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Habitica Wiki

Bulk Attack Quest Boss[]

by cTheDragons

This script is great for Warriors and Mages that will allow you to bulk attack the quest boss.

  • Go to script.google.com. If this is your first script, this will automatically create a new Google script for you and open an editor for it. Otherwise, edit an existing project by clicking the pencil icon next to it, or create another.
  • Paste the code snippet below into the editor
    • Replace the spaces marked #HabiticaUserID# and #HabiticaAPIToken# with your own Habitica User ID and API Token (leave the quotes). These can be found under the API tab in your Habitica settings.
    • Change the ntimes to how many times you wish to use a skill each run. Currently, this is set to 8.
    • Change the skillId to skill you wish to cast based on what is described in the comments in options. Below it is currently set to Burst of Flames with skillId = "fireball"
    • Change the targetId to match one of your tasks. To find the task id:
      • Open the Data Display Tool
      • Go to the section for Task Overview.
      • Search for the task name you wish to target (if you are unsure which is best, check under Skills and Buffs for a recommendation based on the skill you are using).
      • Click toggle developer data to show the task id (it is a long string of numbers and letters like 6eb598a1-886a-4be6-a6c5-9e9fdc8f5b44 as per example below).
 function bulkAttackBoss() {
   var habId = "#HabiticaUserID#";
   var habToken = "#HabiticaAPIToken#";
   var ntimes = 8
   var skillId = "fireball"
   var targetId = "6eb598a1-886a-4be6-a6c5-9e9fdc8f5b44"   
   Below is a list  of options of the party buff skills. Replace the value in skillId above for the skill you desire. Ensure you copy the quotes.
   See http://habitica.fandom.com/wiki/Skills for more information on skills.
   Options for skills:
     Warrior Brutal Smash: "smash" 
     Mage Burst of Flames: "fireball"
   var url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/user/class/cast/" + skillId + "?targetId=" + targetId 
   var sleepTime = 30000
   //set paramaters
   var paramsTemplate = {
     "method" : "post",
     "headers" : {
       "x-api-user" : habId, 
       "x-api-key" : habToken
   var params = paramsTemplate;
   for (var i = 0; i < ntimes; i++) { 
     UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params)
     Utilities.sleep(sleepTime);// pause in the loop for 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds); this is to avoid the servers being overloaded
  • Save the script.
  • From the menu, choose RunRun functionbulkAttackBoss.