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The Keep: Index > The Armory > November Poetry Challenge Guild

(Checked for it on 25 November 2021. Guild is not found.)

While our novelist friends are working on their 50,000 words, I thought it would be nice to dive into a poetry challenge. Each day I'll post an already published poem. The challenge is to read the poem and to write a poem in response. I'll include a prompt arising from the poem, but I would love discussion and support finding your own prompt. I encourage poems written from personal reactions, as inspiration leads you.

Each day will have 2 dailies: read a poem and write a poem. There will also be 3 habits: join in discussion, post your poem, and provide feedback on a poem. There are 2 to-do's: join the guild, and introduce yourself.

I would like this to be a welcoming space for writers at all stages of their poetic journey. When providing feedback, please do not post critical feedback on the literary merits of the poem unless the author has requested it. As poetry can delve into difficult topics, please keep in mind Habitica's standard community guidelines: In private spaces, users have more freedom to discuss whatever topics they would like, but they still may not violate the Terms and Conditions, including posting slurs or any discriminatory, violent, or threatening content. Note that, because Challenge names appear in the winner's public profile, ALL Challenge names must obey the public space guidelines, even if they appear in a private space. I have 5 gems in my possession - I'll give one each out to 5 random people at the end of the challenge who have completed at least 15 days of dailies. Write on, friends.
