Habitica Wiki
Habitica Wiki

The TaskMasters[]

We're a band of adventurers who ruthlessly attack our habits, dailies and to dos. We're a very active group - a great force for accountability.

Party Rules[]

  1. Please be active and do your best. I will remove members who have not participated in a quest for a month, unless they notify me in advance that they won't be able to participate.
  2. Pay attention to your dailies. When participating in a quest, it's important to pay attention to your dailies. Any missed dailies will cause damage for the whole party. If you start showing a pattern of causing damage consistently, expect to have fellow party members ask you to check your dailies and suggest reconsidering what you're trying to include each day. This is how being part of a party helps you with accountability. Don't be afraid to reduce the number of dailies so you can be successful.
  3. Don't hide in the Inn. Don't join a quest and then stay in the Inn for the duration. That's not fair to your fellow party members. Of course, sometimes, you may need to pop into the Inn while a quest is in progress, but habitual checking in during quests will get you removed from the party.
  4. Participate when you can. Don't worry if you can't join every quest. Do your best to participate and let me know if you need a break that's longer than a day or so.
  5. Quests will start when everyone accepts or after 24 hours from when the invitation was sent.
  6. Attacking the boss. Sometimes, quests will move fast, so don't worry if you don't get a chance to attack the boss. As long as you're part of the quest and keeping up with your dailies, you're considered an active participant.
  7. Learn what spells you can cast to help the party and use them whenever you can. An important spell is the Mage's Ethereal Surge. It boosts mana, which helps everyone cast more spells. Earthquake is another helpful spell. It boosts intelligence, which helps us regain mana faster. Read more about spells on [the wiki](http://habitica.wikia.com/wiki/Skills#Available_Skills).
  8. Please be judicious when using strong spells like Brutal Smash. It can be fun to deal huge amounts of damage to the boss, but on some quests, this can end the quest very quickly, without giving others a chance to have a go at the boss. Even though some participants may not get a chance to attack the boss (see #5 above), we do want to make every opportunity available. It helps with the motivational power of questing. Save the Brutal Smashes and similar spells for the tough bosses.

Planned Quests as of September 11, 2022[]

(For the list of completed quests, see this link)

Quest Owner
A Startling Starry Idea Kulgar
Vice, Part 1: Free Yourself of the Dragon's Influence akverbatim
Vice, Part 2: Find the Lair of the Wyrm GadgetComa
Vice, Part 3: Vice Awakens MariLwyd
Stoikalm Calamity, Part 1: Earthen Enemies Kulgar
The Mystery of the Masterclassers, Part 1: Read Between the Lines GadgetComa
The Mystery of the Masterclassers, Part 2: Assembling the a'Voidant Marilwyd
The Mystery of the Masterclassers, Part 3: City in the Sands GadgetComa
The Mystery of the Masterclassers, Part 4: The Lost Masterclasser GadgetComa
The Jelly Regent smjwrites
Ruby Rapport Kulgar
The Basi-List akverbatim
The Tangle Tree smjwrites
Waffling with the Fool: Disaster Breakfast! smjwrites
A Bright Fluorite Fright Kulgar
The Golden Knight, Part 1: A Stern Talking-To alleightbits
The Golden Knight, Part 2: Gold Knight GadgetComa
The Golden Knight, Part 3: The Iron Knight GadgetComa
The Feral Dust Bunnies alleightbits
A Voyage of Cosmic Concentration Kulgar
Attack of the Mundane, Part 1: Dish Disaster alleightbits
Turquoise Treasure Toil MariLwyd
Waffling with the Fool: Disaster Breakfast! akverbatim
A Maze of Moss Kulgar