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The Keep: Index > The Mage's Tower > Multiple Users and Kids

I've been using Habitica for my girlfriend's 5 year old girl.

First, I went to settings in google chrome and added a person and made them supervised(at this point supervised doesn't really matter, because the adults use the account for habitrpg mostly).  I used an icon that I would recognize as hers.

Then I created a google account for her, using her first and last name.  I used the youngest age google would allow, since a 5 year old can't create an account.

This allows me to save all the passwords in case I forget them.  We mostly leave everything logged in, but we may have to start logging out if she decides she wants to be sneaky and give herself points.

Mostly we use habits.   We have habits for brush teeth, put away toys, wash hands/flush toilet, finish dinner, go to bed on time and class dojo.  We have negative habits for whining/arguing and disobedience/lying thought we haven't used them yet.  

Most of her postive and negative points come from class dojo.  Class dojo is a system the school has where the teacher can give positive and negative points, and we just give her negative and positive habits based upon what the teacher gives.  She recieves an average of about 15 positive habits per week.  Negatives are more rare.  Some weeks she may have five.  other weeks zero.  She hasn't gotten any where near dying yet.  Since class dojo is one habit it's getting bluer all the time and giving her less xp and gp.

We've been ignoring gear.  Instead, each gold counts as a dime, and when she has enough she can get a toy.  She has receive one toy so far, and it was a toy I picked out and bought for her before hand.  It was 77 gold, and we started all this about a month ago. There's a few other toys I have bought for her, but it might make more sense in the future to let her pick out the toys.

Most of the time she's well behaved anyway, but at least some of the time, the threat of losing a "point"(actually life) is enough to deter her.  

At some point I made the mistake of showing her a toy that's roughly $55, which would be 550 gp. At current speed it would take her about half a year to save up for that, if she never died, or spent gp on anything else.
