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This page intentionally contains outdated links to one or more guilds on Habitica. Guilds and the Tavern were removed from Habitica on August 8, 2023 and these links will no longer work.

The reason provided for keeping these links was: News entries are kept as-is for historical reference.

Bailey verkündet die offiziellen Neuigkeiten; Ihr könnt ihr auf Twitter folgen.

Die Neuigkeiten auf dieser Seite sind Übersetzungen der direkt aus dem Spiel kopierten Neuigkeiten (Namenszüge eingeschlossen). Als solche fallen sie unter die CC-by-NC-SA 3.0-Lizenz. Gelegentlich wird sich die Freiheit genommen, Rechtschreibfehler zu korrigieren oder die Zeilenumbrüche an das andere Format anzupassen.

Um Bailey im Spiel anzuzeigen, nutze "Bailey anzeigen" unter Einstellungen (Direkter Link).

Hier findet Ihr alle Neuigkeiten aus 2016.

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Dezember 2016[]




Winter Wonderland 2017 Lemoness NYE
Zu Ehren des neues Jahres sind einige Gratis-Partyhüte im Belohnungs-Laden verfügbar! Jedes Jahr, das Du das neue Jahr mit Habitica feierst, schaltest Du einen neuen Hut frei. Genieße es und erwarte die passenden Kleidungsstücke Ende Januar während unserer jährlichen Habitica-Geburtstagsfeier!

von Lemoness und SabreCat

Neujahrsglückwunschkarten (nur bis zum 1. Januar!)[]

Inventory special nye

Nur bis zum 1. Januar hält der Jahreszeitenmarkt Neujahrsglückwunschkarten auf Vorrat! Jetzt kannst Du Karten an Deine Freunde senden (und Dich selbst), um ihnen ein Frohes Neues Habitica-Jahr zu wünschen. Alle Sender und Empfänger bekommen das "Alte Bekannte"-Abzeichen! (Anm. des Übersetzers: Im Original heißt es "Auld Acquaintance"; das stammt aus dem Lied "Auld Lang Syne", welches im englischsprachigen Raum traditionell zu Silvester gesungen wird.)

von Lemoness und SabreCat


Inventory special snowball
Der Jahreszeitenmarkt hat auch Schneebälle auf Vorrat gegen Gold! Wirf sie Deinen Freunden zu, um einen aufregenden Effekt zu erzielen. Falls Du von einem Schneeball getroffen wirst, erhältst Du die "Nervige-Freunde"-Auszeichnung. Das Ergebnis, von einem Schneeball getroffen worden zu sein, wird bis zum Ende Deines Tages anhalten, aber Du kannst es früher loswerden, indem Du Salz in der Belohnungs-Spalte kaufst. Schneebälle sind bis zum 31. Januar erhältlich.

von Shaner und Lemoness

Letzte Chance für die Nussknacker-Rüstung[]

Zur Erinnerung: der 31. ist der letzte Tag zum abschließen eines Abos und um das Nussknacker Rüstungs-Set zu erhalten! Durch den Abschluss eines Abonnements könnt Ihr auch Edelsteine für Gold kaufen. Je länger Euer Abo läuft, umso mehr Edelsteine könnt Ihr pro Monat kaufen!

Wenn Ihr gerne Liebe durch Abonnements verbreitet, vergesst nicht, dass unsere Sonderaktion noch läuft: Wenn Ihr einem Freund ein Abo schenkt, erhaltet Ihr das gleiche Abo für euch selbst umsonst dazu. Schenkt Liebe <3

Danke vielmals für Eure Unterstützung! Ihr helft, Habitica am Laufen zu halten.

von Lemoness

Promo mystery 201612



Blog Post: Wie wir arbeiten[]

Wolltet ihr immer schon mal wissen, wie das Habitica Team arbeitet, dann schaut euch unseren neuesten Blog-Eintrag an! Wir hoffen, dass euch dieser Blick hinter die Kulissen gefällt.

von redphoenix

Quest-Bug behoben[]

Das Problem mit der exponentiellen Vermehrung von Questrollen Belohnungen wurde beseitigt! Wenn jetzt eine Quest, die zu einer Reihe von mehreren Quests gehört, beendet wird, wird nur der Besitzer der Quest die nächste Questrolle der Reihe erhalten anstatt dass alle Gruppenmitglieder sich exponentiell vermehrende Versionen der nachfolgenden Schriftrollen erhalten. Davon abgesehen dürft ihr alle bisher erhaltenen Schriftrollen als Spaßbonus behalten.

von Hus274



Abonnenten-Gegenstände für Dezember enthüllt![]

Promo mystery 201612

Die Dezember Abonnentengegenstände wurden enthüllt: das Nussknacker-Rüstungs-Set! Ihr habt nur noch 11 Tage Zeit, um das Set beim Abschluss eines Abos zu erhalten.

Abonnenten erweben die Fähigkeit, Edelsteine mit Gold zu kaufen -- je länger euer Abo läuft, umso mehr Edelsteine könnt ihr pro Monat kaufen! Es gibt auch weitere Vorteile wie längeren Zugriff auf unkomprimierte Daten. Und das Beste: Abonnenten helfen uns dabei, Habitica am Laufen zu halten. Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung -- es bedeutet uns viel.

von Lemoness


Es gibt jetzt eine neue Möglichkeit, nach Ausrüstungsgegenständen zu suchen: Gebt einfach den Namen des gesuchten Gegenstands in der neuen Ausrüstungs-Suchleiste ein!

von corsaere


Bisher war es so, dass beim Bearbeiten einer Aufgabe diese größer wurde und die Liste verlängert hat. Jetzt gibt es ein spezielles Aufgaben Bearbeiten Fenster mit allen Bearbeitungs-Optionen, das über den Aufgaben als Pop-Up erscheint. Dieses zeigt euch mehr Bearbeitungs-Optionen auf einmal an!

von TheHollidayInn

Gruppenpläne Beta[]

Wir haben die Beta-Version eines sehr spannenden Features ausgebracht: Gruppenpläne!

Gruppenpläne lassen euch eine geteilte Aufgabenliste für eine Gruppe von Leuten erstellen und verwalten. Sie enthalten eine Reihe cooler Features, die für Teams, Familien oder alle mit sich überschneidenden Aufgaben entworfen wurden. Mit Gruppenplänen könnt ihr:

  • Eine geteilte Aufgabenliste für die Gruppe erstellen, die jeder einfach einsehen und bearbeiten kann.
  • Aufgaben an Gruppenmitglieder zuweisen
  • Eine Aufgabe beanspruchen, an der ihr gerade arbeitet
  • Aufgaben markieren, die einer speziellen Prüfung bedürfen, so dass ihr sicher stellen könnt, dass sie wirklich erledigt wurden

Mehr Features in Kürze!

Ihr könnt auf Gruppenpläne zugreifen, indem ihr eine private Gilde aufwertet die ihr bereits besitzt, oder indem ihr eine neue erstellt. Weil diese Features etwas aufwändiger sind, werden Gruppenpläne monatlich bezahlt, zu einem Preis von 9$ pro Monat + 3$ für jedes weitere Gruppenmitglied. Damit können wir die Gruppenpläne um neue Features und gleichzeitig die kostenlose Version von Habitica erweitern.

Gruppenpläne sind immer noch in der Beta-Phase, deswegen freuen wir uns über Feedback von euch, welche Änderungen ihr noch sehen wollt. Schreibt uns eine E-Mail an admin@habitica.com!

von TheHollidayInn, paglias, Redphoenix und Lemoness



Das Winter-Wunderland beginnt![]

Promo winter classes 2017

Eine winterliche Brise bläst von den Stoïstillen Steppen, und der Schnee fällt sanft über Habit City. Das Winter-Wunderland Ereignis hat angefangen!


Ab sofort bis zum 31. Januar sind die Limited Edition Outfits in der Belohnungsspalte verfügbar. Je nach Eurer Klasse könnt Ihr ein Eishockey-Krieger, ein Winterwolf-Magier, ein Eisiger Dieb oder ein Zuckerpflaumen-Heiler sein! Am besten werdet Ihr gleich produktiv, um genügend Gold zu verdienen, bevor sie nicht mehr verfügbar sind. Viel Glück!

von Stefalupagus, Beffymaroo und yayannabelle

Der Jahreszeitenmarkt ist geöffnet![]

Seasonalshop winter2015
Der Jahreszeitenmarkt hat geöffnet! Die Jahreszeiten-Zauberin hat wieder die saisonalen Editionen der früheren Winteroutfits auf Lager, jetzt erhältlich gegen Edelsteine anstelle von Gold, und die zwei Winterquests "Fallensteller Santa" und "Finde das Jungtier". Außerdem werden mit der Zeit weitere lustige Gegenstände im Shop erhältlich sein, je weiter das Ereignis fortschreitet. Der Jahreszeitenmarkt hat nur bis zum 31. Januar geöffnet, also wartet nicht zu lange!

von SabreCat und Lemoness


Winter Wonderland 2015 Daniel
Wie es aussieht, kommen auch die NSCs in die fröhliche Winterstimmung rund um die Webseite. Warum auch nicht? Schließlich gibt es noch eine Menge zu feiern...

von Lemoness


Promo holly potions

Handy-App-Updates: Kauf' Edelsteine und tue Gutes![]

Wir haben ein neues iOS Update und ein neues Android Update mit einem supertollen Feature veröffentlicht.

Wir haben uns mit Seeds zusammengetan, einer Organisation, die Mikrokredite an Unternehmer in Entwicklungsländern vergibt. Mit dem Kauf eines 84-Edelsteine-Packs geht ein Teilbetrag direkt an Kleinunternehmer in Entwicklungsländern und hilft dabei, ihr Leben zu verbessern! Wie es genau funktioniert erfahrt Ihr durch Klick auf das Edelstein-Icon in Eurer App.

In der iOS-Version wurden ein paar Bugs gefixt, und unter Android gibt es jetzt auch Soundeffekte und ein To-Do-Widget!

Wenn Euch die Verbesserungen an unseren Apps gefallen, erwägt doch bitte eine Rezension der neuen Version, das würde uns echt weiterhelfen! Wir hoffen, Euch gefallen die Updates.

von viirus, negue, AlbRoehm, d954mas, anitawoodruff, caipivara und dem Seeds-Team

Stechpalme- und Pfefferminz-Schlüpftränke[]

Und wofür geben wir die frisch erstandenen Edelsteine jetzt aus? Ab sofort bis zum 31. Januar könnt Ihr Stechpalme und Pfefferminz Schlüpftränke im Markt kaufen und mit jedem Standard-Ei verwenden, um ein Haustier schlüpfen zu lassen. (Magische Schlüpftränke funktionieren nicht mit Eiern von Haustier-Quests.)

Danach dauert es mindestens ein Jahr, bevor die Stechpalme und Pfefferminz Schlüpftränke wieder verfügbar sein werden, also holt sie Euch jetzt!

von Vampitch, Lemoness und SabreCat



Letzte Chance für Habitica-T-Shirts und -Tassen![]

Promo coffee mug
Heute ist der letzte Tag, um noch unsere Habitica T-Shirts und Tassen zu bekommen (wenn Ihr in der EU lebt; morgen ist der letzte Tag für alle in den USA lebenden Habiticaner). Wenn ihr also ein T-Shirt oder eine Tasse ergattern wollt, schlagt jetzt zu! Danke nochmal an alle für Eure Unterstützung - Ihr seid alle wunderbar!

von Redphoenix und Beffymaroo

Staff Spotlight: Keith[]

Promo contrib spotlight Keith
Wir haben ein neues Staff Spotlight auf dem Blog gepostet! Schaut Euch unser aktuelles Interview mit Keith AKA TheHollidayInn an, unserem neuesten Staff-Mitglied und genialem Techniker.

von Lemoness, Beffymaroo und TheHolidayInn



Verschenke Ein Abo Und Erhalte Eines Umsonst![]

Inventory present 01
Zu Ehren der Zeit des Schenkens haben wir ein Sonderangebot für den nächsten Monat. Wenn Ihr jemandem ein Abonnement schenkt, erhaltet Ihr dasselbe Abonnement für Euch selbst umsonst dazu!

Abonnenten erhalten jeden Monat tolle Vergünstigungen, darunter exklusive Gegenstände, die Möglichkeit, Edelsteine mit Gold zu kaufen und einer längeren Daten-Historie. Außerdem helft Ihr damit, Habitica am Laufen zu halten :) Um jemandem ein Abonnement zu schenken, öffnet einfach das Profil des Spielers und klickt auf das Geschenk-Icon unten links.

Das Sonderangebot wird nur bis zum 6. Januar verfügbar sein, also nutzt das aus, um vielleicht mal ein Abo auszuprobieren! Macht einen Freund glücklich und benutzt alle eure Edelsteine für gemeinsame Quests.

von SabreCat und Lemoness

Neue Haustier-Quest: Faultier![]

Mount Sloth-Base
Das schläfrige Faultier steckt alle mit Müdigkeit an! Kannst Du den Schnee abschütteln und Deine Aufgaben erledigen? Hol' Dir die neueste Haustier-Quest, Das Schläfrige Faultier, und verdiene ein paar flinke Faultiere für das Erledigen Deiner Real-Life Aufgaben.

Geschrieben von PixelHunter
Pixelkunst von JaizakAripaik, Drevian, McCoyly, awakebyjava, PainterProphet, Kiwibot und greenpencil

Gilden im Fokus: Feiertags-Vorbereitung[]

Promo winter fireworks
Es gibt einen neuen Spotlight-Artikel im Blog, der die Gilden näher beleuchtet, die Euch bei den Vorbereitungen auf die Feiertage unterstützen. Schaut rein und findet Habitica-Communities für eine stressfreie Vorweihnachtszeit.

von Beffymaroo

Use Case Spotlight: Überlebenstipps für die Feiertage[]

Das aktuelle Use Case Spotlight dreht sich darum, wie Ihr Habitica nutzen könnt, um die Feiertage erfreulicher zu gestalten. Hier findet Ihr großartige Vorschläge anderer Habiticaner aus der Use Case Spotlights Gilde. Hoffentlich ist auch für Euch etwas dabei!

Außerdem sammeln wir neue Spieler-Einreichungen für den nächsten Spotlight-Artikel. Wie verwendet Ihr Habitica, um eure Gesundheit oder Fitness zu managen? Wir werden eingereichte Beispiele im Use Case Spotlight am Anfang des nächsten Monats auf dem Blog vorstellen, also postet jetzt Eure Vorschläge in der Use Case Spotlight Gilde!

von Beffymaroo



Dezember-Hintergründe und Schrank-Gegenstände![]

Promo backgrounds armoire 201612
Wir haben 3 neue Hintergründe im Ambiente-Shop! Euer Avatar kann jetzt ein Winterliches Feuerwerk entzünden, auf dem Wintermarkt Geschenke kaufen oder inmitten Schimmernder Eisprismen tanzen.

Außerdem gibt es neue, gegen Gold erhältliche Ausrüstung im Verzauberten Schrank, einschließlich des Waldelfen-Sets. Strengt Euch lieber an, um Eure Real-Life-Aufgaben zu erledigen und alle Teile des Sets zu verdienen! Viel Spaß :)

von FirozTaverbi, Lilith of Alfheim, KusSv, ACE und beffymaroo

Neues iOS-Update[]

Wir haben ein neues iOS-Update ausgebracht, das jetzt auch Check-In Belohnungen enthält!

Das Update verbessert auch die Stabilität, da das Aktualisierungsproblem der täglichen Aufgaben gelöst wurde und einige Abstürze verhindert werden. Ladet es Euch gleich herunter für ein besseres Habitica-Erlebnis!

Wenn Euch die Verbesserungen an der App gefallen, denkt bitte an ein Review der neuen Version. Das hilft uns wirklich weiter! Alte Versionen verschwinden nach jedem Update, aber Ihr könnt Eure Bewertung unter Reviews mit einem Tap erneut posten. Wir hoffen, das Update gefällt euch!

von viirus

Neue Take-This-Herausforderung![]

Promo take this
Die nächste Take-This-Herausforderung hat begonnen, Hero's Triumph, mit dem Fokus auf Freiwilligenarbeit zur Unterstützung anderer. Schaut ihn Euch an und erarbeitet Euch ein zusätzliches Stück vom Take This Rüstungs-Set!

Take This ist ein Nonprofit-Unternehmen, das die Gamer Community über mentale Gesundheitsprobleme informiert, über mentale Behinderungen und Vorbeugung von mentalen Krankheiten unterrichtet und versucht, das Stigma mentaler Krankheiten zu reduzieren.

Herzliche Glückwünsche an die Gewinner des letzten Take This Wettbewerbs, "Keep Calm and Carry On!": der erste Platz geht an Rone Filho, gefolgt von smurffigueiredo12, spaceauddity, Анна Солопенко, YokiHan, und 淳. Außerdem erhalten alle Teilnehmer des Wettbewerbs ein Stück der Take This Rüstung. Ihr findet es in Eurer Belohnungs-Spalte. Viel Spaß!

von Doctor B, dem Take-This-Team, Lemoness und SabreCat

Neues Teammitglied[]

Promo contrib spotlight Keith
Wir sind stolz darauf, ein neues Mitglied in unserem Team willkommen heißen zu dürfen: unser langjähriger Unterstützer TheHollidayInn, aka Keith! Kommt und gratuliert ihm im Gasthaus :)

von dem Habitica-Team

Nach oben

November 2016[]



Letzte Chance für das Füllhorn-Set[]

Promo mystery 201611
Zur Erinnerung: Heute ist der letzte Tag, an dem Ihr ein Abonnement abschließen und das Füllhorn-Set erhalten könnt! Durch den Abschluss eines Abonnements könnt Ihr auch Edelsteine für Gold kaufen. Je länger Euer Abo läuft, umso mehr Edelsteine könnt Ihr pro Monat kaufen!

Danke vielmals für Eure Unterstützung! Ihr helft, Habitica am Laufen zu halten.

von Lemoness

Habitica T-Shirts und Tassen[]

Promo coffee mug
Falls Ihr es noch nicht mitbekommen habt: Aktuell läuft eine Teespring Kampagne mit Habitica T-Shirts und Tassen! Sie läuft nur noch bis 13. Dezember, also zögert nicht zu lange, wenn Ihr noch welche ergattern wollt! Danke, dass Ihr Habitica unterstützt!

von redphoenix und Sara Olson



Tägliche Anmeldebelohnungen[]

Promo checkin incentives

Wir haben ein neues, aufregendes Feature für Euch! Ab sofort wird jeden Tag, den Ihr Euch auf Habitica einloggt, ein Anmeldezähler um eins erhöht. In gewissen Abständen erhaltet Ihr dann verschiedene Preise als Belohnung für Euren Fleiß. Diese Preise beinhalten spezielle Questrollen, exklusive magische Schlüpftränke, einzigartige Ausrüstung und mehr!

Im Gegensatz zu den Aufgaben-Strähnen wird Euer Anmeldezähler nie zurückgesetzt. Er kann sich nur erhöhen! Auf der Tägliche Anmeldebelohnung Seite könnt Ihr mehr dazu erfahren.

von Lemoness, SabreCat, TheHollidayInn und paglias
Geschrieben von sephydark, ajehy und Lemoness
Pixelkunst von InspectorCaracal, Onheiron, Starsystemic, icefelis, Gully, nonight, iamholding6, Eevachu, Balduranne, louiselouise1, Beffymaroo, und Lemoness

Habitica T-Shirts und Tassen[]

Wir haben eine weitere Teespring Kampagne gestartet!

Zusätzlich zu unseren Habitica T-shirts gibt es jetzt auch Habitica Tassen! Die Teespring Kampagne läuft nur bis zum 13. Dezember, also greift zu, bevor alles weg ist. Danke für Eure Unterstützung!

von Redphoenix und Sara Olson



Fröhliches Habitica-Erntedankfest![]

Npc daniel-Thanksgiving-2014
Promo turkey day 2016
Es ist Erntedankfest in Habitica! An diesem Tag feiern die Habiticaner mit Familie und Freunden, bedanken sich für die reichen Gaben und reiten auf ihren glorreichen Truthähnen in den malerischen Sonnenuntergang. Einige der NSCs feiern ebenfalls!

Truthahn-Haus- und -Reittiere![]

Jeder von Euch hat einen bezaubernden Truthahn erhalten. Welcher Art dieser Truthahn ist, hängt davon ab, wie viele Habitica-Erntedankfeste Ihr bereits mit uns gefeiert habt. Zu jedem Erntedankfest erhaltet Ihr eine neue Truthahn-Art.

Danke, dass Ihr Habitica nutzt - wir lieben Euch alle <3

von Lemoness und Beffymaroo

November Abonnenten-Gegenstände enthüllt![]

Promo mystery 201611
Die November-Abonnenten-Gegenstände wurden enthüllt: das Füllhorn-Set! Ihr habt nur noch 8 Tage, um ein Abo abzuschließen und die Gegenstände zu erhalten.

Abonnenten können auch Edelsteine mit Gold kaufen -- je länger Euer Abo läuft, umso mehr Edelsteine könnt Ihr pro Monat kaufen! Es gibt auch noch mehr Extras, wie z.B. längerer Zugriff auf unkomprimierte Daten. Und das Beste von allem: jedes Abonnement hilft uns dabei, Habitica am Laufen zu halten. Danke für Eure Unterstützung -- sie bedeutet uns viel.

von Lemoness



Neue Avatar-Frisuren[]

Promo new hair fall2016
Es ist ein neues Frisurenset mit lockigen Styles auf der Avatar anpassen Seite verfügbar! Viel Spaß mit den neuen kreativen Möglichkeiten!

von FirozTaverbi, BlueStylus, Cerastes, Lotay, Kyuuei, 0mizuki0smith0, Beffymaroo, Lemoness und SabreCat

Neues Audio-Motiv: Airus Thema[]

Auf der Webseite ist ein neues Audio-Motiv verfügbar. Wählt "Airus Thema" aus der Dropdown-Liste, um es zu hören.

von Airu und Arashi00

Blog Post: Gamifiziere Deine Listen![]

Der aktuell auf dem Blog vorgestellte Wiki-Artikel dreht sich um mehr Spaß mit den Listen durch Gamifizierung! Wir hoffen, dass Ihr Euch inspirieren lasst! Schaut ihn Euch an und lasst uns wissen, was Ihr darüber denkt, indem Ihr uns eine Nachricht auf Twitter, Facebook, oder Tumblr schickt.

von Beffymaroo und den Wiki-Wizards



Neue Haustier-Quest: Das Ruchlose Frettchen![]

Ein Frettchen im roten Umhang hat die Habiticaner mit unechten Produktivitätstränken betrogen! Holt Euch die neueste Haustier-Quest, Das Ruchlose Frettchen, und verdient Euch einige flinke Frettchen-Haustiere durch Erledigen Eurer Real-Life Aufgaben.

Geschrieben von Bartelmy
Pixelkunst von beffymaroo, Pandah, Faye, RBrinks, UncommonCriminal, Pocketmole und James Danger

Zur Erinnerung: Neues iOS-Update mit Rollstühlen und einem Countdown auf dem App-Icon![]

Für den Fall dass Ihr es übersehen habt, möchten wir noch einmal auf das neue iOS Update hinweisen, das wichtige Absturz-Korrekturen beinhaltet! Außerdem werden jetzt Rollstühle für Avatare angezeigt und die Anzahl der noch unerledigten Täglichen Aufgaben am App-Icon.

Ihr könnt die Countdown-Anzeige am App-Icon unter Settings > Display Notification Badge aktivieren. Dann könnt Ihr jederzeit sehen, wie viele Tägliche Aufgaben noch offen sind, ohne die App selbst öffnen zu müssen! Holt Euch das neue Update für ein verbessertes Habitica-Erlebnis.

Wenn Euch die Verbesserungen an unserer App gefallen, denkt doch bitte über ein Review der neuen Version nach. Das würde uns echt helfen. Viel Spaß mit dem Update!

von viirus



Neues iOS-Update: Rollstühle für Avatare und Täglicher Countdown am App-Icon![]

Wir haben ein neues iOS Update veröffentlicht, das jetzt Rollstühle für Avatare beinhaltet und die Anzahl der unerledigten täglichen Aufgaben am App-Icon anzeigt. HINWEIS: Diese Version beinhaltet auch den Bugfix für die Abstürze im Belohnungsladen! Danke für Eure Geduld.

Ihr könnt den Täglichen Countdown am App-Icon unter Settings > Display Notification Badge anzeigen lassen. Dann könnt ihr sofort sehen, wie viele Tägliche Aufgaben nich unerledigt sind, ohne die App öffnen zu müssen! Ladet Euch gleich das Update herunter für ein besseres Habitica-Erlebnis.

Wenn Euch die Verbesserungen an der App gefallen, denkt bitte an ein Review der neuen Version. Das hilft uns wirklich weiter! Alte Versionen verschwinden nach jedem Update, aber Ihr könnt Eure Bewertung unter Reviews mit einem Tap erneut posten. Wir hoffen, das Update gefällt euch!

von viirus

Unterstützer Spotlight: Blade[]

Promo contrib spotlight blade

Wir haben einen neuen Blog-Artikel über Blade veröffentlicht, einem der Masterminds hinter unserem Code. Lest unser neuestes Interview und findet heraus, wie er Habitica für sich nutzt.

von Blade, Beffymaroo und Lemoness



Blog Post: Tipps für Autoren[]

Braucht Ihr Hilfe um Eure NaNoWriMo Wörter zu schaffen oder einfach nur um am Ball zu bleiben? Wir haben einen neuen Blog Post geschrieben mit einer Reihe von Tipps und Tricks, um Eure Schreibziele zu erreichen. Wir hoffen, er hilft Euch!

von Redphoenix

Anwendungsvorschläge gesucht! Vorbereitung auf die Feiertage[]

Wie verwendet Ihr Habitica zur Vorbereitung auf die Feiertage? Wir stellen Eure Vorschläge in Use Case Spotlights auf dem Habitica Blog am Ende des Monats vor! Schreibt Eure Vorschläge in die Use Case Spotlight Gilde! Wir freuen uns auf Eure Vorschläge!

von Beffymaroo


Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle Teilnehmer des diesjährigen Kostümwettbewerbs! Wenn Euer Eintrag den Regeln entsprach, habt Ihr eine Auszeichnung erhalten (oder Euer Erfolgszähler wurde erhöht). (Bei Problemen schreibt bitte eine E-Mail an admin@habitica.com und wir schauen uns die Sache an.) Folgt uns auf Tumblr, um die Kostüme zu sehen, die wir nach und nach posten!

von Lemoness, SabreCat und Beffymaroo



November-Hintergründe und -Schrank-Gegenstände![]

Promo armoire 2016

Wir haben drei neue Hintergründe zum Hintergründe-Laden hinzugefügt! Euer Avatar kann jetzt Blätter an einem windigen Herbsttag jagen, über stürmische Dächer schleichen, und durch mitternächtliche Wolken fliegen.

Außerdem gibt es neue, gegen Gold erhältliche Ausrüstung im Verzauberten Schrank, einschließlich des Eisenschützen-Sets und dem Roten Partykleid. Ihr arbeitet besser hart an Euren Real-Life Aufgaben, um Euch alle Teile zu verdienen! Viel Spaß :)

Hintergründe von Laurelei Kirsch, FirozTaverbi und KusSv
Schrank-Gegenstände von Balduranne und emmavig

Neues Android-Update: Benutzerdefinierter Tageswechsel![]

Wir haben ein neues Android-Update veröffentlicht, mit dem Ihr jetzt auch Euren Tageswechsel einstellen könnt!

Wollt Ihr, dass Eure Täglichen Aufgaben zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt als Mitternacht zurückgesetzt werden? Ab sofort könnt Ihr den Tageswechsel unter Settings einstellen. Außerdem haben wir eine Reihe Bugs beseitigt, also holt Euch die neue Version für ein besseres Habitica-Erlebnis!

Wenn Euch die Verbesserungen an unserer App gefallen, denkt bitte an ein Review der neuen Version. Das hilft uns wirklich sehr! Wir hoffen, Euch gefällt das Update.

von viirus

Neue Take-This-Herausforderung![]

Die nächste Take-This-Herausforderung hat begonnen, Keep Calm and Carry On, mit dem Fokus auf Wut- und Stresslinderung. Schaut ihn Euch an und erarbeitet Euch ein zusätzliches Stück vom Take-This-Rüstungs-Set!

Take This ist ein Nonprofit-Unternehmen, das die Gamer-Community über mentale Gesundheitsprobleme informiert, über mentale Behinderungen und Vorbeugung von mentalen Krankheiten unterrichtet und versucht, das Stigma mentaler Krankheiten zu reduzieren.

Herzliche Glückwünsche an die Gewinner der letzten Take-This-Herausforderung, "Test Thy Courage!": der erste Platz geht an taranion, gefolgt von Lenny Pepperbottom, Captain Jolly, Red, vorpalblade, und G! Außerdem erhalten alle Teilnehmer des Wettbewerbs ein Stück der Take-This-Rüstung. Ihr findet es im Belohnungsladen. Viel Spaß!

von Lemoness, SabreCat, Doctor B und dem Take-This-Team

Costume Challenge Closed[]

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in our Community Costume Challenge! We're still sorting through the entries, but as soon as we're done, we will distribute the badges to the participants and post another announcement to let people know. We hope you had fun!

Nach oben

Oktober 2016[]



Happy Habitoween![]

It's the last day of the Fall Festival, and all the NPCs are looking monstrous. Plus, we have lots of fun things in store....

Jack O' Lantern Pets and Mounts![]

Promo habitoween 2016
The Flourishing Fields are full of cute carved pumpkins - and it looks like one has followed you home!

Those of you who weren't around last Fall Festival have received a Jack-O-Lantern Pet, and those of you who got one last year have received a Jack-O-Lantern Mount! If you already have both of those, you've received a rare and mysterious Ghost Pumpkin Pet. Happy Fall Festival!

von Lemoness

Candy for Everyone![]

Pet Food Candy Base
It's a feast for your pets and mounts! In honor of the end of the Fall Festival, we've given everyone an assortment of candy. You can feed it to your pets in the Stable! Enjoy.

von SabreCat und Lemoness

Last Chance for Fall Festival Items and Spectral Flame Item Set[]

Promo classes fall 2016
This is your last chance to get all Fall Festival items before they vanish at the end of October 31st! This includes Limited-Edition Outfits, Seasonal Shop purchases, Seasonal Edition Skins and Hair Colors, and yes, even Spooky Hatching Potions. Grab them all while you still can!

Plus, today is the final day to subscribe and receive the Spectral Flame Item Set!

Thanks so much for your supporting the site -- you're helping us keep Habitica alive. Happy Habitoween!

von Lemoness



Guild Spotlight: Guilds for Writers![]

There's a new Guild Spotlight on the blog that highlights the Guilds that can help writers as NaNoWriMo approaches! Check it out now to find Habitica's best writer communities.

von Beffymaroo

Habitica Playlist: The Habitican's Travelogue[]

We've prepared something fun for you folks on the Habitica blog: a Habitica-themed playlist! Come listen to a selection of songs that inspire our staff members to get things done and level up, presented as a story about an aspiring adventurer on a quest for self-improvement.

von Lemoness und dem Habitica-Team


Promo backgrounds armoire 201610


October Subscriber Items Revealed![]

Promo mystery 201610

The October Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Spectral Flame Item Set! You still have 6 days to subscribe and receive the item set.

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.

von Lemoness

Änderungen im Verzaubertern Schrank[]

Wir haben eine aufregende Anpassung des Verzauberten Schranks vorgenommen! Nachdem wir eine Menge Rückmeldungen darüber erhalten haben, wie motivierend die zufälligen Belohnungen von unseren Spielern empfunden werden, haben wir den Verzauberten Schrank für alle Spieler freigeschaltet, unabhängig davon, ob sie bereits den Erfolg "Ultimative Ausrüstung" errungen haben oder nicht.

Jedes Mal, wenn Ihr auf den Verzauberten Schrank klickt, habt ihr die Chance auf ein zufälliges Stück Ausrüstung, Futter oder Erfahrung. Neue Ausrüstungsgegenstände werden jeden Monat hinzugefügt! Und jetzt arbeitet hart an Euren Aufgaben, um sie alle zu sammeln.

von SabreCat



New Gold-Purchasable Quest Line[]

Promo pyromancer

There's a new set of gold-purchasable quests available in the Quest Shop: the Terror in the Taskwoods Quest Line! The wild orchards near the Flourishing Fields are ablaze, and this time Burnout isn't responsible. Can you help the Joyful Reaper douse the mysterious flames? If so, you'll earn the exclusive Pyromancer Armor Set.

As time goes on, we'll be adding more gold-purchasable quests. Terror in the Taskwoods is not a limited-edition quest line, so you have plenty of time to save up!

von SabreCat, Beffymaroo und Lemoness
Geschrieben von liorsamuel und Lemoness
Pixelkunst von Kiwibot, Beffymaroo und bridgetteempress



New iOS + Android Update: Spooky Sparkles![]

Promo spooky sparkles 2016

We've released a new iOS update and a new Android update that include Spooky Sparkles!

In fact, all transformation items now work on the apps. Plus, if you'd like to help Habitica stay alive and constantly updating, we've introduced some additional gem bundles that can be purchased via the apps. Thanks for your support!

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! (On iOS, old reviews get hidden with each update, but if you go to the review section you can re-post them again with a single tap.) We hope you enjoy the update!

von viirus und andrewlord1990

Contributor Spotlight: Cantras![]

Promo contrib spotlight cantras

We've posted a new Contributor Spotlight on the blog! Check out our latest interview with Cantras, a longtime Moderator and Challenger, to learn more about how she uses Habitica.

von Cantras, Beffymaroo und Lemoness



New Pet Quest: The CRITICAL BUG![]

Mount Beetle-Base

A loathsome larva is plaguing the land of Habitica with errors! Do you have what it takes to help the Blacksmiths defeat this programming pest? Get the latest pet quest, The Critical Bug, and earn some unbeatable Beetle pets by completing your real-life tasks.

Geschrieben von Emily Austin
Pixelkunst von starsystemic, Eevachu, UncommonCriminal und Karithina

Guest Post from Toggl on Time Tracking[]

We're excited to feature a new Guest Post on our blog from our productivity pals Toggl about how to use time-tracking to maximize your productivity! Be sure to check it out now and let us know what you think on our Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr.

There's also a Habitica-Toggl integration, so if you'd like to start tracking your time, you can now do that easily from within Habitica. Good luck with your tasks!

von Kat Boogaard und Lemoness

New Moderators: Shanaqui and Dewines[]

We're very pleased to welcome two new moderators to our team: longtime Socialites shanaqui and Dewines! They've been cornerstones of our community for a long time, and we're very excited that they're joining us. Hop over to the Tavern Chat to congratulate them!

Change to Chat Messages[]

There's been a slight change to the way chat works on Habitica to accommodate some upcoming changes! Now hitting the enter key no longer sends a new message, but instead inserts a new line. To send a message, click the send button, tab to send chat, or use Control/Command + Enter. We hope the transition will go smoothly!

von Hus274



Spukglitzer im Jahreszeitenmarkt[]

Promo spooky sparkles 2016

Es gibt einen neuen gegen Gold erhältlichen Gegenstand im Jahreszeitenmarkt: Spukglitzer! Kaufe etwas und wende es an Deinen Freunden an. Was es wohl bewirken wird?

Falls auf Dich Spukglitzer gezaubert wird, bekommst Du das "Freunde alarmieren"-Abzeichen! Mache Dir keine Sorgen, jegliche mysteriösen Effekte werden am nächsten Tag abklingen... oder Du kannst sie früher loswerden, indem Du einen Trank der Entgeisterung kaufst!

Wo Ihr schon dabei seid, gucke Dir auf jeden Fall die anderen Gegenstände im Jahreszeitenmarkt an! Es gibt eine Menge Ausrüstungsgegenstände vergangener Herbstfestivals. Der Jahreszeitenmarkt wird nur bis zum 31. Oktober geöffnet sein, also bevorrate Dich jetzt.

von Lemoness und SabreCat

Behind the Scenes: Seasonal Events[]

Promo seasonal shop fall 2016

There's a new Behind the Scenes post on the Habitica blog, detailing what it takes for us to put on one of the Grand Galas! Come learn how we set up this year's Fall Festival, and get a glimpse into how our events have changed over time.

von Lemoness

Bug Fixes for Apps[]

In case you missed it, we've released an iOS update and an Android update that contain bug fixes! Be sure to download them now for a smoother Habitica experience.

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! (In particular, old iOS reviews get hidden with each update, but if you go to the review section you can re-post them again with a single tap.) We hope you enjoy the updates!

von viirus

Costume Challenge[]

The Community Costume Challenge has begun! Between now and October 31st, dress up as your avatar in real life and post a photo on social media to get the coveted Costume Challenge badge! Read the full rules on the Challenge page here! We can't wait to see everybody's Habitica costumes. Good luck!.

von Lemoness


Promo backgrounds armoire 201610


October Backgrounds and Armoire Items[]

We’ve added three new backgrounds to the Background Shop! Now your avatar can get snagged in a Spider Web, slither through the Strange Sewers, and splash through a Rainy City. Get them now!

Plus, there’s new gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Ogre Outfit. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

von KusSv, Kiwibot, Dial F For Funky und HappyPete



October Take This Challenge: Test Thy Courage![]

Promo take this

The next Take This Challenge has launched, "Test Thy Courage!", with a focus on positive social interactions. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "I Am the Night!": grand prize winner ladyhalation, and runners-up Khaleesi, SalientAlien, Debeys, Andrew Parkinson, and jenrosehol! Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

von Lemoness, SabreCat, Doctor B und dem Take-This-Team

Nach oben

September 2016[]



Android Update: Widgets, Tag Editing, and More![]

We've released a new Android update which includes a much-requested feature.... WIDGETS! Now you can easily score a Habit, check out your Dailies, and view your avatar and stats.

This update also includes the ability to edit/delete tags, the ability to select your language options and which day your week starts, and various bug fixes. Be sure to download it now for a better Habitica experience!

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! We hope you enjoy the update.

von Viirus, DanielKaparunakis und jbillings

iOS Update: Tag Management, Expanded Profile, and More![]

We've released a new iOS update with lots of new features!

Now you can create, edit, and delete tags directly from the app, just by tapping on the Filter button. Plus, we've expanded the profile display to show blurbs, gear, and stats when you click on someone's name. Finally, we've fixed a variety of crashes. Be sure to download it now for a better Habitica experience!

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! Old reviews get hidden with each update, but if you go to the review section you can re-post them again with a single tap. We hope you enjoy the update!

von Viirus

GaymerX Armor[]

Promo rainbow armor
Promo unconventional armor2

In honor of Habitica's partnership with the GX4 Conference by GaymerX, the Rainbow Warrior set is now available from the Rewards column! It will only be available until October 2nd, so be sure to get it now.

For those of you in the Bay Area, the Unconventional Armor set will be available at the conference, so don't forget to pick up a promo card if you attend! There will also be a limited number of Habitica stickers.

We hope you enjoy your new armor!

von Lemoness und JJSpace

Last Chance for Cow Costume[]

Promo mystery 201609

Reminder: this is the final day to subscribe and receive the Cow Costume Set! Subscribing also lets you buy gems for gold. The longer your subscription, the more gems you get!

Thanks so much for your support! You help keep Habitica running.

von Lemoness



User Spotlight: Thomas Frank, Creator of College Info Geek[]

There's a new User Spotlight on the blog! We've interviewed @TomFrankly of College Info Geek fame about his Habitica setup, study tips, + more! Check it out.

von Lemoness und TomFrankly

Blog Post: Boss Battles[]

This month's featured Wiki article is about Boss Battles! We hope that it will help you as you fight monsters with your friends. Be sure to check it out, and let us know what you think by reaching out on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.

von Redphoenix und den Wiki-Wizards



Ghost and Spooky Hatching Potions[]

Promo ghost potions

Between now and October 31st, you can buy Ghost Hatching Potions and Spooky Hatching Potions from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.)

After they're gone, it will be at least a year before these Magic Hatching Potions are available again, so be sure to get them now!

von Lemoness und Hermi

September Subscriber Items Revealed![]

Promo mystery 201609

The September Subscriber Items have been revealed: the Cow Costume Item Set! You still have nine days to subscribe and receive the item set.

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy gems for gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data. Best of all, subscriptions let us keep Habitica running. Thank you very much for your support -- it means a lot to us.

von Lemoness



Fall Festival Begins![]

Seasonalshop open

Autumn is upon us, and the Habiticans have moved to the Flourishing Fields! The air is crisp, the leaves are red, and everything is spooky, even the NPCs. Come celebrate the Fall Festival with us... if you dare!

Limited Edition Class Outfits[]

Promo classes fall 2016

Habiticans everywhere are dressing up. From now until October 31st, limited-edition outfits are available in the Rewards column. Depending on your class, you can be a Wicked Sorcerer, Swamp Thing, Black Widow Rogue, or Gorgon Healer! (For our Habiticans who have snake or spider phobias, you can block your view of the Black Widow Rogue and the Gorgon Healer by downloading our Phobia Protection Extension.)

You'd better get productive to earn enough gold before your time runs out...

von Definitely not a villain, ShoGirlGeek. cataclysms, maxpendragon und Lemoness

Supernatural Skin Set[]

The Supernatural Skin Set is also available in the avatar customization shop until October 31st! Now your avatar can become an Ogre, Skeleton, Pumpkin, Candy Corn, Reptile, or Dread Shade.

Seasonal Edition items recur unchanged every year, but they are only available to purchase during a short period of time. Get them now, or you'll have to wait until next year!

von Lemoness

Haunted Hair Colors[]

Promo haunted hair

The Seasonal Edition Haunted Hair Colors are now available for purchase, also on the avatar customizations page! Now you can dye your avatar's hair Pumpkin, Midnight, Candy Corn, Ghost White, Zombie, or Halloween. Get them before October 31st!

von Lemoness, mariahm und crystalphoenix

Candy Food Drops![]

Pet Food Candy Base

For the duration of the Fall Festival, Habiticans may randomly find candy drops when they complete their tasks. These candies function just like normal food drops - can you guess which flavor your pet will like best?

von Lemoness



Contributor Spotlight: Beffymaroo[]

Promo contrib spotlight beffymaroo

We've started a new Contributor Spotlight Series on the blog! Check out our inaugural post, which is an interview with awesome moderator and pixel artist Beffymaroo.

von Beffymaroo und Lemoness

Behind the Scenes: Postcards[]

There's a new Behind the Scenes post on the Habitica blog, detailing the aftermath of the recent Postcard Challenge! Come see how we've been decorating our office and dealing with the flood of fun cards from Habiticans.

von redphoenix



New Pet Quest: The Mootant Cow[]

Promo cow

Bad habits have caused a prize cow to mootate into a monster! Can you revert it and save Sparring Farms? Get the latest pet quest, The Mootant Cow, and earn some cute cow pets by completing your real-life tasks.

Geschrieben von schizelle
Pixelkunst von Soloana, Eevachu, Feralem Tau, fuzzytrees und UncommonCriminal

Changes to Orb of Rebirth[]

Rebirth orbThe Orb of Rebirth, a special item in the Market, will now cost 6 Gems instead of 8, and will not remove any Equipment items! It will still be available for free to users of Level 100 and above. If you've used the Orb of Rebirth in the past and would like your Equipment restored, let us know in the Report a Bug Guild and we'll fix things up for you!

We've made this change in response to feedback suggesting Rebirth could be improved. Previously, Rebirth made the Rewards list too long and re-earning the gold to recover all the equipment was daunting, particularly when it came to seasonal Grand Gala gear. We hope this modification works to alleviate these concerns and that Rebirth is a feature that continues to motivate everyone.

For those who do want to release and buy back all their Equipment, we are developing a separate feature, tentatively titled "Empty the Armory." Stay tuned!

von Blade

Real-Time Chat for Parties[]

You can now see new messages in your party without having to click "Fetch Recent Messages"! Chat, spells, and quest activity will appear on the party page right away.

Additionally, you can choose to receive desktop notifications for party chat. Grant permission when your browser requests to send notifications for habitica.com, and you'll get new chat alerts as long as you're on the site! If you don't allow desktop notifications, you'll instead get chat alerts in a format similar to Gold and Experience updates.

von paglias



Staff Spotlight: Phillip AKA Viirus[]

Promo staff spotlight Viirus

There's a new Staff Spotlight on the blog, featuring an interview with Phillip (aka viirus)! Check it out to learn how he went from a volunteer contributor to our main mobile developer.

von viirus und Lemoness

Brazilian Portuguese Language Support[]

Habitica has been translated into Brazilian Portuguese! If you'd like to use the site in Brazilian Portuguese and it doesn't change automatically for you, change your language to "Português Brasileiro" on the Settings page. Many thanks to our dedicated volunteer translators for their work!

by the Brazilian Portuguese translation team

Get Ready for the Community Costume Challenge![]

We've got an exciting event coming up this October - the annual Community Costume Challenge is returning! In the spirit of the season, Habiticans who dress up in real-life versions of their avatar's armor (or in any Habitica costume) will receive a special badge. (No, just wearing a colored shirt doesn't count. Where's the fun in that?)

The Community Costume Challenge will start on October 1st, but we're announcing it early so that people have time to get their costumes together.

Instructions on how to participate in the CCC will be posted when the Challenge is live. We can't wait to see your costumes!

von Lemoness



September Backgrounds and Armoire Items![]

Promo backgrounds armoire 201609

We’ve added three new backgrounds: Orchard, Farmhouse, and Cornfields! Get them now from the Background Shop and show off your avatars in the Tavern!

Plus, there’s new Gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Vermillion Archer Set. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces! Enjoy :)

von Totoro, James Danger und Balduranne

New Take This Challenge![]

The next Take This Challenge has launched, "I Am The Night!", with a focus on forming better sleep habits. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Cast of Characters!": grand prize winner Dragonezss, and runners-up elizacorps, jwmeyer86, chady025, Max Yong, and Nightstalker_oL. Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set. It is located in your Rewards column. Enjoy!

von Lemoness, SabreCat, Doctor B, Gordon Shippey und dem Take-This-Team

Nach oben

August 2016[]



Last Chance for Thunderstormer Set[]

Promo mystery 201608

Reminder: this is the final day to subscribe and receive the Thunderstorm Item Set! Thanks so much for your support <3

von Lemoness

Last Chance for Thunderstorm Hatching Potions[]

Mount Dragon-Thunderstorm

Reminder: this is the final day to buy Thunderstorm Hatching Potions! They won't be back until next year, so don't delay!

von Balduranne

Guild Spotlight: Back to School[]

There's a new Guild Spotlight on the blog that highlights the Guilds that can help you as you head back to school! Check it out now to find Habitica's best scholarly communities.

von Lemoness



August Subscriber Items Revealed[]

Promo mystery 201608
The August Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Thunderstormer Set! You still have seven days to subscribe and receive the item set.

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy Gems for Gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more Gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data. Best of all, your support directly keeps Habitica running. Thank you very much -- it means a lot to us!

von Lemoness

Android Update: Better Messaging and Invitations[]

We've released a new Android update which includes better messaging, a search bar for Guilds, and an easier way to invite friends to your party! Be sure to download it now for a better Habitica experience!

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! We hope you enjoy the update.

von viirus und jjbillings

New Blog Posts: Habitica Roadtrip and Quest System[]

There are two new posts on the Habitica blog!

First, we're announcing the new BEHIND THE SCENES blog series. These posts will highlight some of the work that goes into Habitica and the shenanigans of the team. We're opening with a fun one: a description of the recent Habitica Roadtrip that some of our staff and admins took together! Enjoy.

Plus, there's a new Wiki spotlight on the blog, this time focusing on quests! Learn everything you wanted to know about one of our most motivating mechanics.

von Lemoness, Redphoenix und den Wiki-Wizards



Pet Quest: Armadillos[]


There's a new pet quest available in the Quest Shop: The Indulgent Armadillo. There's a giant armadillo blocking your door. Can you fight your way through to start work on your tasks? If so, you'll earn some armored armadillo eggs!

Geschrieben von Emily Austin
Pixelkunst von krajzega, Tipsy, uncommoncriminal, zorella, PainterProphet und Beffymaroo

New iOS Update: Task Reordering, Better Messaging, and Easier Party Formation[]

We've released a new iOS update that features the ability to reorder tasks, send private messages to anyone, and form parties more easily! Be sure to download it now for a better Habitica experience.

Now you can drag a task anywhere in its list by pressing and holding, making it easier than ever to organization. Plus, if you want to invite someone to your Party, instead of wrestling with their User ID, you can just scan the QR code in their Party section! Finally, you can now send a private message via their profile, by entering their User ID, or by scanning their new QR code.

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! Old reviews get hidden with each update, but if you go to the review section you can re-post them again with a single tap. We hope you enjoy the update!

von viirus

Staff Spotlight: Matteo, aka Paglias[]

There's a new Staff Spotlight on the blog! Come meet Matteo, aka paglias, and learn how our favorite Italian programmer balances developing features with earning his degree.



Thunderstorm Hatching Potions[]

Mount Dragon-Thunderstorm

Between now and August 31st, you can buy Thunderstorm Hatching Potions from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg. (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.)

After they're gone, it will be at least a year before the Thunderstorm Hatching Potions are available again, so be sure to get them now!

von Balduranne

Staff Spotlight: Vicky[]

Screen Shot 2014-06-07 at 17.12.34

There's a new Staff Spotlight on the blog, featuring an interview with Vicky (AKA Redphoenix)! Check it out to learn about her favorite Habitica pets, her best tips for productivity, and more.

von Lemoness und Redphoenix

Mobile App Updates[]

We've released a new Android update featuring better notifications, and an iOS Update featuring lots of bug fixes!

Be sure to download them now for a better Habitica experience. If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing these new versions. It really helps us out! We hope you enjoy the updates.

von viirus und TheHollidayInn



Promo backgrounds armoire 201608

August Backgrounds[]

We’ve added three new backgrounds: Stormy Ship, Idyllic Cabin, and Mountain Pyramid. Get them now from the Background Shop and show off your avatars in the Tavern!

von JInjooHat, KusSv und Beffymaroo

August Armoire Items: Falconer Set[]

There’s new Gold-purchasable equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, including the Falconer set. The Enchanted Armoire unlocks when you achieve Ultimate Gear. Better work hard on your real-life tasks to earn all the pieces!

von Mako413

New Audio Theme[]

There's a new audio theme available: Dewin's Theme! Select this theme from the 🔈 drop-down to level up to sounds with an 8-bit flavor.

von Dewin



New Take This Challenge[]

Promo take this

The next Take This Challenge has launched, Cast of Characters, with a focus on picturing your feelings as characters in a story. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "Check Your HP": grand prize winner bookguinea, and runners-up abbey, SeanXiaaa, pushkin89, fightorflight, and ProfDzul. Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received a piece of the Take This item set. Enjoy!

von Lemoness, SabreCat, Doctor B und dem Take-This-Team


There's a new Guild Spotlight on the blog ! Check it out now to learn about some awesome Habitica Guilds that highlight fun fandoms.

von Lemoness

Nach oben

Juli 2016[]



Habitica Naming Day[]

Mount Gryphon-RoyalPurple

Happy Habitica Naming day! In honor of the day when we changed the name of the app from HabitRPG to Habitica, we've given everyone an achievement, as well as some delicious cake for your pets and mounts.

by Lemoness and SabreCat

Habitica Gryphon Mount and Pet[]


Speaking of pets and mounts, we've given all new users our Purple Gryphon Mount, Melior! If you already received Melior last year, we've given you his little sister Meliora, a Purple Gryphon Pet. You can find them in the Rare Pet/Rare Mount sections of the stable!

Thanks for being a Habitica user -- you all mean so much to us. We hope that you enjoy your presents!

von Lemoness und Baconsaur



Last Chance for Summer Splash Outfits, Hair and Skins, and Seafoam![]

Promo summer classes 2016

Today is the final day of the Summer Splash Festival, so if you still have any remaining Summer Splash Items that you want to buy, you'd better do it now! The Seasonal Edition items and Skins won't be back until next June, and if the Limited Edition items return they will have increased prices or changed art, so strike while the summer is hot!

Last Chance for Seafloor Rogue Set[]

Promo mystery 201607

Reminder: this is the final day to subscribe and receive the Seafloor Rogue Set! Thanks so much for your support <3

von Lemoness

New iOS Update: Shops![]

We've released a new iOS update which contains the Market, Quest Shop, and Seasonal Shop!

Plus, we've fixed some bugs, including the issues with the FAQ and using items on the iPad. Be sure to download it now for a better Habitica experience!

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! Old reviews get hidden with each update, but if you go to the review section you can re-post them again with a single tap. We hope you enjoy the update!

von viirus

New Android Update: Shops and Task Reordering![]

We've released a new Android update which contains the Market, Quest Shop, and Seasonal Shop!

Plus, we've also introduced the ability to reorder tasks and copy chat messages to your clipboard. Be sure to download it now for a better Habitica experience!

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! We hope you enjoy the update.

von viirus, jjbillings und schrockblock



July Subscriber Items Revealed![]

Promo mystery 201607

The July Subscriber Items have been revealed: the Seafloor Rogue Item Set! You still have seven days to subscribe and receive the item set.

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy Gems for Gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more Gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data. Best of all, your support directly keeps Habitica running. Thank you very much -- it means a lot to us!

von Lemoness



Android Update: Inbox and Private Messages[]

We've released a new Android update!

Now you can send and receive Private Messages from the app with the new Inbox feature! We've also fixed a variety of bugs. Be sure to download this update now for a better Habitica experience!

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! We hope you enjoy the update.

von viirus und TheHollidayInn

Featured Wiki Article: Getting Things Done with Habitica[]

This month's featured Wiki article is about ideas for implementing David Allen's Getting Things Done method within Habitica. We hope that it will help you out! Be sure to check it out, and let us know what you think by reaching out on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.

von Redphoenix und den Wiki-Wizards



Habitica at Comic-Con International: San Diego[]

Promo unconventional armor
Leslie and Vicky, aka Lemoness and Redphoenix, will be attending Comic-Con this year, and we'll be giving away plenty of Habitica stickers and promo codes to earn the Unconventional Armor set! Follow the Habitica Twitter account for information on Habitica meet-ups. Hope to see you there!

Limited Edition Habitica Postcards and Promo Codes[]

Even if you can't come to meet us at Comic-Con, we've decided on a new way to earn the Unconventional Armor set. If you can't come to us, send something in your stead....

Until the end of August, if you mail the Habitica staff a postcard to decorate our office, we will mail you back a limited-edition HabitRPG postcard with a promo code for the Unconventional Armor set!

Postcards should be sent to:

The Habitica Team
202 Bicknell Avenue
Santa Monica, California 90405
United States of America

We hope that this will be a fun way to send the Unconventional Armor set to those of our users who are unable to meet us in person. Can't wait to read your messages!

von Lemoness und Redphoenix

Info for Developers[]

The developer blog has an update with important information about the API v2 deprecation. Check it out if you’re interested in developing integrations for Habitica!

von Blade und Matteo



New iOS Update: Bug Fixes![]

We've released a new iOS update focusing on stability and bug fixes!

It includes multiple crash fixes and clears up bugs such as the problems with rewards. Be sure to download it now for a better Habitica experience!

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! Old reviews get hidden with each update, but if you go to the review section you can re-post them again with a single tap. We hope you enjoy the update!

von viirus

Staff Spotlight: Lemoness![]

Promo staff spotlight Lemoness

There's a new Staff Spotlight on the blog, featuring an interview with Leslie (aka Lemoness)! Check it out to learn about her favorite Habitica pets, her best tips for productivity, and more.



July Pet Quest: Guide the Turtle![]


The giant sea turtle can't reach the beach because there's too much Task Flotsam in the way! Can you clear a path for her? If so, you'll earn a batch of Turtle Eggs! Get the quest scroll from the Quest Shop now.

Geschrieben von Ginger_Hanna
Pixelkunst von Jessica Chase, Uncommon Criminal, Bambin, Scarabsi, JaizakAripaik und Sungabraverday

New Audio Theme[]

There's a new audio theme available: Rosstavo's Theme! Select this theme from the 🔈 drop-down to enjoy a set of crisp, productivity-minded chimes and blips.

von Rosstavo



Ongoing Take This Challenge: Convention Health[]

A new ongoing Challenge has been created by our friends at Take This: Playing the Long Con! It's designed to help keep you healthy during convention season.

Unlike the Monthly Take This Challenge, this Challenge doesn't have any prizes or equipment associated with it, but is designed so that you can join it and leave it multiple times a year, as needed. Enjoy!

von DoctorB, Lemoness und dem Take-This-Team

New Blog Posts and July Challenge Spotlight[]

There are two new posts on the Habitica blog!

First, we've featured a new Wiki article about how to make Habitica work better for you. Check it out for some great tips.

Plus, the July Challenge Spotlight is up! Check it out for some great Challenges.

Have you made a Challenge that you think deserves to be in the spotlight? Submit it to be featured on our blog! Any Challenge with a Gem prize and a concrete end date is eligible. And feel free to tell us what you think about this month's spotlight in the comments, or on Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr. Enjoy!

von Lemoness und Redphoenix


Promo backgrounds armoire 201607


July Backgrounds[]

There are three new avatar backgrounds in the Background Shop! Now your avatar can dive to the Deep Sea, bob in an Aquarium, or swim past the Castle of Dilatory!

von Jessica Chase und DialFForFunky

July Armoire Items Revealed[]

There is new equipment in Enchanted Armoire, a 100 GP Reward in the Rewards Column which unlocks after you've attained Ultimate Gear!

Click on the Enchanted Armoire for a random chance at special Equipment, including the Cannoneer Item Set! It may also give you random XP or food items. We'll be adding new equipment to it during the first week of each month, but even when you've exhausted the current supply, you can keep clicking for a chance at food and XP.

Now go spend all that accumulated Gold! May the Random Number Generator smile upon you...

von Lemoness und SabreCat
Pixelkunst von Kai-Wen



iOS Update: Notifications and Private Messages[]

We've released a new iOS update!

Now you can send and read private messages on the app! Plus, you can now receive notifications for important events, like being invited to a party, guild, or quest, receiving a private message, and beginning a battle. Don’t want a certain type of notification? Simply adjust your preferences under Settings.

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! Old reviews get hidden with each new release, but if you go to the review section you can re-post old reviews with a single tap. Thanks for using Habitica!

von viirus und Nivl4

New Take This Challenge![]

Promo take this

The next Take This Challenge has launched, Check Your HP, with a focus on tracking your mood. Be sure to check it out to earn additional pieces of the Take This armor set!

Take This is a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Congratulations to the winners of the last Take This Challenge, "It's Dangerous to Go Alone": grand prize winner janey_p, and runners-up Dennis Charles Puerto Calubia, lamachine, Didit, mykabot, and Deiket. Plus, all participants in that Challenge have received the Take This Shield. Enjoy!

von Lemoness, SabreCat, Doctor B und dem Take-This-Team

Nach oben

Juni 2016[]



Splashy Skin Set[]

Promo splashyskins

There's a new set of Seasonal Edition Skins available in the Avatar Customization page until July 31st! Get them while you can, or they won't be available until next year.

von UncommonCriminal

Last Chance for Selkie Item Set[]

Promo mystery 201606

Reminder: this is the final day to subscribe and receive the Selkie Item Set. If you want the Selkie Cap or the Selkie Tail, now's the time. Thanks so much for your support -- we hope you enjoy your Gems!

von Lemoness



Android Update: Task Reminders[]

There's a new Android update which includes a very exciting feature: Task Reminders! When you make or edit Dailies and To-Dos, you can now add notifications that will remind you to get things done! Never forget a task again.

We've also fixed a variety of bugs, so be sure to download this update now!

von viirus, TheHollidayInn und nivl4

June Subscriber Items[]

Promo mystery 201606

The June Subscriber Items have been revealed: the Selkie Robes Set! You still have seven days to subscribe and receive the item set.

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy Gems for Gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more Gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data. Best of all, your support directly keeps Habitica running. Thank you very much -- it means a lot to us!

von Lemoness

Seafoam Transformation Item[]

Seafoam star

Splash some Seafoam on your friends and they will undergo a mysterious transformation until their next cron! You can buy the Seafoam in the Seasonal Shop for Gold. Don't want to be transformed? Just buy some Sand from the Rewards Store to reverse it.



Summer Splash Begins[]

The Summer Splash festival has arrived, and Habitica has moved to the undersea city of Dilatory for the summer! From today until July 31st, join us for fun in the sun.

Limited Edition Class Outfits[]

Promo summer classes 2016
From now until July 31st, limited edition outfits are available in the Rewards column. Depending on your class, you can be a Seahorse Healer, a Shark Warrior, an Eel Rogue, or a Dolphin Mage! You'd better get productive to earn enough gold before they disappear. Good luck!

von Giu08. Jynn, TetoIsGreat, Kai-Wen und Lemoness

Seasonal Shop Opens[]

Promo summer classes 2015
The Seasonal Shop has opened! It's stocking summertime Seasonal Edition goodies at the moment, including last year's summer outfits. Everything there will be available to purchase during the Summer Splash event each year, but it's only open until July 31st, so be sure to stock up now, or you'll have to wait a year to buy these items again.

von Lemoness

Summer NPCs[]

Seasonalshop summer2015
Looks like the NPCs are really getting in to the summer spirit. Ian, Bailey, Matt, and the Seasonal Sorceress are having fun under the sea in the sunken city of Dilatory, and Alex and Daniel have moved down to the beach. Even the Time Travelers are getting into the fun, although... oh dear... they seem to have overshot the season...

von Lemoness



New Equipment Sorting Option[]

The Equipment page now has a new "Group by Type" option that arranges your equipment by armor, headgear, etc. Choose the equipment organization method that you like best!

von Hus274

June Guild Spotlight[]

We're highlighting several Guilds that can help you achieve your goals this summer, including the Long-Term Accountability Guild for that massive personal project, the Young Adult - Unprepared Guild for all you recent grads, and the Legendary Book Club of Habitica to help with that summer reading. Learn more here!

von redphoenix



Axolotl Pet Quest[]

Mount Axolotl-CottonCandyPink

The Magical Axolotl is gulping away your willpower. Can you muster the energy to defeat your tasks? If so, you'll earn a batch of Axolotl Eggs! Get the quest scroll from the Quest Shop now.

Geschrieben von Summer (River Mori)
Pixelkunst von hazel40, PainterProphet, Kiwibot, Streak, sungabraverday, Zorella und James Danger



Official "Take This" Challenge and Armor Set[]

Promo take this

We've launched a new Official Habitica Challenge Series, designed especially for us by Take This, a nonprofit that seeks to inform the gamer community about mental health issues, to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.

The first Challenge in this series focuses on cultivating your offline friendships, and gem prizes are available to the winner and runners-up. Plus, at the end of the Challenge, all active participants will earn one piece of the new Take This Armor Set!

Meet the Staff: Sabe[]

Npc sabe

Ever want to know more about the people who run Habitica? Now you can! We have an interview with SabreCat on our blog. Learn more about the coder behind everything from monthly quests to architecture improvements.

Partnership with FocusMe[]

Because the Habitica staff members are big fans of distraction-blocker FocusMe (and their staff members are big fans of Habitica), we’ve decided to offer a joint promotion until Sunday June 19th, where anyone who purchases FocusMe will also be offered a 20% discount on a six-month Habitica subscription! Learn more here.

Important Info for Developers[]

Important news for Habitica developers: we're going to deactivate API v2 on July 15th. Learn more here.

We've put together a migration guide to help you make the switch for any of the integrations that you are coding. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on GitHub or the Aspiring Coders Guild and we'll be happy to assist. Thanks for contributing to Habitica!



June Backgrounds[]

Promo backgrounds armoire 201606

There are three new avatar backgrounds in the Background Shop! Now your avatar can hop on a Lilypad, splash on a Waterfall Rock, or stroll down the Lighthouse Shore!

von Witticaster, KusSv und shellcollector

June Armoire Items Revealed[]

There is new equipment in Enchanted Armoire, a 100 GP Reward in the Rewards Column which unlocks after you've attained Ultimate Gear!

Click on the Enchanted Armoire for a random chance at special Equipment, including the Seaside Set and the Green Floppy Hat! It may also give you random XP or food items. We'll be adding new equipment to it during the first week of each month, but even when you've exhausted the current supply, you can keep clicking for a chance at food and XP.

Now go spend all that accumulated Gold! May the Random Number Generator smile upon you...

von Lemoness und SabreCat
Pixelkunst von shellcollector und starsystemic

Challenge Spotlight: Small Improvements Add Up[]

There's a new Challenge Spotlight on our blog! Check it out for some great Challenges that can help you improve your life one little step at a time.

Have you made a Challenge that you think deserves to be in the spotlight? Submit it to be featured on our blog! Any Challenge with a Gem prize and a concrete end date is eligible. And feel free to tell us what you think about this month's spotlight in the comments, or on Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr. Enjoy!

von redphoenix
Herausforderungen von Accio Books, Cheers und Freelancecynic

Nach oben

Mai 2016[]



Promo floral potions
Promo mystery 201605

Last Chance for Marching Bard Item Set[]

Reminder: this is the final day to subscribe and receive the Marching Bard Item Set! If you want the Marching Bard Hat or the Marching Bard Uniform, now's the time. Thanks so much for your support -- we hope you enjoy your Gems.

von Lemoness

Last Chance for Floral Hatching Potions[]

Reminder: this is the final day to buy Floral Hatching Potions! If they come back, it won't be until next year at the earliest, so don't delay!

von Mako413



iOS App Update Available[]

We've released a new iOS app update that contains tons of bug fixes, including for the pet feeding crash and the annoying fake death popups! Be sure to download it now for a more stable Habitica.

Thank you so much to everyone who reported bugs that cropped up after our massive code overhaul! It was very helpful. And if you have a spare moment, we'd love it if you could review this app. It really helps us out! iOS hides all old reviews, but if you've already written one, it's very easy to repost with a single button click.

von viirus

Android Update: Bug Fixes[]

We've released a new Android update with fixes for lots of bugs and crashes. Download it now for a more stable experience!

Thank you for your patience as we worked out some of the hiccups that came with our major code overhaul this weekend. If you like the direction that we're taking the app, we'd love it if you could take the time to leave us a review :) It really helps us out!

(Hoping for an iOS update with similar fixes? We've submitted it to Apple, so we're just waiting for them to approve it, which could take several days. Stay tuned!)

von viirus

May Subscriber Items[]

Promo mystery 201605

The May Subscriber Items have been revealed: the Marching Bard Item Set! You still have six days to subscribe and receive the item set.

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy Gems for Gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more Gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data. Best of all, your support directly keeps Habitica running. Thank you very much -- it means a lot to us!

von Lemoness



Welcome Back, Everyone![]

Hurrah! After many hours of toil, our valiant blacksmiths were able to complete our planned maintenance ahead of schedule. The site should be working normally again! If you notice any issues or have any questions, please feel free to email us at admin@habitica.com and we will be happy to help.

Important Mobile App Updates[]

We’ve released an iOS update and an Android update that contain the new code. It’s very important to download these updates immediately, or you may encounter significant bugs!

Veteran Pets[]


To thank you for your patience during the maintenance, we have awarded everyone a special Veteran Pet! You can see it under Inventory > Pets, at the bottom of the screen. If it hasn’t appeared yet, never fear: because there are so many Habiticans, it can sometimes take an hour or two for everyone to receive their pet. You will have it soon! Thanks again for bearing with us during the downtime.

Daily Safe Mode[]

To protect the accounts of Habiticans in different time zones across the world, we enabled Cron Daily Safe Mode during the maintenance, which will prevent you from taking any damage or losing any streaks for the rest of the weekend. Let us know at admin@habitica.com if you have any questions or concerns!



Maintenance to Take Place May 21[]

This Saturday, we will be performing important maintenance on Habitica to build out the groundwork for some exciting upcoming features! We'll be doing everything we can to make this as smooth as possible, but unfortunately, there will be significant downtime for much of the day.

We expect that on Saturday, May 21st, Habitica will be unavailable between 1 PM and 10 PM Pacific Time (8 pm - 5 am UTC).

  • Don't worry, you will NOT lose any streaks or take any damage during this weekend, not even from Bosses! This maintenance will not harm your accounts.
  • If you will need to see your task list on Saturday, we recommend taking a screenshot of your tasks before the maintenance begins so that you can use them as a reference during downtime.
  • At the end of the maintenance, to thank people for their patience, everyone will receive a rare Veteran pet!
  • This maintenance should not result in any major visible differences to the site; it's all behind-the-scenes work. However, at the end of it, we will release new updates to the mobile apps, which will be required in order for the apps to work properly with the new changes! Be sure to download those updates on Saturday as soon as they are released.
  • For more information, please check out our detailed info page about the maintenance! And if you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Leslie (leslie@habitica.com), and she will be happy to help you.

We understand that it's very frustrating to have Habitica unavailable for such a long part of the day. Rest assured that we'll be doing everything we can to make the maintenance go as quickly as possible, but with over a million Habitican accounts to migrate, this is a hefty task! During the maintenance on Saturday we will be posting regular status reports on our Twitter account, so you can follow us for the most accurate updates.

Thank you for your patience, and for using Habitica!



New Pet Quest: The Tangle Tree (Treelings)[]


We've released a new Pet Quest: The Tangle Tree! The Garden Competition has been disrupted by a terrible multi-tasking tree. Can you defeat this wooden warrior? If so, you'll earn some treeling eggs!

von Lemoness und SabreCat
Geschrieben von Flutter Bee
Pixelkunst von fuzzytrees, PainterProphet, aurakami und plumilla

Challenge Spotlight[]

There's a new Challenge Spotlight on our blog! Check it out for some great Challenges that can help you simplify your digital life.

Have you made a Challenge that you think deserves to be in the spotlight? Submit it to be featured on our blog! Any Challenge with a Gem prize and a concrete end date is eligible. And feel free to tell us what you think about this month's spotlight in the comments, or on Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr. Enjoy!

von redphoenix
Herausforderungen von ArynChris, Janelle Rowe und BeanieB



Android Update[]

Phone peek3 by phoneix faerie

We've released a new Android update which includes the ability to choose a class at level 10! We've also fixed a bunch of bugs, and enabled social media sharing. Want to show off your new pet or fancy avatar to your friends? Now you can!

Habitica on Social Media[]

Coding 3 by phoneix faerie-d7idtti

Speaking of social media.... you should come follow Habitica on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr! We post important announcements and weekly updates, and we even share fun things like Habitica fanart and cosplay on our blog. Come chat with us!



Glasses and New Wheelchair Colors for Avatars[]

Promo chairs glasses

We have two new sets of free avatar customizations available: glasses, and additional wheelchair colors! We hope that Habiticans who wear glasses and/or use wheelchairs will enjoy these options.

von Breadstrings und Balduranne

Challenge Spotlight Submissions[]

Do you have a broadly-applicable Challenge that you would like to promote to all of Habitica? Now you can submit Challenges to be featured on our official blog! To qualify, the Challenge must have a fixed end date and a Gem prize of any amount. To submit a Challenge for consideration, just fill out this form.

von redphoenix



iOS Update[]

We've released a new iOS update which includes social media sharing and the ability to change your class from the app, as well as some bug fixes. Be sure to download it now for a better Habitica experience!

If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! Old reviews get hidden, but if you go to the review section you can re-post it again with a single tap. We hope you enjoy the update!

von viirus

May Backgrounds[]

Promo backgrounds armoire 201605

There are three new avatar backgrounds in the Background Shop! Now your avatar can buzz in a Beehive, explore the Tree Roots, or battle a Gazebo.

von James Danger und DialFForFunky

May Armoire Items Revealed[]

There is new equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, a 100 GP Reward in the Rewards Column which unlocks after you've attained Ultimate Gear!

Click on the Enchanted Armoire for a random chance at special Equipment, including the Graduate Set and the Bouquet of Flowers! It may also give you random XP or food items. We'll be adding new equipment to it during the first week of each month, but even when you've exhausted the current supply, you can keep clicking for a chance at food and XP.

Now go spend all that accumulated Gold! May the Random Number Generator smile upon you...

von Breadstrings

Nach oben

April 2016[]



Last Chance for April Item Set[]

Promo mystery 201604

Reminder: this is the final day to subscribe and receive the Leaf Warrior Item Set! If you want the Crown o' Flowers or the Armor o' Leaves, now's the time. Thanks so much for your support <3

Last Chance for Spring Fling Items and Customizations[]

Promo spring classes 2016

On May 1st, everything will be back to normal in Habitica, so if you still have any remaining Spring Fling Items that you want to buy from the Rewards Column or the Seasonal Shop, you'd better do it now! The Seasonal Edition items and Hair/Skin Colors won't be back until next March, and if the Limited Edition items return they will have increased prices or changed art, so strike while the iron is hot!



The Be-Wilder World Boss is Defeated![]

We've done it! The Be-Wilder lets out a ululating cry as it twists in the air, shedding feathers like falling rain. Slowly, gradually, it coils into a cloud of sparkling mist. As the newly-revealed sun pierces the fog, it burns away, revealing the coughing, mercifully human forms of Bailey, Matt, Alex.... and the April Fool himself.

Mistiflying is Saved!

The April Fool has enough shame to look a bit sheepish. “Oh, hm,” he says. “Perhaps I got a little…. carried away.”

The crowd mutters. Sodden flowers wash up on sidewalks. Somewhere in the distance, a roof collapses with a spectacular splash.

“Er, yes,” the April Fool says. “That is. What I meant to say was, I’m dreadfully sorry.” He heaves a sigh. “I suppose it can’t all be fun and games, after all. It might not hurt to focus occasionally. Maybe I’ll get a head start on next year’s pranking.”

Redphoenix coughs meaningfully.

“I mean, get a head start on this year’s spring cleaning!” the April Fool says. “Nothing to fear, I’ll have Habit City in spit-shape soon. Luckily nobody is better than I at dual-wielding mops.”

Encouraged, the marching band starts up.

It isn’t long before all is back to normal in Habit City. Plus, now that the Be-Wilder has evaporated, the magical bees of Mistiflying bustle back to work, and soon the flowers are blooming and the city is floating once more.

As Habiticans cuddle the magical fuzzy bees, the April Fool’s eyes light up. “Oho, I’ve had a thought! Why don’t you all keep some of these Magical Bee Pets and Mounts? It’s a gift that perfectly symbolizes the balance between hard work and sweet rewards, if I’m going to get all boring and allegorical on you.” He winks. “Besides, they don’t have stingers! Fool’s honor.”



April Subscriber Items[]

Promo mystery 201604

The April Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Leaf Warrior Item Set! You still have five days to subscribe and receive the item set.

Subscribers also receive the ability to buy Gems for Gold -- the longer you subscribe, the more Gems you can buy per month! There are other perks as well, such as longer access to uncompressed data. Best of all, your support directly keeps Habitica running. Thank you very much -- it means a lot to us!

von Lemoness

Floral Hatching Potions[]

Promo floral potions
Between now and May 31st, you can buy Floral Hatching Potions from the Market and use them to hatch any standard pet egg! (Magic Hatching Potions do not work on Quest Pet eggs.)

Floral Hatching Potions are a Seasonal Edition item, so they will not be available again before next spring! Be sure to get them while you can.

von Mako413



World Boss: Third Beguilement Strike![]

Npc bailey broken 2016
Look out! In the middle of reporting the news, Bailey the Town Crier has been possessed by the Be-Wilder! She lets out an evil, uninformative screech as she rises into the air. Now how will we know what’s going on?

Don't give up... we're so close to defeating this bothersome bird for once and for all!



iOS Update: Fixes Galore[]

We've released a new iOS update focusing on stability and bug fixes!

It includes multiple crash fixes, most notably for iOS 7 and for quests with rage bars, and clears up frustrating bugs such as the issues with timezones, the duplicating items bug, and the fact that completed to-dos used to still cause reminders. Be sure to download it now for a better Habitica experience!

Thank you very much for your patience! If you like the improvements that we’ve been making to our app, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! Also, old reviews get hidden, but if you go to the review section you can re-post it again with a single tap. We hope you enjoy the update!

von viirus, schrockblock, a-ayyash und nivl4

Android App Update: Pets, Enchanted Armoire, and More![]


In case you missed it, yesterday we updated the Android app to include a ton of features, including:

  • Pets and Mounts! Now you can use the app to hatch pets, feed them, and equip pets and mounts.
  • The World Boss! Now you can view the World Boss Battle from the Tavern on the app!
  • The Enchanted Armoire! Tap right from the app for a chance at equipment, Experience, or food.
  • Edit Task Attributes! Assign attributes to tasks for use with task-based point allocation.
  • Crash and Bug Fixes! Including fixes for incorrectly-locked backgrounds, date display, editing task attribution allocation, and more.

If you like what we're doing with the app, please consider leaving a review! It means a lot to us.

von viirus, saranlert, schrockblock, ablx und jeubank12

World Boss: Second Beguilement Strike![]

Npc matt broken 2016

In more frightening news, the Be-Wilder has used another Beguilement Strike!

Once again the Be-Wilder has dazzled us into neglecting our Dailies, and now it has attacked Matt the Beast Master! With a swirl of mist, Matt transforms into a terrifying winged creature, and all the pets and mounts howl sadly in their stables. Quickly, stay focused on your tasks to defeat this dastardly distraction!



Android App Update: Pets, Enchanted Armoire, and More![]


We've updated the Android app to include a ton of features, including:

  • Pets and Mounts! Now you can use the app to hatch pets, feed them, and equip pets and mounts.
  • The World Boss! Now you can view the World Boss Battle from the Tavern on the app!
  • The Enchanted Armoire! Tap right from the app for a chance at Equipment, experience, or food.
  • Edit Attribute Points! Control how Attribute Points are assigned directly from the app.
  • Crash and Bug Fixes! Including fixes for incorrectly-locked backgrounds, date display, editing task attribution allocation, and more.

If you like what we're doing with the app, please consider leaving a review! It means a lot to us.

von viirus, saranlert, schrockblock, ablx und jeubank12



April Pet Quest: The Birds of Preycrastination[]


The Birds of Preycrastination are making it hard for Habiticans to meet their goals! Can you defeat your tasks? If so, you'll earn a batch of Falcon Eggs! Get The Birds of Preycrastination from the Quest Shop.

Geschrieben von Bartelmy
Pixelkunst von JonArinbjorn, Squish, Onheiron und Trogdorina

Skill Icons[]

Shop valorousPresence Now skills have a beautiful set of icons associated with them, thanks to our artist contributors!

von Accio Books!
Pixelkunst von Draayder, Siriocra, Evyx, RosemonkeyCT, LlamaHobbit, InspectorCaracal, Pfeffernusse, TinyCoke und intune



Beguilement Strike on Alex the Merchant![]

Npc alex broken 2016

Oh no! The Be-Wilder has used its Beguilement Strike!

Despite our best efforts, we've gotten distracted by the Be-Wilder’s charming illusions and have forgotten to do some of our Dailies! With a cackling cry, the shining bird beats its wings, raising a swarm of mist around Alex the Merchant. When the fog clears, he has been possessed! “Have some free samples!” he shouts gleefully, and begins to hurl exploding eggs and potions at fleeing Habiticans. Not the most favorable of sales, to be sure.

Hurry! Let's stay focused on our Dailies to defeat this monster before it possesses another someone else.



Promo backgrounds armoire 201604

April Backgrounds[]

There are three new avatar backgrounds in the Background Shop! Now your avatar can practice on the Archery Range, frolic on Giant Flowers, or discover gold at the End of the Rainbow!

Pixelkunst von Sunstroke, PainterProphet und UncommonCriminal

April Armoire Items Revealed[]

There is new equipment in the Enchanted Armoire, a 100 GP Reward in the Rewards Column which unlocks after you've attained Ultimate Gear!

Click on the Enchanted Armoire for a random chance at special Equipment, including the Basic Archer Set, and the Comical Arrow! It may also give you random XP or food items. We add new equipment to it during the first week of each month, but even when you've exhausted the current supply, you can keep clicking for a chance at food and XP.

Now go spend all that accumulated Gold! May the Random Number Generator smile upon you...

Pixelkunst von Balduranne, Fandekasp, nonight, and Kiwibot

Shiny Seeds[]

Avatar floral healer

Throw a Shiny Seed at your friends and they will turn into a cheerful flower until their next cron! You can buy the Seeds in the Seasonal Shop for Gold. Don't want to be a flower? Just buy some Petal-Free Potion from the Rewards Store to reverse it.

Shiny Seeds will be available until April 30th!



World Boss: The Be-Wilder[]

Quest bewilder

Complete Dailies and To-Dos to damage the World Boss! Incomplete Dailies fill the Beguilement Strike Bar. When the Beguilement Strike bar is full, the World Boss will attack an NPC. A World Boss will never damage individual players or accounts in any way. Only active accounts who are not resting in the inn will have their incomplete Dailies tallied.


The party begins like any other.

The appetizers are excellent, the music is swinging, and even the dancing elephants have become routine. Habiticans laugh and frolic amid the overflowing floral centerpieces, happy to have a distraction from their least-favorite tasks, and the April Fool whirls among them, eagerly providing an amusing trick here and a witty twist there.

As the Mistiflying clock tower strikes midnight, the April Fool leaps onto the stage to give a speech.

“Friends! Enemies! Tolerant acquaintances! Lend me your ears.” The crowd chuckles as animal ears sprout from their heads, and they pose with their new accessories.

Npc aprilFool

“As you know,” the Fool continues, “my confusing illusions usually only last a single day. But I’m pleased to announce that I’ve discovered a shortcut that will guarantee us non-stop fun, without having to deal with the pesky weight of our responsibilities. Charming Habiticans, meet my magical new friend... the Be-Wilder!”

Lemoness pales suddenly, dropping her hors d'oeuvres. “Wait! Don’t trust--”

But suddenly mists are pouring into the room, glittering and thick, and they swirl around the April Fool, coalescing into cloudy feathers and a stretching neck. The crowd is speechless as an monstrous bird unfolds before them, its wings shimmering with illusions. It lets out a horrible screeching laugh.

“Oh, it has been ages since a Habitican has been foolish enough to summon me! How wonderful it feels, to have a tangible form at last.”

Buzzing in terror, the magic bees of Mistiflying flee the floating city, which sags from the sky. One by one, the brilliant spring flowers wither up and wisp away.

“My dearest friends, why so alarmed?” crows the Be-Wilder, beating its wings. “There’s no need to toil for your rewards any more. I’ll just give you all the things that you desire!”

A rain of coins pours from the sky, hammering into the ground with brutal force, and the crowd screams and flees for cover. “Is this a joke?” Baconsaur shouts, as the gold smashes through windows and shatters roof shingles.

PainterProphet ducks as lightning bolt crackle overhead, and fog blots out the sun. “No! This time, I don’t think it is!”

Quickly, Habiticans, don’t let this World Boss distract us from our goals! Stay focused on the tasks that you need to complete so we can rescue Mistiflying -- and hopefully, ourselves.

Nach oben

März 2016[]



Last Chance for March Subscriber Items[]

Promo mystery 201603

Reminder: this is the final day to subscribe and receive the Lucky Set! If you want the Lucky Suit or the Lucky Hat, now's the time! Thanks so much for your support -- we really do appreciate it.

von Lemoness

Equipment Sorting[]

Now you can sort your equipment on the website by set or by stat, so that you can choose the best pieces to wear. Enjoy the added organization!

von qrry und Blade

Wheelchairs for Avatars[]

Button chair black
There is a new free avatar customization option on the website: a wheelchair! We hope that our wheelchair-using Habiticans will appreciate this avatar option.

von Balduranne, Sinble und Blade



March Subscriber Items[]

Promo mystery 201603

The March Subscriber Items have been revealed: the Lucky Clover Item Set! All March subscribers will receive the Lucky Hat and the Lucky Suit. You still have five days to subscribe and receive the item set! Thank you so much for your support - we really do rely on you to keep Habitica free to use and running smoothly.

von Lemoness

Shimmer Hair Colors and Pastel Skin Set[]

Promo shimmer hair
Promo pastel skin

The Seasonal Edition Shimmer Hair Colors and Pastel Skin Set are now available for purchase in the avatar customizations page! These skin sets will only be available to purchase until April 30th, and then they will disappear from the shop until next Spring Fling. If you buy them, though, you will have access to them year-round!

von Lemoness und McCoyly

Android Update[]

In case you missed it, this weekend we released a follow-up update to the Android app with plenty of bug fixes. Be sure to download it now if you haven't already!

von Viirus

Spring Plot-Line Continues[]

Since the April Fool came to town, there have been non-stop parties, pranks, and parades! The only problem is, with the constant celebrations, it’s getting a teensy bit difficult to, well… accomplish any work whatsoever.

Some concerned citizens broach the issue with the April Fool, but he just chortles and raises his voice to be heard over the trombones. “Oho! Nothing to fear. I’ve discovered a trick that will keep us reaping our just rewards, even as we continue to celebrate! Just you wait and see. I’m saving it as my grand finale!”

Well, it probably won’t hurt to keep celebrating until April First. It’s only one day, after all...

von Lemoness



Limited Edition Class Outfits[]

Promo spring classes 2016

From now until April 30th, limited edition outfits are available in the Rewards column! Depending on your class, you can be a Springing Bunny, Clever Dog, Grand Malkin, or Brave Mouse. You'd better get productive to earn enough Gold before your time runs out...

von PainterProphet und Balduranne

Seasonal Shop Opens[]

Promo egg mounts

The Seasonal Shop has opened! It's stocking springtime Seasonal Edition goodies at the moment, including past spring outfits and the Egg Quest scroll. Everything there will be available to purchase during the Spring Fling event each year, but it's only open until April 30th, so be sure to stock up now, or you'll have to wait a year to buy these items again!

Spring Plot Continues: The Floating City of Mistiflying[]

As the Spring Fling celebrations begin, a sparkling cloud descends from the sky to reveal… the floating city of Mistiflying!

Mistiflying is a flower-filled city that drifts in the clouds above Habitica, manufacturing custom rewards and raining them down on deserving Habiticans. It’s brimming with friendly, magical bees that work hard to keep the blossoms healthy and the city floating, and there’s a festive humming in the air. Looks like we’ll get a chance for plenty of parties this month! We’ve even received a visit from Mistiflying’s somewhat erratic ruler: the April Fool, a masterful rogue with a penchant for fun and an interest in illusions.

Spring Plot-Line Continues: The April Fool[]

Npc aprilFool

The April Fool swishes his cape over his shoulders, striding through the mists into Habit City. “Lemoness! Redphoenix! SabreCat! My dearest and most delightful friends!” He sweeps out his arms in a striking pose, and several firework displays go off behind him. “Oho, look at your faces! It’s like you aren’t even happy to see me.”

Lemoness does, in fact, seem less than thrilled. “It’s just… the last time you were here, I was kidnapped by a mutant flower uprising."

“Really! Did I cause that?”

Redphoenix smolders. “Two years ago, you turned me into an eggplant.”

“An honest misunderstanding, I am sure. But it did only last a single day!” April Fool links his arm with SabreCat and gives the tracker a winning smile. “Which reminds me – Sabe, I can crash in your guest cottage again this month, right? No hard feelings about the Mammoth Ballet incident?” SabreCat lets out a strangled growl, and Lemoness hastily pulls the April Fool out of claw range.

“You’re here for a whole month?” Redphoenix says. "What, did Lady Glaciate banish you from the Stoïkalm Steppes again?"

The April Fool seems affronted at the suggestion. "Rumors, hearsay, and probably lies! Still, Habit City may temporarily be a more hospitable place to hover over. For entirely unrelated reasons, you understand."

Lemoness rubs her temples.“Even so. It's not that we don’t... appreciate your yearly creativity, but we’re in the middle of the Spring Fling festivities. It’s a very busy time!!”

He taps her affectionately on the nose. “Nothing to fear, my citrusy dear! Believe me, you won’t even notice I’m here.”

Then he claps his hands, and a marching band starts up.



iOS App Updates: Task Reminders, Guilds, and More![]

We've released an update for our iOS app! This is a big one, so be sure to download it now.

  • Set TASK REMINDERS for individual tasks that send you notifications when it's time to get things done! Just tap on a task to add or edit a reminder.
  • Join or visit GUILDS directly from the apps to discuss your favorite productivity tips, share your hobbies, and more!
  • +1 IN CHATS! Let a user know that you liked their post by tapping the new +1 button! Go wild with power.
  • We've also fixed lots of bugs, including header and FAQ scrolling!

When we release a new iOS update, it hides all of our old reviews, so if you like the direction we're going, please consider reviewing this new version. It really helps us out! And if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to email mobile@habitica.com so we can respond. Thanks, and enjoy!

Android App Updates: Guilds, Equipment, and More![]

We've also released a bunch of new features for our Android app! Grab it now to check out all the cool stuff.

  • Join or visit GUILDS directly from the apps to discuss your favorite productivity tips, share your hobbies, and more!
  • Now you can equip and view EQUIPMENT right from the app!
  • EMOJI AND MARKDOWN are now supported in chat messages.
  • Accept or reject QUEST INVITES right from the app! Happy battling.

As always, if you're enjoying our Android app and want to help us out, please consider leaving us a review! It really means a lot to us. If you have questions or feedback, be sure to email mobile@habitica.com so it doesn't get lost!

Want to Contribute?[]

Habitica is an open-source project, which means that anyone can contribute! If you're interested in helping us improve the app while earning gems and special armor, check out our Github for iOS and Android. We can't wait to see what you'll contribute!



New Party Achievements[]


There are two brand-new badges that you can earn by being in a party with your friends: the Party Up badge, for those in parties of 2 or more, and the Party On badge, for those in parties of 4 or more.

Parties are a great way to stay accountable to your tasks. To earn these badges, invite your friends or post in the Party Wanted Guild on the website to join an existing group. If you're already in a party with others, simply visit the Party page to claim the badges! Enjoy!

von khipkin und Lemoness

Spring Mystery Plot Continues[]

A huge, glittering cloud has been slowly drifting towards Habitica, and gossip in the streets is running wild.

“I think I saw an explosion of colored lights, like fireworks!”

“Do you hear that distant humming sound?”

“There’s a sweet scent on the breeze, for sure.”

As you stop in the Tavern on a work break, you overhear Lemoness, Redphoenix, and SabreCat murmuring to each other.

“It’s definitely him,” Lemoness whispers. “I sent my dragon on a stealth flight to check.”

Redphoenix taps a finger against her cup of tea. “Why is he so early? Even for him, this is... unexpected.”

“You don’t think he’s planning to stay in Habit City, do you?” SabreCat asks as his tiger cowers under his chair. “My pets still haven’t recovered.”

Lemoness mournfully flops forward onto the table. “I don’t know... but something tells me that we’re in for an unusual Spring Fling celebration.”

von Lemoness



Snail Pet Quest[]

Mount Snail-Base

We've released a new Pet Quest: The Snail of Drudgery Sludge! Habiticans everywhere are bogged down by unimportant tasks. Can you wash away the slime? If so, you'll earn some Snail Eggs!

von Lemoness und SabreCat
Geschrieben von Maz Wendling
Pixelkunst von Overomega, Pffernusse und Misceo

Mobile Challenge Winners[]

Congratulations to the winners of the Mobile App Challenges: J, Janče Skalkova, studentSeekingDiscipline, Felipe Marinelli Affonso, compl, Yuri Augusto, Ewe Pacheco, Narmence, Ryan_carter, and candieb! Thanks to everyone who participated. We hope that you're enjoying the apps!

von Lemoness

Spring Plot-line Begins[]

A large crowd has gathered in Productivity Plaza, just outside of the Tavern. Curious, you press forward and see people peering through a telescope, which is pointed at a strange, sparkling cloud on the horizon.

Unfortunately, it turns out that the line to look through the telescope is about an hour long! Who has that kind of time when there are tasks to conquer? Oh well. Whatever it is, you’ll probably hear all about it soon...

von Lemoness



Promo backgrounds armoire 201603

March Backgrounds[]

There are three new avatar backgrounds in the Background Shop! Now your avatar can venture into a Rainforest, find precious metals in a Deep Mine, or cast spells in a Circle of Stones.

von James Danger, sungabraverday und UncommonCriminal

March Armoire Items Revealed[]

There is new equipment in Enchanted Armoire, a 100 GP Reward in the Rewards Column which unlocks after you've attained Ultimate Gear!

Click on the Enchanted Armoire for a random chance at special Equipment, including the Miner Set and the Mystic Lamp! It may also give you random XP or food items. We'll be adding new equipment to it during the first week of each month, but even when you've exhausted the current supply, you can keep clicking for a chance at food and XP.

Now go spend all that accumulated Gold! May the Random Number Generator smile upon you...

von Lemoness und SabreCat
Pixelkunst von Balduranne

March Mystery Box[]

Inventory present 03

Ooh... What could it be? All Habiticans who are subscribed during the month of March will receive the March Mystery Item Set! It will be revealed on the 23rd, so keep your eyes peeled. Thanks for supporting the site <3

von Lemoness

Web UI Designer Needed[]

We’re looking for UI designers with experience in UX! Do you like user-centered approaches? Are you familiar with web patterns and assets? If that sounds like you, and you’re interested in contributing to Habitica, please email vicky@habitica.com. We look forward to questing with you!

Nach oben

Februar 2016[]



Phoenixes Available from the Time Travelers[]


The Time Travelers have made a stop in the past to pick up some rare Phoenix pets and mounts from last fall's World Boss battle. Get them now!

To unlock the Phoenixes, you'll need Mystic Hourglasses, which are awarded to people who have been subscribers for three consecutive months or more. Thank you so much for your support--Habitica really does depend on you.

February Subscriber Items[]

Promo mystery 201602

The February Subscriber Items have been revealed: the Heartbreaker Item Set! All February subscribers will receive the Heartbreaker Cape and the Heartbreaker Hood. You still have five days to subscribe and receive the item set! Thank you so much for your support - we really do rely on you to keep Habitica free to use and running smoothly.

von Lemoness



Android App Update: Translations[]

We've released an update to our Android app! It is now translated into Portuguese, Lithuanian, and Polish. Many thanks to our amazing volunteer translators for all their time and effort! More languages will be coming soon in future updates. If you are fluent in another language and would like to help, come join our translation team!

von viirus un den Übersetzungsteams für Portugiesisch, Litauisch und Polnisch

New Year's Resolution Challenge Winners[]

The winners in our official New Year's Resolution Challenge have been randomly selected, and the lucky Habiticans are... Snellopy, Papyrus, PreacherMYS, embustation, and djmjr! Congratulations to them, and congratulations to all of the participants who prepared themselves to surmount the Challenges of 2016.

von redphoenix



Happy Valentine's Day![]

Inventory special valentine

This week, we're celebrating Habitican Valentine's Day, a holiday dedicated to all the people and pastimes that we love. Help motivate all of the lovely people in your party by sending them a caring valentine!

Valentines can be purchased for 10 Gold from the Market. For spreading love and joy throughout the community, both the giver AND the receiver get a coveted "adoring friends" badge. Hooray!

von Lemoness und SabreCat

Monkey Pet Quest[]


In honor of the Lunar New Year and the Year of the Monkey, we've released a new Pet Quest: Monstrous Mandrill and the Mischief Monkeys! These primates are wrecking havoc and causing constant distractions. Can you get them to stop monkeying around? If so, you'll earn some Monkey Eggs!

von Lemoness und SabreCat
Geschrieben von Emily Austin und Felipe NA
Pixelkunst von yamato, leephon, Misceo und Oneironaut



February Backgrounds Revealed[]

There are three new avatar backgrounds in the Background Shop! Now your avatar can read in the Cozy Library, stroll through the Bamboo Forest, or stride down the Grand Staircase!

von UncommonCriminal und pocketmole

February Armoire Items Revealed[]

Promo backgrounds armoire 201602

There is new equipment in Enchanted Armoire, a 100 GP Reward in the Rewards Column which unlocks after you've attained Ultimate Gear!

Click on the Enchanted Armoire for a random chance at special Equipment, including the Barrister Set and the Jester Set! It may also give you random XP or food items. We'll be adding new equipment to it during the first week of each month, but even when you've exhausted the current supply, you can keep clicking for a chance at food and XP.

Now go spend all that accumulated Gold! May the Random Number Generator smile upon you...

von Lemoness und SabreCat
Pixelkunst von Podcod und PainterProphet



February Mystery Box[]

February Mystery Box

Ooh... What could it be? All Habiticans who are subscribed during the month of February will receive the February Mystery Item Set! It will be revealed on the 24th, so keep your eyes peeled. Thanks for supporting the site <3

von Lemoness

Video Challenge Winner[]

The winner of the Official Challenge for sharing the video has been randomly selected, and the lucky Habitican is... Baggs98! Thanks so much to everyone who helped us spread the word. You guys are the best.

Official Mobile App Challenge[]

We’ve launched another Official Challenge: the Mobile App Download Challenge! In case you missed it, Habitica now has both an iOS app and an Android app so that you can easily use Habitica on the go, and we hope that everyone who has one of those devices will give them a try!

All you have to do to be eligible for the prize is have downloaded our iOS or Android app. The contest ends on February 29th, and the 10 randomly-selected winners will each get 10 Gems! For the full rules, check out the challenge here.

Nach oben

Januar 2016[]



Habitica Birthday Bash[]

Npc matt
January 31st is Habitica's Birthday, and this year we have something extra-special to enjoy: Habitica has hit over one million users! Thank you so much for being here with us - it means a lot.

Now come join us and the NPCs as we celebrate!

Cake for Everybody![]

Pet Food Cake Base

In honor of the festivities, everyone has been awarded an assortment of cake to feed to your pets! Yum, yum. Plus, for the next two days Alexander the Merchant is now selling cake in his shop, and cake will sometimes drop when you complete your tasks. Cake works just like normal pet food, but if you want to know what type of pet likes each slice, the wiki has spoilers.

Party Robes[]

Broad armor special birthday2016

Until February 1st only, there are Party Robes available for free in the Rewards column! Don them with pride.

Birthday Bash Achievement[]

2014 Birthday Bash-1

In honor of Habitica's birthday, everyone has been awarded the Habitica Birthday Bash achievement! This achievement stacks for each Birthday Bash you celebrate with us.

Birthday Cards[]

Inventory special birthday
You can now send Birthday Cards to your party mates! If you do so, you'll both get the Birthday Bonanza badge. These birthday cards will be available year-round for 10 Gold each.

Last Chance for January Item Set[]

Promo mystery 201601

Reminder: this is the final day to subscribe and receive the Champion of Resolution Item Set! If you want the Resolution Slayer or the Helm of True Resolve, now's the time! Thanks so much for your support <3

Last Chance for Winter Wonderland Outfits & Hair Colors[]

On February 1st, everything will be back to normal in Habitica, so if you still have any remaining Winter Wonderland Items that you want to buy, you'd better do it now! The Seasonal Edition items and Hair Colors won't be back until next December, and if the Limited Edition items return they will have increased prices or changed art, so strike while the iron is hot!



January Subscriber Item[]

Promo mystery 201601
The January Subscriber Item has been revealed: the Champion of Resolution Item Set! All January subscribers will receive the Resolution Slayer and the Helm of True Resolve. You still have five days to subscribe and receive the item set! Thank you so much for your support - we really do rely on you to keep Habitica free to use and running smoothly.

von Lemoness

Android App Update: Avatar Customization[]

We've released an update to the Android app including... AVATAR CUSTOMIZATION! Now you can edit your avatar on the go. We've also crushed a bunch of bugs and crashes, so be sure to download it now.

von Viirus



New Staff Member[]


We're very excited to announce that our mobile app master Viirus is now officially a staff member! He's the driving force behind our iOS app, as well as a significant contributor to our Android app, so we are thrilled to have him battling at our side. Congratulate him in the Tavern!

New Year's Resolution Blog Posts and Challenge[]

How are your resolutions doing, now that the excitement of early January is past? We've started a series of blog posts to help you buckle down and achieve your 2016 goals. We'll be posting more in the series over the next two weeks, so be sure to check back!

There's also an official Challenge to help you follow along with the tips in the blog posts. Join it for a chance at the Gem prize!



January Pet Quest: Sabretooth Tigers[]

Mount Sabretooth-Base

There's a new Pet Quest available to buy in the Quest Shop! An undead sabretooth tiger has broken out from the ice of the Stoikalm Steppes. Can you defeat the Zombie Sabre Cat? If so, you'll earn some sabretooth eggs!

von SabreCat und Lemoness
Geschrieben von Daniel the Bard, Flutter Bee und SabreCat
Pixelkunst von Fandekasp, InspectorCaracal und icefelis

Chat Reversal Option[]

We've now implemented the option to reverse the order of chat in parties, Guilds, and the Tavern! This will make it easier for those Habiticans who use screen readers to catch up on chat. To reverse the order, simply click the checkbox under the Send Chat / Fetch Recent Messages buttons that says "Show chat messages in reverse order."

von GeorgeSG

Merchandise Page[]

Now our awesome Habitica merchandise is gathered in one easy-to-access page! If you want to get our stickers or preorder the next batch of Habitica T-shirts, head on over and check it out.

von Camenni

Beeminder Guest Post[]

We've written a guest post for the Beeminder blog! Check it out to read about how Habitica's rewards can work well with Beeminder's extra punishment.

von Lemoness



Habitica Video[]

We're excited to reveal our Habitica video! Check it out and let us know what you think. There's also a Challenge for people who share the video on social media with a 25 Gem prize, so if you like the video enough to pass it along, be sure to enter the Challenge for a chance to win!

von redphoenix, Lemoness, and Blank Canvas Entertainment, LLC

Wintery Hair Colors[]

Promo winteryhair

The Seasonal Edition Wintery Hair Colors are now available for purchase from the avatar customizations page! Now you can dye your avatar's hair Snowy, Peppermint, Holly Green, Aurora, Winter Star, or Festive.



January Backgrounds[]

Background snowman army

There are three new avatar backgrounds in the Background Shop! Now your avatar can build a Snowman Army, skate on a Frozen Lake, or look at the stars of a Winter Night!

von featherlight, louiselouise und nonight

January Armoire Items Revealed[]

Promo enchanted armoire 201601

There is new equipment in Enchanted Armoire, a 100 GP Reward in the Rewards Column which unlocks after you've attained Ultimate Gear!

Click on the Enchanted Armoire for a random chance at special Equipment, including the Dragon Tamer Set and the Glowing Spear! It may also give you random XP or food items. We'll be adding new equipment to it during the first week of each month, but even when you've exhausted the current supply, you can keep clicking for a chance at food and XP.

Now go spend all that accumulated Gold! May the Random Number Generator smile upon you...

von Lemoness und SabreCat
Pixelkunst von Balduranne

History Compression Update[]

We're working on a big change to the site that will significantly improve performance, making things faster and smoother. However, in order to make these improvements, we need to compress some task and personal history. The following changes will go into effect on Sunday:

  • Non-subscribers will have access to their full, uncompressed history for the last 60 days. After that, their history will be compressed. (For more details, see the wiki).
  • Subscribers will have access to their full, uncompressed history for the last 365 days. After that, their history will be compressed. (For more details, see the wiki). Subscribers will be able to gain their full history by downloading it prior to the change, or by posting in the Newbies Guild for an admin to access it.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email admin@habitica.com. We're looking forward to the performance improvements for the site!

Nach oben
