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GitHub's octocat logo

GitHub is a website that HabitRPG uses to house its source code, track bugs and issues, and manage certain types of contributions. For further information on GitHub in general, see Wikipedia's entry.


Source Code

The source code for the main HabitRPG site is stored in the habitrpg repository.

The source code for the mobile edition of HabitRPG has its own mobile repository.

The Chrome extensions have their own Chrome repository.

Images and Algorithms

The pixel art and most of the algorithms - such as when you score a task - are stored in the "common" directory in the habitrpg repository, which is used for both mobile and web. That way it can be used in multiple locations and the code does not have to be duplicated.

Special Rewards

Blacksmiths (programmers) can contribute new code or bug fixes through GitHub for contributor rewards.

Glow hammer gif by zoebeagle

Certain HabitRPG bugs on GitHub have special rewards. The Critical Hammer of Bug Crushing is a decorative weapon given to anyone who manages to solve a bug marked as "priority - critical" on GitHub.

Solutions for bugs categorized on GitHub with "bounty" can yield the Blacksmith monetary awards from BountySource. A list of those bugs are also available on the BountySource page for HabitRPG.

Bugs and Issues

With the capacity to house source code, GitHub also provides issue tracking for any repository on its servers.

If you have a bug or issue that you wish to submit, a GitHub account is needed to log a new issue or comment on an existing one.

To report a bug, go to the HabitRPG website, click on Help > Report a Bug, and follow the instructions you will see there.
