Habitica Wiki
Habitica Wiki


A terminal application for performing basic Habitica functions, allowing you to edit tasks, dailies, and habits. Party quests can also be interacted with.


Installing the Habitican Curse

For those familiar in installing Python scripts, you can use PIP to install Habitican Curse (PIP comes installed with Python 2.7 or greater, and Python 3.4 and greater). Simply type in your command line processor: pip install habitican_curse

To run Habitican Curse, type in your command line:


If you are on Windows, you can enable Curse using pip install windows-curses. This is required as Windows does not come preinstalled with it enabled, unlike Linux and MacOS.

On intial launch, the program will ask for your user ID, and your API key. Note that these are stored in plain text in the .habiticarc file, so make sure you do not allow the file to be accessed from other users, and you save it to your user area only.


Type habitican-curse to run, and :q to exit. Below are commands that can be used with the tool:

  • habitican-curse - Run the program
  • :help - View detailed description of all the commands.
  • Use arrow keys for movement. You can also the Vim-style h, j, k, l bindings for movement.
  • Press m to mark an item for toggling its completion status. Press + and - for habits. Press the key again to unmark it. Similarly press d to toggle deletion status
  • :w to write any changes to server. The completed status for the marked items changes. Health, Gold, XP are automatically updated.
  • :r to reload the tasks from the server - basically rebooting the interface.
  • c to display the checklist(if any) for the highlighted task. Press arrow keys to navigate, m for marking, d for delete, and ENTER for changing name etc. Press enter on Add an Item to add a new checklist item.
  • :q to exit.
  • :et:ed:eh to create a TODO, Daily and a Habit respectively.
  • :set <options> will modify a task. See :help for more details.
  • If you are a member of a party, you can type :party to display the chat messages and quest details (if any).
  • :data-display to display some basic details like "Est. Damage to You", "Est. Damage to Party", "Est. Damage to Boss" etc.

To uninstall, simply go into command prompt, type pip uninstall habitican-curse, and press y when prompted.

Habitican Curse is open source, and can be found on GitHub here . Note however all pull requests have been ignored and it was last updated 31 December, 2016.



A habit


A to-do


Party information


A todo's checklist
