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Dieser Artikel wurde aus dem englischen Habitica Wiki übersetzt. Für mehr Infos siehe unten.
Bitte beachte, dass die saisonalen Gegenstände erst im Laufe der Großen Gala verfügbar werden und nicht alle auf einmal zu Beginn. Auch ist es nicht garantiert, dass Gegenstände aus vorherigen Galas zur aktuellen/nächsten Gala wieder erhältlich sein werden.
Herbstball gehört zu den vier Großen Galas. Jedes Jahr beginnt der Herbstball Mitte September und endet am letzten Oktobertag.
Herbstball 2017[]
Der Herbstball 2017 startete am 21. September 2017.
2017 NSC Verkleidungen[]
Spezielle Klassenausrüstung 2017[]

Vom 21. September bis zum 31. Oktober konnten spezielle herbstliche Rüstungen und Waffen gekauft werden, zu einem Setpreis von 310 Gold. Die Rüstungssets sind wie folgt mit den verschiedenen Klassen verbunden:
- Krieger: Habitoween-Krieger
- Magier: Maskerade-Magier
- Heiler: Geisterhaus-Heiler
- Schurke: Süßes-oder-Saures-Schurke
Name | Aussehen | Kosten (Gold) | Effekt | Beschreibung |
Starke und Süße Rüstung | 90 | Erhöht CON um 9. | Diese Rüstung wird dich wie eine leckere Bonbon-Hülle schützen. Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. | |
Zuckermaishelm | 60 | Erhöht STR um 9. | Dieser Helm mag wie eine Leckerei aussehen, jedoch werden launische Aufgaben ihn nicht so süß finden! Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. | |
Zuckermaisschild | 70 | Erhöht CON um 7. | Dieser gezuckerte Schild hat mächtige schützende Kräfte, versuche also nicht daran zu naschen! Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. | |
Zuckermaislanze | 90 | Erhöht STR um 15. | All deine Gegner werden vor dieser lecker aussehenden Lanze flüchten, egal ob es Geister, Monster oder rote To-Dos sind. Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. |
Name | Aussehen | Kosten (Gold) | Effekt | Beschreibung |
Maskerade-Robe | 90 | Erhöht INT um 9. | Welches Maskerade-Ensemble wäre schon komplett ohne eine dramatisch schwingende Robe? Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. | |
Maskerade-Helm | 60 | Erhöht PER um 7. | Wenn du mit diesem federigen Kopfschmuck erscheinst, wird jeder über die Identität des zauberhaften Unbekannten im Raum rätseln! Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. | |
Gruseliger Stab | 160 | Erhöht INT um 15 und PER um 7. | Die Augen des leuchtenden Schädels auf diesem Stab strahlen vor Magie und Geheimnissen. Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. |
Name | Aussehen | Kosten (Gold) | Effekt | Beschreibung |
Spukhaus-Rüstung | 90 | Erhöht CON um 15. | Dein Herz ist eine offene Tür. Und Deine Schultern sind Dachziegeln! Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. | |
Spukhaus-Helm | 60 | Erhöht INT um 7. | Lade spukende Geister und gutgesinnte Kreaturen dazu ein Deine heilenden Kräfte in diesem Helm aufzusuchen! Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. | |
Herumgeisternde Kugel | 70 | Erhöht CON um 9. | Diese Kugel kreischt gelegentlich. Es tut uns leid, aber wir wissen nicht warum. Jedenfalls sieht sie schick aus! Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. | |
Gruseliger Kandelaber | 90 | Erhöht INT um 9. | Das Licht vertreibt Angst und zeigt anderen, dass Du hier bist um zu helfen. Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. |
Name | Aussehen | Kosten (Gold) | Effekt | Beschreibung |
Kürbisfeld Robe | ![]() |
90 | Erhöht PER um 15. | Du musst dich verstecken? Hocke dich inzwischen der Jack-O’Lanterns hin und dieses Gewand wird dich verbergen! Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. |
Jack-o-Lantern-Helm | ![]() |
40 | Erhöht PER um 9. | Bereit für Süßes? Es wird Zeit diesen festlichen, glühenden Helm aufzusetzen! Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. |
Kandierte Apfelkeule (Waffenhand) | ![]() |
90 | Erhöht STR um 8. | Besiege deine Gegner mit Süße! Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. |
Kandierte Apfelkeule (Schildhand) | ![]() |
90 | Erhöht STR um 8. | Besiege deine Gegner mit Süße! Limitierte Ausgabe 2017 Herbstausrüstung. |
2017 Magische Schlüpfelixiere[]
Während der Dauer des Herbstballs kannst Du so viele Unheimliche und Gespenstische Schlüpfelixiere kaufen, wie Du willst. Die unverbrauchten Schlüpfelixiere verbleiben auch nach dem Ende des Herbstballs in Deinem Inventar, so dass Du sie später jederzeit nutzen kannst.
2017 Unheimliche Schlüpfelixiere[]
Unheimliche Schlüpfelixiere waren wieder vom 26. September bis zum 31. Oktober 2017 verfügbar. Sie konnten während des Herbstballs auf dem Marktplatz für je 2 Edelsteine gekauft werden. Bei Nutzung verwandeln sie ein Ei der ersten Generation in ein Unheimliches Haustier.
2017 Gespenstische Schlüpfelixiere[]
Gespenstische Schlüpfelixiere waren wieder vom 26. September bis zum 31. Oktober 2017 verfügbar. Sie konnten während des Herbstballs auf dem Marktplatz für je 2 Edelsteine gekauft werden. Bei Nutzung verwandeln sie ein Ei der ersten Generation in ein Gespenstisches Haustier.
2017 Spukglitzer[]
Spukglitzer war erneut erhältlich vom 3. bis 31. Oktober 2017. Während des Herbstballs kann es für 15 Goldpunkte im Jahreszeitenmarkt erworben werden. Bei Benutzung wird ein Freund in ein schwebendes Bettlaken mit Augen / einen Geist verwandelt.
Nach dem Kauf befindet es sich im Inventar auf der Webseite. Wenn Du es auswählst, erscheint eine Liste mit allen Gruppenmitgliedern, und durch Klick auf den jeweiligen "Auswählen"-Button wird Spukglitzer auf den Avatar des Gruppenmitglieds angewendet.
In den Apps findest Du es unter Fähigkeiten anwenden (iOS) oder unter Fähigkeiten (Android). Du kannst Spukglitzer unter den Fähigkeiten finden. Durch Tippen auf Spukglitzer (iOS) oder Tippen auf "Anwenden" neben dem Spukglitzer (Android) wird eine Liste der Gruppenmitglieder und ihrer Avatare angezeigt. Zur Anwendung tippst Du auf den Namen eines Gruppenmitglieds.
Du kannst während des Herbstballs so viel Spukglitzer kaufen, wie Du möchtest. Es verbleibt in Deinem Inventar auch nach dem Ende des Herbstballs, so dass Du es für spätere Verwendung aufheben kannst.

Ein Avatar, der von Spukglitzer getroffen wurde.
Wenn Du von Spukglitzer getroffen wirst, erhältst Du den "Unheimliche Freunde" Erfolg. Außerdem erscheint der Trank der Entgeisterung in Deiner Belohnungsspalte, den Du für 5 Goldpunkte erwerben kannst, um den Spukglitzer-Effekt umzukehren. Der Trank der Entgeisterung wirkt sofort und kann weder aufgehoben noch auf jemand anderen angewendet werden.
Ohne Trank der Entgeisterung verschwindet der Geist-Effekt mit dem nächsten Cron.
Herbstball 2016[]
The 2016 Fall Festival began with Bailey's announcement on the 20th of September:
Autumn is upon us! The air is crisp, the leaves are red, and Habitica is feeling spooky. Come celebrate the Fall Festival with us... if you dare!
2016 Special Items[]
2016 Spooky Sparkles[]
Spooky Sparkles were purchasable during the Fall Festival in the Market for 15 gold. When used, they turn your friend into a floating blanket with eyes/ghost.
After you have purchased them and can see them in your Inventar on the website, click the item. Your mouse cursor will have a '+' in the right corner. Then click on an avatar in your party or on your own avatar.
On the apps, you can find them in the Use Skills section (iOS) or the Skills section (Android). You will see the Spooky Sparkles below the skills/spells. Tapping on the Spooky Sparkles (iOS) or tapping "Use" next to the Spooky Sparkles (Android) directs you to a list of party members with their avatars. To cast, tap on a party member's name.
You could purchase as many Spooky Sparkles as you wanted while the Fall Festival was active. Unused ones stay in your Inventory after Fall Festival ends, so you can save them for future use.

An avatar with Spooky Sparkles cast on them.
Even if you don't use an Opaque Potion, the ghost effect wears off after your next Cron.
2016 Jack-O-Lantern Pets and Mounts[]
Jack-O-Lantern pets and mounts were given to players according to a specific sequence based on how many Fall Festivals they had celebrated.
2016 Jack-O-Lantern Pet[]

Jack-O-Lantern pet
2016 Jack-O-Lantern Mount[]

Jack-O-Lantern mount
Users who had been given the Jack-O-Lantern pet during the Herbstball 2015 were given the Jack-O-Lantern mount. If you received this mount, it can be found in your Inventory under Rare Mounts.
2016 Ghost Pumpkin Pet[]

Ghost Pumpkin pet
Users who had been given the Jack-O-Lantern pet during the Herbstball 2014 and the Jack-O-Lantern mount during the Herbstball 2015 were given the Ghost Pumpkin pet. If you received this pet, it can be found in your Inventory under Rare Pets.
2016 Magic Hatching Potions[]
Spooky Hatching Potions were available again, and were joined by the new Ghost Hatching Potions. Both types of Magic Hatching Potions were purchasable during the Fall Festival in the Market for 2 gems. When used, they turn Generation 1 eggs into Spooky pets or Ghost pets.

Spooky pet wolf
You could purchase as many Spooky and Ghost Hatching Potions as you wanted while the Fall Festival was active. Unused ones will stay in your Inventory after Fall Festival ends, so you can save them for future use.
2016 Special Class Gear[]
From September 20 until October 31, special fall-themed armor and weapons were available for purchase, with the total cost of each set being 310 gold. The sets of equipment correspond to each class, as follows:
- Warrior: Swamp Thing
- Mage: Wicked Sorcerer
- Healer: Gorgon Healer
- Rogue: Black Widow Rogue
Vorlage:Swamp Thing Warrior
Vorlage:Mage Wicked Sorcerer
Vorlage:Gorgon Healer
Vorlage:Black Widow Rogue
2016 Seasonal Shop[]
The Seasonal Shop was open during the Fall Festival, selling 2014 Special Class Gear and 2015 Special Class Gear.
2016 NPC Costume Changes[]
To celebrate the season, all the NPCs donned their spookiest Fall apparel.
2016 NPC Monsters[]
On Halloween (10/31/2016), the NPCs turned into monsters for one day.
2016 Mystery Item and Seasonal Avatar Customizations[]

Cow Costume Item set

Supernatural skins available for purchase

Haunted colors available for purchase
For the 2016 Fall Festival, the seasonal Supernatural Skins and Haunted Hair Colors were made available again. These Seasonal Edition items are marked as such and will not be available until the following year.
Herbstball 2015[]
2015 Fall Plot-Line[]
The 2015 Fall Plot-Line began with Bailey's announcement on the 9th of September:
- Lady Lemoness has tacked a notice to the Seasonal Shop:
- "This year, the Flourishing Fields have agreed to host our annual Fall Festival! It will launch very close to the equinox, so get excited.
- For those of you who are less familiar with our geography, the Flourishing Fields are the most productive area of Habitica. The people living there are among the most hard-working, heroic, and happy Habiticans in the realm. (Please don't be deceived by their overwhelming fondness for orange and black.)
- Of course, nobody works harder than their ruler, the Joyful Reaper, who is well-known for her sweet heart (and sweet tooth)! Since the Fields are extremely fertile, the Joyful Reaper and her citizens are also famous for throwing fabulous feasts. We're in for a treat!"
- Well, it certainly sounds like it! With such a diligent group planning the party, the Festival is sure to occur without any kind of unforeseeable calamity. Hip, hip, hooray!
The Plot-Line continued on the 16th of September with:
- Last minute preparations for the Fall Festival are underway! Lemoness has been bustling about with tomes of potion-brewing, and conferring with the artisans in cheerful conspiracy. SabreCat has been seen in the smithy, toiling on projects that he has loudly announced to be "very hush-hush." Even the elusive Royal Chancellor, Redphoenix, has taken a break from sending Boring Business Letters to roast marshmallows outside the Tavern. Everyone has happily gathered around her little campfire, which she is feeding with a steady supply of envelopes.
- Only one thing has disrupted the anticipation. You catch Lemoness frowning as she reads a message attached to the latest shipment from the Flourishing Fields.
- "They're apologizing for not sending as many pumpkins as they promised, due to an 'unanticipated setback,'" she explains. "There's no need for them to be sorry, though -- they've sent us hundreds already! They said the same thing last week about the candy vegetable harvest. I told the Joyful Reaper not to worry about it, but she just promises to work harder."
- Well, soon the Festival will launch, and they'll be able to take a break. Nothing to be concerned about!
The 2015 Fall Festival began with Bailey's announcement on the 22th of September:
- We've moved to the Flourishing Fields for the Fall Festival! The air is crisp, the leaves are red, and everyone is sweet and spooky. Come celebrate the Fall Festival with us... if you dare!
The Plot-Line continued on the 24th of September with:
- In general, we've all been enjoying the Flourishing Fields. Habiticans are posing in fun costumes, taking pictures of the orange-and-black wildlife, and casting Spooky Sparkles on each other.
- Unfortunately, there does seem to be a serious problem with production for the first time in the history of the Fields. Deadlines are being missed. Shipments are not arriving. As you walk down the street, you overhear worried whispers among the citizens, speculating on the cause.
- Some blame the unseasonal heat wave that has begun in the past few days. Others point to the difficulty of the tasks, and their ever-increasing quantity. And a few people -- just a few -- murmur that some of the hardest-working citizens have been disappearing, one by one, leaving their obligations abandoned. But surely that is nothing more than rumor?
The Plot-Line continued on the 5th of October with:
- Although we are now well into autumn, the Flourishing Fields are locked in a sweltering heat wave. The candies grow sticky in the sun, and the Spooky Pets lie panting in the shade. But this is minor news compared to the calamity that has just occurred.
- The Joyful Reaper is gone.
- The citizens of the Flourishing Fields are working frantically to find their lost ruler, but many of their search parties have not returned. Those few that do make it back are empty-handed. Worse yet, they report frightening hordes of spirits drifting at the edges of the Fields.
- Redphoenix grimly gathers her scouts. "If these spirits are a threat, we need to face them directly," she says. "There's no point in procrastination." Without fuss or fanfare, they set off into the night
On the 31st of October, Bailey, dressed up in her Halloween costume, posted the following message:
- Happy Habitoween!
- Burnout is nearly defeated, so what could be a better way to speed the celebration than to have some fun? In honor of Habitoween and defiance of the looming threat, all of the remaining NPCs have dressed up as monsters from the Flourishing Fields! Be sure to visit them on the site to admire their outfits. If only the three Exhaust Spirits could join them...
2015 World Boss[]
- Hauptartikel: Burnout and the Exhaust Spirits

Burnout, a World Boss.
A World Boss will never damage individual players or accounts in any way. Only active accounts who are not resting in the inn will have their incomplete Dailies tallied.
2015 Special Items[]
2015 Spooky Sparkles[]
Spooky Sparkles are purchasable during the Fall Festival in the Market for 15 gold. When used, they turn your friends into a floating blanket with eyes.
After you have purchased them and can see them in your Inventory, click the item. Your mouse cursor will have a '+' in the right corner. Then click on an avatar in your party or on your own avatar.
You could purchase as many Spooky Sparkles as you wanted while the Fall Festival was active. Unused ones stay in your Inventory after Fall Festival ends, so you can save them for future use.

Avatar with Spooky Sparkles
Even if you don't use an Opaque Potion, the ghost effect wears off after your next Cron.
2015 Jack-O-Lantern Pet[]

Jack-O-Lantern pet
2015 Jack-O-Lantern Mount[]

Jack-O-Lantern mount
If users had been given the Jack-O-Lantern during the 2014 Fall Festival, they were given the Jack-O-Lantern mount during the 2015 Fall Festival. It can be found in your Inventory under Rare Mounts.
2015 Spooky Hatching Potion[]
Spooky Hatching Potions are purchasable during the Fall Festival in the Market for 2 gems. When used, they turn Generation 1 eggs into Spooky pets.

Spooky pet wolf
You can purchase as many Spooky Hatching Potions as you wanted while the Fall Festival was active. Unused ones stay in your Inventory after Fall Festival ends, so you can save them for future use.
2015 Special Class Gear[]
From September 21 until October 31, special fall-themed armor and weapons are available for purchase, with the total cost of each set being 310 gold. The sets of equipment correspond to each class, as follows:
- Warrior: Scarecrow Warrior
- Mage: Stitch Witch
- Healer: Potioner
- Rogue: Bat-tle Rogue
Vorlage:Scarecrow Warrior
Vorlage:Stitch Witch
Vorlage:Bat-tle Rogue
2015 Seasonal Shop[]
The Seasonal Shop was open during the Fall Festival, selling 2014 Special Class Gear, Spooky Sparkles, and Spooky Potions (the first Magic Hatching Potion).
2015 NPC Costume Changes[]
To celebrate the season, all the NPCs donned their spookiest Fall apparel.
2015 NPC Monsters[]
On Halloween (10/31/2015), the NPCs turned into monsters for one day.
2015 Mystery Item and Seasonal Avatar Customizations[]

Werewolf Armor set

Supernatural skins available for purchase

Haunted colors available for purchase
For the 2015 Fall Festival, the seasonal Supernatural Skins and Haunted Hair Colors were made available again. These Seasonal Edition items are marked as such and, once the season ends, will not be available until the following year.
Herbstball 2014[]
The 2014 Fall Festival began with Bailey's announcement on the 22nd of September: Autumn is upon us! The air is crisp, the leaves are red, and Habitica is feeling spooky. Come celebrate the Fall Festival with us... if you dare!
The holiday event brought several additions to Habitica, including festive equipment and unique food drops.
2014 NPC Monsters[]
On Halloween (10/31/2014), the NPCs turned into monsters for one day.
2014 Candy Drops[]
Food drops were converted to candy for the Fall Festival. The candy had the same function as food; feed these to your pets to help them turn into mounts!
Hatching Potions | Candy Preference | ||
Base | Basic Candy | ||
White | Vanilla Candy | ||
Desert | Sand Candy | ||
Red | Cinnamon Candy | ||
Shade | Chocolate Candy | ||
Skeleton | Bare Bones Candy | ||
Zombie | Rotten Candy | ||
Cotton Candy Pink | Sour Pink Candy | ||
Cotton Candy Blue | Sour Blue Candy | ||
Golden | Honey Candy |
2014 Special Items[]
2014 Spooky Sparkles[]
Spooky Sparkles were purchasable during the Fall Festival in the Market for 15 gold. When used, they turn your friends into a floating blanket with eyes.
After you have purchased them and can see them in your Inventory, click the item. Your mouse cursor will show a '+' to the immediate top right of it. Click on an avatar in your party or on your own avatar to cast the sparkles.
You could purchase as many Spooky Sparkles as you wanted while the Fall Festival was active. Unused ones stay in your Inventory after Fall Festival ends, and can be used at any time, not necessarily during the Fall Festival.

Avatar with Spooky Sparkles
If you don't use an Opaque Potion, the ghost effect wears off after your next Cron.
2014 Jack-O-Lantern Pet[]

Jack-O-Lantern pet
Special Class Gear 2014[]

The Fall Festival gear
- Warrior: Monster of Science
- Mage: Witchy Wizard
- Healer: Mummy Medic
- Rogue: Vampire Smiter
Vorlage:Monster of Science
Vorlage:Witchy Wizard
Vorlage:Mummy Medic
Vorlage:Vampire Smiter
2014 Mystery Item and Seasonal Avatar Customizations[]
The September Mystery Item, the Autumn Strider set, had a fall forest theme.

Supernatural skins available for purchase

Haunted colors available for purchase
The backgrounds released within October had a Halloween theme (Graveyard, Haunted House, Pumpkin Patch).