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This page intentionally contains outdated links to one or more guilds on Habitica. Guilds and the Tavern were removed from Habitica on August 8, 2023 and these links will no longer work.

The reason provided for keeping these links was: News entries are kept as-is for historical reference.

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There are eight Habitica characters standing in the snow next to an evergreen tree. There are fireworks in the sky.

Habitica Birthday Bash[]

January 31st is Habitica's Birthday! Thank you so much for being a part of our community - it means a lot.

Now come join us and the NPCs as we celebrate!

Cake for Everybody![]

In honor of the festivities, everyone has been awarded an assortment of yummy cake to feed to your pets! Plus, for the next two days Alexander the Merchant is selling cake in his shop, and cake will sometimes drop when you complete your tasks. Cake works just like normal pet food, but if you want to know what type of pet likes each slice, the wiki has spoilers.

Party Robes[]

There are Party Robes available for free in the Rewards column! Don them with pride.

Birthday Bash Achievement[]

In honor of Habitica's birthday, everyone has been awarded the Habitica Birthday Bash achievement! This achievement stacks for each Birthday Bash you celebrate with us.

There is a Habitica character dressed in the Fabled Fox Set standing in a snowy forest.

Last Chance for Fabled Fox Set[]

Reminder: this is the final day to subscribe and receive the Fabled Fox Set! Subscribing also lets you buy Gems with Gold and get other great perks like a special Jackalope Pet!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

by Beffymaroo

There are four Habitica characters standing under the Aurora Borealis. There is an Evergreen Warrior, a Bell Mage, a Winter Spice Healer, and a Lantern Rogue.

Last Chance for Winter Wonderland Goodies![]

Winter Wonderland is coming to a close in Habitica. It's the last day to snag this year's limited edition outfits from your Rewards column. Depending on your class, you can be an Evergreen Warrior, Bell Mage, Winter Spice Healer, or Lantern Rogue! Don't miss these awesome gear sets, available to purchase with Gold!

by Vikte, gawrone, jjgame83, Aspiring Advocate, and SabreCat

The Seasonal Shop will also be closing when the Gala ends. The Seasonal Sorceress is stocking the seasonal edition versions of previous winter outfits, now available for Gems instead of Gold, and the Trapper Santa and Find the Cub Quests.

by Lt Cabel, Vikte, AnnDeLune, Persephone, WeeWitch, katy133, yayannabelle, Stefalupagus, Io Breese, foreverender, Podcod, Beffymaroo, SabreCat and Lemoness

It's also the final day to buy Starry Night, Holly, and new Aurora Magic Hatching Potions! If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!

by QuartzFox, Archeia, Willow The Witty, JinjooHat, Tyche Alba, and SabreCat

This is also the final day to buy our special Winter Quests! You can purchase Find the Cub and Trapper Santa quests in the Seasonal Shop individually for four Gems each, or you can get the discounted Winter Pet Quest Bundle, featuring Trapper Santa, Find the Cub and the Penguin quest all for seven Gems in the Quest Shop!

Please note that the Find the Cub and Trapper Santa quests only need to be completed once each to obtain the rare Polar Bear pet and mount.

by Lemoness and SabreCat
Writing by Lefnire, Leephon, and Daniel the Bard
Art by UncommonCriminal, Shaner, Eevachu, Pandoro, melynnrose, Breadstrings, Rattify, and PainterProphet



There is a Habitica character in a Red Robe standing in the forest.

Guild Spotlight: Beffymaroo's Favorites[]

For this year's Guild Spotlight series, we're highlighting some favorites from Habitica's staff, moderators, and maybe some high-level contributors!

This month we're kicking things off with some picks from Beffymaroo! If you want to curate your Habitica experience and join active, positive Guilds, this is a great way to pick up some new ideas for Guilds to join.

by Beffymaroo and shanaqui

A Habitica character with fox skin stands beside a shelf full of equipment. There is a treasure chest and a present on the ground. On the wall, there hangs two swords.

Use Case Spotlight: Custom Habitica Mechanics[]

This month's Use Case Spotlight is about Custom Habitica Mechanics! It features a number of great suggestions submitted by Habiticans in the Use Case Spotlights Guild. We hope it helps any of you who might be looking for ways to enhance your Habitica experience.

Plus, we're collecting user submissions for the next spotlight! How do you maximize participation in your quest party? We’ll be featuring player-submitted examples in Use Case Spotlights on the Habitica Blog next month, so post your suggestions in the Use Case Spotlight Guild now. We look forward to learning more about how you use Habitica to improve your life and get things done!

by shanaqui



Background steamworks demo Background clocktower demo Background airship demo

Hello Habiticans! We've released brand-new backgrounds in the Time Travelers' shop! Show off your retrofuturistic outfits at the Clocktower, Steamworks, and even in an Airship! These will be available at the cost of one Mystic Hourglass each.

Check out the Time Travelers' shop to find these cool backgrounds, as well as past subscriber gear, the Robot pet quest, and even rare pets and mounts!

Thanks for supporting Habitica! We hope that you enjoy your new backgrounds.

by gawrone, An4ous, beffymaroo, SabreCat, and Viirus



There is a Habitica character standing near a shopping display. There is winter Habitica equipment hanging on the display.

This month's featured Wiki article is about the Seasonal Shop! We hope that it will help you get the most out of the Winter Wonderland Gala and many Galas to come. Be sure to check it out, and let us know what you think by reaching out on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.

by shanaqui and the Wiki Wizards



There are three panels. On the left, there is a Habitica character standing in a winter morning scene. In the middle, there is a Habitica character on a snowflake. On the left, there is a Habitica character standing in a snowy forest.

The Seasonal Edition Wintery Hair Colors are now available for purchase! Now you can dye your avatar's hair Snowy, Peppermint, Holly Green, Aurora, Winter Star, or Festive.

Plus, the Seasonal Edition Wintery Skins are available, too! You can complete your winter avatar look with Aurora, Dapper, Festive, Holly, Polar, Sugar, or Winter Star Skins.

Both of these Seasonal Edition customization sets will only be available to purchase until January 31st, after which they'll be gone until next year, so be sure to scoop them up now! You can find them in User>Edit Avatar!

by Lemoness and tricksy.fox

There are six Habitica characters featuring Aurora, Festive, Holly, Polar, Sugar, and Winter Star Skins.



There are three panels. On the left, there is a Habitica character in a Snowy Desert. In the middle, there is a Habitica character at a Birthday Party. On the right, there is a Habitica character in a Snowglobe.

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can celebrate at a Birthday Party, gaze at the quiet beauty of a Snowy Desert, and strike a festive pose In A Snowglobe. Check them out under User Icon > Backgrounds!

Plus, there’s new Gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Birthday Cake set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

by FolleMente, Shine Caramia, Aspiring Advocate, gawrone, katieslug, and SabreCat




Oggi è la tua ultima occasione per approfittare della nostra promozione ove regalando un abbonamento a qualcuno, ne ricevi uno in cambio per te della stessa durata, gratis!

Le persone abbonate hanno un sacco di benefici ogni mese, come ad esempio oggetti esclusivi, l’abilità di comperare Gemme con l’Oro, ed un esclusivo e simpatico Lepronte Domestico. Inoltre ci aiuta a mantenere Habitica in funzione :) Per regalare un abbonamento a qualcuno, basta aprire il loro profilo e cliccare sopra l'icona a forma di regalo in alto a destra.

Se sei curioso di provare ad abbonarti, adesso è il momento giusto! Fai felice un amico e usate tutte le vostre nuove Gemme per completare missioni assieme.

Per favore, tieni presente che se tu o il destinatario del regalo avete già un abbonamento in corso, l'abbonamento donato inizierà solo dopo che l'abbonamento attuale sia stato annullato, o alla sua scadenza. Grazie mille per il tuo supporto! <3

da lo Staff di Habitica



C'è un Habitante vestito con il Set Volpe Leggendaria che se ne sta in una foresta innevata.

Rivelati gli Oggetti per gli Abbonati di Gennaio![]

Gli Oggetti per gli Abbonati di gennaio sono stati rivelati: il Set Volpe Leggendaria! Abbonati ad Habitica entro il 31 gennaio per ricevere questo set entusiasmante! Se sei già un abbonato attivo, ricarica il sito, quindi vai su Inventario > Oggetti per reclamare il tuo equipaggiamento!

Gli abbonati ricevono anche la possibilità di acquistare Gemme con l'Oro, e in più ci sono anche altri vantaggi! Inoltre, la nostra promozione "Regala un Abbonamento ed Ottienine Uno Gratis" sta per terminare, perciò è il momento giusto per darci un'occhiata. "Regala un Abbonamento ed Ottienine Uno Gratis" scadrà il 6 gennaio.

Grazie mille per il tuo supporto -- significa molto per noi.

da Beffymaroo

Un personaggio di Habitica ha una bolla di pensiero sopra la testa. Sta pensando alla sua lista di cose da fare.

Sfida Raggiungimento Propositi e Sfida Take This di Gennaio 2020[]

Il team di Habitica ha avviato una serie speciale di Sfide ufficiali che viene tenuta nella Gilda Ufficiale dei Propositi per l’Anno Nuovo. Queste Sfide sono progettate per aiutarti a costruire ed a mantenere i tuoi obiettivi destinati al successo e poi a continuare a seguirli per tutto il corso del 2020.

Dai un'occhiata alla prima Sfida Raggiungimento Successi dell'anno per intraprendere il tuo percorso verso il successo delle tue risoluzioni! In Inizia la Tua Missione, ci concentreremo a scegliere risoluzioni realistiche e realizzabili! Alla chiusura della Sfida, il 3 febbraio, il vincitore del primo premio potrà scegliere di ricevere un abbonamento di un mese ad Habitica in regalo, oppure 25 Gemme a sua scelta. Quattro fortunati secondi classificati riceveranno un premio di 15 Gemme.

Congratulazioni ai vincitori della Sfida di dicembre: @AndoJun, @SilverSquirrel, @CathB, @IntegrationAsh e @DerRue!

Un personaggio di Habitica si erge con spada, scudo ed elmo d'oro. Ha le ali sulla schiena.

È stata avviata anche la nuova Sfida Take This, Il Trionfo dell'Eroe!", che si concentra sul volontariato. Assicurati di darci un’occhiata, per guadagnare pezzi bonus dell’armatura Take This!

Take This è un' organizzazione noprofit che ha come obiettivo l'informare la community dei giocatori su problemi legati alla salute mentale, fornire istruzione in merito a disturbi mentali e alla prevenzione di malattie mentali, e a ridurre la visione negativa che si ha di queste malattie.

Congratulazioni ai vincitori dell’ultima sfida Take this, "Metti alla Prova il Tuo Coraggio!": vincitore del primo premio @r-flan2020 e secondi classificati @SPLOOean, @Bobette37, @WizardGnome, @pearlygeek e @drilcipher! Inoltre, tutti i partecipanti alla Sfida hanno ricevuto un pezzo del set di item Take This se non l'avessero ancora completata. Si trova nella Colonna delle Ricompense. Buon divertimento!

da Doctor B, il team di Take This, Lemoness, Beffymaroo e SabreCat
