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About Notorious Streakers[]

This is us, fighting the BasiList of TooDoo Realm
We're an active and ambitious bunch of people who love questing, chatting, and leveling up in life, real and virtual both. We live by "Work hard, party hard!"
Are you a Habitica enthusiast, delighted about its practical applicability? Would you be interested in a fun, talkative and supportive party built on mutual accountability with a dash of friendly competitiveness? How about beating the real life & virtual dragons with friends while bragging about your conquests together? If you are ok with the few rules listed below which exist only to ensure the smooth enjoyment of our group, we might be just the party for you!
Join us on the ever so upwards spiral to success and eternal glory ^-^
The Streakers' Way - How we use Habitica[]

A screenshot from our party's landing page
1. Log in daily - Log in at least once a day.
2. Can't use Habitica normally? (sick, vacation, other) Then please check in at the Inn not to negatively affect the whole party. We'll infer that you're temporarily gone from the "Zzz"'s above your avatar, but if you're going to be AFK for longer than a week, it would be nice if you told us :) Otherwise we'll probably send you a holler asking what's up, and if you're absent and unresponsive for a longer period like a month or so, we may boot you from the party.
3. Respond to quest invites within 10hrs - We think this is reasonable because 1 - Habitica sends out email notifications about quest invitations ; and 2 - presently there is a script which auto accepts all incoming quests & can be installed within 10 minutes using a step by step guide with pictures. Please note that it is up to the quest's owner how long to wait. If you are persistently late with responding, we'll want to know what's up with that - for example some people had problems with the Android app while others just had different expectations of Habitica, used it sporadically, their needs and lifestyle were not matching ours and thus we had to say our goodbyes.

Our captain writing this
4. If we're not on a quest, start one! - It's not any one person's responsibility, and quests sometimes end in odd hours - if our quest has ended and we're not on a quest and not pending invitations, throw one yourself! :) There's no order in which we do them in our group, so anything will do! Just please don't start the same quest twice in a row as that's boring and confusing, and if you start some quest line, it would be lovely if you could eventually remember to follow up with the other parts of that questline (completing part 1 unlocks part 2, but only for the quest owner).
5. If in doubt, ask! - If you have any questions, do ask in the party chat ^_^
Who are WE and how can WE be good friends to YOU?[]
( to be redacted soon )
We use Habitica to stay on top of our lives, vanquish the challenges that life throws at us daily, and to have a small reward for battling those real life monsters :) Everyone has a different game style - some of us have only a few dailies and tasks, can count them on their hand's fingers, while others have 50 dailies and 200 to do tasks at the beginning of any month (and that is still without stating the obvious like "get dressed" or "brush teeth").
As a party we managed to achieve a friendly, warm and supportive atmosphere, where the talkative ones chit chat and the not so talkative ones stay in the shadows - whatever works :) A regular member of our party gets buffed a whole lot during the day, and we have all classes present in our party. We quest every day, so you can expect a lot of rewards. We also offer a lot of guidance to the newbies, newcomers to Habitica. We are preparing for the winter solstice with a challenge to hype us up for the festivities, and another one to help us close the year 2022 with as little things carried over to the next year as possible. That's what's on the table on our end :)
Who are YOU and how can YOU be a good friend to US?[]
We expect everyone in the party to log in daily, accept/reject the quest invites in 10 hours, and preferably have fun with us at the party chat ^_^ Below are a few pointers by class + for everyone in general:
● When we're on a boss quest, cast Burst of Flames on your tasks to deal a more lethal blow to the boss.
● When we're on a collection quest, cast Ethereal Surge on the party to provide Rogues with more mana, who can then use it for Tools of the Trade.
● On any given day cast Earthquake on the party to raise everyone's intelligence so that we can level up faster. Cast Ethereal Surge too if you want, we'll reciprocate using this mana to cast other spells :)
● When we're on a collecting quest, cast Tools of the Trade on the party, so that we can collect all the items faster.
● On any other day also feel free to cast Tools of the Trade on the party, so that we can all be rich and live glamorous, lavish lives. Use Pickpocket and Backstab for your own sake at your own discretion :)
● If you know will have any undone dailies, cast Stealth on yourself to avoid the damage.
● When we're on a boss quest, cast Searing Brightness on your tasks to deal bigger damage to the boss.
● When we're on a boss quest, cast your Blessing and/or Protective Aura spells whenever you see health damage accumulating, hurting our party members.
● Feel free to cast Blessing and/or Protective Aura outside the quests too if some party members are struggling with their dailies :) Party members list displays each member's health next to their name.
● When we're on a boss quest, cast Valorous Presence on the party and Brutal Smash on yourself, so we can beat the boss faster. (These spells are really useless outside boss quests.)
● On a boss quest as well as on any other day, cast Intimidating Gaze on the party, so we'll get less damage from any possible undone dailies.
● If you know will have any undone dailies, cast Defensive Stance on yourself to avoid the damage.
● Use the data display tool to estimate the damage you'll deal both to the boss and to the party/yourself. Try not dealing over 10HP damage to the party. Any damage over 30HP has to be explained.
● If you know your undone tasks will deal damage to party members, please tell us about the impending damage in chat, so that we could all cast some protective spells on ourselves and on the whole party.
● The spells cast throughout the day accumulate - if 1 spell is cast every hour for 10 hours, and you check your tasks after 7 hours, only 7 spells will affect you, and if you check them off after 10 hours, 10 spells will affect you. To maximize the gain from your tasks check them off later in the day to get affected by more spells.
● Try not breaking our rules about logging in, checking at the inn and questing :)
● Talk with us in the party chat! :) It's not an obligation, just a nice thing to do. Tell us stories of your dragons, brag about your conquests and hear the congratulatory accolades, share your joys for lolz and sorrows for support and advice, use emoji and funny gifs, tell us about that funny youtube video you saw or an interesting article you've read! Share ideas, join our challenges, or challenge us maybe? :)
Party Challenges[]
There are currently two party only challenges - the Doughtily Defeat the Dread Drag'on of Dilatory and Cicardian Rhythm Masters 101. The first one runs every 2 weeks, you're supposed to pick one task that's been linger in on your to-do list for way too long, think up a step by step plan how to complete this task, and do it thus defeating the Dread Drag'on of Dilatory. The second one runs every month and requires you to read a bit about sleep hygiene, effects of inadequate amount or bad quality sleep, benefits of healthy sleep, sleep cycles, then think a bit about your needs and the reality of your life, set a sleep schedule, and stick to it for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days.
Hall of Fame[]

Welcome to the Notorious Streakers' Hall of Records![]
These are our personal bests, so everyone has one ^-^
(this line in here is just to position
the table below properly :P )
Lethal Weapon - Biggest Damage to the Boss[]
Who hurt the Big Bad Boss? | When? | As what class? | How badly? |
cupola | MAR 2023 | Warrior | 638HP |
PsoaBrute | FEB 2023 | Warrior | 613.9HP |
Lat | JAN 2023 | Mage | 396HP |
tenko | JAN 2023 | Healer | 376HP |
Nieta | MAR 2023 | Mage | 200.7HP |
Lunaivy | DEC 2022 | Mage | 176.5HP |
Veekayyy | FEB 2023 | Rogue | 141.8HP |
Obsidian_Wolf | MAR 2023 | Mage | 125.6HP |
asianpear | DEC 2022 | Rogue | 114.9HP |
IAmNotABear | MAR 2023 | Mage | 112.5HP |
delevo | OCT 2022 | Rogue | 83HP |
Yuffel | SEP 2022 | Healer | 77.6HP |
零零 | JAN 2023 | Rogue | 76.8HP |
the_codebreaker | JAN 2023 | Rogue | 75.8HP |
Madame Defrage | DEC 2022 | Healer | 75.4HP |
Thalia | OCT 2022 | Rogue | 61.8HP |
deception-ogle | MAR 2023 | Mage | 38.9HP |
ASM | JAN 2023 | Rogue | 20.2HP |
SantaFelety | MAR 2023 | Rogue | 18.4HP |
Nolan Winn | MAR 2023 | Healer | 6.4HP |
Robin Hood, The Prince of Thieves - Most Items Collected[]
Who collected the items? | When? | As what class? | How many items? |
cupola | MAR 2023 | Rogue | 30 |
Lat | JAN 2023 | Mage | 29 |
deception-ogle | MAR 2023 | Mage | 21 |
tenko | SEP 2022 | Warrior | 18 |
零零 | JAN 2023 | Rogue | 14 |
asianpear | DEC 2022 | Rogue | 9 |
PsoaBrute | DEC 2022 | Warrior | 9 |
ASM | DEC 2022 | Rogue | 7 |
delevo | SEP 2022 | Rogue | 7 |
Madame Defrage | JAN 2023 | Healer | 7 |
Thalia | SEP 2022 | Rogue | 7 |
Nieta | MAR 2023 | Mage | 6 |
Veekayyy | NOV 2022 | Rogue | 6 |
the_codebreaker | NOV 2022 | Rogue | 5 |

We LOVE quests! They are useful in many ways - they help you remember about Habitica (if you don't check off your dailies you might kill us and we'll need to have an unpleasant conversation - neither of us wants that!), keep you motivated (you need to check off the daily tasks you've committed to), and they bring a wealth of rewards! Experience points, gold, quest scrolls, hatching potions, pet eggs, fancy equipment~
Normally we quest every other day - it takes about half a day till everyone respond to the quest invitations, and then a day to complete the quest (more or less, depends on the quest and our buffing abilities ^^).
- If we're not on a quest nor waiting for everyone to accept/reject the invitations, throw one of yours! Whichever one, we don't discriminate :) If you happen to be a subscriber and have gems, it would be nice if once in a while you bought a pet egg quest with these gems, but there's no such obligation :)
- Please respond to quest invitations within 10 hours. You can install a script to automagically accept all incoming quests using a handy step by step guide with pictures and be forever done with bothering yourself to accept quests manually. Installation takes up to 10 minutes. If you frequently belay quest starting, we will ask you if you have some technical problem, a difficult situation IRL, or is it your game play style that is responsible for the lags. We're pretty lenient and patient, but if we spot a person who is consistently dragging us down, this person will be kicked out.
- When we're on a boss quest your undone dailies cause damage to the party - please try not to cause over 10HP damage to the party. You can check your expected damage to the party before it happens using the data display tool - if your expected damage is over 10HP, cast some protective spells on yourself & tell us about the impending damage so that our party members could also cast protective spells on themselves and on the party. Any damage to the party over 30HP must be explained and should not repeat itself.
- When we're on a quest please help the party by casting spells - see class based tips on helping the party for more details.
Available & Completed Quests[]
Below is the list of the quests we can do, as of NOV 28, 2022: