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Esta página foi destacada como parte da coleção Quarta-feira Wiki. Uma vez por mês, a equipe do Habitica destaca uma postagem útil da Wiki com dicas sobre produtividade, bem-estar e otimização do uso do Habitica!
Os jogadores que já são assinantes recebem, no início do mês, Itens Misteriosos nos primeiros três dias de cada mês (em tempos diferentes para diferentes assinantes). Aqueles que se tornarem assinantes durante um mês recebem os Itens desse mesmo mês assim que a assinatura é criada.
No navegador, uma notificação aparece na barra do menu quando o assinante recebe novos itens. Clique na notificação para abrir a página do seu Inventário. Na seção 'Especial', na página do Inventário, você verá uma caixa de presente com um número que indica quantos itens ela contém. Clique nela até que o número seja zero. Em seguida, você encontrará os itens na sua página de Equipamento. Caso não os veja, recarregue o site e clique na caixa de presente novamente.
Os itens recebidos permanecem indefinidamente na caixa de presente até que você os resgate.
Assim que o mês passar, os Itens Misteriosos estarão disponíveis apenas para assinantes que possuam uma Ampulheta Mística, recebida por aqueles que possuem uma assinatura por, pelo menos, três meses consecutivos.
Além disso, as Ampulhetas Místicas permitem que os Habiticanos comprem Itens Misteriosos de um futuro distante.
Itens Misteriosos[]
Itens Misteriosos de 2021[]
Itens Misteriosos de Novembro de 2021[]
O Item misterioso de Novembro foi revelado no dia 1º. O Conjunto do Chronomancer Cósmico inclui o Cajado do Chronomancer, e o Chapéu de Chronovisão.
Descrição dos itens:
- Cajado do Chronomancer: Molde o fluxo do tempo com este misterioso e poderoso cajado. Não confere benefício. Item de Assinante de Novembro de 2021. Item de duas mãos.
- Chapéu de Chronovisão: Um chapéu fino e chique, com óculos que permitem ver através do tempo. Muito legal, certo? Não confere benefício. Item de Assinante de Novembro de 2021 .
Itens Misteriosos de Outubro de 2021[]
O Item misterioso de Outubro foi revelado no dia 2. O Conjunto Gárgula de Musgo inclui o Armadura Gárgula de Musgo, e o Elmo Gárgula de Musgo.
Descrição dos itens:
- Armadura Gárgula de Musgo: O musgo aveludado faz você parecer macio por fora, mas você está protegido por uma pedra sólida. Não confere benefício. Item de Assinante de Outubro de 2021 .
- Elmo Gárgula de Musgo: A frente assustadora deste capacete de pedra certamente vai repelir forças malévolas ou, até mesmo, os maus hábitos! Não confere benefício. Item de Assinante de Outubro de 2021.
Itens Misteriosos de Setembro de 2021[]
O Item misterioso de Setembro foi revelado no dia 1º. O Conjunto do Lepidóptero Lunar inclui o Asas do Lepidóptero Lunar, e o Antena do Lepidóptero Lunar.
Descrição dos itens:
- Asas do Lepidóptero Lunar: Deslize suavemente pelo ar do crepúsculo sem fazer nenhum som. Não confere benefício. Item de Assinante de Setembro de 2021.
- Antena do Lepidóptero Lunar: Sinta o perfume das flores na brisa ou o cheiro da mudança no vento. Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de Setembro de 2021.
Itens Misteriosos de Agosto de 2021[]
O Item misterioso de Agosto foi revelado no dia 1º. O Conjunto Shounen Flamejante inclui o Cabelo Shounen Flamejante, e o Olhos flamejantes.
Descrição dos itens:
- Cabelo Shounen Flamejante: Você está parecendo super fresco, só estou dizendo. Não confere benefício. Item de Assinante de Agosto de 2021.
- Olhos flamejantes: Encare seus inimigos (ou suas maiores tarefas!) com isso e eles não terão a menor chance. Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de Agosto de 2021.
Itens Misteriosos de Julho de 2021[]
O Item misterioso de Julho foi revelado no dia 1º. O Conjunto Praiano inclui o Chapéu de Sol Sublime, e o Flamingo Flutuante Extravagante.
Descrição dos itens:
- Chapéu de Sol Sublime: Perfeito para aproveitar, mas também se proteger do nosso poderoso 'inimigo', o sol. Não confere benefício. Item de Assinante de Julho de 2021.
- Flamingo Flutuante Extravagante: Este fiel companheiro nunca o deixará na mão e sempre manterá seu espírito flutuando! Não confere benefício. Item de Assinante de Julho de 2021.
Itens Misteriosos de Junho de 2021[]
O Item misterioso de Junho foi revelado no dia 1º. O Conjunto de Sereia Pôr do Sol inclui o Auréola Pôr do Sol, e o Cauda Pôr do Sol.
Descrição dos itens:
- Auréola Pôr do Sol: Esta coroa captura a beleza da luz do sol do último verão. Não confere benefício. Item de Assinante de Junho de 2021.
- Cauda Pôr do Sol: Com esta cauda poderosa, porém elegante, você pode cruzar os mares quentes até o horizonte. Não confere benefício. Junho de 2021 Item de Assinante.
Itens Misteriosos de Maio de 2021[]
O Item misterioso de Maio foi revelado no dia 1º. O Conjunto Dragão Nebuloso inclui o Chifres de Dragão Nebuloso, e o Asas de Dragão Nebuloso.
Descrição dos itens:
- Chifres de Dragão Nebuloso: Vista estes chifres cintilantes e invoque a magia da luz das estrelas. Não confere benefício. Item de Assinante de Maio de 2021.
- Asas de Dragão Nebuloso: Deslize pelo céu estrelado e se acomode entre as constelações! Não confere benefício. Item de Assinante de Maio de 2021.
Itens Misteriosos de Abril de 2021[]
O Item misterioso de Abril foi revelado no dia 1º. O Conjunto do Cardo Guardião inclui o Armadura felpuda do Cardo, e o Cajado Espinhoso do Cardo.
Descrição dos itens:
- Armadura felpuda do Cardo: Macia por dentro, pontiaguda por fora, estilosa em todos os lugares! Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de Abril de 2021.
- Cajado Espinhoso do Cardo: É melhor seus inimigos tomarem cuidado - você tem defesas poderosas e espinhosas! Não confere benefício. Item de Assinante de abril de 2021.
Itens Misteriosos de Março de 2021[]
O Item misterioso de Março foi revelado no dia 1º. O Conjunto Vista do Florescer inclui o Tiara Vista do Florescer, e o Túnica Vista do Florescer.
Descrição dos itens:
- Tiara Vista do Florescer: Dê boas-vindas à primavera em grande estilo com esta tiara tecida com os primeiros galhos em flor. Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de Março de 2021.
- Túnica Vista do Florescer: Estas túnicas frescas e macias são perfeitas para uma festa do chá sob as vistosas árvores da primavera. Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de Março de 2021.
Itens Misteriosos de Fevereiro de 2021[]
O Item misterioso de Fevereiro foi revelado no dia 1º. O Conjunto de Itens Campeão Encantador inclui o Tiara Encantadora, o Vestido Encantador e o Varinha Encantadora.
Descrição dos itens:
- Tiara Encantadora: Eleve sua empatia e carinho a novos patamares com esta tiara dourada ornamentada. Não confere benefício. Item de assinantes de Fevereiro de 2021.
- Vestido Encantador: Navegue pelo universo em grande estilo com este vestido brilhante e flutuante. Não confere benefício. Item de assinantes de Fevereiro de 2021.
- Varinha Encantadora: A gema rosa e brilhante desta varinha tem o poder de espalhar alegria e amizade por toda parte! Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de Fevereiro de 2021.
Itens Misteriosos de Janeiro de 2021[]
O Item misterioso de Janeiro foi revelado no dia 1º. O Conjunto Leopardo da Neve Maneiro inclui o Elmo Leopardo da Neve Maneiro, e o Traje Leopardo da Neve Maneiro.
Descrição dos itens:
- Elmo Leopardo da Neve Maneiro: Os olhos azuis gelados neste elmo felino congelarão até a tarefa mais intimidante da sua lista. Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de Janeiro de 2021.
- Traje Leopardo da Neve Maneiro: Envolva-se em pele quente e cauda fofinha quase infinita! Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de Janeiro de 2021.
2020 Mystery Items[]
Itens Misteriosos de Dezembro de 2020[]
O Item misterioso de Dezembro foi revelado no dia 1º. O Conjunto Fênix Fogo Gelado inclui o Máscara de Fogo Gelado, e o Asas de Fogo Gelado.
Descrição dos itens:
- Máscara de Fogo Gelado: Esta máscara imponente tem olhos penetrantes que cegam os inimigos como o brilho do sol na neve fresca. Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de dezembro de 2020.
- Asas de Fogo Gelado: As penas de neve dessas asas darão a você a velocidade de um vendaval de inverno. Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de dezembro de 2020.
Itens Misteriosos de Novembro de 2020[]
O Item misterioso de Novembro foi revelado no dia 1º. O Conjunto Folheado do Mago inclui o Chapéu Folheado do Mago, e o Cajado Folheado.
Descrição dos itens:
- Chapéu Folheado do Mago: Domine o poder das mudanças das estações ao mesmo tempo que parece muito estiloso! Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de novembro de 2020.
- Cajado Folheado: Aproveite a força do vento de outono com este cajado. Use para magia arcana ou para fazer pilhas de folhas incríveis, a escolha é sua! Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de novembro de 2020.
Itens Misteriosos de Outubro de 2020[]
O Item misterioso de Outubro foi revelado no dia 1º. O Conjunto de Morcego Sedutor inclui o Orelhas de Morcego, e o Asas de Morcego Sedutor.
Descrição dos itens:
- Orelhas de Morcego: Vamos poupar você de outra piada sobre ecolocalização ... zação ... zação. Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de Outubro de 2020.
- Asas de Morcego Sedutor: Você é a noite! Portanto, voe silenciosamente como uma nuvem da meia-noite com essas rápidas asas roxas. Não confere benefício. Item de assinante de outubro de 2020.
September 2020 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso September foi revelado no dia 1st. O Marvelous Moth Set inclui o Marvelous Moth Antennae, e o Marvelous Moth Wings.
Descrição dos itens:
- Marvelous Moth Antennae: These feathery appendages will help you find your way even in the dark of night. Confers no benefit. September 2020 Subscriber Item.
- Marvelous Moth Wings: Let these huge wings take you to new heights! Confers no benefit. September 2020 Subscriber Item.
August 2020 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso August foi revelado no dia 3rd. O Owlish Oracle Set inclui o Owlish Oracle Headdress, e o Owlish Oracle Mantle.
Descrição dos itens:
- Owlish Oracle Headdress: WHO? WHO? WHO approaches, seeking your counsel? Confers no benefit. August 2020 Subscriber Item.
- Owlish Oracle Mantle: For now, your wings lie furled. But when you have concluded dispensing your wisdom, or you sight your prey in the grass, watch out! Confers no benefit. August 2020 Subscriber Item.
July 2020 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso July foi revelado no dia 1st. O Outstanding Orca Set inclui o Outstanding Orca Helm, e o Outstanding Orca Costume.
Descrição dos itens:
- Outstanding Orca Helm: This helm will tune you in to the complex and beautiful songs of your fellow cetaceans. Confers no benefit. July 2020 Subscriber Item.
- Outstanding Orca Costume: Swim, flip, dive, and race with this handsome and powerful tail! Confers no benefit. July 2020 Subscriber Item.
June 2020 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso June foi revelado no dia 1st. O Multichrome Merfolk Set inclui o Sugilite Circlet, e o Multichrome Merfolk Tail.
Descrição dos itens:
- Sugilite Circlet: The positive energy of these radiant purple stones will draw the sea's friendliest creatures to your side. Confers no benefit. June 2020 Subscriber Item.
- Multichrome Merfolk Tail: Even among the brightest corals and anemones, this tail proudly stands out from the crowd! Confers no benefit. June 2020 Subscriber Item.
May 2020 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso May foi revelado no dia 1st. O Wondrous Wyvern Set inclui o Wondrous Wyvern Horns, e o Wondrous Wyvern Wings.
Descrição dos itens:
- Wondrous Wyvern Horns: With such mighty horns, what creature dares challenge you? Confers no benefit. May 2020 Subscriber Item.
- Wondrous Wyvern Wings: Despite their slight tatters, these wings can still carry you wherever you need to travel. Confers no benefit. May 2020 Subscriber Item.
April 2020 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso April foi revelado no dia 1st. O Mighty Monarch Item Set inclui o Mighty Monarch Antennae, e o Mighty Monarch Wings.
Descrição dos itens:
- Mighty Monarch Antennae: They twitch just a bit if the scent of flowers drifts by--use them to find a pretty garden! Confers no benefit. April 2020 Subscriber Item.
- Mighty Monarch Wings: Make a quick flutter to the nearest flowery meadow or migrate across the continent with these beautiful wings! Confers no benefit. April 2020 Subscriber Item.
March 2020 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso March foi revelado no dia 1st. O Barbed Battler Item Set inclui o Barbed Helm, e o Barbed Pauldrons.
Descrição dos itens:
- Barbed Helm: Be careful, this helm is sharp in more ways than one! Confers no benefit. March 2020 Subscriber Item.
- Barbed Pauldrons: They're like shoulder pads that are on a whole other level. Confers no benefit. March 2020 Subscriber Item.
February 2020 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso February foi revelado no dia 1st. O Stylish Sweetheart Item Set inclui o Stylish Sweetheart Parasol, e o Stylish Sweetheart Scarf.
Descrição dos itens:
- Stylish Sweetheart Parasol: An accessory that lends you an air of mystery and romance. Sun protection is a bonus! Confers no benefit. February 2020 Subscriber Item.
- Stylish Sweetheart Scarf: For when your heart is warm but the breezes of February are brisk. Confers no benefit. February 2020 Subscriber Item.
January 2020 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso January foi revelado no dia 1st. O Fabled Fox Item Set inclui o Fabled Fox Ears, e o Five Tails of Fable.
Descrição dos itens:
- Fabled Fox Ears: Your hearing will be so sharp, you'll hear the stars twinkling and the moon spinning. Confers no benefit. January 2020 Subscriber Item.
- Five Tails of Fable: These fluffy tails contain celestial power, and also a high level of cuteness! Confers no benefit. January 2020 Subscriber Item.
2019 Mystery Items[]
December 2019 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso December foi revelado no dia 1st. O Polar Pixie Set inclui o Polar Pixie Crown, e o Polar Pixie Wings.
Descrição dos itens:
- Polar Pixie Crown: This glittering snowflake grants you resistance to the biting cold no matter how high you fly! Confers no benefit. December 2019 Subscriber Item.
- Polar Pixie Wings: Glide silently across sparkling snowfields and shimmering mountains with these icy wings. Confers no benefit. December 2019 Subscriber Item.
November 2019 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso November foi revelado no dia 21st. O Crystal Charmer Set inclui o Charmed Crystal Staff, e o Charmed Crystal Hat.
Descrição dos itens:
- Charmed Crystal Staff: The crystal ball atop this staff can show you the future, but beware! Using such dangerous knowledge can change a person in unexpected ways. Confers no benefit. November 2019 Subscriber Item.
- Charmed Crystal Hat: Each of the crystal points attached to this hat endows you with a special power: mystic clairvoyance, arcane wisdom, and... sorcerous plate spinning? All right then. Confers no benefit. November 2019 Subscriber Item.
October 2019 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso October foi revelado no dia 24th. O Cryptic Flame Set inclui o Cryptic Flame, e o Cryptic Armor.
Descrição dos itens:
- Cryptic Flame: These flames reveal arcane secrets before your very eyes! Confers no benefit. October 2019 Subscriber Item.
- Cryptic Armor: This enigmatic armor will protect you from terrors seen and unseen. Confers no benefit. October 2019 Subscriber Item.
September 2019 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso September foi revelado no dia 24th. O Affable Acorn Set inclui o Affable Acorn Hat, e o Affable Acorn Armor.
Descrição dos itens:
- Affable Acorn Hat: Every acorn needs a hat! Er, cupule, if you want to get technical about it. Confers no benefit. September 2019 Subscriber Item.
- Affable Acorn Armor: Your tough exterior is protective, but it's still best to keep an eye out for squirrels... Confers no benefit. September 2019 Subscriber Item.
August 2019 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso August foi revelado no dia 28th. O Footloose Faun Set inclui o Footloose Faun Horns, e o Footloose Faun Costume.
Descrição dos itens:
- Footloose Faun Horns: If wearing horns floats your goat, you're in luck! Confers no benefit. August 2019 Subscriber Item.
- Footloose Faun Costume: These legs were made for dancing! And that's just what they'll do. Confers no benefit. August 2019 Subscriber Item.
July 2019 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso July foi revelado no dia 25th. O Beach Buddy Set inclui o Backwards Cap, o Sweet Sunglasses e o Flowery Shirt.
Descrição dos itens:
- Backwards Cap: Nothing says “I'm relaxing here!” like a backwards cap. Confers no benefit. July 2019 Subscriber Item.
- Sweet Sunglasses: Look awesome while protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays! Confers no benefit. July 2019 Subscriber Item.
- Flowery Shirt: Stay cool and look cool on even the hottest summer day. Confers no benefit. July 2019 Subscriber Item.
June 2019 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso June foi revelado no dia 25th. O Kindly Koi Set inclui o Kindly Koi Ears, e o Kindly Koi Tail.
Descrição dos itens:
- Kindly Koi Ears: Legend has it these finny ears help merfolk hear the calls and songs of all the denizens of the deep! Confers no benefit. June 2019 Subscriber Item.
- Kindly Koi Tail: We will spare you a pun about “playing koi.” Oh wait, oops. Confers no benefit. June 2019 Subscriber Item.
May 2019 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso May foi revelado no dia 28th. O Dazzling Dragon Set inclui o Dazzling Dragon Horns, e o Dazzling Dragon Wings.
Descrição dos itens:
- Dazzling Dragon Horns: These horns are as sharp as they are shimmery. Confers no benefit. May 2019 Subscriber Item.
- Dazzling Dragon Wings: Fly to untold realms with these iridescent wings. Confers no benefit. May 2019 Subscriber Item.
April 2019 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso April foi revelado no dia 25th. O Opulent Opal Set inclui o Opulent Opal Circlet, e o Opalescent Outfit.
Descrição dos itens:
- Opulent Opal Circlet: The opals in this circlet shine in every color of the rainbow, giving it a variety of magical properties. Confers no benefit. April 2019 Subscriber Item.
- Opalescent Outfit: This shining garment has opals sewn into the front panel to grant you arcane powers and a fabulous look. Confers no benefit. April 2019 Subscriber Item.
March 2019 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso March foi revelado no dia 26th. O Egg-squisite Set inclui o Sunny Side Up Helm, e o Shell-ebration Armor.
Descrição dos itens:
- Sunny Side Up Helm: Some may call you an egghead, but that's OK because you know how to take a yolk. Confers no benefit. March 2019 Subscriber Item.
- Shell-ebration Armor: People are dye-ing to know where you got this egg-cellent outfit! Confers no benefit. March 2019 Subscriber Item.
February 2019 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso February foi revelado no dia 25th. O Cryptic Crush Set inclui o Cryptic Crush Mask, e o Cryptic Confetti.
Descrição dos itens:
- Cryptic Crush Mask: This mysterious mask hides your identity but not your winning smile. Confers no benefit. February 2019 Subscriber Item.
- Cryptic Confetti: This glittery paper forms magic hearts that slowly drift and dance in the air. Confers no benefit. February 2019 Subscriber Item.
January 2019 Mystery Items[]
O Item misterioso January foi revelado no dia 28th. O Polaris Set inclui o Polaris Helm, e o Polaris Pauldron.
Descrição dos itens:
- Polaris Helm: The glowing gems on this helm contain light magically captured from winter auroras. Confers no benefit. January 2019 Subscriber Item.
- Polaris Pauldron: These shimmering pauldrons are strong, but will rest on your shoulders as weightlessly as a ray of dancing light. Confers no benefit. January 2019 Subscriber Item.
2018 Mystery Items[]
December 2018 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso December foi revelado no dia 20th. O Arctic Fox Item Set inclui o Arctic Fox Ears, e o Arctic Fox Tail.
Descrição dos itens:
- Arctic Fox Ears: Twitch twitch... you hear the subtle sound of snowflakes falling upon the landscape. Confers no benefit. December 2018 Subscriber Item.
- Arctic Fox Tail: Your luxurious tail shimmers like an icicle, bobbing happily as you pad softly over the snowdrifts. Confers no benefit. December 2018 Subscriber Item.
November 2018 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso November foi revelado no dia 28th. O Splendid Sorcerer Item Set inclui o Splendid Sorcerer's Staff, e o Splendid Sorcerer's Hat.
Descrição dos itens:
- Splendid Sorcerer's Staff: This magical stave is as powerful as it is elegant. Confers no benefit. November 2018 Subscriber Item.
- Splendid Sorcerer's Hat: Wear this feathered hat to stand out at even the fanciest wizardly gatherings! Confers no benefit. November 2018 Subscriber Item.
October 2018 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso October foi revelado no dia 25th. O Dark Forest Item Set inclui o Dark Forest Helm, e o Dark Forest Robes.
Descrição dos itens:
- Dark Forest Helm: If you find yourself traveling through a spooky place, the glowing red eyes of this helm will surely scare away any enemies in your path. Confers no benefit. October 2018 Subscriber Item.
- Dark Forest Robes: These robes are extra warm to protect you from the ghastly cold of haunted realms. Confers no benefit. October 2018 Subscriber Item.
September 2018 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso September foi revelado no dia 25th. O Autumnal Armor Item Set inclui o Crown of Autumn Flowers, e o Armor of Autumn Leaves.
Descrição dos itens:
- Crown of Autumn Flowers: The last flowers of autumn's warm days are a reminder of the beauty of the season. Confers no benefit. September 2018 Subscriber Item.
- Armor of Autumn Leaves: You are not only a small and fearsome leaf puff, you are sporting the most beautiful colors of the season! Confers no benefit. September 2018 Subscriber Item.
August 2018 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso August foi revelado no dia 23rd. O Lava Dragon Item Set inclui o Lava Dragon Cowl, e o Lava Dragon Armor.
Descrição dos itens:
- Lava Dragon Cowl: The glowing horns on this cowl will light your way through underground caverns. Confers no benefit. August 2018 Subscriber Item.
- Lava Dragon Armor: This armor is made from the shed scales of the elusive (and extremely warm) Lava Dragon. Confers no benefit. August 2018 Subscriber Item.
July 2018 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso July foi revelado no dia 24th. O Sea Serpent Item Set inclui o Sea Serpent Helm, e o Sea Serpent Tail.
Descrição dos itens:
- Sea Serpent Helm: The strong scales on this helm will protect you from any manner of oceanic foe. Confers no benefit. July 2018 Subscriber Item.
- Sea Serpent Tail: This powerful tail will propel you through the sea at incredible speeds! Confers no benefit. July 2018 Subscriber Item.
June 2018 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso June foi revelado no dia 21st. O Alluring Anglerfish Item Set inclui o Alluring Anglerfish Helm, e o Alluring Anglerfish Tail.
Descrição dos itens:
- Alluring Anglerfish Helm: The mesmerizing light atop this helm will call all the creatures of the sea to your side. We urge you to use your glowy powers of attraction for good! Confers no benefit. June 2018 Subscriber Item.
- Alluring Anglerfish Tail: This sinuous tail features glowing spots to light your way through the deep. Confers no benefit. June 2018 Subscriber Item.
May 2018 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso May foi revelado no dia 24th. O Phenomenal Peacock Item Set inclui o Phenomenal Peacock Helm, e o Phenomenal Peacock Tail.
Descrição dos itens:
- Phenomenal Peacock Helm: This helm will make you the proudest and prettiest (possibly also the loudest) bird in town. Confers no benefit. May 2018 Subscriber Item.
- Phenomenal Peacock Tail: This gorgeous feathery tail is perfect for a strut down a lovely garden path! Confers no benefit. May 2018 Subscriber Item.
April 2018 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso April foi revelado no dia 24th. O Spiffy Squirrel Item Set inclui o Squirrel Tail, e o Squirrel Ears.
Descrição dos itens:
- Squirrel Tail: Sure, it helps you balance while you jump on branches, but the most important thing is MAXIMUM FLUFF. Confers no benefit. April 2018 Subscriber Item.
- Squirrel Ears: These fuzzy sound-catchers will ensure you never miss the rustle of a leaf or the sound of an acorn falling! Confers no benefit. April 2018 Subscriber Item.
March 2018 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso March foi revelado no dia 22nd. O Daring Dragonfly Item Set inclui o Daring Dragonfly Circlet, e o Daring Dragonfly Wings.
Descrição dos itens:
- Daring Dragonfly Circlet: Although its appearance is quite decorative, you can engage the wings on this circlet for extra lift! Confers no benefit. March 2018 Subscriber Item.
- Daring Dragonfly Wings: These bright and shiny wings will carry you through soft spring breezes and across lily ponds with ease. Confers no benefit. March 2018 Subscriber Item.
February 2018 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso February foi revelado no dia 22nd. O Love Bug Item Set inclui o Love Bug Armor, o Love Bug Helm e o Love Bug Shield.
Descrição dos itens:
- Love Bug Armor: This shiny armor reflects your strength of heart and infuses it into any Habiticans nearby who may need encouragement! Confers no benefit. February 2018 Subscriber Item.
- Love Bug Helm: The antennae on this helm act as cute dowsing rods, detecting feelings of love and support nearby. Confers no benefit. February 2018 Subscriber Item.
- Love Bug Shield: Although it may look like brittle candy, this shield is resistant to even the strongest Shattering Heartbreak attacks! Confers no benefit. February 2018 Subscriber Item.
January 2018 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso January foi revelado no dia 23rd. O Frost Sprite Item Set inclui o Frost Sprite Antlers, e o Frost Sprite Wings.
Descrição dos itens:
- Frost Sprite Antlers: These icy antlers shimmer with the glow of winter auroras. Confers no benefit. January 2018 Subscriber Item.
- Frost Sprite Wings: They may look as delicate as snowflakes, but these enchanted wings can carry you anywhere you wish! Confers no benefit. January 2018 Subscriber Item.
2017 Mystery Items[]
December 2017 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso December foi revelado no dia 21st. O Candlemancer Item Set inclui o Candlemancer Armor, e o Candlemancer Crown.
Descrição dos itens:
- Candlemancer Armor: The heat and light generated by this magic armor will warm your heart but never burn your skin! Confers no benefit. December 2017 Subscriber Item.
- Candlemancer Crown: This crown will bring light and warmth to even the darkest winter night. Confers no benefit. December 2017 Subscriber Item.
November 2017 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso November foi revelado no dia 17th. O Carpet Rider Set inclui o Carpet Rider Outfit, e o Carpet Rider Scarf.
Descrição dos itens:
- Carpet Rider Outfit: This cozy sweater set will help keep you warm as you ride through the sky! Confers no benefit. November 2017 Subscriber Item.
- Carpet Rider Scarf: This soft knitted scarf looks quite majestic blowing in the wind. Confers no benefit. November 2017 Subscriber Item.
October 2017 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso October foi revelado no dia 24th. O Imperious Imp Set inclui o Imperious Imp Apparel, e o Imperious Imp Helm.
Descrição dos itens:
- Imperious Imp Apparel: Scaly, shiny, and strong! Confers no benefit. October 2017 Subscriber Item.
- Imperious Imp Helm: This helm makes you look intimidating... but it won't do any favors for your depth perception! Confers no benefit. October 2017 Subscriber Item.
September 2017 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso September foi revelado no dia 19th. O Sorcery Student Set inclui o Sorcery Handbook, e o Stack o' Sorcery Books.
Descrição dos itens:
- Sorcery Handbook: This book will guide you through your forays into sorcery. Confers no benefit. September 2017 Subscriber Item.
- Stack o' Sorcery Books: Learning magic takes a lot of reading, but you're sure to enjoy your studies! Confers no benefit. September 2017 Subscriber Item.
August 2017 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso August foi revelado no dia 18th. O Lava Warrior Item Set inclui o Lava Sword, e o Lava Shield.
Descrição dos itens:
- Lava Sword: The fiery glow of this sword will make quick work of even dark red Tasks! Confers no benefit. August 2017 Subscriber Item.
- Lava Shield: This rugged shield of molten rock protects you from bad Habits but won't singe your hands. August 2017 Subscriber Item.
July 2017 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso July foi revelado no dia 25th. O Jellymancer Item Set inclui o Jellymancer Armor, e o Jellymancer Helm.
Descrição dos itens:
- Jellymancer Armor: This armor will help you blend in with the creatures of the ocean while you pursue undersea quests and adventures. Confers no benefit. July 2017 Subscriber Item.
- Jellymancer Helm: Need some extra hands for your tasks? This translucent jelly helm has quite a few tentacles to lend you help! Confers no benefit. July 2017 Subscriber Item.
June 2017 Mystery Item[]
The June Mystery Item was revealed on the 22nd. Named the Pirate Pioneer Item Set, it included the Ragged Corsair's Cloak and the Tattered Freebooter's Flag.
Item Descriptions:
- Ragged Corsair's Cloak: This cloak has secret pockets to hide all the Gold you loot from your Tasks. Confers no benefit. June 2017 Subscriber Item.
- Tattered Freebooter's Flag: The sight of this Jolly Roger-embazoned flag fills any To Do or Daily with dread! Confers no benefit. June 2017 Subscriber Item.
May 2017 Mystery Item[]
The May Mystery Item was revealed on the 23rd. Named the Feathered Fighter Set, it included the Feathered Fighter Helm and Folded Feathered Fighter Wings.
Item Descriptions:
- Feathered Fighter Helm: Habitica is known for its fierce and productive Gryphon Warriors! Join their prestigious ranks when you don this feathery helm. Confers no benefit. May 2017 Subscriber Item.
- Folded Feathered Fighter Wings: These folded wings don't just look snazzy: they will give you the speed and agility of a gryphon! Confers no benefit. May 2017 Subscriber Item.
April 2017 Mystery Item[]
The April Mystery Item was revealed on the 25th. Named the Fairytale Item Set, it included the Fairytale Armor and Fairytale Wings.
Item Descriptions:
- Fairytale Armor: Fairy folk crafted this armor from morning dew to capture the colors of the sunrise. Confers no benefit. April 2017 Subscriber Item.
- Fairytale Wings: These shimmering wings will carry you anywhere, even the hidden realms ruled by magical creatures. Confers no benefit. April 2017 Subscriber Item.
March 2017 Mystery Item[]
The March Mystery Item was revealed on the 23rd. Named the Shimmer Armor Item Set, it included the Shimmer Armor and Shimmer Helm.
Item Descriptions:
- Shimmer Armor: Though its colors are reminiscent of spring petals, this armor is stronger than steel! Confers no benefit. March 2017 Subscriber Item.
- Shimmer Helm: The soft light reflected from this horned helm will soothe even the most enraged foe. Confers no benefit. March 2017 Subscriber Item.
February 2017 Mystery Item[]
The February Mystery Item was revealed on the 22nd. Named the Heartstealer Item Set, it included a Heartstealer Hood and Heartstealer Cape.
Item Descriptions:
- Heartstealer Hood: Though this hood conceals your face, it only magnifies your powers of attraction! Confers no benefit. February 2017 Subscriber Item.
- Heartstealer Cape: A swoosh of this cape, and all near you will be swept off their feet by your charm! Confers no benefit. February 2017 Subscriber Item.
January 2017 Mystery Item[]
The January Mystery Item was revealed on the 25th. Named the Time-Freezer Item Set, it included a Time-Freezer Shield and Timeless Shades.
Item Descriptions:
- Time-Freezer Shield: Freeze time in its tracks and conquer your tasks! Confers no benefit. January 2017 Subscriber Item.
- Timeless Shades: These sunglasses will protect your eyes from harmful rays and will look stylish no matter where you find yourself in time! Confers no benefit. January 2017 Subscriber Item.
2016 Mystery Items[]
December 2016 Mystery Item[]
The December Mystery Item was revealed on the 21st. Named the Nutcracker Armor Set, it included the Nutcracker Helm and the Nutcracker Armor.
Item Descriptions:
- Nutcracker Helm: This tall and splendid helm adds a magnificent element to your holiday apparel! Confers no benefit. December 2016 Subscriber Item.
- Nutcracker Armor: Crack nuts in style in this spectacular holiday ensemble. Be careful not to pinch your fingers! Confers no benefit. December 2016 Subscriber Item.
November 2016 Mystery Item[]
The November Mystery Item was revealed on the 22nd. Named the Cornucopia Item Set, it included the Fancy Feasting Hat and the Copious Cornucopia.
Item Descriptions:
- Fancy Feasting Hat: You're guaranteed to be the fanciest person at the feast in this plumed chapeau. Confers no benefit. November 2016 Subscriber Item.
- Copious Cornucopia: All manner of delicious and wholesome foods spill forth from this horn. Enjoy the feast! Confers no benefit. November 2016 Subscriber Item.
October 2016 Mystery Item[]
The October Mystery Item was revealed on the 25th. Named the Spectral Flame Item Set, it included the Spectral Flame and the Spectral Armor.
Item Descriptions:
- Spectral Flame: These flames will awaken your ghostly power. Confers no benefit. October 2016 Subscriber Item.
- Spectral Armor: Mysterious armor that will cause you to float like a ghost! Confers no benefit. October 2016 Subscriber Item.
September 2016 Mystery Item[]
The September Mystery Item was revealed on the 22nd. Named the Cow Costume Set, it included the Cow Hat and the Cow Armor.
Item Descriptions:
- Cow Hat: You'll never want to remooooove this cow hat. Confers no benefit. September 2016 Subscriber Item.
- Cow Armor: Fit in with the rest of the herd in this snuggly armor! Confers no benefit. September 2016 Subscriber Item.
August 2016 Mystery Item[]
The August Mystery Item was revealed on the 23rd. Named the Thunderstormer Set, it included the Helm of Lightning and the Cape of Thunder.
Item Descriptions:
- Helm of Lightning: This crackling helm conducts electricity! Confers no benefit. August 2016 Subscriber Item.
- Cape of Thunder: Fly through the stormy skies with this billowing cape! Confers no benefit. August 2016 Subscriber Item.
July 2016 Mystery Item[]
The July Mystery Item was revealed on the 26th. Named the Seafloor Rogue Set, it included the Seafloor Rogue Helm and the Seafloor Rogue Armor.
Item Descriptions:
- Seafloor Rogue Helm: The Kelp growing from this helm helps camouflage you. Confers no benefit. July 2016 Subscriber Item.
- Seafloor Rogue Armor: Blends into the sea floor with this stealthy aquatic armor. Confers no benefit. July 2016 Subscriber Item.
June 2016 Mystery Item[]
The June Mystery Item was revealed on the 23rd. Named the Selkie Robes Set, it included the Selkie Cap and the Selkie Tail.
Item Descriptions:
- Selkie Cap: Hum the tune of the ocean as you blend in with the frolicking seals! Confers no benefit. June 2016 Subscriber Item.
- Selkie Tail: This strong tail shimmers like sea foam crashing upon the shore. Confers no benefit. June 2016 Subscriber Item.
May 2016 Mystery Item[]
The May Mystery Item was revealed on the 25th. Named the Marching Bard Item Set, it included the Marching Bard Hat and the Marching Bard Uniform.
Item Descriptions:
- Marching Bard Hat: Seventy-six dragons led the big parade, with a hundred and ten gryphons close at hand! Confers no benefit. May 2016 Subscriber Item.
- Marching Bard Uniform: Unlike the traditional bards who join adventuring parties, bards who join Habitican marching bands are known for grand parades, not dungeon raids. Confers no benefit. May 2016 Subscriber Item.
April 2016 Mystery Item[]
The April Mystery Item was revealed on the 25th. Named the Leaf Warrior Item Set, it included the Crown o' Flowers and the Armor o' Leaves.
Item Descriptions:
- Crown o' Flowers: These woven flowers make a surprisingly strong helm! Confers no benefit. April 2016 Subscriber Item.
- Armor o' Leaves: You, too, can be a small but fearsome leaf puff. Confers no benefit. April 2016 Subscriber Item.
March 2016 Mystery Item[]
The March Mystery Item was revealed on the 24th. Named the Lucky Clover Item Set, it included the Lucky Hat and the Lucky Suit.
Item Descriptions:
- Lucky Hat: This top hat is a magical good-luck charm. Confers no benefit. March 2016 Subscriber Item.
- Lucky Suit: This suit is sewn from thousands of four-leafed clovers! Confers no benefit. March 2016 Subscriber Item.
February 2016 Mystery Item[]
The February Mystery Item was revealed on the 24th. Named the Heartbreaker Item Set, it included the Heartbreaker Hood and the Heartbreaker Cape.
Item Descriptions:
- Heartbreaker Hood: Shield your identity from all your admirers. Confers no benefit. February 2016 Subscriber Item.
- Heartbreaker Cape: With a swish of your cape, your enemies fall before you! Confers no benefit. February 2016 Subscriber Item.
January 2016 Mystery Item[]
The January Mystery Item was revealed on the 27th. Named the Champion of Resolution Item Set, it included the Resolution Slayer and the Helm of True Resolve.
Item Descriptions:
- Resolution Slayer: This blade can be used to parry away all distractions. Confers no benefit. January 2016 Subscriber Item.
- Helm of True Resolve: Stay resolute, brave champion! Confers no benefit. January 2016 Subscriber Item.
2015 Mystery Items[]
December 2015 Mystery Item[]
The December Mystery Item was revealed on the 23rd. Named the Winter Flame Item Set, it included a Winter Flame and Cold Fire Armor.
Item Descriptions:
- Cold Fire Armor: Summon the icy flames of winter! Confers no benefit. December 2015 Subscriber Item.
- Winter Flame: These flames burn cold with pure intellect. Confers no benefit. December 2015 Subscriber Item.
November 2015 Mystery Item[]
The November Mystery Item was revealed on the 25th. Named the Wood Warrior Set, it included a Log Crown and Wooden Armor.
Item Descriptions:
- Wooden Armor: Considering this armor was carved directly from a magical log, it's surprisingly comfortable. Confers no benefit.
- Log Crown: Count the number of rings to learn how old this crown is. Confers no benefit.
October 2015 Mystery Item[]
The October Mystery Item was revealed on the 27th. Named the Horned Goblin Set, it included a Goblin Tail and Goblin Horns.
Item Descriptions:
- Goblin Tail: Prehensile and powerful! Confers no benefit.
- Goblin Horns: These fearsome horns are slightly slimy. Confers no benefit.
September 2015 Mystery Item[]
The September Mystery Item was revealed on the 24th. Named the Werewolf Armor Set, it included a Werewolf costume and Werewolf mask.
Item Descriptions:
- Werewolf Costume: This IS a costume, right? Confers no benefit.
- Werewolf Mask: This IS a mask, right? Confers no benefit.
August 2015 Mystery Item[]
The August Mystery Item was revealed on the 24th. Named the Cheetah Costume Set, it included a Cheetah costume and Cheetah hat.
Item Descriptions:
- Cheetah Costume: Run fast as a flash in the fluffy Cheetah Costume! Confers no benefit.
- Cheetah Hat: This cozy cheetah hat is very fuzzy! Confers no benefit.
July 2015 Mystery Item[]
The July Mystery Item was revealed on the 24th. Named the Rad Surfer Item Set, it included a Rad Surfboard and Rad Sunglasses.
Item Descriptions:
- Rad Surfboard: Surf off the Diligent Docks and ride the waves in Inkomplete Bay! Confers no benefit. (This item is considered a Back item for equipment purposes, even though you get to ride it.)
- Rad Sunglasses: These sunglasses let you stay cool even when the weather is hot. Confers no benefit. (This item is eyewear and does not include the bandanna as shown to the right.)
June 2015 Mystery Item[]
The June Mystery Item was revealed on the 25th. Named the Neon Snorkeler Item Set, it included a Snorkel Suit and Neon Snorkel.
Item Descriptions:
- Snorkel Suit: Snorkel through a coral reef in this brightly-colored swim suit! Confers no benefit.
- Neon Snorkel: This neon snorkel lets its wearer see underwater. Confers no benefit.
May 2015 Mystery Item[]
The May Mystery Item was revealed on the 25th. Named the Green Knight Item Set, it included a Green Knight Helm and Green Knight Lance.
Item Descriptions:
- Green Knight Helm: The green plume on this iron helm waves proudly. Confers no benefit.
- Green Knight Lance: This green and silver lance has unseated many opponents from their mounts. Confers no benefit.
April 2015 Mystery Item[]
The March Mystery Item was revealed on the 24th. Named the Busy Bee Item Set, it included a Busy Bee Robe and Busy Bee Wings.
Item Descriptions:
- Busy Bee Robe: You'll be productive as a busy bee in this fetching robe! Confers no benefit.
- Busy Bee Wings: Buzz buzz buzz! Flit from task to task. Confers no benefit.
March 2015 Mystery Item[]
The March Mystery Item was revealed on the 25th. Named the Aquamarine Item Set, it included Aquamarine Armor and Aquamarine Eyewear.
Item Descriptions:
- Aquamarine Armor: This blue mineral symbolizes good luck, happiness, and eternal productivity.
- Aquamarine Eyewear: Don't get poked in the eye by these shimmering gems!
February 2015 Mystery Item[]
The February Mystery Item was revealed on the 25th. Named the Winged Enchanter Item Set, it included the Wings of Thought and the Shimmery Winged Staff of Love and Also Truth.
Item Descriptions:
- Wings of Thought: Let your imagination take flight!
- Shimmery Winged Staff of Love and Also Truth: For WINGS! For LOVE! For ALSO TRUTH!
January 2015 Mystery Item[]
The January Mystery Item was revealed on the 25th. Named the Starry Knight Item Set, it included the Starry Helm and Starry Armor.
Item Descriptions:
- Starry Helm: The constellations flicker and swirl in this helm, guiding the wearer's thoughts towards focus.
- Starry Armor: Galaxies shimmer in the metal of this armor, strengthening the wearer's resolve.
2014 Mystery Items[]
December 2014 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso Dezember foi revelado no dia 25th. O The Penguin Item Set inclui o Penguin Hat, e o Penguin Suit.
Descrição dos itens:
- Penguin Hat: Who's a penguin? Confers no benefit. December 2014 Subscriber Item.
- Penguin Suit: You're a penguin! Confers no benefit. December 2014 Subscriber Item.
November 2014 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso November foi revelado no dia 25th. O Feast and Fun Set inclui o Pitchfork of Feasting, e o Steel Helm of Sporting.
Descrição dos itens:
- Pitchfork of Feasting: Stab your enemies or dig in to your favorite foods - this versatile pitchfork does it all! Confers no benefit. November 2014 Subscriber Item.
- Steel Helm of Sporting: This is the traditional helmet worn in the beloved Habitican sport of Balance Ball, which consists of covering yourself with heavy protective gear and then committing to a healthy work-life balance..... WHILE PURSUED BY HIPPOGRIFFS. Confers no benefit. November 2014 Subscriber Item.

Feast and Fun Folks
October 2014 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso October foi revelado no dia 25th. O Winged Goblin Item Set inclui o Goblin Wings, e o Goblin Gear.
Descrição dos itens:
- Goblin Wings: Swoop through the night on these strong wings. Confers no benefit. October 2014 Subscriber Item.
- Goblin Gear: Scaly, slimy, and strong! Confers no benefit. October 2014 Subscriber Item.

Winged Goblins
September 2014 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso September foi revelado no dia 25th. O Autumn Strider Set inclui o Autumn Antlers, e o Strider Vest.
Descrição dos itens:
- Autumn Antlers: These powerful antlers change colors with the leaves. Confers no benefit. September 2014 Subscriber Item.
- Strider Vest: A leaf-covered vest that camouflages the wearer. Confers no benefit. September 2014 Subscriber Item.

Autumn Striders
August 2014 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso August foi revelado no dia 26th. O Sun Sorcerer Set inclui o Sun Crown, e o Sun Robes.
Descrição dos itens:
- Sun Crown: This blazing crown gives its wearer great strength of will. Confers no benefit. August 2014 Subscriber Item.
- Sun Robes: These robes are woven with sunlight and gold. Confers no benefit. August 2014 Subscriber Item.

Sun Sorcerers
July 2014 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso July foi revelado no dia 25th. O Undersea Explorer Set inclui o Undersea Explorer Helm, e o Undersea Explorer Suit.
Descrição dos itens:
- Undersea Explorer Helm: This helm makes it easy to explore underwater! It sort of makes you look like a googly-eyed fish, too. Very retro! Confers no benefit. July 2014 Subscriber Item.
- Undersea Explorer Suit: Described alternatively as "splooshy", "overly thick" and "frankly, kind of cumbersome", this suit is the best friend of any intrepid undersea explorer. Confers no benefit. July 2014 Subscriber Item.

Undersea Explorers.
June 2014 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso June foi revelado no dia 25th. O Octomage Set inclui o Crown of Tentacles, e o Octopus Robe.
Descrição dos itens:
- Crown of Tentacles: The tentacles of this helm gather up magical energy from the water. Confers no benefit. June 2014 Subscriber Item.
- Octopus Robe: This flexible robe makes it possible for its wearer to slip through even the tiniest cracks. Confers no benefit. June 2014 Subscriber Item.

May 2014 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso May foi revelado no dia 22th. O Flame Wielder Set inclui o Flame of Mind, e o Flame of Heart.
Descrição dos itens:
- Flame of Mind: Burn away the procrastination! Confers no benefit. May 2014 Subscriber Item.
- Flame of Heart: Nothing can hurt you when you are swathed in flames! Confers no benefit. May 2014 Subscriber Item.

Flame Wielders.
April 2014 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso April foi revelado no dia 25th. O Twilight Butterfly Set inclui o Twilight Butterfly Wings, e o Twilight Butterfly Antennae.
Descrição dos itens:
- Twilight Butterfly Wings: Be a butterfly and flutter by! Confers no benefit. April 2014 Subscriber Item.
- Twilight Butterfly Antennae: These antennae help the wearer sense dangerous distractions! Confers no benefit. April 2014 Subscriber Item.

Twilight Butterflies.
March 2014 Mystery Item[]
O Item misterioso March foi revelado no dia 25th. O Forest Walker Set inclui o Forest Walker Armor, e o Forest Walker Antlers.
Descrição dos itens:
- Forest Walker Armor: This mossy armor of woven wood bends with the movement of the wearer. Confers no benefit. March 2014 Subscriber Item.
- Forest Walker Antlers: These antlers shimmer with moss and lichen. Confers no benefit. March 2014 Subscriber Item.

Forest Walkers.
February 2014 Mystery Item[]
The February 2014 item was revealed on the 23rd. It was released as a set called the Winged Messenger Set, and it included Messenger Robes, Winged Helm and Golden Wings. Golden Wings are the first back accessory, which was a new item type.
Item descriptions:
- Messenger Robes: Shimmering and strong, these robes have many pockets to carry letters.
- Golden Wings: These shining wings have feathers that glitter in the sun!
- Winged Helm: This winged circlet imbues the wearer with the speed of the wind!

Winged Messengers.
Mystery Item Boxes[]
For the entirety of the month, the month's box will appear in the Special section of the Inventory for all players who are subscribed. Once the month's mystery item has been revealed, players can click on this box to add its contents to their Equipment section.
The box designs repeat from year to year; for example, the April box pictured below has been used every April since 2014.
Month | January | February | March | April | May | June |
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Month | July | August | September | October | November | December |
Box | ![]() |
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Informação para desenvolvedores
When a Mystery Item is ready to be released, the images and code required for it are deployed to the production site, and then an admin will update and run the /migrations/users/mystery-items.js script. Updating that script involves adding the "keys" for the new items to the MYSTERY_ITEMS
array. Each key uniquely defines one item; for example, weapon_mystery_201505
refers to the Mystery Item weapon that was released in May 2015. The script searches through the user
collection in Habitica's database and for every user it finds who has an active subscription, it adds the new items to their account.
The script can take many minutes to run, so it is possible for some users to get their items before others. If you see a user in the Tavern saying that they haven't received their items shortly after other users have started wearing them, this is probably the reason why. If a few hours have passed, the user should reload the Habitica website and if they still don't have the new items (a very rare occurrence!), then they should report it by clicking on Help > Report a Bug (on the website) or About/Support > Report a Bug (on the apps).
If a developer wants to add Mystery Items to an account on their local install for testing, they can either use that script or run a database update command directly. For example, the command below will add the Mystery Items for November and December 2018 to the gift box in the market for the user with the User ID is 12345678-b5b9-4bb4-8b82-123456789abc
> db.users.update({_id: '12345678-b5b9-4bb4-8b82-123456789abc'}, {$set: { 'purchased.plan.mysteryItems': [ 'head_mystery_201811', 'weapon_mystery_201811', 'headAccessory_mystery_201812', 'back_mystery_201812' ], }})
de:Mysteriöse Gegenstände
fr:Objet Mystère