Habitica Wiki
Habitica Wiki

Spring Fling storyline as world boss storyline[]

We haven't had that the current questline is a world boss questline so (since this page would not be expected to have spoilers and isn't in the spoiler category) wouldn't it be a good idea to call the click to reveals something else until such time as it is revealed? Numberland (talk) 18:17, March 22, 2016 (UTC)

I was debating that when I was writing it...I'll call it the mystery storyline for right now. irishfeet123 : An Asian Irish dancer--Call me Rin. (talk) 18:58, March 22, 2016 (UTC)

Level of specificity?[]

Is there a discussion someplace over what does and doesn't make it into the history? I've been using past entries as a guide, so for example, I list the new backgrounds each month, but not the new Mystery Item for subscribers. JosephK9 (talk) 20:12, December 7, 2017 (UTC)

This use to be a sole project of a previous wiki editor who hasn't been seen for more than 12 months or more. If you wish to take it up again your welcome to make it your own in what you think is best.

CTheDragons (talk) 03:41, December 8, 2017 (UTC)

- laughs-  That's one way to solve the problem; you made my day, CTheDragons.  :)   But generally, in situations like this, consistency seems to be pretty key.   Think about what makes the news/history unique for the month - what you would find in a newspaper -- 'New Mystery Item' happens every month, and in fact, the appearances of the box are consistent year over year.   But what's in the box is pretty unique.

Taldin (talk) 20:56, December 8, 2017 (UTC)
