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Task Stat Selection
Workaround: To do this, use the Task Adjustor to set your tasks to the correct options. Alternatively, you can use the Android or iOS app to select the option you want.
Octocat habitica Issue #9789

Advanced task settings with stat assignment visible.

Task stats are only relevant and visible if you have selected the task-based allocation method of assigning stat points. Selecting this method allows you to associate each of your individual Habits, To Do's and Dailies with a particular character stat. When you level up, you will automatically gain stat points based on the types of tasks you completed.

The four task stats correspond to the four character stats: Strength, Intelligence, Constitution, and Perception. Tasks are assigned to the Strength stat by default, but this can be changed in the task's Advanced Settings menu on the website, or the task's editing screen in the Android and iOS apps. (This setting only appears after you select the task-based allocation mode.)

For more details on the allocation process, see Automatic Allocation.

Assigning task stats on the Android app[]

Auto-Allocation Android

To assign stats to tasks on the Android app, you will need to select the task-based allocation method of Automatic Allocation. To do this:

  1. Navigate to Menu > Stats
  2. Tap on the "Auto Allocate Points" toggle under the character stat breakdown.
  3. Select the "Distribute based on task activity" option that appears underneath the toggle.

Once you have selected the task-based allocation method, you will need to manually assign task stats to specific tasks. To do this:

  1. Navigate to Menu > Tasks.
  2. Find the specific Habit, Daily, or To Do you want to assign a stat to by opening the corresponding tab and then tapping on the task's title.
    • This will open a screen where you can edit the task's settings.
  3. To assign the task a stat, find the "Stats" section under "Difficulty".
    • This section will display the stat to which the task is currently assigned (all tasks are assigned to Strength by default).
      Task-Attributes dropdown menu Android
  4. To change this stat, tap the grey down arrow to the right of the stat name to open a dropdown menu.
  5. After you are finished, tap "Save" in the top right corner to save your changes.

Assigning task stats on the iOS app[]

IOS App Auto Allocate Points

To assign stats to tasks on the iOS app, you will need to select the task-based allocation method of Automatic Allocation. To do this:

  1. Navigate to Menu > Stats
  2. Tap on the "Auto Allocate Points" toggle under the character stat breakdown.
  3. Select the "Distribute based on task activity" option that appears underneath the toggle.

Once you have selected the task-based allocation method, you will need to manually assign task stats to specific tasks. To do this:

  1. Navigate to the Tasks tabs
  2. Find the specific Habit, Daily, or To Do you want to assign a stat to by opening the corresponding tab and then tapping on the task's title.
    • This will open a screen where you can edit the task's settings.
  3. To assign the task a stat, find the "Stat Allocation" section.
    IOS App Stat Allocation
  4. Tap on your desired stat to assign it to the task.
  5. After you are finished, tap "Save" in the top right corner to save your changes.

Choosing Stats for your Tasks[]

Although it is possible to assign any stat to any task, some recommendations are:

  • Strength: relating to exercise and activity
  • Intelligence: relating to academic or mentally challenging pursuits
  • Perception: relating to work, or financial tasks
  • Constitution: relating to health, wellness, and social interaction