Mustaine's Milestone Mashing Morningstar is a piece of Legendary Equipment that is awarded to any player who completes The Iron Knight, the third and final quest in the Golden Knight quest line, which begins with A Stern Talking-To. It is carried in the shield hand.
Its bonuses are most clear for Healers (whose primary attribute is Constitution) and Rogues (whose primary attribute is Perception), but it can have benefits for Mages and Warriors as well, even though it doesn't buff their primary stats. It can help any player resist more damage from missed Dailies and negative Habits, earn more gold, and find more drops. The addition of 25 Constitution points is enough to decrease the damage a player takes by 10% while the addition of 25 Perception points increases a player's drop cap by 1 and their gold rewards by 50%. Increasing Constitution also empowers Healer abilities and Warrior abilities, while increasing Perception will empower Rogue abilities and Mage abilities.
You can only ever have one copy of Mustaine's Milestone Mashing Morningstar at a time; subsequent completions of the quest do not give you additional copies.
However, if you lose Mustaine's Milestone Mashing Morningstar by death, you can get it back by either:
- buying it with gold in the Rewards section, as for any equipment lost through death (Mustaine's Milestone Mashing Morningstar costs 200 gold points), or
- repeating the quest, which, on completion, will put a new copy of Mustaine's Milestone Mashing Morningstar back in your inventory. The option to buy the equipment will then be removed from the Rewards section.
Kickstarter backers who pledged at a high enough level received the original version of Mustaine's Milestone Mashing Morningstar, which is a main hand weapon that grants +17 to STR, INT, and CON, and can be equipped in tandem with the quest reward version of the Morningstar described on this page. It is not possible for other Habitica users to get the Kickstarter-only version.
Information for Developers
This equipment's key
is shield_special_goldenknight