, so definitely be sure to give them a whirl while you can. I think you’ll find they're quite a technological leap!"

"I’m not sure that us having to carry them around and push buttons is an improvement," laughs Sabe, "but they are very cute and retro!"

Equipping different pets will show different virtual pet designs. Have fun discovering them all and be sure to check out the April Fool’s Social Media Challenge for a fun chance to share your new pets, win gems, and be featured on the Habitica Blog!

April 2022 Subscriber Items![]

Three purple Virtual Pets are in a flowery field. The Virtual Pet on the left is smiling. The virtual pet in the middle has a Habitica character inside. The Virtual Pet on the right has a surprised face.
The April Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Virtual Adventurer Item Set! Subscribe to Habitica by April 30 to receive this exciting special edition 3-piece set and match your April Fool's Day pet! The set comes with two different screens with different faces you can wear. These will be in the eyewear slot in your avatar customization modal.

If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Items to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running.

Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.by Beffymaroo, SabreCat, Piyo, and Viirus

March 2022[]


There are three panels. On the left, there is a Celestial Flying Pig Mount and a Polka Dot Dragon in a Flower Field. In the middle, there is a Shimmer Dragon Mount and a Celestial Fox Pet under a Starry Night Sky with shooting stars. On the right, there is a Polka Dot Bear Mount and a Shimmer Cactus Pet in a Desert.

Spring Fling Hatching Potions![]

They're back! Between now and April 30, 2022, you can buy festive Polka Dot, Shimmer, and Celestial Hatching Potions from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.) Magic Potion Pets aren't picky, so they'll happily eat any kind of food that you feed them!

After they're gone, it will be at least a year before these potions are available again, so be sure to get them now!

An Appearance by the Master of Rogues...[]

It’s a quiet late March mid-morning in the Tavern. Habiticans are bustling about, drinking their favorite morning beverages, and chatting about their tasks for the day.

Piyo and Beffymaroo sit at the bar, sipping on Daniel the Bartender’s special Productivi-Tea.

"I suppose it's about that time, the time of year when we start speculating about what sort of hijinks we can expect from the Master of Rogues come April first," starts Beffymaroo.

"Hm. What else is out there to do, he's done so many different pranks!" says Piyo. "Tiny pets, veggie pets, confection pets, color-reversed pets..."

A head with conspicuous bright blue and pink hair pops up unexpectedly from behind the bar.

"Oho!" exclaims the April Fool, surprising both Beffy and Piyo with his sudden appearance. "Don't doubt that I am hard at work, devising another delightful improvement to Habitica to deploy on my favorite day of the year."

"Does Daniel know you just... hang out back here?" asks Piyo.

"A delightful improvement you say," says Beffy, eyebrow raised.

"It's a surprise! But I promise this new feature will be virtually the greatest thing to ever happen to Habiticans!" the Fool replies. He leapfrogs over the bar and cartwheels all the way out of the Tavern, to the delight of all the patrons.

Stay tuned, it sounds like the Fool is up to his old tricks... or perhaps new tricks!

Last Chance for the Dauntless Dragonfly Set![]

There is a Habitica character dressed in the Dauntless Dragonfly Set in a Butterfly Field.
Reminder: March 31, 2022, is the last day to receive the Dauntless Dragonfly Item Set when you sign up for a new Habitica subscription! Subscribing also lets you buy gems for gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get! Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

Last Chance for Cuddle Buddies Quest Bundle![]

There are three panels. On the left, there is a Habitica character with a Rabbit Pet in a Flowery Field. In the middle, there is a Habitica character with a Ferret Pet in the Forest. On the right, there is a Habitica character with a Guinea Pig Pet in a Flowery Meadow.
March 31, 2022, is also the final day to buy the discounted Cuddle Buddies Pet Quest Bundle, featuring the Bunny, Ferret, and Guinea Pig quests all for seven gems! Be sure to snag it from the Quest Shop before it scampers away!by Teto Forever, tricksy.fox, Mara, Harry Sofokleous, jjgame83, Pixel Storm, SabreCat, Beffymaroo, Willow the Witty, mewrose, Stefalupagus, Pandah, UncommonCriminal, Gully, Draayder, PainterProphet, Faye, RBrinks, Pocketmole, James Danger, Lilith of Alfheim, and Bartelmy


Four Habitica characters stand in a spring meadow. From left to right, they are the Rainstorm Warrior, the Peridot Healer, the Forsythia Mage, and the Magpie Rogue.

Limited Edition Class Outfits![]

From now until April 30th, limited edition outfits are available in the Rewards column! Depending on your class, you can be a Rainstorm Warrior, Forsythia Mage, Peridot Healer, or Magpie Rogue. You'd better get productive to earn enough gold before your time runs out...

Seasonal Shop Opens![]

There is a Habitica character standing in front of a sales booth. There are headbands with rabbit ears, cat ears, and dog ears displayed.
The Seasonal Shop has opened! It's stocking springtime Seasonal Edition goodies at the moment, including past spring outfits. Everything there will be available to purchase during the Spring Fling event each year, but it's only open until April 30th, so be sure to stock up now, or you'll have to wait a year to buy these items again!

Egg Quest Available![]

In a field, three Habitica characters sit inside three Egg Basket Mounts. From left to right, they are red, rainbow, and pink. Three Egg Pets sit in front of them. From left to right, they are yellow, rainbow, and blue.
The Egg Quest is also available again in the Seasonal Shop! Strange eggs are appearing all over Habitica. Can you collect them all to earn some colorful Egg pets and mounts?by jjgame83, Vikte, KateKintail, SabreCat, gawrone, Shine Caramia, Eslyn, Aspiring Advocate, OuttaMyMind, Lt. Cabel, Lalaitha, DialFForFunky, Gerald the Pixel, Scarvia, Awesome kitty, usnbfs, Balduranne, PainterProphet, shanaqui, Megan, Beffymaroo, and Lemoness


There are three panels. On the left, there is a Habitica character with a Rabbit Pet in a Flowery Field. In the middle, there is a Habitica character with a Ferret Pet in the Forest. On the right, there is a Habitica character with a Guinea Pig Pet in a Flowery Meadow.

New Discounted Pet Quest Bundle: Cuddle Buddies![]

If you're looking to add some pets to your Habitica stable, you're in luck!

From now until March 31, 2022, you can purchase the Cuddle Buddies Pet Quest Bundle and receive the Bunny, Ferret, and Guinea Pig quests, all for only 7 Gems! That's a discount of 5 Gems from the price of purchasing them separately.

Check it out in the Quest Shop today!by Beffymaroo, SabreCat, Willow the Witty, mewrose, Stefalupagus, Pandah, UncommonCriminal, Gully, Draayder, Teto Forever, PainterProphet, Faye, RBrinks, Pocketmole, James Danger, Lilith of Alfheim, Teto Forever, and Bartelmy


There is a Habitica character standing in a meadow holding a Shield with a Pi Sign and wearing a hat with a slice of Pie. There is a castle in the background.

Celebrate Pi Day with Habitica![]

Hello Habiticans! In celebration of Pi Day on March 14, we've gifted everyone delicious slices of pie for you all to feed to your pets.

We've also given everyone who did not already have them a festive Pi Hat and Shield set so you can celebrate in style. Enjoy them, and thanks for being a part of our community!by Beffymaroo and SabreCat


There are three panels. On the left, there is a Habitica character with a Bear Pet in a Woodland Critter's Den. In the middle, there is a Habitica character with gardening equipment near a Brick Wall of Ivy. On the right, there is a Habitica character with a sheep in a Flowering Prairie.

March Backgrounds and Enchanted Armoire Items![]

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can admire a Brick Wall with Ivy, frolic through a Flowering Prairie, and cozy up in a Woodland Critter's Den. Check them out under User Icon > Backgrounds on web and Menu > Inventory > Customize Avatar on mobile!

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Gardener Set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)
A silver badge with a pair of wings on the front.

Birds of a Feather Achievement![]

We're releasing a new achievement so you can celebrate your successes in the world of Habitican Pet collecting! Earn the Birds of a Feather achievement by collecting all Habitica's feathered flying pets (Gryphon, Rooster, Owl, Parrot, Falcon, Peacock, Pterodactyl, Flying Pig) and you'll earn a nifty badge for your profile.

If you’ve already completed the required Quests for a newly released achievement you don’t have to do them all again! Just complete one of the relevant Quests and the Achievement will unlock. Check your profile and celebrate your new Achievement with pride.by jjgame83, gawrone, SuperSaraA, KatieSlug, QuartzFox, KateKintail, PixelStorm, and SabreCat


There is a Habitica character dressed in the Dauntless Dragonfly Set in a Butterfly Field.

March Subscriber Set Revealed![]

The March Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Dauntless Dragonfly Item Set! Subscribe to Habitica by March 31 to receive this exciting set! If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Items to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.
A Habitica character is sitting at a desk with a paper and a pencil. There are two bookshelves on either side of them. On the wall, there is a clock that says 3 o'clock.

March Resolution Success and Take This Challenges[]

The Habitica team has launched a special official Challenge series hosted in the Official New Year's Resolution Guild. These Challenges are designed to help you build and maintain goals that are destined for success and then stick with them as the year progresses. For this month's Challenge, Reach for Your First Achievement, we're focusing on setting smaller mini-goals as milestones! ! It has a 15 gem prize, which will be awarded to five lucky winners on April 1st.

Congratulations to the winners of February's Challenge, PhilOakeysFringe, CTFelps, sandrosousa, Floppy_Flop, and callme_m!

The next Take This Challenge has also launched, "Cast of Characters!", with a focus on imagining aspects of ourselves as characters in a story. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Check Your HP!": grand prize winner @jebulee, and runners-up @JessyBent, @EveryCaptain, @mega_o_verdadeiro, @TheThingyThing, and @IzzyA-K47! Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if they hadn't completed it already. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!
A Habitica character stands with a sword, shield, and golden helm. They have wings on their back.
by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, and SabreCat

February 2022[]


A Habitica character with the Turquoise Twintails hair and eyes set stands on a heart-shaped bubble. Around them, there are multiple heart-shaped bubbles floating in the air.

Last Chance for Turquoise Twintails and Eyes Set[]

Reminder: February 28 is the last day to receive the Turquoise Twintails set when you sign up for a new Habitica subscription! Subscribing also lets you buy gems with gold and the longer your subscription, the more gems you can buy!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

Last Chance for Cupid and Rose Quartz Magic Hatching Potions[]

There are three panels. On the left, there is a Rose Quartz Fox Mount and a Cupid Panda standing on bubbles. In the middle, there is a Cupid Wolf Mount and a Rose Quartz Cactus Pet standing under a pavilion. On the right, there is a Rose Quartz Tiger Mount and a Cupid Bear Pet standing in a meadow.
February 28th is also the final day to buy Cupid and Rose Quartz Hatching Potions! If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!

Last Chance for Mythical Marvels Pet Quest Bundle![]

There are three panels. On the left, a Habitica character and a Gryphon Pet stand on a mountaintop at sunset. I’m the middle, a Habitica character is on a Unicorn Mount on top of a cloud. On the right, there is a Habitic character and a Sea Serpent Pet riding a wave in the ocean.
February 28th is also the final day to buy the discounted Mythical Marvels Pet Quest Bundle, featuring the Unicorn, Gryphon, and Sea Serpent quests all for seven Gems! Be sure to check it out in the Quest Shop before it fades into legend!by Beffymaroo, Vampitch, Willow the Witty, SabreCat, greenpencil, UncommonCriminal, RosieSully, Lukreja, Baconsaur, Witticaster, Aries Faries, Mara, Seraphina, 1920-kun, RBrinks, Erikari, Laurel, Daniel the Bard, and gwyllgi


There are three panels. On the left, a Habitica character and a Gryphon Pet stand on a mountaintop at sunset. I’m the middle, a Habitica character is on a Unicorn Mount on top of a cloud. On the right, there is a Habitic character and a Sea Serpent Pet riding a wave in the ocean.

New Discounted Pet Quest Bundle: Mythical Marvels![]

If you're looking to add some magical pets to your Habitica stable, you're in luck!

From now until February 28, you can purchase the Mythical Marvels Pet Quest Bundle and receive the Gryphon, Sea Serpent, and Unicorn quests, all for only 7 Gems! That's a discount of 5 Gems from the price of purchasing them separately. Check it out in the Quest Shop today!by greenpencil, UncommonCriminal, RosieSully, Lukreja, Baconsaur, Witticaster, Aries Faries, Mara, Seraphina, 1920-kun, RBrinks, Erikari, Laurel, Daniel the Bard, and gwyllgi


Under a pavilion, there is a Cupid Dragon Pet, a Cupid Lion Pet, two Habitica Characters, and a Valentine Card.

Habitica Celebrates Valentine's Day![]

In honor of Habitica's holiday celebrating all forms of love, whether it's friendship, familial, or romantic, some of the shopkeepers are dressed up! Take a look around to enjoy their new festive decorations.

Send a Valentine![]

Help motivate all of the lovely people in your life by sending them a caring Valentine. Valentines can be purchased for 10 gold from the Market until February 18. For spreading love and joy throughout the community, both the giver and the receiver get a coveted "Adoring Friends" badge. Hooray!

While you're there, why not check out the other cards that are available to send to your party? Each one gives a special achievement of its own...
There are three panels. On the left, there is a Rose Quartz Fox Mount and a Cupid Panda standing on bubbles. In the middle, there is a Cupid Wolf Mount and a Rose Quartz Cactus Pet standing under a pavilion. On the right, there is a Rose Quartz Tiger Mount and a Cupid Bear Pet standing in a meadow.

Cupid and Rose Quartz Magic Hatching Potions[]

We're excited to announce the return of Rose Quartz and Cupid Magic Hatching Potions! Between now and February 28, you can buy these potions from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.) Magic Potion Pets aren't picky, so they'll happily eat any kind of food that you feed them!

After they're gone, it will be at least a year before the Cupid or Rose Quartz Hatching Potions are available again, so be sure to get them now!by Lemoness, Beffymaroo, SabreCat, Vampitch, and Willow the Witty


Promo armoire backgrounds 202202

February Backgrounds and Armoire Items![]

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can marvel at a Winter Waterfall, float in Iridescent Clouds, and wander through a fragrant Orange Grove! Check them out under User Icon > Backgrounds on web and Menu > Inventory > Customize Avatar on mobile.

There’s also new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Violet Loungewear Set and the Pink Longbow. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy! :)by inesl, Awesome_kitty, Beffymaroo, PixelStormArt, eienni, a_diamond, SuperSaraA, KateKintail, and SabreCat


A Habitica character with the Turquoise Twintails hair and eyes set stands on a heart-shaped bubble. Around them, there are multiple heart-shaped bubbles floating in the air.

February Subscriber Set Revealed![]

The February Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Turquoise Twintails Item Set! Subscribe to Habitica by February 28 to receive this exciting set! If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Items to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy Gems with Gold—the longer you subscribe, the more Gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support—it means a lot to us.by Beffymaroo and Piyo
There is a orange badge with a tiger on the front.

New Pet Collection Badge![]

We're releasing a new achievement so you can celebrate your successes in the world of Habitican Pet collecting! Earn the Zodiac Zookeeper achievement by collecting all Habitica's Zodiac pets (Rat, Cow, Bunny, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Wolf, Tiger, Flying Pig, and Dragon) and you'll earn a nifty badge for your profile.

If you’ve already collected the required Pets for a newly released achievement, your badge will be awarded automatically! Check your profile and celebrate your new Achievement with pride.by Piyo, Beffymaroo, and SabreCat
A Habitica character points to posters with chores on them there is an orange wall behind them.

February 2022 Resolution Success Challenge and Take This Challenge[]

The Habitica team has launched a special official Challenge series hosted in the Official New Year's Resolution Guild. These Challenges are designed to help you build and maintain goals that are destined for success and then stick with them as the year progresses. For this month's Challenge, Hone Your Weapons, we're focusing on refining and narrowing down your goals to make them more achievable!! It has a 15 Gem prize, which will be awarded to five lucky winners on March 1st.

Congratulations to the winners of January's Challenge, @sivikol , @lordevlr , @ChanPai , @Faerielicious , and @InefableAtaraxia !

The next Take This Challenge has also launched, "Check your HP!", with a focus on tracking your mood. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "You've Got a Friend in Me!": grand prize winner @AVAGADR0, and runners-up @simonthehuman, @gabriela_creates, @okoflo, @MzScarlet, and Lekim25! Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if they hadn't completed it already. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, and SabreCat

January 2022[]


There are six Habitica characters standing in the snow next to an evergreen tree. There are fireworks in the sky.

It's time for the Habitica Birthday Bash![]

January 31st is Habitica's Ninth Birthday! Thank you so much for being a part of our community—it means a lot.

Now come join us and the NPCs as we celebrate!

Cake for Everybody![]

In honor of the festivities, everyone has been awarded an assortment of yummy cake to feed to your pets! Plus, for the next two days Alexander the Merchant is selling cake in his shop, and cake will sometimes drop when you complete your tasks. Cake works just like normal pet food, but if you want to know what type of pet likes each slice, the wiki has spoilers.

Party Robes[]

There are Party Robes available for free in the Rewards column! Don them with pride.

Birthday Bash Achievement[]

In honor of Habitica's birthday, everyone has been awarded the Habitica Birthday Bash achievement! This achievement stacks for each Birthday Bash you celebrate with us.by beffymaroo


There are three panels. On the top, there is a Habitica character standing in a winter morning scene. In the middle, there is a Habitica character on a snowflake. On the bottom, there is a Habitica character standing in a snowy forest.

Last Chance for Winter Wonderland Avatar Customizations![]

Don't forget, there are lots of amazing seasonal goodies vanishing after January 31 when the Gala ends. Don't miss the Wintery Skins and Hair colors in Menu > Customize Avatar. Snag them before they disappear, and enjoy using them the whole year round!

Last Chance for Winter Quest Bundle[]

Promo winter quests bundle
Be sure to check out the Winter Pet Quest Bundle before it melts away at Gala's end! It includes the Find the Cub, Trapper Santa, and Penguin quests, all for only 7 Gems! That's a discount of 5 Gems from the price of purchasing them separately. Check it out in the Quest Shop today!by Lemoness, tricksy.fox, SabreCat, UncommonCriminal, Shaner, Eevachu, Pandoro, melynnrose, Breadstrings, Rattify, PainterProphet, Lefnire, Leephon, and Daniel the Bard


A Habitica character wears the Midnight Merrymaker Item Set under a starry snowy winter night. In the distance there is a log cabin with light glowing from inside.

Last Chance for Midnight Merrymaker Set![]

Reminder: January 31 is the last day to receive the Midnight Merrymaker Set when you sign up for a new Habitica subscription! Subscribing also lets you buy Gems for Gold. The longer your subscription, the more Gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

Last Chance for Winter Wonderland Outfits, Seasonal Shop Goodies, and Magic Hatching Potions![]

Four Habitica characters stand in an ice ballroom. From left to right, the are a Stocking Warrior, an Ice Crystal Healer, a Pomegranate Mage, and a Firework Rogue.
Winter Wonderland is coming to a close in Habitica after January 31, so be sure to snag this year's limited edition outfits from your Rewards column!

Depending on your class, you can be a Stocking Warrior, Ice Crystal Healer, Pomegranate Mage, or Fireworks Rogue!. Don't miss these delightfully wintry gear sets, available to purchase with Gold for now!

The Seasonal Shop will also be closing when the Gala ends. The Seasonal Sorceress is stocking the seasonal edition versions of previous winter outfits, now available for Gems instead of Gold, and Snowballs.

Finally, Stained Glass, Peppermint, and Holly Hatching Potions are also leaving the Market after January 31. If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!
Promo winter potions 2022
by Beffymaroo, QuartzFox, jjgame83, Vikte, SabreCat, KateKintail, gawrone, Aspiring Advocate, Lt Cabel, AnnDeLune, Persephone, WeeWitch, katy133, yayannabelle, Stefalupagus, Io Breese, foreverender, Podcod, Shaner, AinFach, Lemoness, nirbhao, a_diamond, and Vampitch


There are three panels. On the left, there is a Habitica character with a Polar Bear Pet under a wintery starry sky. In the middle, there is a Habitica character riding on a Penguin Mount and a Penguin Pet on a snowy slope. On the right, there is a Habitica character riding a Polar Bear Mount in a snowy forest.

New Discounted Pet Quest Bundle: Winter Quests![]

If you are looking to add some cold weather friends to your Habitica stable, you're in luck!

From now until January 31, you can purchase the Winter Quest Bundle and receive the Trapper Santa, Find the Cub, and Penguin quests, all for only 7 Gems! That's a discount of 5 Gems from the price of purchasing them separately.

Check it out in the Quest Shop today! by Lemoness, SabreCat, UncommonCriminal, Shaner, Eevachu, Pandoro, melynnrose, Breadstrings, Rattify, PainterProphet, Lefnire, Leephon, and Daniel the Bard


Promo armoire backgrounds 202201
We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can wander a Snowy Farm, celebrate next to a Palm Tree with Fairy Lights, and ring in 2022 watching a Meteor Shower. Check them out under User Icon > Backgrounds on web and Menu > Inventory > Customize Avatar on mobile!

Plus, there’s new Gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Stardust Set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)by FolleMente, jjgame83, Blue Raindrop, Beffymaroo, Mike the Monk, and KateKintail


Under a winter starry night, there are two Habitica characters, a Jackolope, two presents, and two diamonds.
Don't forget to take advantage of our best promotion of the year! Gift a Habitica subscription to a friend or loved one and get the same length of subscription for yourself, free!

Subscribers get tons of perks every month, including exclusive items, the ability to buy Gems with Gold, and a cute exclusive Jackalope Pet. Plus, it helps keep Habitica running ad-free :) To gift a subscription to someone, just open their profile and click on the present icon in the upper right.

If you've been curious about trying out a subscription, now's the time! Gear up for the new year with exciting perks for you and your favorite accountability buddy.

Promotion ends at 8 PM US Eastern Time on January 6.

Please note that if you or your gift recipient already have a recurring subscription, the gifted subscription will only start after that subscription is cancelled or has expired. Thanks so much for your support! <3by the Habitica Team


A Habitica character wears the Midnight Merrymaker Item Set under a starry snowy winter night. In the distance there is a log cabin with light glowing from inside.

January 2022 Subscriber Item Set![]

The January Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Midnight Merrymaker Item Set! Subscribe to Habitica by January 31 to receive this exciting set! If you're already an active subscriber, reload the site and then head to Inventory > Items to claim your gear!

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy Gems with Gold—the longer you subscribe, the more Gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data and a cute Jackalope pet. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support— it means a lot to us.by Beffymaroo
A Habitica character has a thought bubble over their head. They are thinking about their to-do list.

January 2022 Resolution Success Challenge and Take This Challenge[]

The Habitica team has launched a special official Challenge series hosted in the Official New Year's Resolution Guild. These Challenges are designed to help you build and maintain goals that are destined for success and then stick with them as 2022 progresses.

Check out the first New Year's Resolution Challenge of the year to start your path to resolution success! In Begin Your Quest, we're focusing on choosing realistic and achievable resolutions! One grand-prize winner will receive their choice of a one-month gift subscription to Habitica or 25 Gems when it closes on February 1st. Four lucky runners-up will get a 15 Gem prize.

Congratulations to the winners of December's Challenge, @CernyPie , @JHylander , @Taichi1 , @ashinten and @Polledra !

The next Take This Challenge has also launched, "You've Got a Friend in Me!", with a focus on showing appreciation for others' help. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Organize Your Inventory!": grand prize winner @redpeanuts, and runners-up @daffodilgirl, @Minikatz, @Cornelia_Swift, @whatthevillain, and @Rarstyak! Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set if they hadn't completed it already. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!
A Habitica character stands with a sword, shield, and golden helm. They have wings on their back.
by Doctor B, the Take This team, Lemoness, Beffymaroo, and SabreCat
