Habitica Wiki
Habitica Wiki
Habitica Wiki
Habitica Tracker Screenshot

Screenshot of the app UI for Habitica Tracker.

Habitica Tracker is a web application that displays Habits, Dailies and To Do's completed in an expandable habit tracker style grid along with additional data about each task: task color, difficulty, task value, and next due.


You can use the app by visiting the Habitica Tracker App hosted on GitHub Pages. Instructions for running a local version of the app can be found on the GitHub repository.


This app gives an overview of the tasks completed/missed and the days which you completed them. The time range can also be expanded to cover more weeks by clicking the "+1 week" button at the top of the page.

An icon showing the Task Color and Difficulty is next to each task. These icons can also be hidden by clicking the "Hide Task Icons" button at the top right. Hovering over this icon will show a tooltip with the task's exact value and, if the task is a daily, the next time it is due.
